I own nothing. Thanks for reading.

Drunk Simmons (requested by Guest)

"I can't believe she's still laughing." says Bobbi

"I know. All I did was put the wine bottle back on the table." says Skye as they both watch Simmons giggling nonstop

"I bet she won't even remember today." says May as she sips some of her whiskey

"Most likely. I'll take a couple of pictures though to send to her at a later unknown time and date." says Skye pulling out her phone of Simmons who is now pointing at May and laughing.

"Is your friend alright?" asks Alonzo as he collects some of their plates

"Yeah, she's just a lightweight." responds Bobbi as they all watch Simmons fall to the floor laughing.

"Alonzo. Allons-y Alonzo." laughs Simmons from the floor as she continues to repeat the word Allons-y.

"Is she speaking French?" asks May

"Only Simmons would speak French while she's drunk." says Skye now taking a video with her camera.

A Better Proposal

"I'm giving you a better proposal." repeats Coulson down on one knee after May questions why he is proposing again

"Is this because the others said that it sounded like a business deal?" asks May looking down at him


"You know that doesn't matter to me right. I'll marry you no matter the proposal."

"I know. If you're not going to say yes can you at least nod? They're watching and the wet grass is ruining my pants. I may have to change before we leave."

"You could at least ask me the question."

"You said it didn't matter."

"I know but you went through all the effort."

"Fine. Will you Melinda May do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

May nods yes as Coulson slides the engagement ring on her finger.

"Great now help me up. How badly are my pants ruined?" asks Coulson not wanting to see the stains on the pants.

"Pretty bad. Come on I'll help you change them."

How to train Skye to fly

"Where are you off to in a hurry?" asks Simmons to Skye as they are eating breakfast

"May's teaching me how to fly today since I successfully memorized that entire manual. She tested me on it the other day and I did better than expected. Her words."

"Well have fun. Tell me how it goes at dinner?"

"You got it." replies Skye before leaving Simmons to finish her breakfast

"We're going to start out simple." says May once Skye arrives to the airplane hangar

"I want you to match up the words on these cards to the parts of the Bus."

"Didn't you already test me on this earlier?"

"Yes but its different when you're timed. Like with your training as a pilot you need to keep a cool head. It's the only way to succeed."

"How long do I have?" asks Skye when May hands her the cards

"We'll start off with ten minutes and work our way down to five. It'll get harder after each run."

"How will I know when times up?"

"You'll know. Now off you go." says May as she pushes Skye towards the Bus

On the first try, Skye managed to correctly assign the cards to their counterparts in under five minutes so May decided to up the difficulty.

"How in the world is she going to make this harder?" mutters Skye to herself as she walks up the ramp.

She found out when the ramp was closed and the Bus started to shake and the computers inside starting to beep and make noises. The lights also started to flash.

Skye managed to finish this run when the clock hit ten minutes but with some mistakes. After three more tries Skye was able to complete the run with no mistakes.

"Alright. Take a lunch break and meet me in Vault F." says May

After lunch Skye walks into Vault F with May and she sees a flight simulator set up.

"Go ahead and have a seat while I set up the program." says May walking to a set of computers.

"We'll start with the take off. Go through all the checks before beginning."

After a couple of goes at this, they moved to practicing landing the plane which took a little bit longer for Skye to grasp.

"Did you learn this way?" asks Skye once they were finished for the day

"Not really. I had to do an emergency landing on an op and it turned out that I had a knack for it." answers May

"Well how long do you think I have until I can fly an actual plane?"

"By yourself? With other people on board? Longer than you think but you'll get there."

"So what are we going to do next time?"

"The same thing."

"Really. Including the notecards?"

"Including the notecards."

Trouble Sightseeing in Italy (requested by somethingpunny)

"Simmons we can't be down here. I told May we were just going to the bathroom." whispers Skye as she and Bobbi follow Simmons into a restricted section in the Colosseum.

"Don't worry it won't take so long. I just want to see this part of the Colosseum. I read about it in a guidebook." says Simmons

"A guidebook. You're breaking the rules because of a guidebook. It better be worth it." mutters Bobbi

"It is. Look at this view." says Simmons

Simmons led them to a balcony that overlooks the entire Colosseum.

"Wow. They look so tiny." says Skye in reference to the people touring the Colosseum below them.

"Okay, let's snap some pictures and find May." says Bobbi while she pulls out her camera.

After exiting the restricted section, the girls come face to face with a security guard.

"What were you doing back there?"

"Trying to find the bathroom." replies Skye as the others nod



"Well you passed it." he says pointing to the women's bathroom behind him.

"Oh, would you look at that." says Simmons now getting nervous

"Oh no." mutters Bobbi

"I thought we passed it. I told them that we did. Well we'll be on our way. Thank you for you're help." continues Simmons

"No problem. Did you see anybody else back there? Someone tripped an alarm. Our infrared cameras caught three people up there." says the guard clearly not letting them go.

"No, it was only us." says Skye

"Well until we get this straightened out, you're going to have to come with me."

"I'm never doing anything wrong again." says Simmons to herself.

After talking to the guard's supervisor, they ended up at an Italian police station. They ended up confusing the people in charge even further and now they are being taken to lock up so that the police can figure out what to do with them.

"May's going to kill us." says Skye as they walk through the station toward the cells

"How did we even end up here? This is the last time I go sightseeing with you guys." says Bobbi

"Do we even get to call someone here?" asks Simmons to the officer who is showing them to the cells

"Should we call May? We have to right." says Skye after she sees the officer nod

"She probably looking for us as we speak. How are we going to explain this to her." says Simmons worriedly

"I don't think we have to." says Bobbi as they arrive to their destination and they see May already sitting in the cells

"May? What are you doing here?" asks Skye once they get in the cells

"I could ask you guys the same question." responds May from the bench

"We were trespassing. You?"

"I punched a mime and knocked out a couple of street performers."

"You're kidding."


"Wow. We won't tell the guys what happened if you won't." says Skye holding out her pinky finger as Bobbi and Simmons follow suit.


Thanks for reading. Glad you guys enjoyed my stories.