Okay ya'll, this is my first story so bear with me.

Disclaimer: none of this belongs to me.

Title: "To Fall and Rise Higher Than Before"

First Chapters Name: Future Death Eaters

Summary: It's Draco's Sixth Year at Hogwarts. The Dark Lord is gaining more power faster than ever. As Voldemort recruits more and more witches and wizards to be Death Eaters, Draco finds himself trapped between the choices of Light or Dark

Draco looked out of the window and saw a hooded figure dashing across the huge front yard headed toward the Malfoy Manor.

'Fathers finally home' Draco thought to himself

Draco heard the front door squeak slightly as it was opened. A few moments later he heard his mothers voice, sounding quite hysterical:

"Lucius it's two AM! You told me that you would be back by midnight!"

"Narcissa," Lucius began, "the Dark Lord says it's time for you."

By now Draco had crept into the ballroom to hear his parents conversation in the hallway. Draco heard his mother gasp.

"B-but Lucius! He said He wouldn't need me!"

"Our ranks are getting smaller Narcissa. More and more Death Eaters are being killed by Aurors."

Suddenly, Draco understood. Voldemort needed his mother to be a Death Eater!

"Is there anything to be gained by refusing him?" Narcissa inquired.

"Death." Lucius replied

"When does He need me?"

"Tomorrow at 1:00 at The Place."

"But Draco leaves for school--"

"--at 12:00." Lucias interrupted "We can Apparate."

"When should we tell him?"

"When he gets back from school so the thought won't interfere with his grades."

After a long pause Narcissa asked, "It took Lord Voldemort two hours to tell you that he needed me?"

Lucius hesitated, then said, "He thought Draco would be ready too. I asked him if we could wait until he graduated.He didn't like the idea very much."

At these words Draco stumbled over a chair and sent a glass vase flying. He watched it in horror and without another thought leapt into the air and caught it, praying that his parents hadn't heard anything. They didn't. He set the vase down and listened more.

"-didn't torture you!?" his mother exclaimed.

Lucius hesitated, "Yes he did."

"For two hours?"

"Yes, but thankfully I blacked out."

"Oh Lucius!" Narcissa exclaimed, "lets get you to bed!"

Draco heard his parent's footsteps and dashed to his room.


Draco slept restlessly through the night, tossing and turning. Lord Voldemort needed him to be a Death Eater. He wondered if his father and Voldemort had reached a compromise or not. Draco finally fell into a half sleep filled with hooded, masked people.

Yahoo! First chapter done! Please review and tell me what you think of it! Do I need to change anything????? Beefywpac