Sorry about the delay on this chapter, not only has it been difficult to write but my son has also been ill who I clearly taught to share a little too well lol.

Also sorry about the lame chapter title, my mind drew a complete blank on this and I couldn't think of anything better.

This story is now complete.

I do have an idea for a sequel but it may be some time yet as it's only an idea at the moment. I need to think about it and develop proper plot lines with a sub plot or two and maybe a couple of twists along the way. But there will be a sequel.



Merlin still wasn't at his desk when Arthur returned, leaving his father alone and shouting in the cells. He tried to ignore the twinge of guilt he felt, he truly hadn't meant to lash out at Merlin. Merlin was his friend, his best friend really. The more Arthur thought about it the more he was surprised at how Merlin had worked himself so deeply under his skin in such a short space of time.

Merlin still wasn't back when Arthur returned from lunch. Arthur placed the coffee he had got for Merlin on his desk, knowing it wasn't enough but hoped it would be a start. He left his office door open so that he could see when Merlin returned.

Arthur had barely sat down before the alarms for the cells rang out throughout the building. Arthur's heart sank, he just knew this had something to do with Uther. He should have known that Uther was going to put up a fight.

He raced down to the cells along with several other officers and pushed his way through the crowd that had already formed around Uther's cell, only to find it empty with the door wide open. There was a small amount of blood that was smudged and smeared on the floor near Uther's cell. And yet everyone just stood there staring and gawping.

"What are you doing just standing around for?" Arthur shouted. "I want the entire building searched floor by floor, top to bottom, he couldn't have gone far. Someone get a copy of the CCTV and someone take a sample of this blood over to Lance's lab ASAP, have him run it against the police personnel files first."

"Do you think the blood belongs to one of our own Sir?" A young trainee asked from the back while Gwaine and Percy also pushed their way through to the front.

"We are in a police station it is hardly going to be a civilian now is it?" Everyone leapt into action. Most of them left the cells to organise the search while others started searching the cell itself.

"Where is Merlin?" Arthur asked approaching Gwaine who was staring at the blood stain. "He is the lead officer on this now, he should be here. I can't believe he would let his sulk interfere wi-"

"Arthur!" Gwaine shouted cutting Arthur's rant off.


"Uther asked to see Merlin about half an hour ago, he didn't come back."

Ice gripped Arthur's stomach. "But that would mean…" Arthur said looking down to the blood. Merlin's blood. The ice in Arthur's stomach spread up to his lungs and heart, down his spine making him feel numb for the second time this week.

Arthur glanced to the officer that was knelt down beside the puddle with a vile and swab in his hand. And pushed him out of the way to snatch the equipment from him and quickly scraped up some of the blood, he was up and marching out of the cells before he got the vile sealed.

"Arthur where are you going?" Gwaine called, running after him.

"Lance's lab," Arthur replied, increasing speed. "I need to know now! If this is Merlin's blood."

"Well wait for us, you are not doing this alone Arthur."

"Then keep up!" Arthur snapped.

Arthur threw the door open when he arrived at the lab, "Lance!" Striding over to a startled Lance at the desk, "I need you to run this blood sample against Merlin's file and see if it's a match." Arthur said, shoving the vile into Lance's hands.

"Arthur? What?"

"Now Lance! Merlin may be in trouble I need to know if this is his blood." Arthur released a deep breath when Lance rushed around his lab, fiddling with his equipment.

"Percival, head over to tech, get them to start digging up the CCTV footage, we will be there as soon as we are done here." Arthur ordered. Percy nodded and left after a moment's hesitation.

With nothing left to do Arthur paced the floor while he waited. He didn't want to think, he didn't want to think about Merlin being injured and bleeding somewhere, he didn't want think that his father would hurt Merlin.

But he couldn't help it. The thought of Merlin hurt somewhere actually made his chest constrict painfully as if someone was squeezing the air out of him. The thought of Merlin bleeding and helpless made him want to demolish everything in his way and raze everything to the ground until Merlin was safe.

Gwaine appeared in front of him gripping his shoulders with both hands, "Arthur, calm down."

"Don't tell me t-"

"Look," Gwaine said firmly, "I know you are worried about Merlin, we all are. But you need to calm down and think this through. If you lose your head now you will be no good to anyone, especially Merlin."

Arthur nodded, as much as he hated to admit it Gwaine was right. He was not going to find Merlin if he panicked. "Okay, thinking it through," Arthur agreed. "How did Uther get out of the cell? I find it very hard to believe that Merlin would open the door for him."

"Somebody did, the keys were still in the door."

Damn he missed that. The fact that he missed it was proof that he needed to take a step back and think about it logically. "Merlin may have opened the door if he thought Uther was hurt or sick and needed help."

Gwaine frowned and shook his head, "No, he would have called for a medic and back up first, alerting us all."

