The Day You Kissed Me (SasuNaru 4) Edited: August 21, 2015 2:42am

Disclaimers? Because everyone have one so I dont want to be the rebel here. All characters belongs to Naruto's owner person author. :l

Warnings? Um...nothing THAT bad so far... for this chapter. Au(not gold). Bad words like the sh...word. bad storyline. Bad grammar. Random past tense words in present time sentences. Sasuke getting lugged in the face. Naruto getting punched right back. Many "accidental" kisses. Basically its pretty bad in my opinion but that's what practicing is for right? C: AM I RIGHT!?



Did Naruto ever mentioned he hated seeing raven heads in the crowd? Its not that he hates the hair color...he was just traumatized by someone with that hair. Uchiha Sasuke to be precise. Personally Naruto is not the type to keep grudges or go too deep into things but desperate time calls for desperate measures. He can never lived down about what had happened. No, not when his pride had been humiliated!

When Naruto was little, he had to wear hand-me-downs from his big sister. As you can see, that led to a horrific childhood for the blond. It was when he entered 5th grade had his complaint were finally answered. But that's not part of the story here. A neighbor of theirs had a child of the same age as Naruto, and as all expected, they were forced to be 'best friends'. This victim alongside of Naruto was none other than the jerk Sasuke. Though it wasn't as bad as it sounds. Sasuke was quiet fun to play with, despite Naruto dressing like a girl. No one can really tell he was a guy back then, kids, they don't have much of a distinction between gender. Then one day in their 8th summer, it was a nice day, the cool breeze from the ocean rolling in, the leaves ruffling and fluttering in the wind and the soft whistling of the grass in the air. Sasuke had pecked Naruto on the lips, blushed and ran away, forever. And by forever, Naruto meant he haven't seen Sasuke since then. The raven moved away the next day and never showed up again. Naruto was heartbroken, his best friend, his neighbor, the guy who kissed him, gone without a trace. And Naruto never had the chance to beat the shit out of that kid and throw the dead body down a ditch.

"Pst, Naruto, who are you thinking of murdering this time?" Kiba grinned from across the classroom. The blond sent a sharp glare back at his brunet companion. It's not like Naruto cared about the kiss really, they were freaking eight! Also Sasuke had lived overseas until he was 5, Germany was it? No, no, no, it was Greenland! Agh, he can barely remember the 8 multiplication chart, being able to know where the douche used to live was way out of Naruto's capability. But it just pissed the boy off so much whenever he was reminded of the kiss. Now that he thought about it, he's not really angry...more like he's embarrassed about it. How cheesy and corny, a kiss under the tree in the summer?! How much more cliché could that get? But those memories always drag another bad reminder along with it. The Uzumaki had moved to Tokyo when Naruto was 9 because of his father's promotion and so most people do not know of Naruto's cross-dressing days. If Sasuke just waltz in his life and spilled the beans without a damn because that's the jerk he is, Naruto's highschool years is over. Not that it isn't already. Naruto just have to have a crush on the cutest and hardest to get girl in the school, Haruno Sakura. To be honest, he have no idea what he was thinking when he started liking her. This goes way back to 7th grade year and now he's a second year in highschool. Its been four years yet it seems that his lovesick self is still not over the bubble gum hair girl. Sakura...Sakura is the reason why...Naruto likes chewing bubble gum. She got a pretty nice body though, but Naruto isn't the type to go for a girl because of that. Hinata seems cute and Ino is hot stuff...but its not easy to give up a four years long commitment. After a few minutes, the blond found a comfortable position to stared at his dream girl and a love story he'll never have.

