X-men: Jean, Scott, Kitty, Kurt, Evan, Bobby, Rogue, Jamie

Brotherhood: Lance, Peitro, Remy, Todd, Fred, St John

The others were either killed, or are still roaming free

"can I borrow a canoe" speech

'does this dress make me look fat?' thoughts

hmm, you look good enough to eat mind speech

Disclaimer: I don't own X-men, This story and the idea however are my own

By Sujakata

I do know that I have many other fics I should be writing, but, this was such a great idea, and well I couldn't get it out of my head, well I thought it was a great idea, I don't know..tell me what you think.

DEDICATED TO: Jesmycar HAPPY BIRTHDAY she is 20 now!!!! Yay!!!!!

X-MEN ~ Next Dimension

Prologue: New Home

"The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who at best, knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."

-Theodore Roosevelt, "Citizen in a Republic", April 23, 1910

It is the time of 2307 when the human race took a stand and defeated the mutants, where they became the greater species as they have been before, however, like history humans could not let a species just die out, and so institutes were formed with mutant gene dampeners built inside the walls, and this is where the mutants were kept, in habitats...inside a zoo.

New New York Wednesday 25th March 2307


a young girl, around the age of seventeen watched the streets with trained eyes, she had to be careful, they didn't know yet, and she couldn't let them know, 'never let 'em know,' she brushed her gloved hands over the hood of her cloak, making sure it hid her face from anyone who might see. The flashing lights of the hover cars whined overhead and she ducked behind the wall from the lower streets, her face lowered to the ground so the search lights would miss her, however she wasn't lucky this time, non of them were ever lucky.

the spotlight of a sentinel guard caught her small form the beam of light wavering in the darkness and she looked up frightened, allowing her hood to fall back to expose her soft, pale skin, the vibrant green eyes and the two toned hair, the dark chestnut tresses with the frame of stark white streaks around her face. The girl glared 'Ah will not go down without a fight, they wont take meh ta that place, Ah wont LET 'EM' and with that thought running through her quick mind the girl leapt out from behind the wall, and with a fluid motion pulled out a laser gun she had stolen from one of the lazy police officers that roamed the streets of New New York.

The girl flipped away from the attacks of the lone sentinel and fired back, her eyes keeping track of the large metal mutant catcher, years of training with the x-men had led her to be one of the best at eluding and escaping 'Ah'm tha only one left, ah wont let 'em down, ah will git 'em out' her mantra pushed her forwards, now was not the time to hide, it was her turn to fight, she had to prove that she could, and she set the laser gun to maximum, took aim and fired at the junction where the head met neck, blowing the head clean off and decapitating the robot. She was about to do a little victory dance for herself when the sound of more sentinels approaching reached her ears 'now is tha time,' and she could almost hear her leaders voice 'mission: escape and evade.'

Jumping over the rubble of a half decomposed road the girl with two toned hair skidded to a halt just beside one of the large garbage bins to scope out what was happening, she needed to get out, they would trap her in the sublevels, and she would look to conspicuous in the higher levels, and they would be able to track her down in the lower levels in which she was now 'where ta go...where ta go...ahh' the girl rolled away from the massive bin, shot a few marking shots at the oncoming sentinels and then quickly go to her feet and began to run, the only place you could be invisible to the sentinels was the sewers, water disrupted their sensors, 'just have ta git there befoa they geit meh.'

"HALT" the girls green eyes widened and she skidded to a stop, there in front of her, standing on her escape were twenty armed humans, all carrying stun guns, stun rods, anything to stun and she shuddered, the sentinels were now gone, she could hear that, but the humans were slowly surrounding her, making sure she couldn't escape..'if only ah could fly' she thought fleetingly as she glanced up at the rather smoggy air above her, then within the clear sight of all present she began to undress herself, allowing all present to see her luminous, and very milky white skin, the only clothes she kept on were her undergarments, 'they may take meh alive, but ah sure as hell aint letten'em git away with it.'

The humans gathered around were watching the mutant with some interest,

"what is she doing?"

"well, whatever she's doing, I'm not complaining" there was an amused chuckle from most of the males gathered, but non took their eyes off of her, it wasn't everyday they caught a free mutant, and when they did, it was always interesting and they had excellent stories to tell to their families afterwards.

The girl however didn't seem to like their jeering all that much and she sneered at them all, then, as if she were just going for a casual walk she started for the people that were in front of her, however her mind was going in overtime already erecting the mind shields that were in her head to be ready for the impact of a lot of human psyches. They didn't do anything which she was grateful for, it made her job much more easier. She gave a shy little smile to the men before her, trying to get them off guard for even the slightest moment, the only place where any skin was showing was on their faces and their wrists 'this is gonna hurt meh a lot more then 'em' but ignoring her mind the mutant lunged at the closest man, holding on long enough for him to go unconscious before her spin kicked and caught another in the face, making him lose his balance and go head first into a broken pipe, breaking his neck.

Landing on the uneven road the mutant didn't even wait for the next on to come at her, she could see them, maybe even feel them with all the training she had gone through and knew they were all rushing in, trying to overwhelm her, but she wouldn't go down without a fight, non of the x-men had, and she was still one. Flipping out of the way if a stun rod she placed her flat palm to the mans face, while holding another's wrist, and when she had absorbed enough she flung them back catching two of their own companions, 'now that's six, only fourteen ta go.' However her mussing were caught short when she felt electricity race through her nerves and she felt to the ground, spazaming in pain, her eyes shut tightly.

Not one to go down after only one hit the girl flipped up, remembering the many danger room sessions she'd had to endure with Logan as her drill sergeant. The humans cursed and again all attacked at once, careful not to touch the mutants skin, it didn't take long however for one of the humans to get in close enough to get in a lucky shot that knocked the mutant back down on the ground, and this time the humans weren't so lenient and beat down upon the girl until she finally fell into unconsciousness.