That was true. It was surprising how many prisoners tried that trick to try and escape, standard procedure was to call for a medic and backup first. "So if Merlin didn't open the door, then who did?"

"Uther must have had help," Gwaine answered. "It was Cedric who came to get Merlin."

"Cedric?!" Arthur laughed, "The man can barely string along a sentence never mind help Uther escape."

"Yes but it wouldn't take much to trick Cedric into opening the door for him."

"Not if Merlin was with him, Merlin would have stopped him." Arthur ran his hand through his hair and started pacing again, "We need the CCTV, we need to go over to the tech department. Has Cedric been seen since?"

"No, he didn't come back either." Gwaine answered.

"Then it might be Cedric's blood." Arthur said hopefully but then felt a little guilty about wishing someone else was hurt. He didn't want it to be anyone's blood, but it had to belong to someone.

"Or Uther's! In fact if anything it's more likely to be his, he was injured after all." Gwaine suggested.

"Sorry guys," Lance interrupted, "But it's Merlin's blood alright, it's a 99.9% match."

"Well that blows that theory out of the water." Gwaine huffed.

"Come on, let's get over to tech see if there is anything on the CCTV," Arthur said, already heading for the door.

"Arthur wait a moment," Gwaine said once they were outside.

"We don't have time for chatting Gwaine."

"I know, but I want you to stop and think for a moment," Gwaine replied blocking Arthur's path, "This could get messy, Uther has taken Merlin, but are you prepared to do what it takes to get Merlin back?"

"Of course I would, how could you ask that?"

"Even if it means shooting your own father?"

That made Arthur pause. Could he kill his own father? As much as he hated Uther for what he had done, he didn't think he could kill him. Uther had never been much of a father but he was still his father, he still raised him taught him everything he knew. But what if it came down to killing Uther or letting Merlin die? The idea of killing his father made Arthur feel ill and queasy but the idea of letting Merlin die made him feel cold and numb like his blood had frozen in his veins.

"I would much rather not have to shoot anyone. But if it came down to Merlin or Uther I know what I would do." Gwaine raised his eyebrows, "Uther made his choice when he started this whole mess, I no longer see him as my father." The image of his mother's tapestries appeared in his mind. The man he knew as his father would never have done that. He remembered Nimueh hanging from the tree as his father slit her throat, the man he knew as his father no longer existed. "Uther is not an innocent. Merlin on the other hand…" The thought of Merlin being dead sent a shiver through Arthur. His mind rejected the idea fiercely. A world without Merlin would be a very dark and cold place, a place Arthur did not want to be.

Gwaine grinned, "Yeah, Merlin what?"

"Merlin is an innocent." Arthur insisted, trying valiantly to keep his blush at bay, he didn't want Gwaine miss-reading the situation, even though he was starting to think there was a small chance they were right.

"Aww come on princess," Gwaine pouted, "We both know that Merlin is much more than that."

"Shut up Gwaine." Arthur said lightly shoving Gwaine to the side, "Come on we got work to do."

They found Percy towering over George who was in front of his computers looking very nervous at Percy's presence.


"Nothing," Percy answered. "It appears the CCTV was taken out just before Cedric came for Merlin. Including the cameras outside and in the carpark."

"The backups?" Arthur asked already knowing the answer.

"They are down too, whoever it was knew what they were doing."

"There is a bank across the road," George piped up throwing a glance at Percy, "There is a good chance that their CCTV will have caught something from outside of the building"

"They may have caught Uther leaving the station with Merlin," Percy said.

Gwaine shook his head, "We can't just walk into the bank and ask for their CCTV footage. We will have to put in request forms and that will take time."

"Time that Merlin might not have," Arthur agreed, "This just leaves us with Cedric, we need to find him."

"I can get his address from the personnel files." George offered.

"Do it. We will go and search his place and at least try and find out if he is friend or foe."

The first thing Merlin became aware of was his head, his head was pounding. Merlin didn't think he had ever had a hangover as bad as this before, which confused him. He didn't remember drinking, he didn't even remember going to the pub.

The next thing Merlin became aware of was the cold. The cold was seeping into his body from the hard flat surface he was lying on. The floor? Why was he lying on the floor? The memories of Uther and Cedric came flooding back to him.

He groaned and shifted slightly taking stock of his body and determining any other injuries, he stopped when it sent a fresh wave of pain through his head and nausea rolled around in his stomach.

He noted thankfully that there wasn't any pain other than that in his head, although he also noted that his left hand was slightly elevated. He tried jerking it back only to find he couldn't move it.

He slowly opened his eyes to take in his surroundings before dealing with arm. He wasn't particularly worried he knew it was a restraint, the fact that he had been restrained in the first place was the worrying part.

