How's it going readers. Time to start the 19th chapter. And what better way than with three battles. Surprised no one asked what happened to Arlong, Don Krieg, or Captain Kuro, but I guess people can survive without asking questions.
Now let's start this chapter.
Nezumi stared at where the three pirates stood before they jumped off. He wanted to tell the crew to turn around and get the hell away from Gunkan Island and whatever crazy thing that bastard wanted.
But one look at the crew reminded him, they weren't his crew anymore. And he couldn't speak anymore.
Nezumi was sitting in his bed in his quarters as he was massaging his head from where Roronoa Zoro and that orange haired bitch attacked him.
'Damn that Straw Hat Bastard!' thought Nezumi 'My life was much easier when I was doing business with Arlong. Shush bribes, a chance at nearly 100 millions Beri, a nice life. But then that monster bested Arlong and I'm made me the fool'
Nezumi looked over to the wanted poster in the wall, which was Luffy's smiling face.
"Mugiwara!" screamed Nezumi "I curse you and your stinking crew"
"Captain" one of Nezumi's grunts busted the door open.
"Fool, knock first Baka!"
"C-Captain. Three intruders boarded the ship.
Nezumi followed the soldier outside and went to confront these stowaways.
When he got outside, he saw that the stowaways were standing in the middle of the ship, his crew was surrounding them on all sides.
One was a tall man that was dressed in yellow and black, a cane twirling in his hand, a top hat twirling in the other hand, and an eye patch that covered one of his eyes.
The second one was another tall man with silver hair with horn like things poking out on top, a coil thing on his neck connected to the back of his head, and a purple tail moving around behind him like a serpent waiting for the kill.
The last one was a young girl, who was all white. From the clothes she wore to the flowers in her hair to even her very own skin. Her eyes were blank and she carried a sinister looking mirror.
Nezumi smirked and stepped forward.
"Greetings stowaways" said Nezumi cockily. "I must inform you to surrender, or will be forced to kill you all"
The yellow man cracked his neck "Hmm, so that's what cracking bones sound like" he smiled "It really has been a long time since I took this form"
"Stop speaking nonsense!" shouted Nezumi.
The girl stepped forward. To Nezumi's surprise, the mirror glowed and then suddenly all of Nezumi's men stiffened up.
Nezumi watched as all of them started to slowing open their mouths. Nezumi was expecting them to scream or something, but then white spiritual orbs exited their mouths and glided into the girl's mirror.
Nezumi was taken aback by the odd event and fell backwards. "Wha-what is this?!"
The girl just stared at Nezumi, like as if she was staring through Nezumi.
Nezumi flinched and ran to jump overboard. And he was to jump when-"
Surrounding the boat were giant black crabs.
"What the hell is happening?!"
Nezumi then suddenly felt a choking sensation in his throat. He grasped his neck for comfort when he felt himself rise off the ground and twirl back to face the three.
"As you can see, I captured this ship in less than a minute. Now here's stage two of my quick plan" The yellow man snapped his fingers. The girl's mirror glowed again and Nezumi feared that whatever she did to his men was now gonna happen to him. But then he noticed something pass by his head. It was like what came out of his men's mouths, except it was red. It approached one of his men and went down his throat. His eyes regain color, but they were red. The man then made clicking noises with his tongue.
Nezumi could only watch as the red things left the crab things and enter his own men.
"Well that was an interesting test" said the yellow man "So you can take souls and put them into another person's body as long as it doesn't have a soul" The man then strutted over to Nezumi, who was stilling choking/floating in midair.
"Now listen good, you're wondering why you have a choking sensation in your throat. The truth is I'm sealing your voice, soon you won't be able to hear your own voice in your head. Now listen closely rat guy. This ship will head to Gunkan Island and capture the Straw Hat Pirates. I'm only leaving you because my soldiers don't know Marine protocol and you might be of some use. And to make sure you don't try something, I'm leaving three of my new PK Hybrids to watch you and destroy the Straw Hats. Don't die on me rat"
Nezumi would never forget how the man turned his head down in a full 360 and smiled.
