Chapter 21: A Spy?!
The hallways darkened as the Dark Lord trekked across to the situation room with his robes billowing behind him. He stormed into the room to find a group of Death Eaters already kneeling and looking as if they had been in a fight. One of them was bleeding from his shoulder and another could barely keep upright. The roomed seemed to drop a few degrees as Voldemort took a seat at the head of the room.
"Someone better have some good news or I might be inclined to do something drastic. I am not in the mood for disappointment!" Voldemort said as a whisper.
The Death Eaters shivered. The man in the middle of the group stood up and seemed to be the leader of the small party. "My Lord," he started "we were ambushed on our way to the meeting spot. We seem to have a rat among us. Dumbledore's goons of morons were waiting for us at the portkey. We were unable to defend ourselves properly. There were too many of them and too few of us. Addams and Jones are both dead my lord." He concluded looking downward. Daring not to look the Dark Lord in the eye.
Voldemort was seething in his chair not because his death eaters failed in their mission but because of Dumbledore's band of nitwits. To think there is a mole within his ranks! One of his Death Eaters a spy?! Once he discovered who the culprit was they were sure to die a slow and painful death.
Soon after a few more testimonies from the remaining men the Dark Lord dismissed them to get patched up. He had a few things on his mind and left the retreating men looking puzzled because not one of them had been reprimanded. The Dark Lord was changing and they were starting to notice it.
*Short chapter sorry! It will be longer next time* -Castlerocks