It took a few moments for the room he was in to stop swaying and for the blurring to recede so he could focus in on the area. The room he was in was small and dark, but not so much that he couldn't make things out. The room was practically empty, it was dusty and the air was musty and stale. The cold concrete floor had a thick layer of dirt in which he was lying.

He immediately thought of Nimueh's warehouse but his gut told him that this was not it. The place felt much too small for that. He discretely tried to look around not wanting to draw attention to himself. He realised that if someone was watching him it was already too late. He had already made enough noise to let his captor know he was awake.

Merlin had no idea how long he had been unconscious, an hour? Two? More? There was no natural light in the room so it was very difficult to tell.

There was an old simple wooden table and chair on the other side of the room. Uther was sat on the chair staring directly at him, with a gun held loosely in his hand. Yes his captor definitely knew he was awake.

He braced himself and gathered up all of his strength to sit up. He didn't want to talk to Uther while he was on his back. It took some doing but he eventually managed to get himself upright. He leant back panting in pain with his eyes screwed shut against what he now realised was a radiator, with his left wrist cuffed to the pipes.

Once the stabbing pain in his head had reduced back down to a throb he tried talking. Merlin opened his mouth to speak but all that came out was a garbled croak. He cleared his throat to try again, wincing at the renewed throb it sent through his head. "Where am I?" he eventually managed to croak out.

"Not important." Uther answered stiffly.

"Why have you brought me here?" Merlin tried again.

"You are here because I wish it. You are my insurance."


"Yes, if Arthur manages to find us before my contacts arrive then I will use you against him, plus I got to admit," Uther paused to lean forward in his chair and smirk at Merlin, "There is some pleasure to be had in hurting you. As Arthur pointed out he would not have caught me if it weren't for you."

Oddly enough Merlin wasn't too worried about it, maybe his head had him too dazed to think about. He wasn't afraid of pain anyway, he didn't enjoy it or get off on it but wasn't scared of pain, and Uther had just admitted he needed him alive so he didn't feel he had cause to be to be too worried. Yet.

"I didn't do it all by myself you know? Arthur helped a great deal besides you were killing people you needed to be caught."

"I was doing what my son failed to do and got the scum off the streets."

"By killing them? That's not justice!" Merlin shouted ignoring the pain it caused in his head.

"It was the only way," Uther replied calmly, leaning back into his chair.

"And it was hardly Arthur's fault, he did everything he was supposed to, he did everything right."

"Of course you would defend him," Uther snorted, "But you can't deny the streets are safer now I have cleaned them up a bit."

"Oh yeah I feel real safe right now, what happens to me if your contacts gets here first?"

"Nothing, I will leave you here, they will find you eventually."

"And your contacts will allow that will they?" Merlin snorted, unable to believe that it would be that simple.

"Of course" Uther smiled. Merlin wondered if the smile was supposed to make him relax. But it looked wrong and foreign on his face making it very difficult for Merlin to believe him.

Merlin glanced around the room looking for signs of anyone else. He expected to find Cedric in the corner somewhere, but he couldn't see him anywhere, but then it was dark Cedric could easily be hiding or maybe in another room.

"Where is Cedric….or is it Sigan…? What the hell was that all about anyway?"

"Yes," Uther replied cheerfully, "Cedric's alter ego has been extremely helpful. I caught Cedric covering and hiding evidence for his friend who was running a dog fighting ring, when I came across his alter ego, or Sigan as he is called. His friend was a vet, and not a good one, it gave him easy access to his dogs and drugs so he bought my silence in exchange for the tranquilisers."

"Great so we can add conspiracy to conceal a crime and blackmail to your rap sheet."

Uther shrugged calmly like it wasn't important, "They were only animals."

"They were only…there are laws against animal cruelty." Merlin shouted, shocked at what he was hearing, "Oh I get it, you pick and choose which laws you want to follow. Not to mention you took advantage of a sick man who clearly has a split personality disorder, is there no low you will stoop too?"

Uther leapt of his chair "I will do what it takes to get the job done." He yelled, losing his calm composure and sneering grotesquely at Merlin.

"Jesus you're off your fucking rocker." Merlin gasped at the sudden transformation.

Uther backhanded him hard and fast, sending him back down on to the floor. It felt like a gong had gone off inside his head and he was pretty sure his body was vibrating from it. He squeezed his eyes shut against the onslaught desperately trying to keep hold of the contents of his stomach. He could feel something wet trickling down his face. Merlin gingerly put his hand to it and was unsurprised to see his hand covered in blood.

Once he was certain he wasn't going to be sick he blinked his eyes open until the black spots faded from his vision. Then gently lifted himself back into a sitting position against the radiator once more.

"What about Arthur?" He croaked out after a few minutes of regaining his breath.

"What about him?" Uther snarled, "He's a disappointment, after everything I have done for him and he is unwilling to even try to understand what I have been doing, after all the times I have had to clean up his mess every time he fucked up, and he dares to look at me with disgust."