Nezumi stayed quiet. He just watched as as his men jumped off the ship and swam to shore, most likely to capture any of the Straw Hats that weren't on shore.
Nezumi would of yelled when one of the men grabbed him and jumped off the ship if he could of. He struggled as the man dragged him through the waves.
...Oh well, at least Mugiwara, Roronoa Zoro and the orange haired bitch would get theirs. Nezumi smiled when he saw the crew standing before Arlong, Krieg, and Kuro. Then his eyes widen and his jaw dropped.
The people standing across from the PK hybrids weren't Mugiwara, Roronoa, the Mikan woman, the long nosed man, or the curly eyebrow man.
Just two punk teens and an old man, two kids, a pig and a thing standing a ways back.
Nezumi gritted his teeth and quickly hid behind a rock. He didn't even notice the possessed Marines swimming around the island to enter from another direction.
Stan, Ranma, and Ben continued to stare at the three in front of them.
"Oh will someone say something already!" shouted Mabel from behind some rocks.
"Mabel, get down" said Dipper as he dragged his sister's head back down.
"Man, there just staring at each other" said Mabel as Waddles rubbed his snout against Mabel's leg.
"Look Mabel, as much as I care about Grunkle Stan's safety, I think we should find Soos, Wendy, and the others and tell them about what's going on"
"No, we have to stay here" said Jen.
"While you guys were watching the others, I say Marine soldiers jump off the ship and swim to shore" said Jen "Some of them are watching from hiding places both to see how this fight goes out and to watch us"
"Us?" questioned Mabel.
"Some of them went around the island to look for the others" said Jen "And the ones watching us are waiting for us to lead them to the others. Except for Peter and Ryoga, I'm not sure if the others could fight all those Marines. Especially since Charizard is still weak"
"But if we stay here, we'll just be in Grunkle Stan's way" said Dipper.
"No we won't" said Jen as he brought his fist up and tapped the air. The twins were able to hear a glass like sound with each tap. Dipper and Mabel felt around them and felt that there was an invisible dome around them.
"What is this?" asked Dipper.
"I put a barrier up to protect us so we can still watch how this plays out" said Jen "It's a good thing Ben and me were able to finish my staff in time" said Jen as he slenderly slid his hand down the staff.
"And I guess with all that reading you've been doing, you learned a lot of magic right?" said Mabel.
"Yes, but only defensive spells. I don't have anything that could help the others" said Jen "I'm afraid I'm useless in this situation"
"No your not Jen" said Dipper "Do you know any spells that could allow us to warn the others?"
"...Yes, but I'll need a piece of paper"
"Here" said Mabel as she pulled out a sticker book. She scrolled through the pages until she came across a page that had all the stickers pulled off. She ripped the paper out of the book and handed it to Jen.
"Now I need one of you to draw the faces of the others"
"Mabel you do it" said Dipper as he took the paper off Jen and handed it back to Mabel along with his logbook pen "Draw Soos, Wendy, Kira, and Peter's faces"
"What about Ryoga and Fizzgig?"
"There patrolling the island, and Ryoga can take care of himself" said Dipper.
"Okay" said Mabel as she drew the faces of their four companions. "Done"
She handed the paper to Jen.
"Now this is where I make my mark" Jen brought his right hand to his face and bit his index finger until blood came out. He then drew symbols and hieroglyphs marks all over the paper with his blood as neatly as he could.
When Jen was done, the paper started glowing. Jen whispered softly into the paper.
"Now we just need this to go into the air" said Jen.
"Leave that to me" said Dipper as he took the paper and folded it into a paper airplane. Dipper shot the paper airplane into the sky and the paper immediately went into a different direction and flew towards where the others were.
"Let's hope this works" said Dipper.
Ranma, Ben, and Stan continued to stare at the three in front of them.
