A/N : Finally, the sequel is here! It took me so long to write this, due to my study, and my computer infected by Malwarewhich erased all my documents, and a lot of other things happen. I'm not sure if I could update this as fast as before, but I'll try my best. I'm sorry if it wasn't as good as the first one, or if the pacing was all over the place, but I'll do my best! Don't forget to review, okay? Keep the flames away, because I'm an author with sensitive heart...

Warning : Shounen-ai, sequel (so you should read "Of Fate and Miracle" first to understand this...), some OOC-ness, bad grammar (feel free to correct me though)...

Disclaimer : The characters belong to their respective owner, I don't own nor make any profit from this. This is for entertainment only.

On with the story!

Of Fate and Miracle ~Kagerou~

Chapter 1

"Space bound"

"And I'm so lost without you..."

~Eminem "Space Bound"~

It had been months already. Seven days a week, four to five weeks a month, and Aomine Daiki couldn't help but notice the longing feeling in his heart as he stood to dump the garbage downstairs. When he opened the door, he would met the warm smile and those familiar dark red orbs looking up at him, along with the rough, yet angelic voice tinted with a drop of naivety you would thought impossible to find in an almost 190 cm, well build, muscular man. But it was Kagami Taiga, so one should be expected him to defy any logic.

And here it came, the usual morning greeting.

"Good morning, Aomine-san!"

Aomine would grunt and nod his head in recognition. He could never answer the greetings properly since he was too afraid he could not restraint himself from jumped up and devour the red head in front of him with hugs and kisses.

He didn't want to scare Kagami.

Not when he didn't remember who he was.

Sometimes, Aomine missed it when Kagami would call him 'Ahomine' instead of 'Aomine-san'. And Aomine had wanted to call him 'Bakagami' again…

Or maybe 'Taiga'…

He blushed slightly as he threw the garbage bag into the dumpster.

How would it felt when Kagami called him 'Daiki'?

Aomine went back upstairs, and Kagami was still stood in front of his door, with a sport magazine in his hands and he was reading something enthusiastically.

"Aomine-san… You played basketball in your high school, right?" out of the blue, Kagami asked him, making Aomine frozen on his spot. Aomine turned around and looked at the red head in front of him. Did he… Did he remember…?

"Do you…?" Aomine tried to voice his question, but his voice was caught in his throat. Was this real? This wasn't a dream…?

"A-ah…! Kanzaki-san said you were… kinda famous in high school…" Kagami said as his face turned slightly pink. "And… I saw you playing on the basketball court the other day… N-not that I stalked you or anything…"

Aomine felt a pang of disappointment when he heard Kagami's explanation. Who was he to kid himself? Himuro had told him about the result of bringing Kagami back. Aomine knew, there was nothing he could do now. The familiar smile, familiar face, familiar scent… And yet, he never thought it would hurt this much loving someone who might not remember you.

"Do you… by any chance also played basketball?" Aomine asked carefully. Because basketball was the only thing that would connect them. Because he met Kagami through basketball. He would make Kagami fall in love with him again through basketball, just like before…

"Ah… Not really. Though many people wondered why since I got the built and height for it. I want to try it someday though," Kagami said with a smile. "But I enjoyed watching the games."

Ah… So this was it? It was the same Kagami, but at the same time, he was not entirely Kagami. They had lost the connection, but Aomine knew he would not give up. He knew something like this would happen. Kagami was still Kagami, and no matter what, Aomine would always love him. No matter what.

Aomine saw the same red sky. Ah… How long since the last time he saw this familiar red in the middle of an empty basketball court? He was lying down, facing the sky and the cold breeze that slowly caressing his face in the familiar touch. Aomine closed his eyes and waited until the familiar red head joined him. He felt his hand in his, emitting warmth that ran through his body, putting Aomine in a comfortable zone.

"It's been awhile, Ahomine…" the Kagami next to him said as he softly squeezed Aomine's hand. "I'm glad you finally found me."

"I am too…"

All his yearning… Yearning for a touch from the person he loved… It took everything from Aomine to control himself. He missed his basketball idiot… His other-self… He missed the one-on-one every weekend, he missed the friendly touch, and he missed the occasional "Ahomine!" that came out of the red head's mouth. The red head next to him scooted over until his head touched Aomine's shoulder.

"Isn't this like a never ending torture for you, Ahomine? Why do you want to endure it?" asked the red head. "Why don't you just end it?"

Aomine didn't answer. The twilight sky looked so vast and out of his reach.

"Ahomine, say something…"


Only the sound of cold breeze whistling through the fallen leaves.

"How long will you endure it? How long until you're tired of all of this?"

Aomine still didn't answer, he knew this moment will shatter as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Say something, Daiki…"

Aomine squeezed his hand back.

"Will you stay…?" Aomine finally asked.

The red head smiled as he planted a soft kiss on Aomine's cheek and smiled.

"For you… Always…"

It was different from what Himuro had said to him when the Observer asked him if he loved Kagami. Himuro told him he would only hurt Kagami for wanting him back and didn't love him. Aomine wasn't sure he was prepared for this. Who was being cruel now? Loving someone so close yet so far. Aomine knew it was his price to pay, wanting something he couldn't have, defying fate like this; it was his torture to endure.

Aomine knew it, and yet it still hurt.

Kagami still smiled brightly as before, and yet he couldn't remember him.

This was his price to pay for choosing his own fate and destiny. His and his alone.

But for now, it was enough, loving someone like this. Every morning, he would open his apartment door and greeted by that same voice and smile. The greetings he still couldn't reply properly because it took everything in him to not just hug him and kissed those lips right there and then. It took every fiber in his body to stop him from shaking those shoulders, making him remember. Aomine took a deep breath as he opened his apartment door.

"Ah, good morning, Aomine-san!"

Damn that stupid smile.

Aomine could feel his heart beating faster. He had to endure it.

Isn't this like a never ending torture for you, Ahomine?

"G-good morning…" Aomine mumbled.

Aomine watched as those beautiful crimson orbs widened and the smile got brighter before it turned into a soft chuckle.

"It's the first time you answer my greeting properly, Aomine-san. I can't help but feel happy."

"S-say… Do you still want to try it? Basketball…?" Aomine asked, trying to control his feeling and expression. Kagami looked very happy right now.

"Of course! Will you teach me?" the red head asked excitedly.

Why do you want to endure it?

"I won't ask if I wouldn't, would I?" Aomine said. How much he wanted Kagami right now… To touch him, to kiss him…

Why do you want to endure it?

Kagami smiled as he caught the orange ball Aomine threw at him.

Because for you, it's worth it.

A/N : Short... I know... And I'm not sure if this was lived up to its predecessor, but I'll do my best! Please leave a review since it can boost up my mood to write! Thank you for reading~