Jon Pov

I was driving home after football practice with my idiot of a friend and his siblings. They were talking about some movie that had just come out. He honestly wasn't paying attention. His thoughts were once again occupied by his long lost sister. He could still remember her face when Valentine had shoved his daughter in the car and drove off. It was a look of despair, sadness, and worst of all, fear. Somehow, mom hadn't gotten custody of both children, instead she just got her son and not her daughter. Honestly, he had expected him to get dragged away by his father. Not his innocent sister.

"Hey Jon! Are you even paying attention to the road? We passed your house like, five minutes ago." I was shocked out of my mind by Jace's snarky voice. Oh, I guess I had passed my house. Which is near impossible, I mean it is huge. I turned into a random driveway and then turned back around then for your information did not miss my house this time. We walked into the house and was greeted by the smell of coffee and paint. Mom was painting just like any other day. You see, mom is an amazing artist. I mean how else could we afford such a huge house, definitely not off of Luke's book store. Luke is my mom's boyfriend, ever since I was 11.

"Mom! I'm home, and I've got guests that are staying for dinner!" I could hear a slight echo through the house. Mom came down the stairs in a paint splattered plaid shirt with a white t-shirt under it, she had skinny jeans to go with the look and her hair was up in a bun with a paint brush sticking out of it.

"Hi honey. Hello honey's friends. I have big news! I just got off the phone with the government and guess what!" Instead of just me answering my moms question we all answered with our own personal answers.

Jace: "To congratulate you for getting my gorgeousness into your house."

Alec: "To congratulate you on getting Jace's big head through the door."

Izzy: "To give you money for shopping."

Me: "To congratulate you on raising me."

"No, No, I wish, and no. Jon, Your father was in an accident and has died so your sister is coming to live with us! Isn't that fantastic! I've gotta go tell Luke! LUKE!" She ran off to go tell Luke while I was still frozen by surprise.

"Jon. Hello! You there?" Izzy tried to get me to move while on the inside I was freaking out! I'm finally going to see my long lost sister.

"MOM!" And I ran off to ask for more details of my sisters arrival. "Mom! When is she coming here? Is she staying for good? Valentine is dead?"

"Umm, tomorrow, yes, and yes. We should go shopping for her as a welcome home sort of thing. Come on! Everyone into the car! That means you to Luke." Mom grabbed her purse and car keys and shuffled us out the door. Mom and Izzy were excited, but mom mostly because she gets to see her daughter and Izzy because she gets to go shopping.

When we got there and by the time it was almost over everyone had at least five bags except Izzy. I snuck off to the pet store to get sis a special gift. Tomorrow was definitely going to be eventful.