note- naruto is an orphan who is was adopted by Iruka

- sasuke also an orphan adopted by kakashie although he is rich due to various trust funds from his now deceased family members

time skip( Its now evening kakashie and Iruka are having dinner at a restaurant. Naruto and sasuke are each at home.


"I don't understand whats his problem, I'm starting to think he doesn't like the idea of the both of us dating Iruka?"says kakashie.

"I don't think its that, naruto would have told me if he did."replies Iruka

"Then why must he always fight with sasuke?, if this relationship is to work the kids need to get along with each other"

"You right kakashie, what do you think we should do?"

"Maybe if we stay together for a while they'll learn to get along"

"What about the trip we planned for next week? I don't mind leaving naruto alone, he can take care of himself, but naruto and sasuke alone in the house would be asking for trouble."

"You right, we see how they behave and if they cant be around each other we can cancel."

"That sounds like a plan"


kakashie and iruka enjoyed their evening and decided tomorrow they would meet for breakfast at kakashis house and then they would tell both the teenagers of their living arrangements.


next day around 7 in the morning at Irukas house

"Why do I have to come with you?, his your boyfriend"

"Because I told you to come Naruto"

"But I don't want to go"

" Stop being such a child. Is this because of Sasuke, you always seem to fight with him?"

"What no , why would i care about him?"

"Naruto just get dressed"


around the same time at kakashis house

"Why do you keep smiling at me?" asked Sasuke , he was seriously beginning to wonder if Kakashie had mental isssues.

"I'm not smiling"


-kakashi bursts out laughing, Sasuke looks at him with a blank face

"Did i forget to mention I invited Naruto as well?"


"What do you think about that?" asked kakashie



"Why did you invite him?"

"So you two would get along."

"I think we'll get along just fine"(smirk)


Iruka and Naruto arrive at Kakashis house.

"Ah right on time Iruka"... he goes over to Iruka and gives him a kiss on the cheek

"Morning kakashie ,morning sasuke," replies Iruka..." Naruto say hi to Sasuke"

"Hi Sasuke" mumbled naruto

-Kakashie leads them into the kitchen where the food has already been set. Naruto and Iruka sit next to each other and Kakashie and Sasuke sit on the other side of the table.

"Well dig in everyone" ,says Kakashie very enthusiastically, the table is then surrounded in and uncomfortable silence as Kakashi and Iruka both wonder how to break the new, eventually they get into a conversation about the school year. Throughout the entire conversation Naruto has his head bent looking at his food, using his fork to toss his breakfast around, when he chances a look at Sasuke he sees that he is smirking at him.

"Enjoying your food dobe?" sasuke asked him softly

He doesn't respond and gets kicked under the table on his shin, Naruto winces but pretends nothing happened.

"Naruto i asked you a question" ... hissed sasuke

"The food tastes fine" replied naruto

-Breakfast is soon finished and all of them are relaxing.

"Listen up", Kakashie says.."Iruka and I have decided that we going to be staying together for a while"

"What?,Why?" Naruto asked

"Because", Iruka replied 'You and Sasuke need to start getting along,its time to put your differences aside"

"That's not fair" replied naruto with a sense of dread

"Naruto relax it will only be for a few weeks". Kakashie said

"We only have two rooms sensei!" ,screamed Naruto

"Don't behave like a child Naruto".. warned Iruka

"I don't mind sharing a room with Iruka" replied kakashie

"Yea, I'm sure you don't you pervert", screamed Naruto

"That means Naruto, that you and Sasuke will be sharing a room" Iruka said sternly

"No we can't.."Naruto practically screamed

"Naruto stop behaving like a child,... Sasuke you haven't said anything, Is something wrong?" Iruka asked worriedly

"Hn. I'm fine , I was just thinking about what you said about sharing a room..."

"Is that a problem Sasuke?"

"No I think it would be fine"

"So it's settled tomorrow we'll come over Iruka".. said Kakashie excitedly


Naruto glares at Sasuke for a long time and Sasuke pretends he doesn't even notice it. Iruka and Kakashie are the only ones that seem happy about it . Iruka and Naruto leave for home so that Kakashie and Sasuke can pack their stuff, since they will be going over tommorow

Evening is soon upon them and Naruto is becoming exceedingly anxious. He and Sasuke are going to share a bed, that's the only thing that is on his mind, sure he can sleep on the sofa ,better yet he could sleep on the floor but his sure that Iruka would be mad at him.

The next day Kakashie and Sasuke arrived at Iruka's house. They knock on the door.

"Ah! , you finally here, come in, come in said Iruka".. They proceed to the the lounge where Naruto is watching tv.

Thanks for the reviews. I will update probably in a week :)