The twilight saga and the vampire diaries are owned by their respective owners

Chapter 2: falling in pieces

The Cullen's were a mess,

And they all knew it,

Carlisle found his mate in Annabeth, a 200years old vampire they crossed path with, but he missed his baby girl, everyday he will bring new band aids claiming that Bella will need them.

Alice was silent, long gone was the ball of sunshine, guilt was eating her from the inside, times and times again she will curl up and dry sob for hours,

Emmet was silent, no more booming laughts were heard of the giant of a man, nor jokes were heard from him, sometimes , the poor boy will run around calling for his baby sis…. His Bella-bear.

Jasper left the Cullen's unable to coop with the suffocating atmosphere in the house.

Edward left the house a day after they moved out of forks

Rose, was sad, she did not show it, but her body language spook otherwise, and esme was able to read it plainly.

Esme… felt empty inside, she longed for forks, for Bella,

Then esme realized something, they were falling into pieces.

But she will change that, wasting no time esme packed her stuff and took off toward forks in her black Mercedes.

She was able to get a job in forks high school, and esme forgot her phone in her car, as she looked it , she turned around noticing the woman in front of her



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