She hoped her hair wouldn't cause her this job because she really needed it.

Phoebe Durwin had to compose herself as she walked along Pensacola Drive, one of the main streets in Downtown Pensacola, Florida. She had the address of Island Boi BBQ in her hand as she scanned the surrounding buildings to see if one of them had the matching address on it. She wore her nice slacks and the nice blouse, unsure of how the place worked. But Phoebe knew that there was a dress code when it came to a job interview. But this job would have other ideas for her.

"Where is it?" She wondered out loud feeling her ponytail whip around with her head.

Being in a braid and resting just against her backside, Phoebe knew her hair brought onlookers, like the young couple she passed as she was looking for Island Boi. She caught them staring at her because of the large window she was standing in front of. Phoebe didn't pay them any mind because that was when she realized that she was standing in front of Island Boi BBQ.

"Okay, here goes everything." Phoebe mumbled as she opened the door.

The inside of Island Boi was like any other restaurant that she had seen. Booths and tables, with an island theme to everything. It was not a professional place, not in the least. She looked at the waitresses that were tending to the customers and saw the jean shorts, those Daisy Dukes cut off shorts and bikini tops. With her resume in hand, Phoebe looked around, hoping to see the man that she was looking for.

In the far back of the building was a door that said lounge. Was this a bar or a restaurant? She didn't see a sign outside that said this place had a bar/lounge.

"This isn't a professional place." She mumbled waiting for someone to wait on her.

There was a sign that said please wait to be seated, but with hardly any customers she didn't see a damn waitress or waiter anywhere. But there was a cashier.

"Excuse me," Phoebe said walking up to the dark haired woman who was texting on the job. The woman held up a finger before she continued to text whoever it was.

There was a large man walking through. He wore knee length jean shorts, a baseball cap and longish black curly hair hanging to the nape of his neck. His body was huge, in fat not in muscle, but of course that was a Samoan thing but it was a cultural thing Phoebe wasn't used to. To her, maybe he looked black in some ways, like the woman behind the cash register. Even this man seemed oblivious to the long haired woman standing mere feet from him.

"Danica, has anyone come for the bartender interview?" The man asked.

"Besides the ones you've already seen, no." The woman responded not looking up from her phone.

"Actually I am here for an interview." Phoebe spoke up, making the man look at her. The woman did, too, but she rolled her eyes.

Ignoring the fact that the dark skinned woman was giving her a dirty look, Phoebe focused on the man that seemed to be the owner of the place.

At only five foot five inches tall, Phoebe stood just under his chin. She could see his brown eyes, which made her smile politely, as her old job coach from school instructed her. Phoebe held her right hand out and introduced herself. "I'm Phoebe Durwin. I'm here for that bartending and server job you're offering." She said.

"I'm Matt Anoa'i, it's a pleasure to meet you. You just made it."

She wasn't going to say she got lost because the place didn't stand out. The rest of the neighborhood was like a tourist trap, this place looked run down and dingy, and that was the good part. Besides the fact that this place was the closest to the shelter she was staying at, Phoebe decided she was going to make the best of it while she had a chance at succeeding here.

"Is there anything you wanted to ask before we begin?" Matt asked her.

"Um, yeah, I guess. I didn't see a sign for a bar or lounge in here from the outside." Phoebe said as she followed the man towards the back of the property.

"Well, I hadn't intended on running a bar, but this building used to be a restaurant and lounge before I bought it. The bar was a second thought because I mainly focus on the restaurant. How many years have you been bartending?"

"I just finished college up in New York for bartending. I'm a mixologist so I'm familiar with tropical themed mixes." She answered as Matt opened up a door that went to the office in the back of the building.

"That's good." He said looking at her. "Do you have a resume?"

"Yes, it's right here, sir." She handing it to him.

There were five other girls standing outside of the office door, possibly waiting. There was only one other white girl there, the rest were differing shades of skin color from caramel to mahogany. It appeared that the strawberry blond and Phoebe herself were the odd ones out in this job interview. The others looked like they had been to the beach. It had only been a month since moving to Pensacola and Phoebe had not the opportunity to even see the beach for the first time.

She had other things to worry about, like living on the streets.

"You're from New York?" Matt asked.

"Yes, but I was born in Nebraska. My family moved to New York when I was young." She said as he motioned for her to enter the room. "And I am of legal age to be a bartender, at twenty-one."

The interview continued after Matt indicated to the seat. "I am a first time restaurant owner, there is a dress code here for a more exotic feel. It's a beach theme, I'm sure you've noticed that. That's why the women out in the hall were dressed the way they were."

"I'm not comfortable with the tops, the shorts I can deal with but if you don't mind me wearing tank tops I don't think you'll have an issue with me." She nodded, tossing her braid back over her shoulder.

"That can be arranged. But what do you plan on doing here?"

