This story has been on my mind for the longest time so I thought I'd write it out.

Title and summary provided by RiveReinStyx. Thank you so much because I honestly sucked at those. Edited by RiveReinStyx.

Disclaimer: Viewfinder and its characters are properties of Yamane Ayano.

Warnings: AU, OOC, long end notes

It's a Family Affair

The high school student fell back on the ground, coughing a little as he held his bruised jaw. He looked at the teenager standing before him in his perfectly pressed dark blue school uniform.

"Asami Reiji, don't think you can get away with this!" He said angrily.

Reiji did not even give the boy a glance. Sliding his hands inside his pockets, he cocked his head. "Don't get ahead of yourself, Toda. You're not my match."

"You hit a senior even though you're only a second year! The third years will not hear the end of this!" Toda stood up, rubbing his jaw. Behind him, four other boys came to his assistance. They took their stance, ready to fight.

Reiji's golden eyes narrowed. "You bumped onto me on purpose, tried extorting money from me and when I defended myself, you accused me of attacking you?" He let out a mocking laugh. "You guys are seriously pathetic."

"Shut up!" Toda snarled. "My father is the head of the Toda-gumi! One word from me and we'll wipe you out!"

Reiji clenched his fists. "You're fucking irritating me. I hope your dad doesn't know what an asshole of a son you are or he'll cry."

"You bastard! I'm going to make you cry!" Toda said before glancing backwards. The four boys lunged forward at Reiji.

The younger Asami ducked, feinted and punched one on his stomach before ramming his fist on the other boy's nose. He took down the other two fairly easy. An elbow jab to the gut and a punch on the jaw had the other two on the ground immediately, groaning.

"This is worthless," Reiji muttered sarcastically as he picked up his bag. Dusting the ridiculously expensive designer bag his father had gotten him a few days ago; Reiji swung it over his shoulders and walked towards the gate.

"Where the fuck you think you're going?" Toda snarled.

Reiji turned back and sighed. The idiot had a knife on his hand. He had to get rid of Toda fast since Akihito would be there to pick him up soon. Not to mention Rie will

"Reiji, what are you doing?" A bored, feminine voice called.

Asami Rie, his twin sister younger by a minute stood behind him. Like Reiji, Rie shared the same golden eyes and dark hair. With her flawless skin, sharp nose, small thin lips and long waist length hair, Rie is beautiful. Standing slightly shorter than Reiji, perhaps about Akihito's height, Rie and Reiji were known as the Asami siblings in the school.

"Nothing, let's go," Reiji said and turned to walk with Rie, ignoring Toda altogether.

Toda wasn't about to give up. Humiliated at his defeat, he stood up and took one last swipe at Reiji. "That's your sister, Asami? She's a beauty. Perhaps I should make her my bitch –" he laughed before lunging forward. "—after I have taken care of you!"

Rie halted her tracks as the corners of her eyes twitched. Pushing her bag to Reiji, she said, "Hold my bag, nii san."

Even in her short skirt, Rie was lethal. She sent Toda flying backwards with one kick, not caring if she had revealed to the world the color of her panties. Calmly, she walked to where Toda was and stepped on his crotch as hard as she could. "Don't you dare call me a bitch, you lowlife."

Reiji sauntered to where Toda was lying, squatting down. "Do your homework, Toda. Rie is a black belt in karate. She's like a dormant snake. She's usually nice but once you make her angry, she'll strike." Reiji said, passing Rie her bag. "Let's go, Rie. Aki-san is waiting."

Rie nodded. Removing her shoes from Toda's crotch, she took the offered bag and walked out of the school with her brother. "This is disgusting. I'm throwing these shoes away."

Reiji placed a hand on Rie's shoulder. "We can ask Kirishima ojisan to get us a new pair."

"Aki san!"Rie skipped to where Akihito was waiting. He stood in front of a sedan, chaperoned by two guards.

"Reiji, Rie!" Akihito waved.

"Reiji sama, Rie sama," the guards bowed slightly and greeted as they neared the car.