"A disappointment!" Merlin growled back. There is no way that Arthur could be considered a disappointment to anyone, let alone his own father. "Arthur has had to work twice as hard as everyone else just to earn the respect he deserves. Everything he does has been under the spotlight because he was your son and he has still managed to accomplish more than most people in half the time. You should be proud of him! But then again," Merlin huffed, "I can't say I'm surprised with your attitude, you were hardly winning any father of year contests before your cheese slid of its cracker."

Merlin's face hit the floor for the third time, only this time he wasn't able to stop the darkness from taking over. He barely had time to register that Uther had hit again before he lost consciousness.

Arthur, Gwaine and Percy pulled up outside the address they had for Cedric. Which turned out to be a very old run down house. It was clearly a house that been in Cedric's family for some time and was showing its age, badly. The house needed a lot of work, a hell of a lot of work but could actually be a very nice family house with a bit of care and attention.

"Arthur look." Percy said, pointing to the open garage. Inside sat a red Ford Fiesta.

"How the hell did we not know about that?"

"Well we wouldn't would we? Not if he hasn't driven it to work. It's not as if we check the cars every officer drives."

"Well maybe we should start." Arthur snapped.

"It wouldn't have meant anything anyway if we had known about it, it's a very common car."

Arthur ignored him, he wasn't in the mood for a debate with Gwaine they had a suspect to apprehend and question. Arthur drew out his gun and checked the safety, "Right, Percy you go around back, Gwaine you're with me."

Percy quickly disappeared around the side of the house. Arthur and Gwaine waited for a moment or two to give him the chance to get into position, before approaching and banging on Cedric's door.

"Lieutenant Cedric Brown. This is the police. Open the door and put your hands on your head!" Arthur shouted.

Nothing happened for a few minutes and Arthur was beginning to think Cedric had made a run for it out the back. But the door eventually creaked open and a very dazed and confused looking Cedric peered out.

"Hands on your head," Arthur ordered, making a show of his gun, warning Cedric that they meant business.

"Sir?...W..what?...I d..don't-"

"Hands. On. Your. Head. I won't ask again."

Cedric slowly moved his hands to his head, "Gwaine." Arthur said, ordering him to move in. Gwaine stepped forward and spun Cedric around then grabbing each of Cedric's hands, he moved them and cuffed them behind his back.

"Is there anyone else in the house?" Gwaine asked.

Cedric shook his head, or least Arthur thinks he did. Cedric was shaking so badly it was hard to tell.

"Speak clearly." Arthur demanded.

" Sir!"

Percy appeared from inside the house, "Downstairs is clear Sir."

"Secure him inside, we don't have time to take him to the station, I want answers now. Percy check the upstairs, I don't trust this weasel."

Percy moved to check the upstairs while Arthur and Gwaine took each of Cedric's arms to drag him inside. They moved straight down the hallway and into the shabby dirty kitchen at the back of the house. It seemed Cedric had finally learned some sense and kept quiet.

"Sit him at the table and I want a gun trained on him at all times." Arthur ordered.

Gwaine sat Cedric down and took a step back keeping his gun on him. "Right then," Arthur said sitting opposite Cedric. "Where is Merlin?"

"W..what? I d..don't know Sir."

"You see Cedric, I don't believe you, and I think you know a hell of a lot more than you are letting on."


"Where is Merlin?" Arthur repeated.

"I don't know!" Cedric squeaked, his voice rising in pitch.

Arthur sat back in his chair and took a closer look at Cedric. The man looked positively petrified and one step away from a full blown panic attack. Arthur needed to calm him down a little otherwise they would up taking care of him instead.

"Okay," Arthur soothed. "When was the last time you saw him?" Arthur asked.

"W..when I took him to go and see U..uther I mean Supe-" Arthur raised a hand to cut him off, he didn't care about correct address.

"Okay, then what? Did you stay with them?"

"Y..yes Sir." Cedric replied a little calmer.

"What did they talk about?"

"Uther wanted Merlin's assistance, but Merlin refused."

"Assistance with what?"

"I..I don't know Sir, he didn't say."

"Then what happened?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know," Arthur snapped. "Did they continue talking? Did Merlin leave? Did you leave? Did anyone open the cell door at any time?"

"I don't remember." Cedric sobbed.

"You don't remember?" Arthur repeated slowly, "Where you knocked out?"

"I d..don't know, I don't t..think so."

"Okay," Arthur sighed. "Why are you here? You are supposed to be on duty at the station, so what are you doing at home?" Arthur asked attempting a different tactic.

"I w..woke up here."

"You woke up here? Explain now!" Arthur demanded beginning to lose his patience. They didn't have time for this. Merlin is hurt and bleeding somewhere and Arthur needed to get him.

"I don't know i..if I can, the last thing I remember is Merlin and U..Uther talking in t..the cells and the next thing I know I'm waking up here."

