Summary: When Gajeel, Levy, and Pantherliy are out on a mission, Levy gets captured by mages from the dark guild Shadow Heart. Will Gajeel be able to save her, or will his little Shrimp be forever lost in the depths of the ocean? Ok, I know, sucky summary, but it's better than it sounds! (And yes I'm aware that everyone says this, but I'm serious) Rated T for language

A/N: Hi guys, this is DroidX44 here! Of course you already know that, mostly because it says so on the fic... Hehe...Yeah... So anyways, this is my THIRD time uploading this story (a lot of errors) and I'm still as nervous as I was when I originally uploaded it. This is my first fan fiction ever, and what better pairing/topic to do it on than GaLe?! Though I don't care for Flamers, I don't like anyone telling anyone that their writing sucks, so please, troll another site. I do, however, LOVE constructive criticism, so please write as much as you want. I am completely aware that I'm an amateur writer and need to learn much of the art, so please don't feel like you can't write comments truthfully. And lastly, If you're reading this, that means you gave my fan fiction with a sucky summary a chance, so, thank you, thank you so much.

P.S. I'm in desperate need for betas, and I'm kinda scared to just pick someone off the list, so please, if you have any recommendations- or yourself- I'd appreciate it.

Disclaimer: No, my name is not Hiro Mashima... I only wish it was... Oh, and I don't own Harry Potter either, that's J.K. Rowling's masterpiece

Levy's POV:

I opened my eyes just as the first rays of sunshine were pouring down across my ceiling. I sat up and yawned, loud enough to put even Natsu's Fire Dragon Roar to shame. Ok, so maybe not that loud -I doubt anything could achieve that level- but it was pretty darn loud. Rubbing my eyes, I lazily slipped out of bed in my Harry Potter PJs in search for the kitchen. I pushed a pile of books out of the way and drowsily grabbed myself an orange. I then dragged my feet back into my room and quickly changed into my clothes: a short white and blue dress with a big ribbon, gold hooped earrings, and one of my many, many headbands. As my gaze fell upon my reflection, I almost couldn't help wondering if Gajeel would like this outfit.

'Moron, of course he wouldn't! The only things he cares about are fighting, horrible music, Pantherlily, and his random obsession of metal piercings! But maybe... Wait, what am I thinking!? No way!' Face flushed, I quickly- and rather forcibly- brushed my short, blue hair, as if mad at my ocean blue locks for giving me these thoughts.

Suddenly, I heard a creaking sound behind me, causing me to do a startled jump.

'Was it a burglar?' Terrified, I raced to hide in the safety of my blankets- 'Wait, what in gods name was I doing!? I'm a mage for goodness sake! And a Fairy Tail one! I was even the the leader of Team Shadow Gear!' Quickly, with my pink hairbrush still in hand, I hid with my back pressed against the wall, so whoever came through the door would never know what hit them. Taking a heroic stance, hairbrush ready for battle, I listened through the wall to approximate the burglar's current location. I soon heard loud footsteps barge through my kitchen, and slowly, ever so slowly, the intruder turned the doorknob, and creaked open the door.

"Hey Shrim-OWWW! What was that for?!" The "burglar" replied. Hairbrush still in my hand, I almost burst out laughing at who my "burglar" really was. I would've, if I wasn't already so mad at a certain someone.

"GAJEEL!" I shouted, letting all my fear out in that one word.

"What?" The Metal Dragon slayer replied obliviously.

"WHAT?! Wha'd you mean 'what?' You can't just walk into someone's house! What were you thinking!?" I fumed.

"I was just coming to tell you that I picked up a mission for us! Jeez, ya didn't need to hit me with your hairbrush! Plus, Natsu always walks in on Lucy and she never minds!" He argued. I was pretty sure that my friend certainly did mind the pink-haired Fire Dragon slayer invading her home (She puts up with it because of love!), but I didn't say anything about that.

"Alright, I forgive you," I sighed, stepping into the kitchen to get Gajeel some ice for his head. "On the bright side, I bet that's the closest a brush has gotten to your hair in years," I teased, and I heard Gajeel mumble something about having "Brush-phobia" or something along those lines.

"So what about this mission you were talking about?" I asked, mostly curious to see what type of mission he'd pick.