Akihito took in Reiji's messy hair and knew that the older Asami sibling had been into trouble. "Reiji, did you fight again?"

Reiji remained indifferent at the question. "I was teaching the bastard a lesson. He tried extorting money from me," he said as he entered the car.

Akihito took his seat in the middle before allowing Rie to the side seat. Reiji continued, "You should have seen Rie. I doubt he can even masturbate now after Rie stomped her shoes on him."

"Rie," Akihito said in a somewhat stern voice.

Rie crossed her arms, looking out the window crossly. "Aki san, he called me a bitch!"

"So, who's the poor unfortunate guy?" Akihito asked, somewhat accepting Rie's answer.

"Part of the Toda-gumi," Reiji replied, bored.

Akihito turned to Reiji, his hand touching Reiji's arm. "Be careful, Reiji. Your father is going to be upset if anything happens."

Reiji smirked, sliding a hand around Akihito's shoulders. "Not as upset if anything were to happen to you, Aki san."

Akihito actually blushed. "Don't be ridiculous. Why would he get upset?"

It was Rie who answer. "Come on, Aki san. Tou san nearly killed the punks who beat you up last week."

"You're exaggerating, Rie. I don't mean that much to him."

Rie smiled as she looped her hand around Akihito's arms. "Mmm, then why don't you ditch tou san and become my boyfriend instead?"

"Or you can become mine," Reiji angled Akihito's chin to him.

"Rie sama, Reiji sama," Akihito's personal guard spoke from the front passenger seat. "You shouldn't make jokes like that, Asami sama wouldn't like it."

"Just kidding," Reiji said, his hand left Akihito's chin.

Rie rummaged through her bag, digging out a piece of paper. "Aki san, here."

"What's this?" Akihito asked, taking the paper from Rie.

"Parent teacher meet up," she answered, bored. "It's unbelievable that the school is still practicing this."

"I'll pass this to your father," Akihito said, keeping the piece of paper in his front pocket.

Rie looped her hands around Akihito's arms again. "Can't you come instead, Aki san? Tou san is always too busy anyway."

Akihito laughed. It remained a mystery why Asami's twins were more attached to him instead of the older Asami. Perhaps it was he who cared for them when they arrived at Asami's doorsteps three years ago.

Well, he guessed everyone made mistakes when they were young. Who would have thought that the mighty Asami fathered a pair of twins with an actress at the shy age of twenty? Their mother, a Ichinose Ayaka, chose to name the twins using her surname instead of Asami's. She kept Asami in the dark for thirteen years until she died of cancer.

Ayaka left a will to Reiji and Rie, transferring all her assets to her two children and named Asami Ryuichi as the father and legal guardian.

Why she had bothered disclosing Asami's identity to Rie and Reiji after her death was beyond Akihito's comprehension. After all, the twins can perfectly survive with the small fortune that their mother had left them.

Perhaps she wanted Asami to take some responsibility or she couldn't bear to leave them alone to fend for themselves. Akihito thought as the car turned left into the rise building in Shinjuku.

Even for someone as cool as Asami, the news shocked him but he was quick to assumed full responsibility as the father, accepting Rie and Reiji as his own. Akihito remembered the first time the twins entered the penthouse suite that he and Asami shared. Their black hair, sharp golden eyes and cool demeanor; everything screamed Asami Ryuichi. Even without a DNA test, Reiji and Rie were definitely his.

"Aki san, what's for dinner today?" Reiji asked.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Akihito realized they had already reached the basement parking. "Western?"

The car pulled into a complete stop and the guards came round to open the door.

"Forget it, tou san only likes Japanese food," Rie said, stepping out of the vehicle.

Akihito groaned. "That bastard, he complains too much."

Reiji laughed, draping an arm around Akihito's shoulder. "Only you can call him that."

Ugh, honestly old habits die hard. Akihito tried, as much as possible to mind his language in front of the twins but it had been fairly unsuccessful.

"Well, he deserved that," Akihito muttered as they stepped into the private elevator.