Arthur frowned, was it possible Cedric had been drugged somehow? Arthur got up to examine Cedric's neck. Cedric violently flinched away from but Arthur grabbed his shoulder not allowing him to move. Cedric's neck was clean and free from puncture wounds.

"What about your car?" Gwaine asked from the corner.

" car?"

"A red Ford Fiesta was seen at one of the crime scenes, and you happen to have a red Ford in your garage.

"It wasn't my car, I haven't driven that car in months. I walk to the station, I can't afford to run it properly so I keep it in the garage."

Arthur was about to tell Gwaine to call forensics when he realised there was someone missing. "Where is Percy? He is taking too long."

"I haven't heard him come back down." Gwaine said.

"You keep an eye on him, I will go and check on Percy." And stormed out before Gwaine could protest.

The upstairs was just as run down as the rest of the house. He found Percy in the second bedroom, glancing at the busted lock on the way in he wondered if Percy had forced his way in or if it had always been like that.


"In here," Percy shouted not realising Arthur was already in the room with him. "You need to see this Arthur."

The second bedroom was quiet bare there was a bed on one side of the room that looked like it had been slept in recently and an old desk in the corner where Percy was standing holding some papers in his hand. The desk was littered in paper that spilled over on to the floor. Some had been pinned up on to the wall. Arthur came closer to inspect them hoping for a location where Merlin might be held.

It was very difficult to make sense of what was written as most of it was nonsense. Written by two very distinctive hands.

On one sheet was: My name is Cedric Brown, I am Cedric, I am me, leave me alone. The same words repeated over and over again sometimes different words were used but it all meant the same thing.

Whilst on another sheet in a different hand was: I am Sigan, I am here, I am coming for you, Cedric must die, I will NEVER go away.

"What the hell is all this? It looks like the ramblings of a mad man." Arthur said bewildered.

"It's all more or less the same on every sheet Arthur, the draws are full of them too." Percy said as Arthur shifted through more paper. "What is he saying downstairs?"

"That he doesn't remember. He claims he doesn't remember anything, he was with Merlin and Uther in cells one moment then here the next."

"Maybe he doesn't. I was watching this documentary a few months ago there was something similar to this in it, it was about people with split personality disorder."

"Split personality?"

Percy nodded, "If he has this, then he might not remember what he does when his other personality takes over. Judging by this Cedric's other personality is called Sigan. If Sigan took over then its Sigan we need to talk too. It looks like Cedric's is aware of something but he may not understand what it is"

Arthur sighed, "That sort of makes sense that will be why Uther used him too. If Cedric is mentally unstable then nothing he says can be used at evidence and can't be relied on in court." Arthur ran his hands through his hair, "How do we call this Sigan out then?"

"We could try calling him out."

"It's worth a shot. Call forensics get them over here we could probably do with a couple of psychiatrists here too."

"Will do Arthur" Percival agreed.

Arthur made his way back down the stairs with several of the papers in his hand. Cedric was clearly still panicking and incredibly nervous, his eyes shooting from Gwaine, Gwaine's gun and Arthur as if he was waiting for one them to attack him. His eyes stilled when he saw the papers in Arthur's hand.

"W..what are t..those?"

Arthur didn't answer straight away he settled himself back in his seat and Percy appeared a moment later.

"I was rather hoping you could tell me." Arthur replied calmly.

"I d..don't know"

"Really." Arthur said and slid the papers over the table so that Cedric could see them. Cedric's face drained of colour and he started to shake again.

"I don't k..know." Cedric repeated.

"Hmmmm…Maybe I should ask Sigan then."

The reaction was instant. Cedric froze, his body stopped shaking and the panic and nerves was replaced with malevolence and eyes filled with pure venom. The corner of his lips curled up into a nasty sneer.


"Arthur Pendragon," Cedric or rather Sigan nodded.

"Good, maybe you can tell me where Merlin is?"

"I could," Sigan replied in a cold hard voice that sounded nothing like Cedric and raised the hairs on the back of Arthur's neck. "But I won't."

"What did you do to him?" Arthur snapped.

"He is alive, if that is what you are asking, at least he was last time I checked."

"Where is Uther?"

"Not tellin," Sigan sing songed, "I don't have to tell you anything."

"It would be in your best interest to co-operate." Arthur said firmly gritting his teeth.

"Oh really and why is that?" Sigan said lightly, "I think we both know where I am going, and it's not to jail." Sigan laughed, "I bet you have already called the shrinks."

Percival moved in closer, towering over Sigan with his bulk. Sigan rolled his eyes, "Oh please, don't think you can intimidate me. Cedric is the snivelling coward not me and I know you won't hurt an unarmed man," Sigan pointed to himself with a look of mock innocence, "An unarmed sick man."

