
The scene opens in the Griffin living room where Peter was sorting through the mail.

"Junk... junk... A letter for Meg... which is junk..." said Peter as she tossed it aside.

Meg then runs downstairs upon hearing this.

"Wait, a letter for me?" she asked as she picks it up from the waste basket and promptly opens it.

"What's it say?" asked Zack as he and the rest of the family walk downstairs.

"It's from Malcolm Fox," said Meg excitedly as she reads the rest of the letter, "He's uncancelling our series!"

"Yes!" said Maddie as she fist pumped, "We're finally back in business!"

"This is great news," said Lois, "We finally have work again."

"This means we can finally stop doing internet porn to pay the bills," said Peter.

"Peter... we don't do internet porn," said Lois., "Why would you even do internet porn? You still work at the Brewery."

"Oh... heh heh yeah," chuckled Peter nervously, "Of course not. Especially not for Fat Oily DILFS dot com."

"Ugh... I'm gonna be right back," said Zack as he walked out of the room, "I gotta give my brain a cold shower. And by cold shower I mean bash my head in with a lead pipe until I can get rid of that image from my head."

"Save some for me," said Brian dryly.

"So, um, yeah," said Stewie, "Looks like we're back."

"So that's it?" asked Brian.

"Well yeah," said Stewie, "This is just the prologue. What were you expecting?"

"I dunno," said Brian, "I was expecting some sort of metaphoric scene with us digging a body representing the old fic and bringing it back to life like Frankenstein."

"The author considered that, but he thought it was a bit too cheesy," said Maddie.

"Yeah, but this feels kind of underwhelming," said Brian, "I mean, we've been gone for 4 years. Don't we deserve a bigger fanfare for our return?"

"Let's just be thankful Mr. Fox is bringing us back at all," said Maddie, "And at least he didn't pull the "it was all a dream" cop out."

"Yeah, I mean look how big you and Stewie have grown in 4 years," said Brian.

"In fact, a lot has happened in 4 years," said Lois, "Meg, you and Zack made your pizza shop into a franchise and had a new baby boy, Chris and Jillian are married, my father died and I now run Pewterschmidt industries, Tilly just finished college at 4 years old and cured cancer, and Brian is a critically acclaimed writer and has finally met the girl of his dreams."

"Imagine the new story possibilities with all these changes..." said Brian.

Then suddenly, Meg wakes up in bed next to Zack in the dead of the night.

"Zack, wake up," said Meg as she shook her husband.

"What's the matter?" asked Zack hazily.

"I just had the weirdest dream," said Meg, "I dreamt that we were in a fanfic that got cancelled and was then uncancelled 4 years later."

"4 years? That's crazy," said Zack, "Maddie's still 1 and we adopted Cody only a month ago."

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!" shouted Brian angrily from Peter & Lois' room.

End Prologue