To be honest Sasuke dislike crowds, not that he didnt make it clear already but it seems he's that one worm every bird dive for. Girls always buzz around him for some reason, is it because of his onyx eyes? Are they that mesmerizing? Tch, what would he give to have those ocean blue He mustn't think of that now. Now is not the time. He was late for his first day of school here. Sasuke isn't that fluent in Japanese since he grew up in France...and a little in a town where there was an ocean breeze always rolling in...Sasuke stopped and slammed his head on the car's window, earning himself a red mark on his pale white skin. He groaned. Lately Sasuke's head had been filled with nothing but her. Ignoring the fact that the raven had been thinking about his childhood friend 24/7, he only have a faint image of what the blonde looks like. He can't remember her clearly, only her hair and eyes color. He kissed her before so to mark her and make her his but... Now it just seem really lame and embarrassing. She must've think he's a jerk and a weirdo. It's not his fault! He saw it on TV that day and wanted to try it out on the one he liked. That did not worked out the way it should have because he end up running faster than a ninja home out of embarrassment. No, as amazing as people deemed he is, he isn't that fast. He was obviously wasn't fast enough to return to tell the girl he loved her because she had already moved to another place, a place without his presence. He sighed, an eye for an eye as the saying goes. He have no rights or say on the matter when he was the one that dropped the bomb on her and left in the first place. He sighed again.

"Sasuke, stop the sighing, you're not even that old," Itachi said with disinterest as he took a turn around the corner. They had moved to Japan because their dad's biggest company is going to be built here. Sasuke have no idea what that have anything to do with him. He could've stayed in France and lived with their aunt until he's 18. He could always work from overseas, his job wasn't that important that he need to be physically there at the company. Of course that didnt happen because he's riding a car down the streets of Tokyo with an ever so grumpy face. Sasuke have never had problems with academics or sports or basically anything at all, except for languages with characters and love. Its always 'love' that seems to make him a less perfect person.

"We're here, go and prance along now, you are already late," Itachi said with a smirk on his face. He just loves seeing his oh so perfect little brother suffer. Its one of his greatest joy in life, can't afford to stop it now can he?

Sasuke glared at his brother and fling the door open. Itachi and his weird ass fetish, tch.

The raven took a deep breath and exhaled. He hated this helpless feeling of being in a foreign place. But he is an Uchiha and Uchiha have no weaknesses. All he have to do is simply do what he always does, "Give no fucks about anything". Nope. None at all. He walked up to the large building's front and pushed the double door open. Pulling out a map, he headed for the office because he have no idea what a transfer student in Japan's school was supposed to do first.


A sudden hunger hit Naruto and he immediately stood up and left the classroom. No one reacted. This was a normal routine for the blond and his classmates got used to it. His teacher had tried stopping him the first few times but it seems the boy can't work with an empty stomach. Too lazy to pull his hands out of his pockets, Naruto hooked the tip of his feet in the crack on the door way and slid it open with ease.


Shutting the door of the front office quietly, Sasuke make his way down the hallway. He had asked the principal and was told he just needed to go to class. What was it again?...Classroom 34 right? Keeping a mental image of the route he was supposed to take but then froze as he caught a whiff of the ocean. The Tokyo, in a building? A flash of blond hair appeared around the corner and it caught the raven's breath.


Naruto, hands in his pocket as he maneuver around the halls of the school. Well...lets see...what shall he eat today. Oh! Ichiraku's ramen of course, just like every other day. He chuckled and quickly turned around the corner, excited to eat.

Then blue morning sky meets midnight onyx eyes.

A long minute of holding breaths and Sasuke and Naruto standing there staring, eye widen at one another.

"Have we met?" Sasuke said, breaking the deafening silent.

Naruto just stood there. There's something about this person that sent his spine shivering and his murdering blood boiling.

Sasuke stood still, observing the boy in front of him. There's something about him that set the raven's heart flaring. He...he never felt this way before. Is this what it feels like to have a heart attack? The ocean hue his eyes contains...its so...tempting. Unconsciously, Sasuke reached out for the blond. His thoughts deeper in space than any science can ever explore.

Seeing the unfamiliar man's hand coming for him, Naruto instantaneously moved out of the way. Only to be trapped against the lockers, between both of the other boy's firm arms.

Sasuke either didn't noticed their closeness or simply didn't care. His dark eyes bore straight into Naruto's blue orbs. Observing and calculating.

"No we have never met?" Naruto panicked, flimsily trying to pushing one of the arms away and avoiding the raven's stare.

