A/N: Okay, so I got the idea from another write by the name of OthilaOdal who wrote "Suburban Scandle" (Which I think you guys should check out because it's way better than my story) and I know I uploaded this a while ago - even taking it down because I wasn't too into it - but with things kind of getting hectic around my life, I kinda don't feel like writing a lot, so I'm reposting this story with a few edits here and there. But I don't expect it to be a favourite among all of you.

Warning, M rated for a very good reason. Don't like? Don't read.


(Mello P.O.V)

I tapped my pencil in pure boredom, getting lost in my own thoughts. I couldn't take public school for the life of me but I had to deal. Even if I was top of the class it was only because none of what I was learning was challenging enough for me. Well… that, and more than a few of my teachers fancied me. But that wasn't a huge issue.

Especially with my History teacher, Mr. Turner.

None of my male teachers were hard on the eyes, but Mr. Turner was definitely my favourite. Yes, I daydreamed even in his class – like now for example – but it didn't exactly effect my grades.

My teachers – mostly the male ones – all favoured me without question. I was a good student, I didn't cause trouble, and I kept to myself. Not only that, but in a sea of morons I managed to keep up my grades to a perfect one hundred percent. This was mostly because I didn't have much else to gain in my life other than the best scores possible. But that was because of my father.

My father was not an abusive man… but that didn't mean he cared much about me.

I was sixteen reaching my seventeenth year and still he treated me like a child. Not to mention he wanted nothing to do with me or my achievements. Not when he had two other perfectly perfect sons in his care.

My father was a semi-large man with a rigid stature. He was the epitome of of stark and coldness, and he rarely ever smiled. If he did smile it was because either of my brothers, Emmett and Luke, would have some kind of great sporting achievement or strike up a deal in the higher-ups in the world. I didn't pay attention too much to them though since they were getting most of the love from our father anyway.

My mother was a different story though.

Although both my parents had blonde hair and either blue, or dark blue, eyes, my brother's resembled our father and I resembled my mother. I was meek looking and effeminate, which only added on to the contempt my father had for me, and it didn't help that I played for the other team. Even more… no one in my family knew about it, save for my grandmother. But it wasn't like there were no signs, especially when I showed no interest in females when my father brought some home to meet his sons. They were wealthy young women who were related to the man's business partners and he was more than upset with me when I ignored them.

"Honestly, I try to help you and you turn them all down." I remember him saying, not even looking at me.

I loved my parents… of course I did. But I just wished that my father could love me as much as my mother did.

My mother was a beautiful woman. She had long cascading hair that framed her angelic face, making her blue eyes sparkle delicately like pools of fresh rain water. She was petite, curvy, and her smile was always genuine. I could only dream to be as beautiful as her, but – at least to my father – it wasn't right for males to be perceived as females. But that's not what I wanted to be. I enjoyed being male, considering I had more options, but I liked the thought of having men bow at my feet due to my beauty as well. But, in this world, men couldn't be beautiful. Sexy and hot, perhaps. But not beautiful.

At least that's what the straight populace believed. I happened to think more than enough men could be considered beautiful.

Like Mr. Turner for example.

I took a glance at the man in my thoughts and felt the sly grin in my face widen.

Mr. Turner was a sight to behold. He wasn't buff, but he was toned. His skin was naturally sun-kissed and looked soft to the touch. He wore a loose fitting, blue dress-shirt that was tucked into dark khakis. I'd sometimes fantasized about that shirt being torn off just so I could see all the beautiful ripples of muscle underneath.

I admit, I had an imagination – especially if I was writing – but sometimes I had to stop myself from the really vivid stuff to keep from losing myself in class. Yes, most of them were dirty, and I wasn't ashamed of that. But it wasn't like I was proud of them. There was a lot in my life I wasn't proud of… but it's just the way I handled things.

The bell for the school day ended and everyone in class was hurrying to get out the door so they could go home. Not me, though. I usually took my time considering I wasn't too happy with my home-life at the moment. But there were ways of helping me to forget.

Yet another thing I'm not too proud of… but not something I hate.

The class departed and soon it was just Mr. Turner and myself. It wasn't long before his usually relaxed eyes became hungry once more.

"Mihael? You're staying behind again?" His lurid voice whistled through the air.

I hummed, picking up my side pack. My grin hadn't fallen once. "I'm not too keen on going home at the moment. And I told you before to call me Mello."

