Goes off a little differently at Spit and Eggs -Third Season. Over 14 years has passed but Veronica has to head back to Neptune. LoVe

I Do Not Own Veronica Mars, but if I can borrow from Rob for a while...that would be awesome. I also could take Logan off your hands for a while...

"Patricia Lilly Mars, I will not tell you again to get your butt down here! We need to leave now if you're going to get a ride on my way to work!" said Veronica.

"I'm coming Mom. Why do we have to live so far away from my friends and school?" Patricia said.

"Because it helps that I can be closer to work and so you can stay near your friends. I wouldn't have put you at Ritchfield Junior High if you hadn't asked"

"Well Melanie wants to go shopping after cheerleading practice today for my birthday in a few weeks. But she doesn't want to make her parents deal with Orlando traffic to get me home. I was hoping to stay over there tonight?"

"As long as her parents are okay with it. Then it sounds fine to me. But no wild parties and no hookers." Veronica deadpanned.

"Mom it's a Tuesday, it's tough to get a wild party to have enough people on a weeknight."

"Make sure that I get a call from her parents so I can make sure they plan on taking you to soccer practice tomorrow okay?"

"Yes Mom. Can we go already? Wow Mom you take forever to get ready, gosh!" Patricia joked.

After dropping her daughter off at Ritchfield Junior High for practice, Veronica made her way to Mars Investigations – Orlando division. There were now offices in DC, New York, Seattle, Dallas, Orlando, and of course Neptune – that one she hadn't seen in over 14 years. Her Dad was so proud of Veronica for setting up offices and making Mars Investigations a name in the PI business.

"Good morning Charlie! Did you finish the last of the meetings with Thomas in Texas? I really think he's gonna be a perfect fit to help with the heavy lifting there." said Veronica.

"Yep, everythings set. He caught his first bail jumper just today! You seem to have a knack for reading people. But how did you know the other guy, Jeff, wasn't going to work out?" questioned Charlie.

"He just screamed 'creepy VanLowe type'. I could see us having to deal with a guy that was just there for the money no matter what."

"Don't know what a 'VanLowe type' is but glad you were able to see through the façade."

"Hey Charlie, I know you have to go catch that guy in Miami soon for the Johnston case, but there seems to be a new client set up for today. Why is he set up for today when you knew you were going to be flying out?" questioned Veronica.

"He asked for you personally. Wouldn't leave me any more information than his name and that it was urgent." said Charlie.

"Well, I know you gotta head out. I'll meet with him but please give me a heads up next time. You know I normally don't meet clients. I prefer to stay behind-the-scenes. I'm going to look this Donald Knight up in the database and see how he might have gotten my name specifically."

"Don't bother, I already tried but I guess I didn't get enough information on him because it was too vague of a search. So many Knight's popped up. It would take you a week to go through them. Gotta go! See you tomorrow!" yelled Charlie on his way out.

'Donald Knight, Donald Knight, why does that name sound so familiar?' thought Veronica.

At 10 am Donald Knight came in an overpriced suit and the minute Veronica looked up to introduce herself, she knew why she had recognized the name. "Duncan?"

"Hello Miss Mars. I would like to find a very old friend that disappeared over 15 years ago. She is blonde, sassy, always putting her nose in things where it doesn't belong, and about yey high." joked Duncan.

"I had heard you had moved back to the states, but how did you find me? And how's little Lilly? Is everything okay? Are you back in Neptune? Why are you here?" asked Veronica.

"Slow down, slow down Veronica. Lilly is fine attending her first year of college now. She's doing some theater at UCLA. Everything is fine. Yes, I'm back in Neptune and I understand no one has seen you at all since the month after the Hearst rapist was caught. I have my ways of finding people and I'm here because I need you to come back to Neptune. A friend of ours has been going crazy without you and I fear you are the only one that can put him back together."

"I can't go back to Neptune Duncan. Don't ask me to. Dad has been complaining about the same thing. But I can't do it. There is too much that has happened since you left Duncan."

"Wow, your Dad is a really good actor! He really made me believe he hadn't talked to you. If I can't get you to come back to Neptune, I am afraid you will be coming back for a funeral instead Veronica." Duncan stated seriously.

"We are talking about Logan here? I heard in the news that he was doing fine with Tabatha, Tammy, I can't remember his flavor of the year is anymore."

"Tamara was sleeping with the director when Logan walked in on them in her trailer. He called me the next day and told me about it, then asked if I wanted to go out surfing. I don't think he was that attached to her. The only thing he stated while we were surfing was that it would have made a great photo for you to capture and then didn't speak for the rest of the day out."

