Not a chapter but...

OKAY SORRY SORRY SORRY. I know you thought this was a new chapter when you clicked it, but I have some things on my chest that I needed to put in words...

Firstly, I didn't forget this story I KNOW I HAVEN'T BEEN UPLOADING IN AGES, AND I'M SORRY. I know everyone hates, me as well, when someone abandons their stories on ff. I haven't abandoned it, it's true that I have forgotten to write for few months, which is a lot I know,, but there are reasons for that and I don't want you lovely readers to think I am justifying or something. I'm not. I'm sorry.

I'm having really difficult semester ahead of me with biochemistry and physiology and last year's been a killer but hey...what everyone needs to do is survive.

I have written some more for this sequel and I have things planned but I don't have the time right now to put it into chapters. I will. I hope it won't take me that long.

Well, anyways

i just wanted to say THANK YOU for sticking with this story because I know that 'Hellfire' had like 80 chapters and it's been great 2 years of writing it, and I'm not into Kuroko no basuke as I've been back then, but I hate leaving things unfinished and I still like overall development of my main character so I won't abandon this. And I know you all want more Akashi (just confess come on) and Hanamiya wants more Akashi kinda so..there..yeah.

Yours truly