When the elevator reached the top floor, Rie was the first who got out. She greeted the guard at the door before rummaging for her keys.

"What do you see in tou san anyway?" Rie asked, toeing her shoes off at the genkan. She went straight to the kitchen, sat on the chair and drummed her fingers on the kitchen table, awaiting her answers.

The photographer looked away as his cheeks turned crimson. "Uh- huh – I –"

Reiji went next to his sister, pulled a chair out and sat. "Money is out of the question since Aki san isn't someone who'll stay for money."

"Looks? I mean tou san is still very good looking," Rie said, ignoring the fact that Akihito was turning redder by the minute.

It was Reiji's turn to ponder. "Maybe, but I think that's not it."

"Then what?"

"Hey, aren't you two forgetting that I'm here?" Akihito walked to the kitchen, pouring himself a drink.

Ignoring Akihito, Reiji smirked. "Must be the sex then."

Akihito spurted out his drink. Whirling around, he wiped his mouth with his shirt before shouting, "Reiji!"

Like Asami, the twins were smart and sharp. A week into living in the apartment, Rie bluntly asked if he was going out with her father. The fact that Rie had the guts to ask the question in front of Reiji and Asami in a nonchalant face made Akihito envious. He could never ask Asami anything while keeping a straight-face like Rie did.

It was Asami who answered Rie. Flipping the newspapers with ease, the yakuza calmly replied yes before resuming his reading. Reiji were slightly shocked but to Akihito's surprise, accepted the fact rather easily.

And the rest, Akihito thought; was history.

"Well, it must be since Tou san is so fit," Rie added, unfazed by her brother's claims.

"Rie!" Akihito shouted, blushing harder.

"Rie sama, Reiji sama. Stop teasing Takaba sama like that."

The familiar voice had all three turned. Asami's ever dependable secretary walked into the kitchen, with Asami standing behind him. If he heard his children's debate about his sexual prowess, it didn't reveal in his expression.

"Tou san," Rie and Reiji mumbled out simultaneously.

"A –Asami! You're early today!" Akihito said; his face flushed from embarrassment.

"Reiji, Rie," Asami greeted, passing his briefcase to Akihito. "You fought at school today."

"How did you know?" Akihito asked, watching his lover moving to the living room.

"The guards, Aki san," Reiji hinted, following his father to the living room. He sat on the couch across Asami, looking indifferent. "He tried extorting money after bumping onto me on purpose."

"It wasn't Reiji's fault," Rie backed her brother. "Tou san, he had the nerve to call me his bitch!"

"I see," the yakuza's voice was cool and flat.

Rie sat next to Asami, crossing her arms on her chest. She turned to her father, sitting sideways before gazing her golden eyes at her father. "I was cool until he said that."

Asami looked at his teenage daughter. Her beautiful eyes narrowed, lips clamped together, looking disgusted. "That was why you stomp on him?"

Rie's golden eyes flashed at him, constantly reminding him of Akihito when he was angry. "He deserved it, tou san!"

"Indeed he does," Asami answered easily as he placed a hand on Rie's head, patting it gently.

His daughter didn't seem to mind the pat. "Imagine if anyone said that to Aki-san, I'm sure you'd do the same."

"Tou san will slice his dick off first," Reiji answered casually.

"Reiji!" Akihito placed a tray of drinks on the coffee table, serving everyone a cup. He looked at Asami, hoping for the older man to say something. Since Asami remained quiet, it probably meant that Reiji hit the mark with the comment.

Mood improved, Rie looked at Kirishima. "Kirishima ojisan, I need to get another pair of shoes. Could you arrange someone to chauffer me?"

The secretary looked up from his planner containing Asami's schedule and smiled. "Of course, Rie sama."

"What happened to your shoes?" Akihito asked.

"She stomped it on Toda's dick so she's not wearing them again," Reiji answered before sipping his tea.

"Reiji sama, do you need a new pair?" Kirishima already had his phone in his hand, ready to make the calls.

"No, if I ever crush someone else's dick, I'd rather have the same pair of shoes on," he answered, flashing the secretary a smirk identical to his father. "Every time I wear them, I'll remember the feeling of his dick underneath my shoes."