"And how would you know? We will do whatever it takes to protect one of our own." Arthur growled.

"Do you really think that I would let Cedric," Sigan spat the name, "Walk around all this time? No," Sigan shook his head slowly, "I have seen you, I have watched you. I will take my chances."

"Where. Is. Merlin?" Arthur asked again.

Sigan shrugged and stared at Arthur with his cold eyes as if he was trying to penetrate into Arthur's brain. Arthur stared right back, not willing to back down. Sigan leant over the table to come closer to Arthur. Both Gwaine and Percy shifted on the spot ready to jump in at a moment's notice. "I'm not telling you anything Arthur Pendragon." Sigan said, his voice filled with ice.

"I don't get it." Gwaine said breaking some of the tension in the room. "Why did you even become a police officer in the first place?"

"Because that pathetic excuse for a man, otherwise known as Cedric thought he could hack it." Sigan replied not taking his eyes off Arthur, "Just because dear old mummy could. But he couldn't, it was too much for him, he doesn't have the balls, that's why I woke up in the first place and I quickly took over. Cedric is weak it wasn't even hard." Sigan laughed.

Arthur slammed his hand down onto the table, "Tell me where Merlin is!" he demanded. But Sigan just sat back in his chair and curled his lips into his mouth squeezing it shut. "God damn it." Arthur snapped before leaping out of his chair and marching out of the room. He could hear Sigan's cold laugh follow him down the hallway, but if he spent another moment with Sigan he was pretty sure he would have hit him until he gave them something.

Arthur was pacing in the front room, wearing down the already thread bare carpet, when Gwaine came in. "What is wrong with the people in this city?" Arthur ranted. "First Uther now Cedric has everyone gone bonkers?"

"Must be something in the water." Gwaine answered gently. "Alright Arthur," Gwaine said coming over to Arthur and pushed him down on to a nearby couch. Small clouds of dust escaped when Arthur made contact with the fabric sending them both into a coughing fit.

Arthur got back up, "Think I will stand," Arthur choked.

"Probably best," Gwaine choked back, "Okay princess." Gwaine started again, "We need to focus on Uther not Sigric in there." Arthur rolled his eyes at Gwaine's attempt at a joke. He was not in the mood for joking he just wanted to find Merlin.

"Arthur where would your father-"

"Don't call him that," Arthur snapped. That man is no longer his father, he is not the man he knew, and he has already made that clear.

"Sorry where would Uther go?" Gwaine corrected, "Have you any idea at all?"

"No, if I did I would be there by now." Arthur snapped.

"Untwist your knickers princess, I'm trying to help."


"Sorry? Did you just say sorry?" Gwaine asked stunned, "I don't think I have ever heard you say that before. Wow Merlin has been a better influence on you than I thought."

"Gwaine!" Arthur growled.

"Sorry, sorry, didn't mean to rub it in." Gwaine replied sheepishly before taking a deep breath and started again. "Does Uther have any other buildings or properties?"

Arthur shook his head, "No, none that I know of anyway, other than his apartment."

"What about the house you grew up in?"

"No. He sold that, I know he did there are other people living in it now. He wouldn't go back there."

"What about your mother? Was there anything in her name?" Gwaine asked gently.

"No all she had was the art gallery. And Uther sold that off after she died."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure. He sold off the business, I inherited most of it when I came of age."

"But what about the building?"

Arthur frowned, he couldn't remember what happened to the building itself. "Don't the two usually go hand in hand?"

"Not always no."


Arthur looked at the building that was his mothers. The windows had been blacked out and covered with a fine layer of dirt and grime. It clearly hadn't been used since his mother had it.

Arthur wanted to come and storm the place straight away but Gwaine and Percy persuaded him to wait for back up. They had no way of knowing how many were involved and with Merlin being injured, they might need a medic depending on how bad he was. And they knew Uther was armed with Cedric's gun.

It was nearly dark outside now and was virtually pitch black inside. The occasional flash of a torch could be seen inside, so they knew someone was in there they just didn't know how many, or if Merlin was in there. Uther had managed to get Cedric on his side, who knows how many others there could be.

Once they were all geared up with their guns and bullet proof vests, Arthur and his men quietly and quickly surrounded the building, no one could get in or out without them knowing about it. The blacked out windows working to their advantage.

Arthur slipped the microscopic microphone under the door, they needed to determine how many were in the building before they could enter.

There was the sound of someone moving around almost like they were pacing. This went on for some time, Arthur was about to give up on hearing anything else when Merlin's voice rang loud and clear through Arthur's earpiece. "Are you sure your contacts are coming? Only my arse has gone numb."

Arthur felt a weight being lifted from his shoulders at the sound of Merlin's voice. Merlin was well enough to speak and make jokes, but he didn't relax completely, he knew that Merlin could still be severely injured.