"...Not that I don't like suspenseful moments, but can we fight already?" asked Stan.
"What's wrong with them?" asked Ranma.
"I don't know, but-" Ben stopped talking when he felt a vibrating from his pocket. He pulled out the Pokedex Nami lent him.
"The Poke whatchamacallit" said Stan.
"Why's that going off?" asked Ranma.
"I don't know let me check" said Ben as he activated the Pokedex.
"Aron, the iron armor Pokemon. Aron has an impressive defensive power and eats iron ore in order to build up the metal in it's body"
"Meowth, the cat scratch Pokemon. Meowth loves to roam at night to gather coins and other objects that sparkle, but it spends most of it's daytime hours sleeping"
"Carvanha, the savage Pokemon. Carvanha has powerful jaws and razor sharp teeth able to chew through solid steel. Carvanha will form packs and attack any invaders in it's territory"
The three were confused.
"So why did this thing give me three random Pokemon?" asked Ben.
"...Wait" Grunkle Stan looked at the three pirates across from them "Look at those three. They look slightly like the Pokemon we just saw"
"...Your right Stan" said Ben "They must of had Pokemon DNA fused with them"
"How?" asked Ranma.
"Beats me" Ben threw the Pokedex over to the kids and Jen before he dialed the Ultimatrix "I'll take Don Krieg away from here and give you guys room to fight"
"Good luck kid" said Stan.
"Knock his block off" said Ranma.
Ben slammed the Ultimatrix.
Nezumi dropped his jaw from his hiding place.
Jetray quickly flew behind Krieg and grabbed him by the arms. He flew away to another part of the island.
"Alright" said Stan as he cracked his knuckles "Let's-GAH!"
Kuro had appeared behind Stan and pushed him into the ground.
"What?" said Stan "I'm out already?! Dammit!"
"Stan!" shouted Ranma as he ran to kick Kuro off Stan only for Arlong to appear above him.
Ranma quickly jumped out of the way as Arlong spiked his fists into the ground. Ranma pushed his legs into the ground as he landed and flew straight towards Arlong, punching him in the gut.
Arlong was sent flying into the ocean, but Ranma shook his hand in pain. Punching Arlong felt like punching ragged edged rocks.
Suddenly Arlong shot himself out of the water like a harpoon towards Ranma. Ranma tried to jump out of the way, but he wasn't fast enough as Arlong's nose slashed against his thigh. Ranma landed on top of a rock and felt his thigh. Nothing bad, but it was painful, especially with Arlong's rough skin. Ranma had to jump up as Arlong came crashing through the rock, smashing it into small pieces. Ranma kicked his foot into Arlong's head and smashed him into the ground. Arlong quickly recovered and grabbed Ranma's leg and through him into the air before jumping into the air himself. But when Arlong caught up with Ranma.
"Kachu Tenshin Amaguriken!"
Ranma bombarded Arlong with a barrage of punches, sending Arlong crashing through several stone pillars. Ranma gritted his teeth in pain. His knuckles were cut open as if someone was sharpening knives against Ranma's knuckles. Ranma ignored the pain as he landed on a rooftop. Arlong quickly jumped on to the roof and now had a sharp pair of jaws in each hand. Arlong used the jaws as weapons as he tried to ensnare Ranma with his jaws. Ranma had to dodge every one of those and couldn't counter since Arlong's rough skin made attacking him worse. If only Ranma had Ryoga's more endured skin.
"GAAAAHH!" Ranma broke the chimney off the roof and swung Arlong away. Ranma pushed himself off the roof towards Arlong and slammed the chimney against Arlong's back, breaking the chimney into pieces. Arlong fell back into the water as Ranma landed on a tall stone pillar.
Ranma took in deep breathes as he tried to catch his breath when he noticed a horrifying discovery. Ranma had landed on a stone pillar in the middle of the ocean a long way from the island and now had Arlong swimming below him.
"Must of pushed myself off the roof a little too much" said Ranma.