Rie gave her brother a disgusted look. "Reiji, as usual, I don't understand your logic."

Asami smirked. Reiji was becoming more like him. The boy was not only smart, he was cunning and fearless. A little reckless for now but with a good polishing, he'd bound to be a fearless underworld figure. After he had claimed Reiji; the boy strode into his office and boldly declared that he'll take over the company, including the position of Yakuza.

Rie shared her brother's bold and fearless characteristics but to expose Rie into his underground activities wasn't what Asami wanted for the girl. Even Rie herself declared that she'd run the legal business and leave the rest to her brother.

Smart, cunning, fearless, defiant eyes – all the characteristics that he loved embedded in his children. A satisfied smirk graced the yakuza's lips. Rie and Reiji would bring Sion into greater heights.

"I do," Asami said smoothly, pleasing Reiji.

"Well, I kinda get the feeling as well," Akihito added.

Reiji scooted next to the girl. "Rie, only guys can understand that."

Rie made a face that implied that she couldn't be bothered with the opinions. She looked at Akihito then, and smiled. "Aki-san, you actually haven't answered our question."

"Huh?" Akihito had a genuine confused look on his face.

It was Reiji's turn to smile. "Yeah, Aki san. You haven't told us why you bothered staying with tou san. Was it really the se –"

"REIJI!" Akihito shouted, drowning the boy's questions. Standing up, he quickly took Asami's coat and hurried into the bedroom. God knows how long he could stand there with his face so red. Behind him, he heard Reiji and Rie mumbled something to Asami but didn't pause to listen. Getting out of the place was his number one priority.

Asami walked in the bedroom just as Akihito finished hanging the coat. It didn't matter how long he had been with Asami because Akihito's heart would skipped a beat every time those deep penetrating golden eyes and perfectly sculptured face looked at him. Asami Ryuichi, is still the sexiest man Akihito had ever laid his eyes on.

"Rie said she passed you a slip from the school."

Phew, and I thought Rie will ask about the sex part.

Akihito watched his lover removed his tie and quickly averted his eyes before the image could stir some sort of reaction from his lower half. He took the piece of paper from his front pocket, passing it to Asami.

"Here, Rie said it's a parent teacher conference scheduled next week."

Taking the paper, Asami gave it a quick glance before handing it back to Akihito. "The time coincides with my meeting; I might not be able to make it."

"Figures," Akihito said, keeping the paper again. "I'll go on your behalf."

Nudging Akihito's chin up to meet him, Asami smirked. "How are you going to introduce yourself? You're not even an Asami."

"Shut up," Akihito scowled, smacking Asami's hand away. "I know what you're trying to do."

Asami raised an eyebrow, challenging Akihito for an answer.

"You're trying to get me to change my surname into Asami. You can forget it because –Hey!" he protested when Asami yanked him closer. Having those golden eyes staring at him so closely made his knees weak. Akihito quickly pushed his loveraway and grabbed the digital camera on the bed, fiddling it on purpose.

"Why are you so early? No universe to conquer?" he asked, changing the subject on purpose.

Asami pushed the younger man onto the bed. Hovering above him, Asami smirked. "I do but I have something else to conquer before that."

It didn't take a genius to figure out what Asami was talking about. He tried rolling away but Asami caught him and pushed his hands above his head.

"Reiji and Rie are outside!" Akihito hissed.

"So? They know what we do in this room," Asami said easily as he nuzzled the nape of Akihito's neck.

"Asami!" The younger man pleaded but his protests were thoroughly ignored.

Xx It's a Family Affair xX

The next day Hibiya High School

The limousine chauffeuring the famous Asami twins stopped right in front of the main entrance of the prestigious Hibiya High School. A uniformed guard stepped out from the passenger seat before proceeding to open the door.

Takaba Akihito stepped out from the vehicle first, followed by Reiji and Rie.

"See you later, you two."

"Where are you going today, Aki-san?" Reiji asked, accepting the bag from one of the guards.

