Battle of the Smash Crews
by Yoshizilla-Fan
Yoshizilla-Fan: The whole Smash Crew thing has become popular, hasn't it? Not only does this fic pit these crews against each other, but this is also my 100th fanfic. This is going to be such an exciting fic. I hope you enjoy it. I think you will.
Palutena farted a cute little poot in front of the other Cute Toot House members in the Smash Mansion, which consisted of Silver the Hedgehog, Mario, and Zelda, giggling as she fanned her butt, several other cute toots following.
"Darn it, Palutena! Did you just cut the cheese again?" Silver groaned, smelling Palutena's toots.
"Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Cheese?" Little Mac gasped, going into a cheese attack, suddenly floating in the air and following the smell of cheese in the air apart from Palutena's farts.
"What's-a-his-a-problem-a?" Mario asked.
"I'm not sure." Zelda told him.
"Hey, gotta keep this house living up to its name!" Palutena stated, letting out another cute toot.
Meanwhile, the Hot Topic Krew, which consisted of Lucas, Wolf O'Donnel, Shadow the Hedgehog, and several other members were eating slices of pizza while drinking Capri Sun, when Little Mac floated in, smelling the open boxes of pizza, grabbing a few slices and eating them whole.
"Hey, that's our pizza, you cheese thief!" Wolf growled.
"I bet those people at the Cute Toot House set you up to this!" Shadow remarked.
Little Mac broke from his cheese attack, landing as he got up. "What? I don't even know what happened!"
"Oh shut up! We're gonna give those Cute Toot Twerps what for!" Wolf growled.
The Hot Topic Krew then showed up at the Cute Toot House, each of them in their fighting stances.
"What do you guys want?" Silver asked.
"You sent Little Mac to steal and eat our cheese pizza! So now, we're gonna beat that pizza's worth out of you!" Shadow remarked.
"Oh gosh!" Toadette gasped, letting out a cute little toot herself, sitting next to Lana.
"Oh, not these guys again!" Princess Peach growled, standing up and letting out a cute little toot of her own, having walked by and noticed them.
Before anyone could act, Lana burped loudly, her burping being loud enough to shake the room, blowing the Hot Topic Krew away as Lucas tried fighting back with PK Fire, which proved stupid as Peach and Palutena farted again, their gas being lit on fire as it caused the entire mansion to catch fire, with Greninja using Water Pulse to put it out, only for Pikachu to overreact as he accidentally used Thunderbolt, which was Super Effective against Greninja.
Everyone shook off the burns and stared at Lana.
"What? I had too much grape soda today." Lana shrugged, another burp coming out of her.
"I'm surrounded by idiots." Pit groaned.
"This isn't over, Cute Toot House! Soon your demise will be our next hot topic! Because that's how we roll." Wolf remarked, crawling up to them as the other HTK members groaned in pain, all of them piled up on the other side of the hallway.
"This is horrible." Falco stated. "Do you know what you've started?"
"So what? We're Smashers. Fighting each other is what we do." Palutena shrugged as she, Peach, and Toadette let out cute trumpet toots in unison.
"Yeah, but we don't all let out these farts!" Silver groaned, annoyed by their flatulence.