Hey so here's the next chapter! This is set around 2 to 3 months after the previous one. It took a long time to write as I really wanted to get the characterisation down so I hope you like it! Reviews are much appreciated, thanks x

New arrivals

Clara was woken up by the sunbeams shining through the crack in the curtains. She moaned and began to gain consciousness after having a really good, deep night sleep. She turned her head towards Danny's side of the bed and was slightly downhearted to see that he was not there. Then everything came back to her. She remembered earlier on in the morning how he had kissed her on the head lightly leaving her half asleep and gone off to work. He had tried to get more time off but decided to save his holiday time until after the baby had been born. As disappointed as she was, she knew he had made the right decision.

She lay in bed for a few minutes and realised that she really wasn't looking forward to the day. She had only been on maternity leave for a week and she had already run out of things to do. She hated not being able to work. She loved the kids and her job so much; it broke her heart to leave Coal Hill even if it was for a short time. Despite not wanting to be at home she was sort of glad for the peace. Peace was something that she savoured as she didn't get it very often. Danny and hormonal teenagers seemed to provide a constant supply of noise, however, on a daily basis it didn't really bother her.

As she strolled to get a cup of coffee she realised that she didn't feel quite right. She couldn't put her finger on what felt wrong but she knew that something wasn't normal. Clara thought back to the night before and remembered the strange pains she had got. Why hadn't she said anything? It seemed so stupid now. She hadn't had any more for a while now so she brushed it off as nothing. After all, what would the midwife say? Oh just wait to see if you have anymore? There really was no point calling anyone.

2 cups of tea, 2 biscuits and countless reality tv show rubbish later a familiar sound entered the house. The whiring and whistling of the TARDIS gradually concentrated in and a familiar Scotsman clambered out of the door. He stumbled into the living room where Clara was straining to stand and move to see him. She almost had to do a double take, she couldn't believe what she was seeing. It had been so long since they had seen each other that it didn't quite feel real him being there.

"Clara! Are you okay? Where's PE?" The doctor spurted out questions as he wandered around the room analysing everything in his weird alien-y way. "Sorry it's been a while, how long has it been? I lose track... I saw the biggest solar storm ever! You would have loved it! I nearly got sucked in, well I say nearly? I did! But as you can see I kind of escaped so everything's okay no- oh you look... different!?" Finally he looked over to see Clara clearly.

"It's been a year doctor... I though I would never see you again. And as you can tell, things have changed around here now." She addressed him sternly to gain a straight response from him.

"Yeahhh sorry about that, got distracted... But you've, you've kind of, kinda grown?" He waved his hands about trying to express what he was thinking as though he couldn't find the words to say it.

"Yeah I'm pregnant... Very pregnant actually."

"Oh right... So when are you going to have it?" He looked majorly confused at the news but also not quite 'with it'. He looked distracted as usual.

"Um any day now. I'm due in a week but it could come early." Clara rested her hands on her hips and strolled over to the kitchen. She sighed and suddenly felt really flushed. She really didn't feel right today... The doctor soon followed her.

"Cup of tea? Biscuit?" The doctor analysed the kitchen much like the living room not really paying attention to what Clara had said.

"... Ahh yes please. So boy or girl then?" He rested his back onto the work surface.

"We don't know yet, we wanted to keep it as a surprise for when its born."

"Ahh okay... Umm... So how's PE?" The doctor was looking increasingly more and more uncomfortable.

"You don't have to keep making conversation doctor. I know you're not the best at reunions." They both chuckled as Clara handed him a cup.

"I am sorry you know, for not coming to visit you. So much has changed now. I'm still welcome aren't I?"

"Doctor don't worry about it and of course you are! You're always welcome no matter how far you've been or how long we haven't seen each other for! Come on, come and sit down." They walked to the living room and sat in front of the tv which was muttering in the background.

"Wait, where is PE? Shouldn't he be here? In case you, you... You know..." He waved his hands towards her stomach again as though he couldn't get the words out.

"He's at work, I get to have time off but he doesn't finish until Friday. I'm glad you came round actually, I'm getting quite lonely sat in the house on my own all day."

"Umm your welcome." He shifted in the chair as the uncomfortable look came back to his face. He looked to the ground as though he was thinking of what to say next. He had asked all of his default questions already. Clara just looked at him and smiled, slightly laughing at him. It wasn't until now that she realised how much she had missed him. His quirky walk and sense of style. His awkward way of making conversation and his all round alien-ness. Why hadn't she called him?

