It doesn't bother me…
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Warning: Spoilers for PW: JFA
He was always a fool, you see.
It doesn't bother me.
The man who gave me the call was sniffling,
I frowned,
And thought,
And shook from anger.
I flung the phone across the room
Stormed away…
It doesn't bother me.
He was never my brother…
He never meant anything to me.
Not really…
He was a little fool of impure blood,
And now he's gone and left me.
It takes a foolish, selfish man to do this…
What he did…
It doesn't bother me.
It's quieter here now.
Papa's gone, and now he's gone as well.
I wander about the grounds,
Lashing out at those who speak to me.
I'm fine…
It doesn't bother me.
Why little brother?
He's gone…
The fool went and lost his way…
And now he's gone.
In my heart I know this is papa's fault.
I should be a worthless being in his eyes;
It doesn't bother me.
Why would you leave me?
What is this?
I can't…
I can't cry…
I have to be strong…
It's in my blood.
This fool's existence doesn't matter…
It doesn't bother me.
The tears fell bitter,
Out of sight and alone.
I never managed to surpass them
They flew on wings of words and lies far above what I could reach.
But they hit the sun,
Blinding their eyes,
And burning their wings.
They fell.
There's no resurrection.
Not for a fallen angel,
A most beauteous being of perfection -
Not for Lucifer,
Or those foolish enough to fall before his silver tongue and slippery manipulations.
It doesn't bother me.
Why should it?
It's not like they shattered my life.
It's not like he mattered at all.
It's not like losing little brother hurt.
I cleaned up the things I broke the night I heard the news.
I made sure the evidence had vanished without a trace.
I hate Papa.
I hate that I was never as good as him.
I hate what he did to my fool of a brother.
I hate him too.
He left me.
That selfish fool went and left me.
My heart clenches in my chest.
I stare at the mirror again.
The dark circles are there,
The frizz,
And all that I knew is gone.
I miss him.
I miss being with that fool.
I miss having a role model, a goal to strive towards.
By beating him I might have my perfection,
And by spending time with him I could have my validation.
My victory…
My peace.
He was a fool.
But he was my brother.
He's gone now…
He left me.
I brush on another layer of cover-up,
Hiding the imperfection.
The evidence has vanished.
How long can I convince myself of this lie?
It doesn't bother me.
Author's Note: Thank you so much for reading this! I've been writing a lot of free-verse poetry these days(mostly about nature and other such things not fit to be put on this website) and I decided to write one for these two characters. They're both incredibly well-written and deep, and their relationship - however you'd like to interpret it - is astoundingly well developed, especially as most of that development was done within a single scene. It's a testament to the quality of writing in this franchise really.
It was a pain to try and get this properly formatted through Fanfiction's document editor. It refused to put the proper amount of space between the stanzas until I individually edited the spaces between the lines. Due to this annoyance, I will not be putting more poetry on this website(at least not until I manage to make the spaces the correct size.). Until that point, expect most poetry of mine up on my tumblr, not here.
This is probably going to be posted on my tumblr as well, just as a little note.