Kuro was staring at Ranma as he studied his predicament, still keeping Stan pinned into the ground.
But Kuro was so focused of the match he didn't notice Stan gently pull something out of his fez.
Stan grinned as he quietly brought the item to his mouth. Stan quickly swallowed it as veins around his eyes intensified.
Kuro widen his eyes as he felt a surge of energy before a fist made contact with his cheek and sent him flying into the air.
When Kuro landed, he saw that Stan was now shaking as his body surged with power.
"Heh, thought you had me huh. Good thing, I have these" Stan showed Kuro a tiny glass bottle filled with pills "These are my Juggernaut pills. These increase the body's physical abilities a 100 fold so-"
Kuro appeared behind Stan to stab him through.
And Stan had grabbed his hand pointed the claws towards Kuro's face.
"So I can fight freaks like you" said Stan as he decked Kuro right in the face, breaking his glasses and sending him crashing into the ground, actually creating a small crater.
"Ready for more cat guy?" asked Stan.
Kuro got up as his claws glowed.
Kira was looking into the sky as birds flew in many directions.
"Guys, something's wrong" said Kira.
"Why, it's just birds" said Wendy.
"No, I hear them saying stuff like soldiers and monsters and other stuff"
"Huh, I don't like the sound of this dudes" said Soos.
"...Hey guys, do you also see the flying origami plane?" said Peter as he pointed to a paper airplane flying around them.
Before the Mystery Shack employees or the She-Gelfling could question it-
"There are Marines on the island along with three wanted Pirates with high bounties. Ranma, Stan, and Ben are fighting them, but the Marines are looking for others. Be prepared and stay safe" came Jen's voice as the plane circled them.
"That's Jen's voice" said Kira.
"Holy crap" said Peter "They already found us"
"I thought the point of splitting up was so the Marines wouldn't attack this island" said Soos.
"Well, there here now" said Wendy as she got up "Let's get the twins and Jen and get somewhere safe"
"What about Ryoga and Fizzgig?" questioned Kira.
Before Wendy could answer that, she turned her head and found several Marines coming down a path towards them.
"Dammit" said Wendy as she stood infront of Kira.
"This isn't going well" said Soos.
"Stop your belly aching"
Soos, Wendy, and Kira turned to Peter and saw that he was now in his Long John Peter getup with his sword in his hand.
"We're pirates. We don't clam up when things get bad, we pull out our swords and guns and fuck shit up" said Peter as he stood infront of the charging Marines. "I faced corrupted cops, dirty joke writers, convicted criminals, the government, angry mothers, nuns, a mob of pissed off black guys, mobsters, the British, Nazis, giant chickens, the drunks of Ireland and Liam Neeson. These Marines don't scare me. Aha hahahahaha!"
Peter then ran towards the Marines and was able to cut down three Marines before engaging two in a sword fight.
"Peter/Mr. Griffin!" shouted Kira and Soos.
"Guys, take cover. I'll help Peter" said Wendy as she picked up an axe and ran over to help Peter.
Wendy cut down two Marines that were about to kill Peter from behind then dodged a blow that would of taken her head off before tripping the offending Marine.
The Marines surrounding Wendy looked at her for a minute before Wendy twirled her axe around like a baton before holding it steadily in her hands.
Ryoga was still searching around the woods for Fizzgig.
"Damn, I don't want to see how Kira gets when she's angry" said Ryoga "Hey Fizzgig you little bastard! Where are ya?!"
Ryoga stopped shouting when he heard the sound of marching. He turned around and saw Marine soldiers coming towards him. He lazily turned his head and saw that Marines were now surrounding him on all sides.
Ryoga cracked his neck and smirked. "So, they found us already" Ryoga cracked his fingers and balled them into fists.
Three Marines charged him, but Ryoga kicked them away like flies. He felt something hit his back and break before he turned around a kicked a soldier into five more soldiers that crashed into a tree. Ryoga looked at what the Marine bashed against him. A gun?