If Merlin got a response it wasn't verbal, not that that could stop Merlin from talking however. "I mean these contacts of yours, I'm guessing they are not law abiding citizens. If they are crooks they are hardly going to be honourable and trustworthy are they? There is a very good chance they are not coming. You were the Chief Superintendent after all many of them probably hold a grudge against you, so if they did come I think it's more likely that they would shoot you first."

There was the sound of hurried steps followed by an 'Umph' and a slight choking sound. "If you don't hold your tongue I will cut it out." Arthur heard Uther snarl.

Arthur felt panic grip him at the sound of Merlin being hurt further and yanked his microphone back and hurried back to Gwaine and Percival on the other side of the street but still within full view of the building. "Both Uther and Merlin are in there. It sounds like they are alone, it seems Uther is waiting for someone. Uther is hurting Merlin so we have to act fast."

"Okay princess how do you want to do this?"

"We have to be very careful," Percy added, "Uther won't hesitate to kill Merlin like he did Nimueh."

"I was thinking hard and fast, we have the element of surp-"

He cut himself off when he noticed a dark coloured car approach from down the street with no lights on. The car slowed down to a stop outside the building. Arthur signalled everyone to get down and out of sight.

Arthur ducked down behind a parked car and peered through the car windows. A man Arthur was sure he had never seen before stepped out of the car keeping the car door open and the engine running. The man glanced around, but as he started for the building, he caught sight of Arthur watching him. The man threw himself back into the car and sped off with the tyres screeching down the street.

Over at the shop a small part of the paper covering the window was ripped off, just small enough for Uther to look out and catch it all.

"Well there goes our element of surprise," Gwaine said.

"Please tell me someone got a good look at the plates on that car?" Arthur asked.

Percy nodded and was already on the radio. Arthur huffed, he was hoping to avoid a direct confrontation with Uther, but now he couldn't see any other way.

"I will go in as bait."

"What!? Arthur no!" Gwaine protested.

"I am fairly confident I can hold his attention, while you two go around back and sneak up from behind."

"And if he decides to shoot you?"

"He may well blame me for everything but I don't believe he will shoot me. I can have a couple of men right behind to react if he does try anything."

"I don't like it."

"I'm not all that keen on it myself," Arthur admitted. Arthur really didn't want to speak to Uther at all or ever again if he can help it. But he would do it for Merlin, Arthur was starting to realise he would do just about anything to keep Merlin safe. "Do you have any other suggestions?"

"You said yourself that he blames you for everything, what makes you think he won't shoot you?" Gwaine persisted.

"He won't hesitate to kill Merlin but he will with me, that hesitation will give us a window of opportunity."

"The car is a no go." Percy interrupted, "It was reported stolen a couple of hours ago."

"Okay," Arthur nodded, "Let's get this show on the road."

Gwaine and Percy went around the back with a couple of officers while Arthur approached the main door of the building, with two men close behind him but not so close that Uther would see them.

He banged on the door, seeing no point in stealth as Uther already knew they were there. The door remained shut and Arthur tried the handle only to find it locked which would have made a surprise attack even more unlikely.

Arthur and the two officers proceeded to kick the door down, the frame soon splintered allowing them to push the door open. Arthur double checked his gun and torch and slowly moved further into the main room with the other two officers hanging back just enough to keep out of sight.

Arthur quickly scanned the room with his torch finding it mostly empty before locking onto Uther and Merlin standing in the middle of the room. Merlin winced when the bright light hit him in the face. His face was much paler than usual and the left side was covered in blood that had dripped down and stained the collar of his shirt.

Arthur had a strange sense of déjà vu at seeing Uther dressed in the same clothing and with a life in his hands as he did the night he killed Nimueh only this time it was Merlin he was holding hostage.

Uther was standing behind Merlin with an arm wrapped around his neck and was pointing a gun at Merlin's head with his other hand. A pair of cuffs were hanging from Merlin's left wrist as he tried to grab at Uther's arm in an attempt to steady himself.

It actually looked like Uther was supporting most of Merlin's weight as Merlin's legs were shaking rather badly. Which must have put an uncomfortable pressure onto his neck, but it also made sure that Merlin couldn't get his own feet under him properly.

"I'm surprised at you Arthur, I expected you to come alone." Uther said, "Ask your men to come in where I can see them." The two men behind him slowly moved to Arthur's side with both of their guns drawn. "Gwaine and Percival I assume." Uther stated.

"I wasn't going to take any chances in letting you escape." Arthur said quickly allowing Uther to make the assumption that it was Gwaine and Percy beside him. It was too dark for Uther to see them properly especially with Arthur's torch glaring in his face. He didn't want Uther to wonder where Gwaine and Percy might actually be, they needed to keep the element of surprise. Thankfully the two men beside him kept quiet.

"Put down your guns."

"You know I can't do that." Arthur said firmly.

