InuYasha slid down the disgusting wall in a storage unit, wrapping his arms around himself.

Eyes locked, love blooming as they realized mutual feelings.

"Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry." InuYahsa repeated his mantra, believing if he said it enough times it would be easier. It wasn't.

Chaste kisses and small touches at first as they explored this new development in there relationship.

A tear slipped past InuYasha's guard and once one was past it cleared the way for others.

Sweat slicked skin in between sheets, covert glances, and moans, loud and needy.

InuYasha's heart splintered and he gasped for breath.

Distance growing quickly. Skin on skin, though now it was a fist and a cheek. The opposite of love. Anger, hatred, dark and ugly. Breaking of dishes that were thrown at his retreating back.

InuYasha gave in and sobbed. His heart had been torn out and yet there was no blood. Interesting.

'I hate you, you disgusting slut.' The cruel words were hurled like daggers, accurate and deadly.

InuYasha clawed at his chest, nails creating angry red lines as blood welled to the surface. He leaned his head back and howled his sorrow and pain for the world to hear.

'Get out and never come back. I hate you. I hate you so much it makes me sick. You are a disgrace, a stain on the family name and I refused to enable you half-breed.'

InuYasha writhed against the cold cement floor, unable to cope with the events leading up to his inevitable destruction.

'Please take me back!'

'Leave and don't return. As you're elder and better I hereby banish you. If you ever presume to return, you forfeit you life.'

'I meant no harm!'

Cold eyes, once filled to the brim with love, looked on disinterested yet disgusted.

The tidal wave of emotion was too much, too great, to painful. Nothing would fix this. InuYasha wished he could pinpoint where he had messed up and take back every moment after. Make everything better. Take back that night with the beautiful stranger. Have Sesshomaru love him again. Everything ruined because of one stupid mistake. He lay still, drowning in his tears. He felt hollow, used up, empty. Nothing more then a filthy half-breed, destined from birth to be a burden. What was the point?

AN: Hey all! Sorry this is so depressing but well... I was in a bit of a snit and this is how I vent~ Leave a comment