Location: classified
Place: HYDRA facility
Time: 19:00
She heard the bang some where in the back of her mind. She saw the bullet imbed itself into her shoulder. There was only one thought in her head
"Dammit. Not again." Terra resisted the urge to roll her eyes until the sharp pain of a bullet went through her body. She clenched her jaw, put her hand on the wound so that she wouldn't bleed out, raised the gun in her hand and pulled the trigger. All in one smooth movement, the result of intense repetitive training. The man across from her fell to his knees in pain, she walked out but not without muttering "sorry man" with the long searched for files in her hands.
Location: Classified
Place: S.W.O.R.D. HQ
Time: 23:32
" Damn it Terra! What the hell were you thinking! I know this mission is close to home, but you can't just make a call like that! You should've pulled out when I told you to. We were this close to losing some of our own." Aaron Tannor, director of S.W.O.R.D., was yelling at Terra, one of his best agents. Formally know as Skye.
Moving his hand up to show her Terra remained silent. She kept her mouth shut and looked him in the eye.
" No, I wasn't thinking. I was going with my gut, the way you taught me to. And yes, this is personal. Because those bastards took down S.H.I.E.L.D. for gods sake. And they almost took down my old team. And I sure as hell will not allow them to do that."
" Nerves of steel… damn. I'm proud of you kid. You've grown so much from the girl that I found on the streets. But I am worried about you. You've been working yourself into the ground. I'm sending home for the weekend."
Director Tannor raised a hand to stop her.
" I'm not taking no for an answer. Go. Home."
"Fine" She sighed. Too tired to put up a fight.
Location: Unknown
Place: BUS
Time: 21:07
" Come on, come on, come on." Fitz muttered. " Almost there, just a little more, come on dammit!"
" Fitz, Coulson wants to-"
"AHA got you! Simmons. I found her." Jemma Simmons felt a rush of something and everything. Ever since Skye chose to run when the incident with Miles happened, and with S.H.I.E.L.D. down, they were short people. Meaning that Skye could help them. At first the search was relaxed until they found nothing. Absolutely nothing. It was as if she didn't exist. There was no trace of her anywhere. Relief. That's what Jemma felt, relief.
Coulson was in his office deep in thought when he asked for Fitz to give him an update, he burst into the room. "Sir," he said breathlessly " I found her"
Location: Classified
Place: Terra's apartment
Time: 01:47
" God, that was one hell of a day", Terra muttered to herself stretching. She winced a little as she felt the soreness of a gunshot wound in her shoulder. She turned her kitchen light on as she heard a voice, "Careful. I heard bullet wounds hurt." Skye pulled her gun and flicked the safety off. The voice was… familiar.
"Impossible." She muttered. The outline of a man sipping a glass of scotch on her sofa facing towards the wall of books she had.
" Not really. You left. We searched. And here we are." The man took a sip of his drink. This couldn't be happening. She deleted every file on herself. She practically killed 'Skye'. She created a new life .There shouldn't have been a single thing that could have possibly led to her. "How…? Coulson?" The man came out of the shadows as she lowered the gun, " Hello Skye. I think its time we had talk." Then someone shot her with an ICER.
An hour or two earlier
Coulson was briefing the team.
"May and I will go into her apartment. She probably won't be home till late so we should enough time to plant some bugs in there. Fitz, Simmons, you two are going to wait in the van until we can get the connection going. Ward, you're gonna keep watch with them and make sure that she doesn't see May. This could get tricky."
Coulson and May walked into the apartment. It was quiet and clean. There were coats on the coat hanger by the door, walking silently through the hallway they saw a modern apartment. A little like a loft with a wall of white shelves filled with books in the living room, he opened a wooden cabinet next to him. It was filled with wine, scotch, vodka, basically a lot of alcohol. He let out a low whistle, while May raised an eyebrow. "Well," he said "lets get to work."
After they finished Coulson poured himself a drink while May raised another eyebrow. " What? She has enough of it." He muttered. " Pass me the bottle" she said dryly, while she poured herself a drink. They sat there in silence for a little while until they heard a key jumble around in the lock. May quietly got up turned off the lights and went into a corner.
May watched as Skye walked in. She was wearing different shades of black, with the outline of a grey phoenix rising from the ashes on her back. It looked like a logo, as if she was part of an agency. As Coulson let himself be known to her, she smirked. Always one for the dramatics. She saw Skye grab the gun, which was placed between the waist line of her pants and her back. The movement was smooth and rehearsed, it was a reflex, she realized. May assessed her posture, cool and calm but still guarded. Her hand was steady as she held the gun. The way her body reacted was quick, giving no time for an attacker to stop her with a bullet.
"She was trained", she thought, "but by who?" She was different now. She wasn't the easy going hacker they first found, but a hardend agent. And that was when May shot.
Location: the BUS
Place: the Interrogation room
Time: 05:00
Skye stirred, her body groaned in protest. Before she opened her eyes she went by the feeling. She was in a metal chair, leaning on a cold table. Her clothes were the ones that she wore on missions. She tried to move her arms but they were restrained. Then the memories of last night came back. " You cannot be serious", she said in her head. She opened her eyes, " Why am I getting a serious sense of déjà vu?" knowing that they were watching and could hear her. Coulson entered the room shortly after she woke, sitting down across from her.
"So this was your idea of a 'talk'" her voice dripping with sarcasm "'cause we could have done talked, like normal people, in my apartment." Coulson pinched the bridge of his nose trying to figure out how to approach the situation before Skye's voice broke his train of thought.
"Where the hell did you go Skye?! We were worried sick! One day you're gone from us, choosing the civilian life the next you're just gone. Do you know how long and hard we searched for you?" A small part of his fears, and stresses being let. Like a father losing his daughter. " Why'd you vanish?"
"Coulson…" Skye's small voice let out, " I'm sorry". Coulson looked at her in the eyes, they were different and he noticed. The were hard and steely, they had seen pain and death, he wanted to help her, figure out who hurt her so much and make them pay. Then the alarms started blaring.
Yes, yes i know. its kinda bad but i have hope