Akihito's cheerful face turned sour. "A magazine photo shoot with some stuck up model. And to make matters worse, your father insisted we go in the limousine today. I can already imagine Mitarai's reactions."

"Better start figuring your excuses." Rie patted Akihito's arm sympathetically. "See you later, Aki san," Rie tugged at her brother's arm. "Reiji, let's go."

As the twins entered the school, the usual commotion started. A small line of worshippers had already gathered by the gate to catch a glimpse of the popular twins. The boys were mostly Rie's fans while the girls flocked to Reiji.

"Don't they get tired doing this?" Rie asked as she ignored the boys' requests for photographs.

Reiji placed a hand around his sister, earning a unanimous kya- from the fan girls. Like Rie, the older twin ignored fan letters from his fans and continued walking on. "Just ignore them; they'll grow out of it eventually."

Rie stopped just before she reached the shoe lockers. "Someone obviously hasn't."

Confused with his sister's sudden declaration, Reiji followed her sister's stares and his expression turned grim. A cocky Toda and four of his ugliest lackeys stood behind them. Annoyance immediately took over.

"What the hell do you want?"

Toda was half a head shorter than Reiji. He had shoulder length hair, dyed blonde which frankly did not complement his tanned skin. Small squinted eyes with wide lips, Reiji couldn't find another adjective to describe Toda other than ugly.

"You won't have that cocky look for long. My father is coming to the school today. You'd be kicked out by the end of the day."

Ignoring the group of students who gathered to look, Reiji took a step forward, blocking Rie from Toda. "Running to your papa after getting your ass kicked?" He cocked his head, narrowing his eyes. "I'm not afraid, you pathetic scum."

Unfazed by Reiji's remarks, Toda laughed. "We'll see. By the end of the day, your father will be begging my dad to let you two stay in school." His greedy eyes searched Rie's. "But for you, Rie- chan, I would gladly make an exception, if you become my woman, that is."

The corners of her eyes twitched. "Nii san," she began and Reiji knew that his sister was pissed royal. Rie only called him Nii san whenever she's angry. "Does that idiot know who tou san is?"

"I don't think so because he'd be kissing our asses if he did."

Reiji patted Rie's back, in attempts to calm her down. Then, he turned to Toda, his eyes icy cool. "If you touch a single strand of hair on Rei's head, there'll be hell to pay."

"We'll see who gets the last laugh," Toda answered before throwing his head back to laugh, revealing two crooked front teeth.

Ugh, how unsightly.

Toda looked at Reiji again. Attempting to throw more shade at the siblings, he continued, "What do you say, Rie chan? You can become my woman and I can teach you everything there is about sex. I'll make you moan under my touch."

"Nii san," Rie began but it was Reiji who attacked. He slammed his fist on Toda's face, grabbed him by the lapels of his shirt to pull him back and rammed the second punch on his nose.

"Reiji!" Rie shouted, pulling her brother away. "It's all right, I'm okay."

As Reiji calmed down, Rie took her chance to attack. Raising her knee, she hit Toda where it hurt most, leaving him on the floor groaning. She crouched then, grabbing a fistful of his hair, yanking his head up. Her eyes turned cold and deadly. "I'll slice your hands off if you dare."

Releasing Toda, she stood up, flipping her black hair. "Reiji, let's go."

The crowd broke into a huge applaud, cheering as Toda lay on the ground, defeated and humiliated.

Giving one last look at Toda, Reiji followed his sister into the classroom. As the siblings took their seats, Rie grabbed her brother's arm. "Reiji, Toda is associated to the Toda gumi. Be careful. "

Reiji patted her hand, offered a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, we'll take him down together."

Rie offered him a cool smile. "Idiot, I wasn't afraid of him. We need to prepare ourselves. Tou san always said that remember?"

Sitting on the seat next to Rie, Reiji let out a half smirk. "Yeah." Pulling his chair closer to Rie, Reiji rested his elbows on the table. "Remember when we first found out about tou san?"

