Jim walked up onto the deck watching the Crew. This crew was a lot more diverse then that of the Legacy. They also all knew each other, not as the pirates had, in a creepy we're randomly selected but know everyone way. This crew had an aura of familiarity brought on not by a need for revenge but from long voyages with each other and a respect for everyone on board.

"Hey Chris." Jim said to the cook. Some how in his wandering's the boy had meandered into the galley. "How are you?"

"Good, and yourself?" Chris asked, peeling a bunch of potatoes.

"Dunno, it's a new ship. New Crew, everyone else knows each other. Want some help?"

"Sure, can always use help, we don't have a cabin boy aboard. Couple Able bodied but we normally use them topside." He handed Jim a knife.

"Why is almost everyone a human on board?" Jim asked.

"Capitan is very particular. Doesn't like Aliens, he's from earth. America. The most prejudice area of our galaxy." Chris explained. "He's speciesist. Didn't want to hire Adara, she's a half ling."

"Really, she looks human." Jim said.

"Yeah and she's a pretty little thing as well. Most of the men on board would love to be Dom." Chris smiled. "The poor girls' half humanoid." He said referring to the genetically engineered people made for pleasure during the cloning revolution.

They had been thought to be perfect in every way but were in fact faulty in one way, they could reproduce, only certain ones with a genetic code that was less perfect, the prototypes which had been sold to the wealthy and gotten rid of, people forgetting these were living breathing creatures. The prototypes were found and sometimes brought into a family as a parent or lover. The children born of these matches had no special talents, though some were exceedingly beautiful. Most though looked completely human, though all had the genetic code on them that ostracized them from the human population.

"She doesn't look it." Jim said, the legends he'd heard being of remarkable woman who were so beautiful they hurt to look at, not girls who were apparently insane and had mental problems. "And why would they want to be Dom?"

"The two are married." Chris said watching Jim Peel Potatoes, assuring himself that he could before Turing to his own work. "Have been for six months." He smiled "I wish only the best for them, but Dom has quite the temper. Don't make him think that you want Adara."

"Why would I want her?" Jim asked "She's been really rude to me, and snappy."

"She's like that to all crew members, but she didn't seem to bad to me, maybe you just think she's worse then she is." Chris smiled. "Anyway she's got good reason to be snippy towards you. The Captain replaced her with you, didn't want a half-ling to Be second in command but she was the best you could get."

"Really?" Jim asked.

"Yeah. Capitan hates her, he knows she's good though, she was raised on a schooner. Earned everything she's gotten the hard way." Chris said. "Don't think too badly of her."

"She's weird." Jim said finishing up with the potatoes. "I'm gunna go up topside."

"Have fun." Chris waved and went back to his stew "The young people on this ship." He muttered.

Jim walked around, he saw the blonde man Dom had been fighting with, he was sitting with a piece of wood and whittling on it.

"Sorry sir." the man said standing up when he noticed Jim's Shadow. "I'm not on watch." He placed the carving and knife in his pocket. "We're allowed to do what we wish." Orlin said, his tongue sounded a little thick like he wasn't the most educated of men. He looked to be about 25 and had a straggly beard and cloudy blue eyes.

"I didn't think you were doing anything wrong." Jim said wondering if this crew would accept him. "I just wanted to watch space go by." He said leaning on the rail, silently watching his home fade in the eh recesses of space. The hand went back to carving after a while.

On the bow Dominic and Adara watched where they were headed with great interest.

Author's Notes: Woot! I wrote more!

Shout outs: (TWO, rather sad for me…)


Team Bonet: Thanks! That was really helpful! (Will try to make Jim less sarcastic in future.) Although I will explain that. In the British navy you could buy a position on a ship, no talent needed just cash, Jim was actually offended because he worked to get a position and thinking a rich girl just was given it to her made him mad. He wasn't being rude just pissy