"If I start out as a bartender and a server, that's great. But I want to work my way up to bar manager, I may be quiet now but I feel like I can flourish in this business once I have found my voice." She answered truthfully. "It's not just about the money, sir. It's about succeeding as a person. Maybe one day I will own my own bar and I think this would be a perfect first step."

"You are aware of the reputation I have, right?"

Her brows furrowed. "I don't think I understand, Mr. Anoa'i."

"I will let you know that the restaurant is a family setting. I come from a big Samoan family. And a lot of us are professional wrestlers."

She shrugged. "No I didn't know that, sir."

"So you have never heard of Dwayne the Rock Johnson? Or Roman Reigns?"

Phoebe shrugged again. "I don't think I know who you're talking about."

Matt tilted his head, his left eyebrow raised while the other one lay normally on his head. That was a feat Phoebe knew she would never manage. "You really don't know who they are." The raised eyebrow came back down again. "They come in here near regularly."

"Okay. I don't know who you're talking about. That's because I don't watch wrestling. I've had other things going on in my life to worry about than some television wrestling thing, to be honest with you."

"You really don't care, do you?"

She shook her head. "I cam here to get a job, not get involved in wrestling. While I appreciate you telling me that you are related to some of the wrestlers, I didn't know about that before hand."

"I see," he leaned back in his chair with her large arms crossed.

"Can I prove to you that I can be a bartender and not get overwhelmed with celebrities coming in?"

"That's exactly what I had planned for today. Let me hold on to your resume and I will get the test underway." Matt stood up, which caused Phoebe to as well.

Joe Anoa'i was still pissed off at his wife Rochelle, but that was expected after getting off the road.

"Come on, drinking will do you some good." Jon Good, known as Dean Ambrose, said as they walked into the lounge part of Island Boi.

Colby Lopez, known as Seth Rollins in the WWE, was right behind his off screen friend. "Drinking doesn't solve everything."

"I know, but it will dull the senses." Jon replied.

Roman Reigns was a hard rock, a tough Superman in the WWE. But Joe Anoa'i was still a married man with a daughter to worry about when he wasn't on the road. It wasn't often that Joe would get rip roaring drunk because his priorities were always as a father to his daughter Malia. Yet as of late he was having issues with being married to his high school sweetheart Rochelle.

Matt was standing near the bar and there was a line of six girls standing to the side as he was talking to them. Most of them wore the customary short cut off jean shorts and red bikini tops. Except one. She was blond, at least corn yellow blond and she stood at the end of the line with her ass long hair back in a braided ponytail. But she was the only one not wearing the Island Boi clothing, she looked more professional than anyone else there.

That just made her stand out even more.

"Uce," Joe called out to his older brother.

The bar was empty, thank goodness. The bar manager Kathy Irving was sitting down at a booth with no intention of helping Matt. Like her sister Danica, Kathy liked being on her phone more than she did dealing with anything work related. Though Rochelle enjoyed her social media, she didn't share Danica or Kathy's constant enthusiasm for it.

"Mooch," Colby mumbled when seeing her also.

Jon headed straight for the bar, hopping up on a stool and dropping his sunglasses there. Colby followed his friend's lead and sat more towards the far end of the bar while Joe went to his brother.

"Hey, Joe, thank you for coming here."

"No problem." Joe hugged his larger brother. "It seems like you're holding try outs. I thought there was only one position open."

"Well, I was double thinking that at the moment. We really need a few more bartenders back here, especially if another SmackDown or Raw shows up here."

Joe pushed his long hair from his face as he looked at the applicants. "Did you give them the menu to look over?" Then he unconsciously pulled at the dark blue polo shirt he was wearing with his left hand, making his wedding band shine in the low light.

"Yeah, I did." Matt laughed. "I have it under control here."

Yeah, right, Joe thought as his gray eyes skimmed over the women, landing on the black slacked woman with the long braided blond hair again. She was the most unique out of all of them. Well besides the fact that the Strawberry blond was fiddling uncontrollably, like she was nervous or something.

"Can we smashed yet?" Jon yelled out.

"And I'm not drinking." Colby quickly added on that. "I have to drive their asses home and to the hotel after this."

"What's going to happen is that each of these women are going to approach you like you are customers. You'll tell me what you think about the drinks you are given and you'll write down what you think about their interactions with you. Afterward you will give me your thoughts on it and see where we go from there."

The braided blond leaned her head over to a woman that was whispering to her. Joe couldn't hear what was being said but the strawberry blond was nervous. She was dressed in cut off jeans and a red bikini top, like most of the other women and it only added to the fact that her face took on the same tint as her hair. Maybe the braided blond was telling her to calm down.

"Okay, sounds like a deal."

Joe couldn't wait to get this job interview stuff over with. He just wanted to go home to surprise Malia as she got off the bus from school.

Let the games begin, he thought sitting down at the bar with his friends.

Hi everyone. Hope you all enjoyed this first chapter of a new story. I'm starting this Roman Reigns project for this month and I really want to get this thing going so that everyone can read it. I'll have another update in a day or two.

So thanks for reading.