For once, Francis's intentions were completely innocent. Unbelievable, right? He woke up parched and his skin was thinly coated in sweat. He assumed he was most likely coming down with something and the mere horror of the thought caused him to tumble out of bed and journey downstairs to the kitchen. On the way, he brushed and unweaved the tangles in his beautiful, blonde hair. In his silky, pale pink (a great color on him) pajamas, he waltzed into the kitchen and sifted through cabinets in order to find a suitable, beautifully designed chrystal glass to suit his glossy, pouty lips. Oh, he was so pretty and he loved himself very much. Oh, yes, he did.

"Che cosa?" He heard the mumble nearby and flinched, dropping his fancy glass by mistake. Well, fuck. He teared up at the sight of the damaged glass and lifted his head in time to see the refrigerator door close. He came face to face with his best friend's fiancé. Lovino furrowed his eyebrows, in mid-chew. Francis's eyes widened as he took in his appearance. Unlike him, Lovino was only wearing a pair of boxers and showing off his incredibly sexy, modeling thighs. Swallowing, he lifted his gaze to the brunet's and nearly burst into laughter at the sight of chocolate cake smeared on his lips and cheeks. Even his cute little nose! Red flared across his face and he dropped the slice of cake in his hand to the floor.

Francis raised an eyebrow, scanning him up and down before approaching him gradually. "Oh... This is too precious. Toni's little lover-boy got caught stealing a midnight snack... Priceless is what it is, cher."

Lovino seemed to raise his lips in a sneer when he used his index finger to raise his chin, smiling haughtily. He used the same finger, plus his neighboring middle finger, to scrape up a taste of chocolate icing and lapped at his fingers. Gasping in alarm, Lovino recoiled and swung a fist at him, nailing him in the face. Francis screamed, cupping his nose while the Italian immediately tended to his shiny, manicured nails.

The kitchen lights flicked on and Gilbert gawked at them with raised eyebrows. He darted his eyes about the scene; the cake, the glass, the bloody nose, the long legged (oh my) Lovino- Antonio burst in behind him, grassy green eyes skipping over the blonde and landing on his pale-faced lover. He dashed across the kitchen, coiling his arms around his waist and hauling him closer. He rubbed his back, whispering soothing words to him and kissing his cheek.

"Francis, bro, what the hell happened to you? Why are you on the floor? Shit, your nose is bleeding." Gilbert seemed to be the only person concerned for his safety. He lifted him up with his German strength and lended him his shoulder. Francis limped to the table, plopping down in a chair.

"Ow, ow, ow! Lovino punched me in my nose and it hurts- Ouch!" Gilbert ran out of the room and returned with a roll of toilet paper. He bent Francis over the sink, letting the blood seep down the drain. The Frenchman pulled his hair back into a ponytail, pursing his lips as he waited for the blood flow to slow down. He then pinched his nose between some toilet paper with the picture of displeasure.

He craned his neck around to lock his azure eyes on Antonio, feeling a pang in his chest. The Spaniard was using a moist paper towel to wipe the chocolate frosting from Lovino's lips in between delicious kisses. It hurt. It really hurt to see Antonio ignore his distress when he was the only one in pain. He was startled when Gilbert began to practically pet his head sympathetically.

"Don't cry, Fran. I feel for you." Francis let his lips curl into a smile, leaning into his touch. "Oi, Toni! Is your little Italian hurt?"

"Huh? Oh! No, Gil!" He kissed Lovino gently, beaming. "Good thing, too! My poor Lovi could have gotten hurt by the glass!"

"Hey, man! Francis almost got impaled by that glass and you're more worried about your fiancé? Lovino punched him in the face! Show some sympathy!" Gilbert ranted, unusually serious. Antonio's smile fell and he spun around to see his best friend limping from the way he landed earlier. Letting go of Lovino, he fluttered around Francis and checked for wounds.

"I-I didn't know! Franny, are you okay? I'm sorry, the first thing I thought about was Lovino. I didn't really see you. Sorry, sorry..." He froze, his eyes darkening as he turned around to look at Lovino. He pointed at Francis, frowning. "Lovi, did you do that?"

Lovino's heart nearly stopped as all eyes turned to him. He backed against the fridge, clasping his hands to his chest. He looked like a deer caught in headlights. He swallowed, shaking his head. "He says he didn't! Explain!"

Gilbert flinched at his serious voice. "He did! The little brat is lying. Some fiancé you've got there, Toni. He whines alot, he's a bitch, and he lies about hurting people."

"LOVINO!" Unexpectedly, Lovino burst into tears. Antonio's anger dissappeared and he pulled him into his arms. The Italian sniffled and hiccuped, rambling in his native tongue. "Shhh, baby. It's okay, I'm not mad anymore... You were just scared, yeah? My poor sweetheart... I'm sorry for yelling at you... I love you so much..."

Gilbert groaned, moving to storm out of the room when he stopped. He and Francis watched as Lovino smiled smugly at them from over Antonio's shoulder, showing them his middle finger. "That... That little shit... He's got Toni wrapped around his dirty finger and he's fucking flaunting it."

Francis shrugged miserably, jogging out with him after Gilbert threw the toilet paper roll at the brunet. "What can we do, Gil? They love each other. He even believed Lovino's little lie."

"Obviously, this dickhole isn't good for our Antonio. We just have to convince our dumb friend about it."

"Oh, mon Dieu..."

The next morning, Antonio walked in the kitchen to see Lovino and Gilbert throwing things at each other and yelling in their native languages. He paused as he watched his future husband smack the albino with a spatula and fall to the floor when Gilbert's little bird attacked him.

"Ahahahahaha! That's what you get!" Lovino kicked Gilbert in the face and crawled across the floor to Antonio with a loving smile.

"Buongiorno, caro mio... Merda!" He yelped as Gilbert tackled him, flattening him into the floor. Antonio casually walked to the stove, deciding to not get involved unless one of them got seriously hurt.

"Buenos días, mi amor... So... What do you want for breakfast, guys?" After they stopped attacking each other, he met Lovino for their good morning kiss which Gilbert had made impossible before. In a teasing mood, Lovino deepened the kiss and used tongue to annoy the albino potato. Antonio didn't complain, hauling him closer and kissing back.

"Ewww!" Antonio pulled away, smiling lopsidedly.

"Grow up, Gilbert..."

"Sì, grow up, bastardo..." Antonio gasped, nearly squeezing the lungs out of Lovino.

"You repeated what I said! So precious!"