"Yeah, kaa san was naïve to think that we don't know anything. We knew who Asami Ryuichi is even before she left us the will."

"We even found out of tou san's underground activities," Reiji chuckled.

"And you boldly stated that you wanted to take over his position."

Reiji shrugged his shoulders. "He has to pass Sion to someone, why not to me? Rie, you're a genius when it comes to Economics and Mathematics. With you handling the accounts and I the business, we can go further than tou san."

"You're underestimating tou san." Rie placed a hand on her brother's shoulder. "Ne, Reiji. I never actually asked you this before. Do you hate tou san?"

"No. Whatever happened between him and kaa san, it's the past. Besides, living with tou san isn't so bad either since he doesn't treat us like kids. And I like Aki-san."

Removing her hand, Rie smiled. "Yeah, who would have thought tou san is crazy over Aki-san? Both of them were too stubborn to admit it but Aki san is pretty into tou san too."

"And –," Reiji stood up, pulling his chair back to his seat when the teacher came into the room. "—that's why we love teasing Aki-san."

Rie showed Reiji her fist and Reiji gave his sister a fist bump.

The announcement came shortly after the school break. Reiji who was already on his way to the canteen with Rie, halted his tracks when Matsuda sensei's voice called from the loud speaker.

Second year, Special A Class Asami Reiji and AsamiRie, please make your way to the Assistant Principal's office. I repeat. Asami Reiji and AsamiRie, please make your way to the Assistant Principal's office immediately.

Gossips started flying around immediately after the announcement. Most stopped their tracks, moved to the side to make way for the famous siblings to pass through.

Reiji's expression darkened."Rie, let's go."

As Reiji walked with his sister to the administration office, he clenched his fist. No fucking way he'd allow Toda and his old man to have their way with him. Rie, he thought, better not be subjected to any of Toda's poor jokes or he'd make sure to crush that puny dick of his.

Outside the school, two men in black suit stood outside the side gate, staring at the siblings intently. They knew what happened in the morning near the locker room; knew that Reiji and Rie had beaten a young man named Toda after the latter provoke them. After the announcement, the guards nodded at each other. One of them took out his phone and hit the speed dial.

"Asami," the voice on the other side answered.

"Asami sama, Reiji sama and Rie sama had just been called to the office. I suspect it was for the fight they had this morning."

The yakuza's voice turned icy cool. "Report."

After a concise explanation of the morning incident, the yakuza replied, "I'll be there. Remain at your positions."

"Yes, sir," the guard answered before sliding the phone back to his pockets. He nudged at his partner who was still looking at Reiji and Rie with his binoculars. They entered the office, took their seats across the Assistant Principal, discipline teacher, Toda Seiji and Eichiro.

Wait – there's another person in the office.

"Huh?" he questioned loudly and his partner looked at him, confused.

"What happened?"

The guard looked around; realizing Asami's limousine was parked just outside the main gate. Then, he turned to address his partner.

"You better call Asami sama again. Takaba sama is in the office with Reiji sama and Rie sama."

***to be continued***


Genkan – traditional Japanese entryway areas for houses or apartments (wikipedia)

Tou san- father

Kaa san - mother

Nii san- older brother

A/N: Rie's name is pronounced as Ri-eh . (Read it slightly faster and try omitting the h sound)

A/N 2: I know I should have started the story with how the twins came to live with Asami but I really wanted to jump into the action and forget about the past. This will probably be a two or three shot, depending on my muse. Comments are appreciated and thank you for reading!

A/N 3 : I finished this fiction two weeks ago and I remembered getting a call from my uncle the minute I sent this story to my beta, informing that my grandmother had passed away. The following week had been difficult for the family. The entire funeral service went on for a week and when things had finally settled down; my mother was admitted to the hospital for a minor operation. My sister and I took turns to care for her after the operation and by the time she was fit to be discharged, I fell sick.

Initially, it was only a bad sore throat. A few days later, I lost my voice completely and the doctor ordered a three day voice rest. For those who are waiting for Business as Usual, I sincerely apologize as the next chapter will take a while.