'Why would the Marines use their guns as clubs? Why not shoot them?' Ryoga didn't have time to think on that since Marines were now starting to dog pile on him "I'll figure that out later"
Ryoga then put pressure around his body and sent the Marines flying in every direction.
"Bakusai Tenketsu!" Ryoga slammed his finger into the ground, sending debris in every direction, which sent the Marines in every direction.
When the Marines got up, they saw that Ryoga had vanished by using the debris as a cover.
The Marines started making clicking noises with their tongues as they communicated with each other. In short terms, they were to continue looking for Ryoga and any other Straw Hats.
They all stopped when they heard growling.
They turned and saw that a giant wolf was approaching them. It was the size of a medium size elephant, seven long tails flowing behind it. It's glowing yellow eyes stared daggers at the Marines.
The wolf then growled very loudly, allowing the Marines to catch a row of second row of teeth around it's throat.
The wolf then pounced on the lead Marine faster than you can 'Love Cook'.
Ryoga popped out of the ground a long ways away from where the Marines were. He used his Bakusai Tenketsu to create a hole in the ground and tunneled away from the Marines. Ryoga needed to find the others. Ranma and Ben could take care of themselves, but everyone else wasn't at their level, Charizard was still weak, and Luffy and the others were still away with Apis.
Before Ryoga could move out, he heard an explosion above him. He looked up and saw two falling figures come hurdling towards the sky.
Both figures landed near him.
He couldn't tell what either of them were until he saw the mark on the red manta ray's chest.
"Hey Ryoga" said Jetray "See your as lost as ever"
"What's going on, and who is that?" asked Ryoga.
"Long story short, some pirate that's been fused with a Pokemon" Jetray jumped into the air as Don Krieg smashed the ground with his fist "I was trying to lead him away to another island, but he put up too much of a fight" Jetray was knocked out of the sky when Don Krieg batted away Jetray with a tree he ripped out of the ground. Ryoga quickly caught Jetray before he could crash into the trees.
"Thanks" Jetray then touched the Ultimatrix symbol on his chest. Ryoga put him down as he shifted in a purple diamond creature with greenish diamond hands and face.
Diamondhead turned his arms into blades and shot shards towards Don Krieg, but Don Krieg countered by shooting white stones towards Ben, resulting in shards and stones breaking against each other and piling up under the collision of the attack.
Ryoga jumped onto Diamondhead's back and pushed himself off of Diamondhead towards Don Krieg, blasting him in the face with a powerful roundhouse kick. Don Krieg crashed into several trees.
Ben whistled "Nice kick, and I thought Kevin had a strong kick. You okay?"
"Yeah, I have to thank that old bat for teaching me all that endurance training. That rock head wasn't even powerfu-AAH!" Ryoga was blasted away as a barrage of boulders crashed against him, sending him crashing through several trees.
Diamondhead turned and saw Don Krieg walking towards him, his palm out stretched towards Ben. Suddenly, big sized boulders shot of his palm and fired towards Ben. Ben was sent back as he felt himself crashing into many trees, shards falling from his body.
Ben landed next to Ryoga.
"You okay?" asked Ryoga.
"Been better" said Diamondhead as he straightened himself up.
"How did he do that with the rocks?" asked Ryoga.
"Maybe it has something to do with his Pokemon DNA"
"Maybe" Ryoga stood up and got into a fighting position "But he's not perfect"
"His body makes him endurable, but it also makes him slow. So he has to use attacks like those stone bullets or that boulder blast to keep us at a distance. But I don't think this new form of his could handle close range fighting. Luffy and Sanji explained that he relied on weapons and armor to fight, he has none of that right now"
"It doesn't matter how close we get, as long as he has that stone body... wait, I think I got a way to beat him"
"The Ultimatrix can alter DNA. Maybe I can use it to erase his Pokemon DNA and return him to normal"
"You can alter his DNA?"
