A/N: Hello. Well here's a new chapter (Setting up for a mission still). Now i'm not doing any training chapters with Valea so you don't have to worry about that (Though i may do some flashbacks to chiefs training). Also i know that i messed up on Cayde-6's and Ikora rey's name.

6 months after chiefs meeting with Valea.

Chief landed in a standing position as his ghost teleported him to the tower from the dropship. Valea landed next to him.

"Well this is our goodbye's." said valea as she turned to him.

"How so?" asked the chief.

"Cayde-6 called he has a fireteam ready for you to command." said Valea.

"Goodbye." Said the chief as he held out his hand.

"Goodbye, he should be in the hanger. Call if ya need help." She said as she took his hand and shook it.

With that Chief walked to the hanger. As he turned the corner Jane-32 ran straight into him, slamming into him, almost falling over. Chief reached out a hand to stable her.

"Thanks." Was all she said as she continued running to where she needed.

"Like old times." chief said as he watched her continue running. Then he continued to his Destination.

As he walked down the steps he spotted Cayde-6. He was talking to two other hunters. As chief got closer one of the hunters noticed him. Cayde-6Turned to see who it was.

"Ah your here." said Cayde-6. "Well here's your fireteam leader you two."

"This guy?" said the female hunter.

"You haven't heard the stories have you?" said the other male hunter. "This guy is almost legend with what he's done in such a short time."

"Like what?"

"He's killed 40 fallen with his hand...in less than a 30 seconds."

"Now that exaggerating." the female hunter obviously not believing his story.

"Will you two stop." interjected Cayde-6 before they got lost in their conversation. Cayde-6 turned back to chief as the others starting paying attention again. "Well chief i'm leaving you with Fireteam 'Phantom'. and once your done with introducing each other come to the hall of vanguards for your mission."

"Yes sir." Chief nodded as Cayde-6 started walking away.

As Cayde-6 walked away one of the hunters scoffed. Chief turned to see who it was. It was the female hunter.

"Why he put you in command?" asked the Female hunter obviously for not being team leader. "I would be ten times the leader you are."

With what she said she was expecting him to say something or start arguing.

But she was wrong.

Very wrong.

5 seconds after she finished her sentence the chief reacted. Grabbing her wrist and sweeping her feet, she landed on her face with chief holding her hand from behind. He then put his foot on her back gently.

"Any more questions on my qualifications?" asked the chief as he added some pressure to her back.

'What the hell?' was all she thought as she was trying to figure out what happened. she struggled to get out of his grasp, but couldn't. He was strong and fast, blindingly fast.

"Fine." She said once she realize she couldn't get free.

"Fine?" Asked the chief.

"Fine...Sir." She reluctantly said.

"Good. I have no need for uncertain teammates." He said as he let her go.

Chief held out his hand to help her up, she instead slapped it away. As she was getting up chief turned to the male hunter who, from his stance, looked stunned. Right before chief could talk the female hunter tried to tackle him from behind. Chief side stepped letting her run into the male hunter who didn't avoid her.

"Still uncertain?" Asked chief as he offered them his hand.

"Shut up." Was all the female hunter said as she got up by herself.

The male hunter took chiefs hand and got up. He started laughing as he dusted himself off. The female hunter took a swing at him, but he was prepared this time and dodged.

"Might want to stop while your still standing." He said as he dodged another swing. "Seriously don't hurt yourself."

The female hunter enraged swung with all her might. But the male hunter dodged and grabbed her arm then moved and got her in a full nelson. She started struggling but couldn't get out of his grasp.

"While we have some peace, my names Mathew. I'm a Gunslinger." said the male hunter as he tried to hold onto the female hunter. "This here is Maria. She's a Blade Dancer."

"I'm John." said the chief as he watched maria try and get out of Mathews grip. "Let her go."

"Ya sure?" Asked Mathew "She kinda doesn't let things like this go."

"Do it."

"Fine." said Mathew as he let her go, her almost falling over.

"Asshole." Said maria as she regained her balance and crossed her arm's.

They just stood there as some of the hanger's crewmen were staring at them. The three just stared at each other for a few seconds. Chief was the one to break the silence.

"You two go to Cayde-6. I've got something to do quick." Said Chief as he started on his way to the ship wright.

"Fine." said maria as she stormed off, anger in her voice.

"See ya there." said Mathew as he went after maria.

Chief walked to the ship wright. She was flipping through a clip board. She noticed chief as he got closer.

"My ship?" Said the chief.

"How many times do i have to tell you, Don't fly the thing let the ghost do it!" Said the ship wright with annoyance in her voice.

Chief just nodded. They have had this conversation before. Chief had tried flying the dropship in combat a few times, almost crashing twice, The rest of the times his ship had severe damage to multiple systems.

"Your left chain gun is useless, your engine is barley holding together, and the left main thruster is starting to fail... That's only the big stuff." She said reading off her clipboard. "uh...It will be 7000 glimmer."

Chief handed her the glimmer then walked off to the vanguard hall. When he got to the hall their were 4 people standing there. Cayde-6, Maria, Mathew, and...Jane-32?

"Finally." Said Jane as she was pacing back and forth.

"OK were all here." Said Cayde-6 as he saw chief.

"What!? I thought this was a 6 man fireteam job?" Jane almost yelled. "These are rookies at best."

"No this is just a strike mission. Also each have preformed above expectations and are above qualifications for this mission." Said Cayde-6 irritation in his voice.

"Then why am I here?" Asked Jane.

"There may be some info on their primes location there, and your the best to interrogate a fallen." Said Cayde-6 Getting even more irritated.

"But I-" Started Jane before getting interrupted.

"SHUT UP AND LET ME FINISH!" Yelled Cayde-6 obviously at his limit of patience. Jane crossed her arms and stayed quiet.

"Thank you." Said cayde-6 "Now this mission is an assassination mission for the most part."

Cayde-6 signaled for them to look at the map in front of him.

"Now your drop point is here." Said cayde-6 as he pointed to breach in the cosmodrome. "This will be your targets location." Pointing to the other side of the breach. "There should be 3 barons meeting here to start scavenging after a recent skirmish there that left a lot of scrap."

"Their might also be a Archon there but were not sure." Said cayde-6 as he stood up straight.

Mathew and maria looked at each other. Jane just stared as did chief. Cayde-6 looked at them waiting for a reaction.

"Who's in command?" Asked chief.

"Your in command but Jane is in control of all interrogations and intel on the mission." said Cayde-6. "Anything else?" They shook their heads. "OK get to your ships otherwise this is a missed opportunity." They all turned to leave. "Chief hold on a sec."

The others continued to their ships while chief stayed behind.

"Chief if the archons their you do know whats possible right?" Asked cayde-6.

"No sir." Said chief.

"Archons are the 'Priests' to the fallen and allow communication to their prime." said cayde-6 "That means Sepiks prime could be their, if so get out of there, he's way past your level."

"Yes sir." Said chief

"OK, now get out there." Said Cayde-6 "Oh and chief. Their yours now, take care of them."

With that chief left to meet with his new team. Now he just needed to keep them alive through the mission.

A/N: So you'll have to wait for the mission to start (While a try and figure out the details). Also Jane-32 is a character made by YOUR MOTHER (Yeah I know). So if you want a character in the story just PM me and i'll see what i can do.