The first series in Kenji Chronicles. The basic rule is Seisouhen doesn't apply, therefore there will be some twists on the stories. Well, at least it's better than that ridiculous OVA.

The hard part is Kenji only described as "being more twisted than Saito and more arrogant than Shishio" and he less caring towards his father, but as years go by I think it can be changed. Adding he will need his father when he gets older so…yeah.

Thanks to Michelle for editing the chapters. Better late than never, eh?

Yes, basic disclaimer applied.

The train station was so busy this morning. A huge train from Tokyo stopped and people gathered around to pick up their loved ones for the Obon festival. A red headed man with a red gi and white hakama, bokken on his left hip stepped down from the train and extended his hand. A woman with dark raven hair and blue kimono took the man's hand before stepping down from the train. Afterwards, a young boy with red hair, but a little bit darker, exited from the train. He wore a blue gi and white hakama. His hair was tied in high ponytail and a shinai slung on his back. Moments later, a petite woman with long black hair waved her hand with enthusiasm.

"Himura! Kaoru-san! Kenji-kun!"

The older redhead turned around and smiled when he saw the woman.

"There's the signal that we've arrived in Kyoto," the younger boy said in low voice, earning a glare from his mother. Kenji grinned. "Just joking, Mother."

Misao jumped repeatedly when she stood in front of the three. "Misao-dono, it's really nice to see you again. How's everyone?" Kenshin Himura, the former legendary hitokiri of the Bakumutsu greeted the woman.

"Oh, we are fine. They all can't wait to see you." Misao grinned at Kenji. "Konichiwa, Kenji-kun."

Kenji Himura, the son of Kenshin and Kaoru Himura, ever the polite one, bowed to Misao. "Konichiwa, Misao-oba-san. It's really nice to see you again."

Misao smiled and put her hands on Kenji's shoulders. "I feel like I get to see your father in his younger days the older you get."

Kenji smiled slightly.

"Come on," Misao suddenly grabbed Kenji's hand.


Kenshin and Kaoru only shook their heads.

This year and just like the years before, The Himuras were traveled to Kyoto from their home in Tokyo to celebrate the Obon Festival. For them, or for his parents, Kenji thought, there's someone who was also dear for them. When Kenji was younger, he was never really interested on what his parents did when they visited Obon for he usually stayed at his Sofu's place, or his father's Shishou. Kenji called him Sofu because the master was the closest to family that his father had. Not that he minded.

And now, that he was older and after his father told him about his past as the Hitokiri Battousai, Kenji knew Kyoto held another story that he didn't know. So, when they were about to go to Kyoto as usual, Kenji gathered his gut and asked his father if he could come with them to the cemetery. His father was surprised, but then he only smiled and nodded. And that left Kenji excited, but also curious.


Kenji sat on the engawa, wearing light kimono and his hair loose. If someone were to pass by, might have been mistaken for his father, except that the older Himura 's hair was now shorter than Kenji. The young boy folded his arm on his chest, leaning against the pillar. His father and mother had already retreated to their room a while ago after saying good night to him. Kenji personally didn't want to think about what his parents did behind the shoji doors. He remembered when he was about 8 years old and accidentally heard his mother's scream from his parents' room and that left him wondering if his father ever hurt his mother. And as he got older and his father had 'the talk' with him, his 8-year-old memory suddenly appeared in his mind. He often wondered on why he was the only child when his parents couldn't keep their hands off of each other behind the closed shoji doors. Kenji shook his head, trying to break the mental image.

The night was so quiet; the sounds of cricket filled the air. The younger Himura looked to the sky and almost smiled when he saw the stars. Later on, he sensed a strong ki and looked over to his right and saw Misao. The female shinobi was also wearing a light kimono and her long braided hair fell over her shoulders.

Kenji smiled and bowed his head, out of habit. "Misao-oba-san."

Misao grinned and sat next to Kenji. "Whenever I see you, I always feel younger because it's like seeing Himura again when we both fought together."

Kenji raised his eyebrows and chuckled. "I guess I can be your secret ingredient for youthfulness."

Misao hummed playfully. "How did you know I was next to you?"

"Otousan taught me to sense ki. We used to play hide and seek when I was little and I tried to find him using my ki senses. Sometimes I found him, but often I didn't."

Misao grinned. "That sounds like Himura to me."

Kenji smiled again and turned his head to look over at the garden.

"Are you going to see Hiko-san tomorrow?" Misao asked.

"Iie." Kenji shook his head. "I'm going to go to the cemetery with Father and Mother."

Misao's eyes widened. "Nani? Did your father agree?"

Kenji shrugged. "He didn't say anything when I said I wanted to go with them. When I was younger, I never really paid attention on why they always come here during the Obon festival. But, now I just want to know who this person is that my parents have to travel from Tokyo to Kyoto every year. How important is this person?" Kenji looked over to Misao and the female shinobi's heart clenched when she saw Kenji's eyes. Kaoru's eyes. "Do you know something about this person, Misao-oba-san?"

Misao took a deep breath. "Yes, I do, but I think Himura is the one who should tell you about that, Kenji-kun."

Kenji let out a breath. "If this is another story of his past, I wonder how many stories are kept from me."

"I don't think he's keeping them from you," Misao tried to reason with the young Himura. "I think he's only waiting for you to get older and can think thoroughly."

Kenji huffed. "Well, I'm fourteen now."

Misao smiled and playfully hit Kenji's shoulder. "Yes, I know." And then, her eyes turned soft. "You must know how special you are, Kenji. Your father and mother had gone through so much in order to be together and have you. You are a blessing for them, especially Himura. During the Bakumutsu, he was already fighting in the war when he was your age. He's trying the best he can so that you don't have to take the same path like him."

Kenji nodded and turned to look at Misao's eyes. "Hai. I know about that, Misao-oba-san." His father already told him about his past a year ago. Well, some of it. "But, this era is not the Bakumutsu. I maybe the son of a legendary swordsman, but I have my own path." Kenji sighed. "I guess that's why they named me Kenji, path of sword."

"Yes, that's what they want for you, Kenji." Misao patted Kenji's shoulder. "Now, get some sleep before you go with your parents tomorrow."

Kenji smiled and slowly rose from the engawa. He bowed to the female shinobi. "Oyasuminasai, Misao-oba-san."

"Oyasuminasai, Kenji-kun."

Kenji turned around and opened his shoji door before closing it again, leaving Misao on the engawa. Misao sighed and hoped Kenji could handle the truth tomorrow.