Chapter 10

"Shall I take you home?" he asked while he held me in his arms. This was exactly where I was meant to be.

"Yes, take me home." I told him, not daring to glance at my father. I couldn't look at him right now, not when I was about the leave him. I wasn't a little girl anymore, and I needed to be with the man I loved, but I still loved my Papa.

Home… I liked the sound of that.

He tightened his grip around my arms. "Hold on tight. You may get a little dizzy." He warned me as a green and purple cloud of smoke covered our bodies. The next thing I saw was the Dark Castle that seemed to be spinning around me. I stumbled back, but Rumple held me in place with his golden hands gripping my waist. "Careful there, sweetheart." He chuckled into my ear.

"You think this is funny?" I asked sarcastically.

"How do I put this nicely, yes." He joked, and then out of nowhere he picked me up by the waist and spun me around in his arms, like a father would do to his little girl.

"What was that for?" I asked after catching my breath.

"I'm just extremely happy that you're here with me. I can't tell you how much I missed you Belle. You have to understand I truly am sorry for what I did to you. I love you. I loved you then too, I was just too afraid to admit. I was too afraid of getting hurt again. I want you to know that I will never do that to you again. I promise, and I never break my word." He told me with honest eyes.

"I know. I'm sorry too." I told him while wrapping myself up in him again.

"What on earth do you have to be sorry for?"

"For believing Gaston. I almost ruined both of our lives. I was too trusting. I should have seen through his lies, but I was foolish, and I'm sorry. Also I should have talked to you before I flat out kissed you. It probably would have saved us both a lot of heart ache."

"Oh, Belle. You don't have to be sorry. You did nothing wrong. Gaston was just good at playing his game, and that kiss was meant to be special. I'm the one who should be sorry. Please don't feel bad, sweetheart. I would hate to see you in pain. And I am really sorry you had to be there to see Gaston… well you know." He said nuzzling me.

"Thank you Rum, I love you."

"I love you too." He said taking a sigh, and then moving over to the dining table. He took a seat on the ledge of the table, and buried his hands in his head.

"What's wrong?" I asked sensing that there was something seriously bothering him.

"I had so many chances to kill him. I should have. He almost killed you. Damn Belle, you gave me a heart attack."

I almost laughed at how ridiculous that sounded. I gave him a heart attack. "I gave you a heart attack? I'm the one who almost died. I was scared out of my mind. I'm the one who should be traumatized here." I laughed attempting to comfort him.

"You have no idea what I would have done if he killed you. When I say you fall my heart stopped. The only thing in the world that matter was your safety. I thought I was the one who was going to die if you hit the ground." This time he talked in no joking manner. He was serious, and sounded hurt. He never did this.

"Hey, look at me Rum." He did as I asked. "You have no idea how scared I was. I was ready for the impact, but that didn't happen. Instead I found myself safe in the arms of the man I love, and I couldn't have asked for more. I jump off another thousands buildings if it means I get to be with you. You saved me, and that's all that matters."

"How are you so good to me? I honestly don't deserve you."

"You most certainly do deserve me. I don't think any other man in their right mind would have jumped off that building after me."

"Well lucky for you I've never been in my right mind." He said in his normal pitched tone. I was glade he seemed to be improving from his low.

We sat there at the edge of the table not saying anything for a little bit, but it wasn't awkward just peaceful. Eventually his lips ended up on my neck, and my hands went through his hair. "Rum." I whimpered as he nibbled at the base of my neck. Soft moans began to escape my mouth as I melted into him. My body was completely weak to his. As soon as he touched me I collapsed into him. This odd feeling of electricity seemed to overwhelm my mind in the best way possible. His lips slowly started moving up my neck and to my cheek bone. I squirmed under him, trying to encourage him to keep it up. I never wanted this to end. He was mine, and I wanted to prove to him that I was his. I wanted him to claim me as his own. I was ready, Hell! I've been ready since the first day I meant him. He smirked against my jaw bone, and I rubbed my hands all over his chest. "Can't get enough, can we sweetheart?" his mouth was now at the corner of my lips teasing me. We both knew that he couldn't kiss me, but this was pure torture. "Just shut up, and take me Rumple." I said pushing myself closer to him. I couldn't get close enough as far as I was considered. He suddenly stopped after I made my statement. He drew away from me, and I felt a feeling of emptiness immediately.

"Belle, we… we shouldn't be doing this." He said turning away from me, but I quickly grabbed his wrist turning him to me, until we were chest to chest.

"We shouldn't be doing anything but this." I told him assuring him of what I wanted.

"Belle, I'm… you… are you sure?"

"I've never been surer of anything in my life."

I couldn't help but notice the quiet groan that made its way out of his lips when I said this. His once warm eyes quickly became black with lust, and before I knew it he was on top of me, pinning me to the table. He began to trail kisses down my neck, which led to him moving past my neck, and to my shoulder until he made it my chest. His mouth lingered right above my breast as if he was afraid to get to close. I shifted my body up towards him to tell him it was okay to touch me. A chuckle escaped his mouth.