"Are you certain? Your eyes...and hair remind me of someone I used to know," Sasuke mentioned, still staring into the dept of the ocean blue eyes.

Naruto on the other hand was scared shitless of having to stare into the eyes of a bottomless pit of darkness and pain.

"Yeah, I'm definitely sure now," Naruto grumbled, inching his face away so he wont have to directly look at his other peer.

"Do you have any cousins or siblings or anything?" Sasuke asked desperately. He wants a hint, even if its just a little lead, he wants to find her.

"Ur...none that...I've heard of," Naruto lied, averting his eyes and scratching the back of his. A trait known too well by everyone that knows the blond, a sign that he's lying. Aha, but this kid is new, Naruto can tell, he have never seen anyone this attractive in this school before.

Sasuke observed the blond quietly. He can tell the boy was lying. It was all too obvious, he have been in his father business for years, it isn't hard to tell the fakes from the real. Though he have no idea why the boy wasn't telling the truth. What have he got to lose from answering such a simple question? He sighed, removed his hands and tuck them back inside his pocket. This person is a lead, and from the environments he grew up in, you learn to never, ever let go of a lead.

"Well, as you can see I'm new here, can you help me with the directions?" The raven asked flatly, straightening up. He already knew the way...but the more time he have to learn about his victim, the more beneficial.

Naruto sighed and it was full of relief then nodded. He's new...mostly likely they wont have to meet again. He hates lying because when you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything. Personally the blond doesn't even know why he's lying but this person give off an eerie aura. He don't like this weird feeling, its best to not leak anything unnecessary for now. Plus, those that duck butt hairstyle was driving his nerves and danger alarm crazy.

"Sure, which class is it?"

"34," Sasuke answered. An arrow shot right through the blond's honor. Class 34, in other word, class F2 1A, a smart ass class for smart assed kids. Its that one class Naruto can never get in, some people just aren't blessed with an intelligent brain.

"Come on, this way, before you're marked later than you already is," the blond said and leading the way.

The walk had only been a few minutes and it was silent the whole trip. Both boys were too cautious and wary of each other to even squeak a word. Most of the time though, Sasuke was thinking of a way to pry the secrets from the blond. HM...but how?...By the time they reach their destination, Sasuke can already do a report on all the gestures the blond boy do. The way he walks, shoe size, hair shade, shoulder length and basically everything.

"Its just through here," Naruto grinned and waved toward the door. Sasuke glared suspiciously at the fox grin the blond was giving him and grabbed the handle. Sasuke pulled on the door, however it didn't budge but only rattled really loud because of the strength he forced into it.

"Pffttt hahaha!" Naruto fell on the floor, cracking up.

The raven stared down at the boy, his face confused.

"Y..You...slide the doors..." Naruto wheezed. Blood rushed up to the raven's face, making his pale white skin pinker.

The sudden embarrassment caused the boy to slide the door too hard and it slammed open. Inside the class, the whole students body stared at Sasuke, eye widen. Great, now everyone thinks he have an attitude. But in reality, they were just gasping at how Sasuke was not a human made on earth but in heaven. Sasuke glared at the blond who is now dusting off his pants. The boy caught Sasuke's glared and grinned brightly.

"Good luck,"Naruto smiled evilly and ran off as fast as he could. Sasuke stared blankly at the empty hallway. Is...this war?...

"Ah good morning, you must be the new student," the teacher approached him smiling. Sasuke haven't realized it until now but he and that blond had been speaking English all those time. The raven droned out as the teacher introduces him and the class.

" that I thought about it...I never asked for his name...maybe next time?" Both of the boys thought as they endure the rest of the school day. Though what thoughts filled their head most was the mystery character of each other.

I'm finished with the first chapter of my 1st public fanfic..i wrote others but...yeah..some things on this earth are meant to be hidden, for public's safety and health. You know what they always say, 1st chapter is always the worse ФдФ(my pathetic excuse of a lie) 2nd chapter is even worse so cover your eyeballs. It'll get better I promise-(?) nah, no I don't guarantee anything heheh. If you collapse and die from reading a horribly structured sentence, I wont answer any law suits but I will go to your funerals :D