Duncan shook his head. "He's been this somber, depressed Logan since I came back and I hear it started right after you took off. I don't know why you left and when you're ready to tell me, that's fine, but I'm having a big end of the summer bash and I've invited all your old friends and managed to get him to agree to come for a little bit. So I need you to show up. Talk to him. Snap him out of this or atleast give him some peace of mind. I have a first class plane ticket for you and a guest. I would prefer if it wasn't a male guest, but either way, please come for the weekend."

"Wait, this weekend?" Duncan nodded. "Kinda short notice Donut."

"It took my helpers a little longer to find you than I expected since none of the properties are in your name and you and your Dad must be using burner cells to call each other. But I really need you to be there, can you please?" Veronica started to say no and Duncan must have seen it on her face. "I'll pay for your hotel and expenses and put a 10k check to whatever charity or name you tell me."

"Fine and I will be accepting the plus one, but don't worry I don't have a boyfriend or husband. And I am a wealthy woman now Duncan. I don't need travel expense money, but you can put the 10k check in the name of Keith Mars. I want to see you try to get him to cash it. I'm still trying to get him to use the new Blue-Ray player I got for his birthday." Veronica laughed.

"Great, wonderful. Just call Casablancas Travel at this number to add the name to the other ticket and I'll see you at 2pm on Saturday!" said Duncan. He turned to leave and then quickly turned around and hugged Veronica and left.

After Veronica closed up the office, she headed home but decided to go to her favorite little Chinese restaurant for some spring rolls and Singapore noodles before her long drive to an empty house. As she pulled in her driveway, her mind was racing, what was she thinking. Why had she agreed to go back to Neptune? Her friends had probably all moved on. Last she heard Mac had become VP at Sun Microsystems. A company that had expanded into communication devices and was now in direct competition to Kane Software. Wallace had become a famous basketball player and had just agreed to a multi-million dollar contract with the Lakers. Logan had first become a writer for several sitcoms, but had received an Oscar last year for his second major film and was working with his 'girlfriend' on his third. She sent a quick text to her daughter, "Trish, call me when you get this please…Important."

A few minutes later, she received the call back. "Mom what's so important? I was picking out my dress for my party."

"Honey, I need you to get a second or third dress and I need you to clear your schedule for this weekend." said Veronica.

"I was supposed to go to a party with Jacob this weekend. All my friends were going to be there. Can't I sleep over a friends for the weekend? I could stay with Alison or Rebecca since Melanie's already staying with Ali." questioned Patricia.

"No Trish, we are going to be traveling to Neptune this weekend to see a few old friends of mine. I also thought I might show you around and we could spend some time with Papa Mars." said Veronica.

"We're flying to California?! No Problem! I will tell Ali I can't make it." Patricia said excitedly.

Friday came way too fast for Veronica. She had spent too many nights dreaming of Logan over the last few nights and last night had included nightmares as well.

Veronica yawned as Patricia poked her mother when they called first class passengers to board the plane. Right after Veronica got situated, she drifted off to sleep…

Logan pushed Veronica up against the wall of the old Kane office and whispered, "Veronica, I love you so much. Please don't leave me again. I want to touch all of you just to make sure you are really here with me again and not some dream more like nightmare that I'm going to wake from."
Logan kissed Veronica with so much passion and fervor. Then began to place little kisses down her neck to the little crevice that made Veronica moan.

Logan whispered "You and I are meant to be forever. I know how to make you moan, every place on your body that makes you moan and I won't stop until I've found any new ones too."

Veronica began to unbutton Logan's shirt and use her hand to trace every muscle she found there. Logan pressed up against her and as they fit together perfectly at every point of Veronica against Logan's body, he moaned in response.

Veronica trailed her hand down to his zipper of his pants and found how hard he was to be even more arousing. Logan spun them around and placed Veronica on the corner of the desk.

Without anytime passing she had undone his pants and was just about to reach into his boxers when Logan backed away slightly and said, "God, you're beautiful!"

He slowly took off her skirt and moved his head down placing kisses all the way down to her belly button while his hand began to caress her hip down to her thigh and then caressed her inner thigh.

Veronica ran her hands through his hair and moaned as Logan began to place his fingers inside her panties. Logan whispered, "You're so wet for me Veronica"

Then he started touching her pussy and placed his finger inside her, then slid in a second. "God Veronica, I want to be inside you now." Veronica moaned loudly at that and began pulling off his pants and boxers and grabbed his hard cock…

"Attention passengers, we are making our final descent into San Diego. Please place all tray tables in their…"

"Mom, are you alright? You look a little flushed?" asked Patricia.

Veronica nodded and tried to make words come out and finally said, "Yeah….fine." She still hadn't felt that much passion with anyone since Logan and was worried she never would be again. Because ever since the nightmare had happened last night, Veronica feared that Logan and her would never be together again.