"Let's get this useless dress off of you, shall we?" he said while pulling me up, so he could slide my dress off. He gently lifted me off the table, and spun me around so he could unzip the wedding dress I was still wearing. Almost all the tulips had fallen out of my hair by now. His tense hand carefully pulled the zipper down, and the dress fell around me. A moan escaped his mouth, as he trailed his hands down the curves of my body. "You truly are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen."

He pulled me in closer to him so that my back was against his chest. I could feel his erection through his pants, and realized just how excited he was for this. I loved how much this made him crazy.

"The leather does look good on you, but I don't think you'll need it right now." I whispered into his ear before nipping at his earlobe. Another moan escaped his mouth, as he tightened his grip on me.

"No, I suppose it won't." I turned towards him, and slowly began untying his vest, as I bit my lip seductively. I squirmed around making unthinkable sounds come out of his mouth.

"You really are a little ball of torture, darling." I giggled at his remark, and continued to slip his vest off. After I removed that item of clothing I began to unbutton his silk shirt, and reveal his tone chest. I couldn't help, but moan as I saw his muscles reveal themselves to me. I ran my hands over his chest, and his body tensed at my touch. He pulled me closer, neither of us wanted to be apart for this. I slowly let my hands make their way to his waist line, where I began to slide down his leather pants. He had magiced his boots away, because that would have just been a hassle.

After we had removed all our first layers of clothing we stood with our bodies locked to each other only in our under garments. I always thought I would feel insecure my first time, but the way Rum looked at me chased all those feelings away. He held only lust and awe in his eyes as he took me in.

I don't know how, but somehow we ended up making our way to his bedroom. I had never been it before, but I had no interest in looking around, that could wait till the morning. We shared long passionate kisses on either the neck or whatever body part was available as long as it wasn't our lip, as he led me to his bed. Again he pinned me down, so that he hovered above me. He greedily took me in.

"Damn Belle, you don't know what you do to me."

"I have a pretty good idea as to what I do, but I rather do you, then think about what you want to do." I said in a very seductive tone.

"Be careful what you wish for, dearie."

"Oh, I know what I'm wishing for, so why don't you fulfill my wishes."

"With pleasure." He said jumping onto me, and removing my bra. He gently cupped my breast, and began to suck on them. The feeling was overwhelming, and I couldn't stop moaning or squirming to his touch. He has the most wonderful effect on my body. I could already feel how wet I was becoming just by his touch. I needed him, now. "Please… Rum, please." I begged as he trailed his finger down my body. "All in good time love, all in good time." He tortured me.

His finger slowly made its way to my waist, and then ran its way down my center. The feeling killed me. I needed more friction. I whimpered as he slowly rubbed my clit.

"Let's get rid of these panties, love." He said taking my panties in hand, and dragging them down my leg. As soon as he slipped them off me I opened my legs wide to him. I wanted him now. I needed it. "Eager are we? Well we better do something about that then." He said kissing my center. "Rum." I moaned out as he licked me in just the right spot. I felt my stomach clench. I was getting close to my release just from this. I wiggled under him as his tongue lapped around my core. I was overwhelmed with lust, and pleasure that the whole world seemed to fade away around us.

I gasped as two of his well-trained fingers slipped into me. I was about to lose it. He started to jerk them into me, and I thrust into him desperate for more friction. I couldn't contain myself any longer, and I felt myself tighten around his fingers, as I climaxed. I fell back onto the bed, exhausted. "Did you enjoy that love?" he asked me with a look of pleasure, and sarcasm on his face. "Take me, Rum." Was all I said in response? I wanted him to claim me. I wanted to be united with him.

"Are you sure Belle?"


He nodded in response as he aligned himself with me. He slowly put the head in, and then stopped allowing me to slowly adjust to this new feeling. He began to slide himself all the way in, and then sat there a minute to give me my time. At first it hurt, but after a few minutes the pain went away and pure pleasure overtook me. Slowly he began to make a rhythm pumping himself into me. My soft moans became cries as he increased his speed. Groans were coming out of his mouth, as he became harder, and harder inside of me. I felt like I was going to fall apart around him. "Please… Rum, please." I begged. I couldn't take it anymore. I needed it. He started thrusting into me, making his movements shorter and faster. I cried out his name as I came around him. A loud moan escaped his mouth as he started to spill his seed inside of me. He rode out our climaxes, and then we fell apart lying on the bed. "I love you Rum." I said using all the strength I had left to pull myself into his arms. He wrapped himself around me. "I love you too Belle." I curled into his chest, and closed my eyes. "Never leave me." I told him. I trusted him I just needed to hear him say it. "I will never ever forget about you Belle, and I will never, I swear on my life, leave you." With that we both let out happy sighs as we cuddled into each other. This was going to be the rest of my life. For the past few weeks I was so worried about where my future would lead me, but now I was completely content with my future. I wanted to wake up like this every morning, and now I could. This was my life. 1… 2… 3… 4… The End.

Play List

Chapter 10- I'm a Mess Ed Sheeran, She's My 11 Keith Urban, A Thousand Miles Vanessa Carlton, Take Me to Church Hozier, Photograph Ed Sheeran, Beauty and The Beast, Enchanted Taylor Swift, Come on get Higher Matt Nathanson

Also thanks so much for reading, and I have the squeal out. Its called Don't Forget About Us. Please enjoy