A sharp pain in her lower abdomen suddenly broke through her thoughts. It was a strange pain, one that she had never experienced before. Her stomach felt tight and sore like something was pulling on it. She slowly reached to put her cup on the table. The doctor looked up from the floor noticing that something was up.

"Clara? Are you okay? What's wrong?" Clara squirmed in the chair trying to keep her breathing in check. Contractions, she thought to herself. The pain subsided and she slightly relaxed. That hadn't been a very strong one but she knew what was coming.

"Umm yeah I think so... Just a little pain that's all." She looked away as she said it and the doctor immediately knew she was lying. He had travelled with her for too long to not realise when she was lying. Clara sat up dead straight whilst massaging the bottom of her stomach.

"Are you sure? You don't look okay?" He moved slightly towards her as her face turned downwards again.

"Yeah... I'm just going to pop to the loo, be right back." She pushed herself up cautiously and walked to the bathroom on the other side of the room. The doctor watched her as she walked over. Clara shut the door behind her and closed the toilet seat lid to perch on it. She gently rubbed her stomach as it seemed to sooth the pain. Suddenly she clenched forwards tightly and gasped for breath. Another one. This one had felt stronger, it felt more like a contraction. Once the pain subsided again she stood up to walk over to the mirror. As she took the first step she felt a sudden gush of liquid. It was like she had wet herself but she knew she hadn't. That's when the pain really kicked in. She leant over on the sink and used it as a support to keep her upright.

"Ahhhh... Oh shit. Oh shit, shit, shit, shit." She swore through the pain and contemplated what to do next. The doctor must have heard the commotion as she could hear his footsteps outside the door.

"Clara? Are you okay? What's wrong?" She clenched forwards again and let out a small cry.

"Ahhhh doctor! It's the baby! The baby is comingggg! Help!" She began to panic as she reached to open the door so that the doctor could help her. He looked in and stared blankly at Clara leant over in pain. He had no idea what to do.

"Umm, oh, umm, okay, ahh?" He stuttered, trying to think of something useful to say. Clara began to pant and seethe through the pain. He waved his hands around in confusion.


"What!? What should I do!?" Clara sighed in frustration.

"Umm, come over here and help me?" He climbed over and grabbed her arm to lead her to the sofa. She sat down and breathed deeply. The doctor noticed her gradually panicking less as the pain left.

"Woah that hurt, that really hurt... Oh my god doctor that really hurt I don't know what to do." She grabbed his arms and pulled him to kneel in front of her. He rested his hands on her shoulders and reassured her.

"What do you want to do next?" Clara continued to breath through the pain and the panic.

"Call Danny, yeah... Call Danny." She jumped forwards again. "Agh doctor it's happening again, no, no, no, no, no. Grab my phone! Quick!" The doctor grabbed it from the table and handed it to her. Her speech was getting more and more erratic. She fiddled with the phone in her hands and found his number as quickly as she could. Just as she was going to ring the pain got stronger. As she leaned forwards she nearly dropped the phone.

"Doctor, call him! Quickly!" She shouted as she breathed through the pain. In a state of blind panic the doctor grabbed the phone and let it ring.

Meanwhile at Coal Hill Danny was marking test papers as he watched over his year 7s doing their class work. His phone was on his desk next to him, he constantly had it out ready to receive the call from Clara. Beep beep, beep beep. It rang and he jumped up from his chair.

"Okay continue with your work, I'll be back in a second." He paced out of the room and into the staff room to answer the call.

"Clara! Are you okay!?"

"Umm hello Danny?" Danny frowned, he recognised the familiar Scottish voice. What was the doctor doing there?

"Hello doctor? What's going on? Is she okay!?" He could hear a lot of noise in the background that sounded like Clara.

"I don't know... I mean no she's not... She's shouting and says it hurts?" Danny could hear Clara shouting and suddenly her troubled voice came onto the end of the line.

"Danny! You need to come now, it's the baby! Danny please come quickly, Danny it hurts, come quicklyyyy!" His eyes opened wide and he began to panic.

"Okay, okay calm down sweetie. Don't worry, I'll be there as soon as I can, just breathe, I love you." He hung up and sprinted to another class room. He burst into Adrian's class, he was a good friend of theirs now and Danny knew that he could tell him.