He chuckled lightly before leaning on his desk, arms crossed and eyes following me. "I apologize, Mello. I forget about your little nickname from time to time. How it ever came to be is a mystery."

"No mystery, I simply like it more than 'Mihael'. So I told people it was a nickname my grandmother gave me."

I swung the bag over my head and was about to leave the room before a soft hand was pulling me into an embrace. Were the door not closed this would have never happened. However, circumstances being what they were, Turner took whatever opportunity he could to have me close to him.

I never fought him either.

I'd kept it secret from everyone I knew that this little affair was currently going on. It started simply enough when Mr. Turner noticed my absentmindedness in class and wanted to see me at the end of the school day to discuss what was on my mind. One or two more of his meetings later and I was sprawled across his desk begging to him and writhing under his touch. Sad part is… he wasn't my first.

Sadder part? He knew this.

He tightened his embrace. "Don't suppose you've been seeing that man again, have you?"

I scoffed. "I can't be bent over just your desk, Turner. Especially in a crowded school like this."

"I can always lock the door. And I know you're well aware of my private office." He reminded with a warm whisper to my ear.

Just when he slid down his hand to the button of my jeans, his phone rang out in a familiar tone. He groaned at this, but I merely snickered.

I unfolded his arms from me and made for the door. "Your girlfriend is calling. I shouldn't keep you from her." I looked back at him snidely before bidding him good day and walking off down the hall.

Although I did not look the part, I was a deviant beyond belief. I constantly fantasized about being taken by more than a few of my teachers and friends, but none really held my interest. Mr. Turner and the man he specified offhandedly were my main men to go to, but they were small accidents in a sense. I never meant to sleep with them, but it just happened.

I heard a few people running up to me, but I was unfazed. I knew who they were, but I wasn't too interested in them for the moment. I guess one could call them my friends, but that was only because I lacked a better word for them.

Jean spoke up. "What did Turner want with you this time?"

I shrugged at him. "He caught me day dreaming again I suppose. He got interrupted by a call from his girlfriend so I made my escape."

Sydney, a rather lanky young female, sighed dreamily. "I wish he'd call me in after class! I'd give the world for his attention."

I rolled my eyes at her. Yes, Turner was quite the specimen, but he had no interest in anyone aside from me or his 'serious' girlfriend.

"You think they'll get married?" Adam asked. "She seems to be dropping hints lately."

Sydney pouted. "Yeah, and it's getting annoying. Especially when she calls him in the middle of class, disrupting that beautiful voice of his!" She sighed again, then got serious once more. "I don't care if she's a hand model, she's just rubbing it in our faces that he's taken."

Jean scoffed. "I don't care, she can come visit class any time she likes! Just so long as I can get a good mental image of her for later on in the night."

Sydney punched him playfully as I yet again rolled my eyes. I didn't care too much about Mr. Turner being with someone else. It didn't stop the fact that he wasn't as into her as she was into him. He even told me himself that he hadn't wanted to be in a relationship with her, but I wasn't going to get involved with a man who had such a clingy girl on his arm. The only time I'd ever been intimate with him was when he was single. Any time after that he was cut off from me, and it was only starting to surface now how completely she wasn't satisfying him.

As the three bickered on about a potential marriage between the two good looking people, I made my escape and headed for home.

Well… first I had to make a pit stop. So I wouldn't be home for another few hours I suppose.

Our next door neighbors that I'd known for about five years now had hired me for some menial tasks around the house. Feeding the cat being a large portion since it was a purebred Siamese cat that was used in shows the same way a dog would be. The other tasks were to water the plants, wash dishes, and sometimes cook for both her husband and the cat. However weird that sounded, I got paid pretty well.

My neighbors were a married couple of ten years, Destiny being a semi-young pretty woman with nicely trimmed hair that carved her face quite beautifully, and her husband was what you'd call… a layabout. He was more than useless when it came to caring for the house, being from a large city and apartment life, so that's why I'd been hired. My mother had told them I was most trustful when it came to keeping a house together, and thus I got the job.

With Destiny at her late night job as a teller at a bank, she handed over the reins to me after she left for work. A cruel mistake on her part.

It wasn't a long walk to my neighbor's house, especially when I hurried since I was not fond of school, and it wasn't long before I was left by Mrs. Destiny Ross to do my chores.

"Thank you so much, Mello!" She said to me before hurrying out the door. "I can always count on you!"