"Yeah... but I don't wanna try anything while he's conscious"
"So we just gotta knock him out" Ryoga smirked as he pounded his fist into his open hand "Piece of cake"
"His skin is harder than Cannonbolt's armor, think you got an attack that could take him out?"
"I know just the one, but you'll have to distract him while I get ready"
"Okay" Diamondhead saw that Don Krieg, who has been slowly advancing towards them since his attack, come into sight "Good luck" Diamondhead slammed the Ultimatrix symbol and shifted into a rounded white and black alien with yellow shields around it's body.
"Cannonbolt!" shouted Ben. Ben was going to use Ryoga's advice. Cannonbolt's body could allow him to both endure Don Krieg's attacks and get within range of Don Krieg.
Cannonbolt curled up and rolled towards Don Krieg, colliding with Don Krieg and sending ricocheting off the trees. When Don Krieg landed, Cannonbolt immediately rolled over him before Krieg could even get up, flattening him into the ground. Cannonbolt quickly rolled a tree and allowed himself to fall down, right on top of Don Krieg's body, dribbling/crashing onto Don Krieg.
But Don Krieg suddenly slammed his fist into Cannonbolt, sending the alien into the sky. Don Krieg then pointed his palm towards Cannonbolt and used his Rock Blast technique to send boulders skyrocketing towards Ben, each collision sending Ben further into the sky.
Ben immediately shifted again.
"Big Chill!"
Big Chill flew down towards Don Krieg while phasing through the boulders. When he was within range, Ben slammed the Ultimatrix symbol again.
Big Chill's body changed as it's bluish body became an orange red shade.
"Ultimate Big Chill!"
Ultimate Big Chill then flew around Don Krieg as it shot fire around Don Krieg as ice formed around him, keeping him in place. Ben was pleased to see that both the ice wasn't breaking and that Don Krieg's body didn't prevent him from feeling the temperature.
"That's fire so cold it burns Krieg. Hope you like it"
"Good job Ben"
Ben heard Ryoga's compliment, but it lacked any real emotion. Ben turned and saw that Ryoga was calmly walking towards Don Krieg, his head down in depression, his arms slumped, and his eyes filled without emotions.
"Ryoga, what-"
"Stand back Ben" Ryoga lifted his head lifelessly "This will hurt"
Ultimate Big Chill quickly flew away above Ryoga.
A golden red sphere grew around Ryoga's hands.
"ShiShi Hokodan!"
Ryoga blasted the attack towards Don Krieg and fired an enormous blast of energy straight towards Don Krieg. Still ensnared in Ultimate Big Chill's frozen fire, Don Krieg was engulfed in the amazing attack.
Ben had to cover his eyes from how bright the attack was. When the light died down, Ben widen his eyes and saw that a crater as large as a football field had replaced where a solid landscape and a forest of trees were. Ben quickly flew down and changed back to normal as he landed next to Ryoga, who was huffing as he held his sides.
"You okay?"
"I'll live" said Ryoga, now with more emotion than before.
"What was that move?"
"That was my lion's bullet attack. I gather all the sadness and depression in my body and release it all into one blast"
"Whoa, I never realized how deadly emotions could make fighting" said Ben "Don Krieg, is he-"
"No, he's still alive" said Ryoga "If it wasn't for his rock skin, he would of died"
Ben and Ryoga walked down into the crater and saw Don Krieg buried under debris, his Aron skin cracked in several places.
"Alright, Ultimatrix scan sentient life form"
"Scanning" came a voice from the Ultimatrix, causing Ryoga to widen his eyes. A green light came from the Ultimatrix and scanned Don Krieg "Life Form containing infused unknown DNA. Do you wish to restore?"
"Proceed, begin restoration" said Ben.
The Ultimatrix then swept another light over Don Krieg. This time, when the light died out, Don Krieg was now without his white armor skin, an Aron on his chest.
"Life Form Restored; Unknown DNA removal Complete" came the voice from the Ultimatrix.
