A/N: Today on A True Love Story: High school has finally come to an end and Shikamaru has decided to further his education for the future he plans to have with Ino through college. He will be gone for four years. It will be difficult for them to be separated, but their love will never wane. Ino will save what money she can from her wages at the family flower shop in the hopes that the couple can put a down payment on a house once Shikamaru graduates. Then they can finally live happily ever after, but a lot can happen over four years…

Chapter 15

Ino sat on Shikamaru's bed, huddled up into a small ball with her arms wrapped around her knees. Her eyes followed Shikamaru's every move while he continued to pack with a miserable expression.

He was going to University.

Ino knew this day was coming, she had just wished that it would have taken longer to get there.

Five months had passed since the beginning of their 'relationship'. They had greeted every day with a smile, knowing all along that it would come to an end eventually. It wasn't really ending; it just felt like it was to Ino.

Shikamaru had been accepted to The University of Konoha. He was a brilliant man after all and to ignore his intelligence and not attend would be a waste. Ino had not been so lucky. She didn't really even attempt to apply. She had decided some time ago that she would run her family's flower shop after high school graduation.

None of this knowledge comforted her. She was still depressed and had been feeling an aching in her chest that grew with each passing day. Now, it was the end of spring break and high school graduation had occurred a week ago. Shikamaru would be leaving in the morning for a university that was a six hour train ride away. She would be working each day at the flower shop and visiting one another would be difficult.

They would have to endure this for four years.

Shikamaru frowned worriedly at Ino when she buried her face against her knees and let out a miserable sound. He wasn't happy to be leaving either, but he was trying to be strong for the both of them. He knew that he was doing the right thing. The situation may have seemed hard and unbearable, but it would make their bond stronger and was necessary to aid in their future together. He continued to convince himself of this as he zipped up his second duffle bag and placed it to the left of his door.

"Well, that's about it," he murmured into the silence, watching Ino visibly flinched away from his words, "Don't be like that," he chastised her with a soft smile while settling on the bed in front of her.

Ino lunged forward and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. She wanted to hide the fact that she was crying by resting her chin on Shikamaru's shoulder, but he knew. He could tell she was crying by the way her body shook and the way she held her breath against the sobs.

Shikamaru rubbed his hand along her back soothingly and cradled her head against his shoulder while he moved to lay the both of them out on their sides. No words really needed to be said, not yet anyway. They would talk more on it in the morning, but at that moment he just wanted to hold her.

Yoshino finally relented and released her overwhelming hold on her son. She was proud of him more than anything, but it was still difficult to see him go.

Shikamaru just grinned at his mother before turning to glance at his father. The man that he took after so much, in appearance and mannerism, was leaning back against the driver's side door, waiting patiently for his son to say goodbye to…


She couldn't look at him. It hurt too much to think that he was really going. He was actually leaving! She knew that this was necessary. She told herself this for months, but it didn't make it any easier! Her heart throbbed painfully and her stomach twisted tightly when Shikamaru came to stand before her with a soothing smile upon his lips.

"I'm sorry," he whispered out to her, his strong façade breaking as his face crumbled, "I know it's going to be hard, but please wait for me."

"You know I will, Shika," Ino proclaimed fervently.

Ino watched as he forced another smile across his lips. He was just as torn as she was, but he was trying so hard to be strong for her, for the both of them. She needed to be strong for him in return. She sniffed back a few tears and smiled widely.

Shikamaru chuckled at her attempt to be brave and appreciated it greatly. He lifted a hand to cup her cheek tenderly as he began to speak, "I have something I need you to do for both of us."

Ino didn't need to respond, she just looked at him expectantly, "Save up all the money you can at the flower shop, alright?" when she gave him a puzzled look, he continued, "When I graduate, I'm going to ask you to marry me," the stunned expression that overtook her features made him smile genuinely, "After that, we can use the money you saved to put a down payment on a house. I can get a job and then we can finally be together. Does that sound good to you?"

"You had me at: marry," Ino gave a watery giggle and her own features lit up in response to Shikamaru's sincere smile.

Shikamaru chuckled at her sweetness and kissed her tenderly; just a simple brush of his lips over hers, "I'll visit as often as I can," he murmured out against her lips, his countenance loving and ardent.

"Me too," Ino proclaimed passionately, "I promise!"

The time for his departure was drawing near and he could feel it as if it were a tangible presence breathing down his neck. He clenched his jaw tightly against his dread and nerves and kissed Ino so deeply that her knees nearly buckled.

Ino gasped out into the growing space between them when Shikamaru stepped away from her, "I love you," she breathed out morosely, unable to hold back her tears any longer.

Shikamaru shook his head at her with a forced smile, "Don't cry, dummy. It's not like I'm never gonna see you again."

"Shut up, you jerk!" Ino sobbed out, whipping at her tears uselessly.

Shikamaru just let out a deep sigh and made his way over to the passenger side door to get in. It took all of his willpower not to turn back and embrace Ino tightly. It really would do him no good to prolong this sadness. It was just better to get it over and done with.

After buckling his seatbelt he gazed out the window as his mother came to stand behind Ino. The older woman settled a comforting hand on Ino's shoulders when the young blond continued to cry. Her jaw was clenched tightly against her sobs while she attempted to remain as strong as she could.

Shikamaru sighed again and called out to her as his father drove them away, "You had better wait for me!" he watched her break down completely at that and added zealously, "I LOVE YOU, INO!"

A/N: Alright everyone, that's it! I hope you all like the ending. I don't know if a lot of people will appreciate it, but I personally do. My husband and I have had to live a lot of our marriage separated because of our jobs, but we love each other so much and trust one another with anything and everything. Being separated is hard, but our love is stronger because if it. I think that this is a good lesson: some sacrifices need to be made so that a couple can live together happily. Let's see, in the sequel, what trials and tribulations our OTP have to endure. Please review if you liked the story or feel like supplying me with a couple of ideas!

Description for sequel: Shikamaru will be in college and Ino will be tending to the family flower shop, saving money so they can put a down payment on a house when he graduates after four years. Each chapter will be an incident where they will meet up, be it a holiday or just not being able to stay away from one another for very long. There will be moments of jealousy for the pair as they continue to grow and develop while attempting to maintain their long distance love. Will they be able to make it?

P.S. I got a couple of one-shots up if anyone is interested in reading them. Booby-Trap and Ino's Favorite Flowers. Thanks to everyone that has stuck with this story from the beginning!