She handed me a notepad of things to do, slipping me an extra twenty dollars on my usual pay for being early, and she was off to her workplace.

I closed the door and read the list of things to do. Before I could finish reading, however, there came another familiar touch to my hips before pulling me into an embrace. Yet again, I did not fight this.

Destiny was a loving and trusting young woman, and she dearly cared for her husband. However, familiarity breeds contempt, and it would seem her husband wanted more out of his marriage than what she was offering.

Rod Ross was a burly man, maybe twice my age at that, but he gave me what I'd desired since first becoming a teenager; freedom. He was the first man I'd been intimate with and not once had his wife caught on in the two years we'd been sneaking around. Yes, I'd been ashamed at first, but the more my home-life disintegrated the more I desired his touches. When my father openly ignored me, I thought about Ross. When my brother's got all the attention, I craved for Ross. And when I just wanted to be myself for even an hour during the week…

Well… Ross was always there with open arms.

…as long as his wife wasn't around…

I hummed a bit at his touch. "She's not even gone two minutes and you're all ready?"

I felt his large lips on my neck before he answered. "The wife's been holding out on me."

I rolled my eyes at this.

I remember a time when I was so introverted that I was turning into a hard-ass like my father, but I finally found a place where I could let myself feel free for just a few hours. I hadn't even cared that I'd lost my virginity to a man over half my age. I'd felt free and complete for the first time in my life, and I was begging for more by the time it was all over. I still yearned for his attention, but with Turner as a second option nowadays I had two places to let loose and be free. The only downside was that since I kept the cover of an A plus student with at least a slight innocence to me, I never saw them too often or had much contact with them intimately. The last time Ross and I were intimate had been a month ago, and even then it ended far too early than I'd wanted it to since his wife had ended her shift early and we had to scramble to get me out of the house before she could find me in bed with him.

Tonight would be no different.

I moved away from Ross' hands to start my chores. "I can't tonight. My parents are expecting me home right after for dinner to celebrate Emmett's engagement."

He groaned at this before humming at the news. "Poor kid doesn't know what he's getting into, does he?"

I shrugged as I filled up the water dish for the cat. "I don't know that he's marrying her for himself or our father. Either way it's a waste of time."

"You don't believe in marriage?" He asked in a sort of joking manner.

After the water I got right along with the dishes. "Why tie yourself down when there's so many others to choose from. It's like drinking the same wine over and over again. Maybe it tastes good now, but what about other flavours?"

He leaned against the counter, a sly smirk on his face. "Thus the reason you and that teacher are so close, hmm?"

I scoffed at this. "He's taken by that clingy hand model. I barely get any attention from him at all anymore. Too bad," I smirked back at him, "he seemed like a promising replacement for you."

"Replacement? Why? Because he's younger?" He chuckled before slipping his hands around my waist again, pulling me into his chest. "Just because he's younger doesn't mean he's got as much knowledge as me. After all, it was me who made you scream in pure ecstasy for the first time. I'd say that takes raw talent for someone like you."

I decided to tease the animal a bit and grind my hips against him before replying, "And you've never disappointed me since."

Rod Ross was as burly and strong as they came, but he was not marriage material. His marriage to his wife was strained merely because she didn't satisfy him in the way I could. He needed rough, guttural, carpet burning, crude sex, and Destiny just couldn't handle that it would seem. But, for me, the sneaking around, the quiet conversations, the texts sent late at night filled with heated and lewd remarks, was just what I needed to get that feeling of release in my life.

My parents were not rowdy or crude. My mother was a lovely woman who liked to joke around, yes, but she never made any immoral comments about sex or any sort of bodily functions. My father was WAY too proper of a gentleman to even consider the thought, and he demanded this from his family as well. My brothers were proper, my mother was proper, and I was proper. But, from the moment I tasted freedom, I never wanted to let it go again. And I guess that's where my deviant-like nature stemmed. The more times I ran around with some older man, the higher amount of freedom and release coursed through me, and because of this I felt normal to the world.

Rod Ross hissed at my intention. "You'd better see me later tonight, blondie. I don't know how much longer I can hold out."

I ground my hips into him again, feeling more than enough through the thin fabric. "Destiny works until two in the morning?"

He nodded, holding me tighter to stop from ramming into me.

I finished the last dish and turned to him. "Then I'll be over at ten thirty. Text me if she calls in an early night."