The humans sighed in delight and went to check on their fallen comrades, happy to know that they were only knocked out.

"she got any identification?" one of them asked to man that was rifling through the girls belongings, a triumphant grin met the question as the man held up an identification card with a large X printed by the girls picture, signifying that she had been part of a mutant organization

"well, what's her name?"



Blair Institute of Mutants, New New York Friday 27th March 2307

5.23 am

Rogue groaned, she had one hell of a headache, and well, it hurt like Bobby had frozen her head and then had Kurt bamf ten people onto her head. She quickly realised however that the headache was a result of her mind-shields having to handle so many people at once. Without opening her eyes she took in her new surroundings, the place she was on was cold and hard, and felt like cement, the room was dark that much she could see from her closed eye lids, she was also wearing what she had before her attack. truly confused the mutant girl sat up quickly, 'not tha best thing ta do' she drawled in her mind, letting her self be drawn back into herself to check out the damage the over load had done to her own psyche. 'ah damn it, ah need a damned psychic ta fix this mess up!'

Rogue was interrupted into further looking at her mind with the door to her...cell opening up. Rogue's eye twitched as she watched the woman walk it, wearing a crisp white lab coat and carrying a clip board. Rogue sat there for a while wondering why this woman didn't have a guard of at least three dozen solders, when realisation dawned on her 'a zoo...they've taken meh ta tha zoo.' She shuddered, her breathing hitched in her throat, she'd seen them all taken there, seen them die trying to get away or watched them being dragged to the one place all free mutants dreaded..captivity.

"good morning Rogue, you've taken quite a while to wake up" the woman's voice was annoyingly sweet, Rogue bared her teeth at the woman, if she was going to be kept locked up like an animal then hell, she would start acting like one. "now, now, no need to act like that. I would just like to ask you a few questions and find out which habitat we should put you in." Rogue sneered but stayed quiet. The woman blew her fringe away from her eyes. "ok, shall I start?" again there was no answer from Rogue. "the report here shows that you seem to put people out of action through skin to skin contact, can you control this?" again no answer "ill take that as a no, now, do you have any allergies, medical history, mental illnesses, anything like that?" Rogue gave a feral smile at her

"Ah have a history of mental illness" she stated proudly, watching for the woman's reaction, however the woman just nodded her head and clucked her tongue.

"well, there are many places we could put you, however from the observations of the men that caught you, and the place that you were caught in, I think the best place to put you would be the nocturnal house." Rogue snorted and rolled her eyes

"oh just peachy, and will there be a holiday deal with that? And when do I get the menu of the foods served?" the woman smiled at Rogue in a motherly way before getting up.

"you will be taken to your new home shortly, you have quite a crowd watching to see you go there, and a lot of fans too" Rogue snarled and lunged at the woman, nevertheless the woman was already out of the cell and the door was closed before Rogue could even make it to the wall. The mutant girl pounded on the door, her eyes lit with murder 'oh ah am so gonna kill every single one of 'em befoa ah git out.'

10.45 am

The door once again slid open, this time however the room was filled to the brim with a honour guard just for Rogue,

"awe so sweet" she said her voice dripping with sarcasm, the guards though didn't even batt an eyelash at her, then the woman in the white lab coat came in and smiled once again at Rogue

"come now, time for you to move in" Rogue didn't move a muscle, 'ya'll are gonna have ta carry meh, there's no way ah'm movin.' As if they had heard her thoughts two men stepped forwards and picked her up by her arms before dragging her limp body out after the doctor. The halls were sickeningly white and nearly blinded the mutant with their brightness 'kinda lhake jean's hair' Rogue almost laughed at that, the things you could remember from the stupidest things. Rogue didn't really pay too much attention to the decoration, she however watched the hallways they went down, how many turns it was, where the exits were, the ways in which she could escape. And then the hallways went from blindingly white to enveloping black, the whole place was lit with strobe lights so as not to give off too much light. Rogue swallowed the lump that was forming in her throat 'tha nocturnal house,' she watched as the woman took out her card key and swiped it in the small slot and then typed the numbers of access '330276911.'

"here you go Rouge, your knew home, make sure that you wave to the people at the window" and then Rogue was launched inside and the door was shut quickly with a bang. Rogue picked herself up and looked around her, she was in the sleeping chambers, the beds were military style, bare except fro scratchy wool, grey blankets and white sheets, the floor was cement and radiated cold, the room again as painted black and one single strobe light was emitting its purplish glow. Rogue shivered and pulled her cloak tighter around herself, a buzzing started up in the ceiling, and she caught site of a speaker

"Rogue, go to the bared doors and wait for them to open, the go through them and close the door." Rogue shrugged, 'anything must be bettah than stayin' in here,' she moved over to the prison bar door and could see the electricity running over it, before it stopped and clicked open, Rogue pushed the heavy door outwards into more darkness, on the other hand this one wasn't so complete, and closed the door behind her. Rogue took a look around, the place was huge, but what dominated the place more then the darkness was the huge, glass window and outside of that window she could see faces upon faces upon faces. Humans were there, watching her, pointing at her and talking, then she could see some pointing at some of the plaques that were there to tell the people outside what was inside. 'this really is a zoo,' the was again rudely taken from her thoughts when she heard a couple of the people outside the window titter excitedly and point again at her..'wait, not at meh..behind meh' Rogue turned quickly, already sliding into a fighting stance but was met only by staring, smouldering red eyes.


Apologies: for grammar, and spelling mistakes

Thanks: to Kame who is so understanding and wont kill me for writing another fic :D