Ryoga picked up Aron "This little thing was the cause of all this?"
Ryoga felt Ben fall down behind him.
"Ben?!" Ryoga put the Aron down and slung Ben's arm over him.
"Sorry, altering DNA takes a lot out of me" said Ben with a weak smile.
"You did good" Ryoga slowly started to move forward "Let's find the others"
Peter and Wendy continued to cut down the Marines one by one, though they kept on coming.
"Hey Peter, answer me this" said Wendy as he blocked a sword swipe with the flat part of the axe.
"Kay" said Peter as he beheaded another Marine before shifting to engaging two in a duel.
"These Marines don't make sense" said Wendy as she kicked the Marine fighting her in the balls "There not giving any orders, there using the rifles as clubs, and they don't seem to kill that they lost a lot of them"
"I see your point-" Peter decked a Marine in the face with a free hand "-But how about we figure that out-" ducked what would of been a fatal blow "-when we're not endanger of dying!"
"Okay" said Wendy as she slashed three Marines across the chest.
Soos and Kira were watching the fight behind several rocks.
"Ah man, Wendy and Mr. Griffin rock, don't you think Kira?...Kira?"
Kira was staring at the attacking Marines. Something seemed familiar about them.
"Huh, oh sorry Soos, I was thinking of something"
"What was it?"
"I'll say it later, but I think we've got to help Wendy and Peter"
"Why, they seemed to have this cover"
"But there running out of breath. No matter how good a warrior is, if a fight goes on too long, they'll run out of energy"
"Ah dude, well what do we do?"
"If only there were some animals around, I could ask for their assistance"
"But I don't see any animals dude"
"...If only my voice could reach the entire island, I could call something for help"
"...Ah dude, I have just the thing" Soos pulled out a megaphone and handed it to Kira.
"What is this?"
"It's a megaphone. You speak into it and your voice goes louder" Soos put Kira on his shoulder "Now speak Kira. Speak!"
Kira awkwardly held the megaphone as she tried to hold it right. Eventually, she was able to hold it in an efficient enough manner and yelled into the megaphone.
"Camalayaa~!. Orvad! Orvad!" Kira then made what could be described as a chirping/calling manner into the megaphone.
Soos kept Kira balanced on his shoulders as she kept calling. "Ah dude!"
Four Marines with swords in each hand were approaching Soos, apparently able to slip past Wendy and Peter's tag team blockade.
"Kira, is any help coming?"
Before Kira could respond, a loud growl surrounded the area. Before any one could turn towards the source, a giant beast landed into the clearing and bit into the nearest Marine soldier. The other Marines jumped on the beast dog pile style, but the beast rolled around log style and crushed the Marines.
"Ah Kira, I think you summoned a monster dude. We gotta run"
Kira didn't answer. She only stared at the beast killing the Marines.
(Peter was sitting in a chair with his arms crossed)
Peter, what the hell is wrong with you?
"I'm angry that we didn't get able reviews from last chapter"
Oh not this crap again. And several people reviewed.
"That's not good enough! I want like a hundred reviews per chapter"
Um, that's kinda... really pushing it.
"Hey, I have a right to know how people react to my farts and gags and nonsense"
So basically your just a curious faggot.
"Hey, you don't what it's like being me"(Peter was now wearing a beauty queen gown)"I have a right to know what the common man thinks of this wonderful work of art. To hear their opinions on what to do with this story, or how to change it from the main plot, or simply just their thoughts on how this story is going. If you can't understand my concern for how this story is going, well then-
(Schnitzel from Chowder appeared behind Peter and whacked him in the head, Peter falling over face first)
Thanks Schnitzel
"Rada Rada"(Schnitzel walked away)
Well that was getting annoying, but to save myself from listening to more of his crap, please review. Though knowing him, he'd probably dress up like a beauty queen and give one of those 'we like to thank the academy' speeches or, I don't know. I don't really watch anything like that. But still, review.