His lips met my neck once more and I had to fight to control myself. "Don't you dare make me wait any longer than that." He warned.

I wasn't afraid though. The more anxious he was, the rougher the sex. The rougher it was, the more freedom I had.

I finished up my chores around the house and left for home soon afterwards, promising to be back later, however much Ross wanted me now.

I entered my home and dropped off my bag at the door and hurried to find the family. I wasn't late, but I knew my dad would still chew me out for not being here when Emmett arrived.

I entered the family room to find the young groom to be with his fiancé on the loveseat, my parents across from him on the sofa, and Luke sitting in the armchair.

Emmett was happy to see me and hurriedly left his seat, and overbearing fiancé, to hug me.

His hug was tight, but nothing I couldn't handle. "There's my baby brother! I was just asking where you were!"

I grinned slightly. "Just earning some extra cash for your wedding gift." The comment came out almost snidely. I wasn't too fond of Emmett's new wife, and for good reason.

She was blonde, just like us, but a complete bitch if ever there was one. She played the nice game around Emmett and my family, but alone she was more than cruel to me. She called me all sorts of things behind their backs, 'faggot' and 'freak' being her favourites. She hated me for no good reason and I was never able to stand up for myself around her since the family loved her. And why wouldn't they, right? I mean, she's tall, thin, gorgeous, and won eight beauty pageants in a row. She treated Emmett like he was her world, but I knew she only cared about his money.

Emmett owned his own restaurant, and business was booming! He was even looking to expanding across England. When that gold-digging whore caught onto this, she was all over him like a fly to a pile of horse shit. And that made me angry, especially when she had the whole family fooled but me. And I couldn't say anything because no one took me seriously. I did try to talk Emmett out of marrying her, and I even expressed my fears for him, but he just shrugged it off as me being jealous and believing that he'd be taken away from me.

If only he knew how true that was.

I sat down on the floor beside my mother after hugging Emmett and listened in on the conversation.

"It's wonderful to hear the preparations for the wedding are going nicely." My mother commented. "And the wedding rehearsal is on the twenty-eighth, correct?"

Emmett nodded. "And I'm hoping to see you all there because the wedding will be the next morning, and I want everything to be perfect."

"We'll be there, son. We promise." My father spoke up. He then looked at me. "Speaking of which, did you find a date yet for the wedding, Mihael?"

I grumbled. "No, and I don't want one."

He sighed heavily and angrily, scratching at the tuft of his perfectly trimmed boxed beard. "I told you it's not an option. Now find one this week, or you aren't going."

"Fine by me." I let slip.

Before my father could start ranting about what I'd said, Emmett got between us. "Dad, it's okay if he doesn't want to bring a date. He just doesn't want to bring anyone. It doesn't matter to me."

"Of course!" Christa added, tightening her grip on Emmett's arm. "He has every right to his choice in the matter."

I had to stop the eye-roll that was begging to surface. She was such a fake it wasn't even funny.

There came a small ding from the kitchen signaling dinner was ready and we all began to pile into the dining room. Well… everyone but Christa and me.

She had actually grabbed me by the collar and pulled me aside to throw me to the floor.

"Get this through your thick head, freak. My wedding is a month away, and I won't have you ruining that for me. Got it!"

Her voice was venomous and quiet, but I was unafraid. "Whatever. Don't expect me to cry for you though when he realizes what a cunt he married."

She slapped me for that and spat on my face. "You say nothing to Emmett! Or your whole family learns about you stealing from your parent's wallets to buy a crack pipe."

That was a blatant lie and she knew it. But, knowing her, she could make it sound believable. She was good at manipulating people to her will.

I finally rolled my eyes before heading up to my room.

My mother caught me halfway up the stairs. "Aren't you eating?"

I shook my head. "I have homework to do. Please don't bug me."

She smiled. "That's my little A plus student!"

From that point on I knew I'd be left alone. I had some chips and a box of cereal in my room for when I was studying and I had to miss dinner, and my family knew about this fact. So I was at liberty to sneak out and do what I wanted for the time being.

I texted Ross and he confirmed everything was alright and that I could come over early. From eight to around eleven at night I would be his. In that time I'd be more than free of the stresses I was facing at the moment.

I knew it was wrong to be doing something like this to help with my stress, but god did I need it. I needed to feel wanted for even a moment! And the only way I ever had that was through sex. Yes, it was sad…

…but nothing and no one else wanted me.