"Woah slow down! What's wrong!?"

"Quick, I need you to take my class! Clara's gone into labour! I need to get to her now." He was walking backwards and forwards on the spot whilst getting more and more flustered.

"Okay calm down, don't worry we've got it covered here! Go on. Go and be a dad." Adrian winked at Danny and hit him on the arm with encouragement. A smile grew on his face as he left the class. Danny legged it to his coat and disappeared off to his car.

When he approached the flat door all he could hear was noise. He began to jog as the panic settled in again. He unlocked the door and sprinted to the living room to comfort Clara.

"Okay, okay, I'm here now, your okay." He reassured her as he rubbed her back up and down like the midwife had told him to do. The doctor stared at them, still in shock from what was going on. He really wasn't tuned into human life, aliens are much simpler, he though to himself.

"Danny, we need to go now! Right now!" She seethed through the pain again and Danny knew she was serious. He ran to get her bag and chucked it in the car. Then he ran back to Clara and helped her up. She rested on his arms and they slowly made it to the car.

"Umm I'll just, I'll just head off..." The doctor backed away unnoticed in the chaos. The whiring and whistling of the TARDIS disappeared just as quickly as it had arrived a few hours before.

They arrived at the hospital and Clara was rushed into a wheelchair. They were taken into a peaceful side room where everything was ready for them. A few doctors came in to sort out the equipment and to help Clara onto the bed. Then Clara's midwife joined them and talked them through the procedures, not that Clara was listening mind. She was rather... Preoccupied. The room cleared and Danny and Clara were left alone for a second.

"Danny I can't do this... It hurts too much. What if something goes wrong? What if things don't go to plan? What if-" Clara began to panic again.

"Look everything is going to be fine! I know you're scared but things are under control. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere until we have a beautiful baby in our arms. Just try to breathe and every thing will be just fine." Clara smiled and kissed Danny gently, she knew he would never leave her on her own. He was there for the long haul.

An hour later the room was tense and full of anticipation. Clara was really feeling the pressure now and wasn't taking it well... Danny's hand was practically falling off from lack of blood as she was holding it so tight, the doctor was getting frustrated as Clara was almost constantly swearing at him to relieve the pain and the midwife was running out of advice to give her. However, they were one step closer to having a baby which was the brighter side of the situation.

A further hour later things started to get serious. It was time. Clara bared down and pushed on the requests from the doctor. A few more painful minutes flew by and Clara felt a release. The room went quiet and suddenly a babies cry broke through the silence. Clara and Danny sighed in relief as the noise they had been waiting for had surfaced. Seconds later Danny was down at the end of the bed and holding a tiny baby girl, their tiny baby girl. His smile was like nothing Clara had ever seen before. It was full of so many emotions; admiration, relief, care but most of all it was filled with love. Danny walked to the top end of the bed and handed Clara their beautiful daughter. The tears fell down both of their cheeks and they just sat and stared in adoration. This moment would never happen again, the birth of their first child would never be forgotten. Not ever. Both of them just stared in awe at what had just happened.

Soon after, Danny and Clara were left alone again.

"She's beautiful. She's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen..." Exclaimed Danny, he still couldn't believe his eyes. To her surprise, Clara suddenly began to cry.

"Hey, what's wrong!?"

"Look what we've just done... Look what we've got. She's more beautiful than I could ever have imagined. I can't believe she's ours..." She turned to look at Danny and he kissed her gently whilst rubbing the newborns head.

"I know, thank you. Thank you for giving me this beautiful little girl. I don't know what to say..." They both stared in awe again at the little girl wriggling and gurgling in her sleep.

"What are we going to call her? I hadn't even thought about it." Sighed Clara.

"Actually I've been thinking about that... Why don't we call her Ellie? After your mother?" Clara welled up again and kissed him deeply.

"Oh my god Danny that's perfect! Ellie Pink. I love it, a perfect name for a perfect little girl."

"And hopefully a perfect little family! Chapter one yeah? A new beginning for us all."

"Yeah chapter one." Clara smiled and kissed him once more. Maybe the perfect family that Clara had always dreamed of might just come true after all...

Woah! It turns out writing speech for someone in pain is really hard... I'm happy with how it turned out, I hope you all like it too. Thank you for reading, it means a lot x