"Heh, yeah. It'll be great!" He said with obvious enthusiasm. "So wha'd ya say Shrimp, ya in?"

"Brrrr!" I said, shivering slightly. "When you said that this mission would be cool, I didn't think you meant it literally!"

"Stop complaining, it's not that cold, even for your small body (At this I cringed), and besides, can't you just use that magic of yours to create some sort of heat source?"

"Oh yeah! Great idea Gajeel!" I exclaimed, trying for the words "winter jacket."

"Well, I don't learn nothin' when hanging 'round ya, Shrimp." My face lit up crimson at this, heartbeat quick in my chest, and I was so caught up in my embarrassment that I failed to realize the touch of pink that stained Gajeel's face also- as well as Lily's eye roll. There was a bit of an awkward silence after the simple exchange of words, and except for the whistling wind and occasional sneezes, all was quiet... mostly because that's the definition of awkward silence. We soon took up our usual leading pattern though (Lily leading, Gajeel following closely behind, and me in the back, half running to keep up), and our small, but powerful team of three trudged through the deep snow, though we managed to keep warm thanks to our new, fluffy, and warm winter jackets. Oh, and don't worry, I took extra care in making sure Gajeel's was pink with a little bow... Haha, just kidding, there's no bow. Laughing mentally (If that's even possible) at the grumbling Gajeel, I decided to break the silence, cause boy was it getting awkward.

"So," I started. "What exactly do we have to do for this mission?" I asked, suddenly realizing that I had agreed to a job without knowing it's contents.

"Heh, glad ya asked, Shrimp. All we have to d-" Gajeel was abruptly cut off for the second time today as he suddenly fell into the snow.

"Gajeel?" I asked, searching for my normally easy-to-find teammate. The pile of snow that was Gajeel answered, "Iminfere!" Which I assumed meant "I'm in here!" (it was either that or "I ate polar bear!") Lily and I rushed over to pull him out- of course, not before nearly dying of laughter first though. Mumbling an embarrassed, "thanks," Gajeel brushed himself off (unsuccessfully) and resumed walking like nothing happened. Pantherlily and I exchanged an exasperated sigh, then hurried to catch up. Really, sometimes he was such a pain.

"So what do we have to do?" Lily asked this time, growing impatient.

'Wow, so he didn't even tell Lily?' I wondered in disbelief. 'He's almost always with him though! Hmm... I wonder why...'

"Oh, right," Gajeel muttered, breaking me from my thoughts. "We have to steal the Ice Dragon's pearl or something like that. It should be at the top of this mountain, what was it called again... Hmm... Yeah... Zerial something."

"WHAT?!" Pantherlily and I practically screeched in allusion, stopping in our tracks.

"Wha'd ya mean 'what'?" Gajeel asked, quoting my earlier statement. "All we have to do is get a measly gem, right? Shouldn"t be too hard."

"'Shouldn't be too hard' sure." Lily replied sarcastically, causing a confused Gajeel to be even more confused (and a little annoyed).

"Mount Xyeredal is famous for it's sub-zero temperatures and horrifying monsters," I started, taking a deep breath for one of my long, intellectual speeches. "Thousands of mages have challenged this legend, and nothing has returned- not even a limb came unscathed. no one knows why though, since the monsters still aren't nearly as destructive as the ones on Mount Haboke... even Lucy and Natsu handled that... What if-"

"Ok, ok, I get the point Shrimp, ya don't need to bite my head off. I hope nothing happens to ya..."

"What?" I asked, unsure if I had heard that last part correctly.

"Wha- No! That was nothing!' He stuttered, and I wasn't sure if it was just my imagination, or there was a tint of pink on his cheeks. I ignored it, and we kept on walking for a bit- and then I heard the noise. It started out soft at first, then grew louder and louder, until it became maximized. But the bellowing, "ROAAAAAAAAAAAAR!" that followed after that sound surprised me so much that I let out a startled squeak. Because then, what stood before me was so big, so terrifying, that there was only one thought left in my brain: "Holy Mother of Mavis."

A/N: Wow, that took a lot longer then expected... *sighs* Please, if you read and enjoyed it, REVIEW! Please? I'll give you cookies...