"I will kill him if I have too, don't think that I won't." Uther said as he pushed the gun into Merlin's bloody temple. Merlin bit his lip against the pain it caused.

"You don't want to hurt Merlin."

"And why not?"

"Because that would end very badly for you. You can't win this, you are surrounded and you have nowhere to go. Your accomplice has fled and left you behind."

"I would rather die than go to prison," Uther snapped.

"Keep going and you will get your wish."

Uther laughed deep in his chest, and shifted Merlin slightly in his grip. "You won't hurt me, I'm your father."

"Nope." Arthur said simply surprising himself at how strong his own voice sounded. "You are not the man I knew as my father, my father is dead to me."

"How dare you!" Uther shouted, "After everyth-"

"Everything you have done for me, yes yes I know, you sound like a broken record." Arthur goaded. He wanted Uther to lose his temper and turn the gun on to him, it would give him the chance he needed to take down Uther, preferably alive. "It's always the same thing with you. But everything you have done is for yourself, you just can't admit it and blame me instead. And you know what? If that's what you prefer to think then go right ahead, I don't care anymore."

Uther's face turned red with rage and shifted Merlin again pressing the gun further into his wounds on his temple causing him to whimper slightly.

Uther's face suddenly relaxed, "Don't think I don't know what you are doing, it won't work."

"You have nothing to gain by killing Merlin."

"Oh don't I? I know that it would hurt you. I know that you have feelings for him even if you admit it or not."

"You won't kill an innocent man just to hurt me?" Arthur said ignored the last part of Uther's statement.

"You said yourself I am no longer a father to you, and nobody is ever truly innocent."

"Cracker." Merlin managed to choke out. It meant nothing to Arthur but it clearly meant something to Uther whose face turned red once more and tapped the gun against Merlin's temple harshly.

"Don't push me boy." Uther growled, and shifted Merlin again. And that's when Arthur saw it. Uther was supporting all of Merlin's weight and he couldn't take it. He was struggling to hold Merlin up with one arm. Merlin might have a slim build but he was still a full grown man. This had to end sooner rather than later.

Arthur noticed movement in the back of the room and knew he had to keep Uther's attention on him. "I am not the one who has disgraced the Pendragon name, you are. Mother would be ashamed if she saw what you turned out to be." Arthur said knowing it would push Uther over the edge.

"DON'T' YOU TALK ABOUT YOUR MOTHER!" Uther roared, face twisting up in anger as he snapped the gun to Arthur's direction.

Two loud pops echoed throughout the room and Merlin, Uther, Arthur dropped to the floor.

Merlin's face hit the deck yet again and a weight fell on top of him. Merlin just lay there gasping for breath. He didn't think that his head could take much more of hitting the floor, it felt like it was about to explode. He didn't have any energy to even try and pick himself up this time or even attempt to remove the weight from on top of him.

He didn't lay there long before the weight was lifted from him. He quickly realised the weight was Uther who was now groaning as his arms were being cuffed behind his back. Merlin closed his eyes with the relief that it was all finally over.


Merlin groaned as he was rolled over on to his back, the movement jarring in his head.

"Merlin?" Arthur's voice came again. "Answer me please."

"M'kay" Merlin grumbled, feeling hands patting him all over his chest and arms and moved down his legs. "Stop that."

"I have to check you over Merlin and make sure you have no other injuries."

Merlin reached out blindly until he caught Arthur's hand and drew his attention. "I'm fine, just my head that's all." Arthur released a deep breath and practically collapsed next to him relief clear on his face.

Before Merlin could even contemplate Arthur's behaviour, Arthur's lips came crashing down on him. The kiss was hard and desperate and Merlin's lips were helpless against the onslaught. Arthur pulled away far too soon for Merlin's liking and looked directly into Merlin's eyes. "Don't do that to me again." Arthur said hoarsely. Merlin nodded weakly not taking his eyes off Arthur. Did that just happen?

Somewhere in the room someone clearly their throat loudly, "Do you mind if I tend to my patient?" A paramedic asked. Merlin glanced around the room to see it filled with people, paramedics were hovering over Uther, Merlin and someone else not far from him.

Arthur was already moving around them all gathering information while the paramedics were tending to him, not that he noticed what they were really doing. His mind was desperately trying to keep up with events. He wasn't sure if it was his head wound or Arthur's kiss that had dazed him.

Arthur spoke the all of the paramedics before coming back to him. "They are going to take you into hospital Merlin to check you over properly, they will most likely keep you in overnight as you have had some bad knocks to the head."

"Uther?" Merlin asked. Arthur glanced over to where Uther was being seen too.

"Alive, he took a hit to the shoulder." Merlin turned his head to the other person who was being seen too, the man, Merlin couldn't tell who it was, was sitting up now. Arthur answered the question before Merlin could ask. "That's Owain, he pushed me out of the way and took Uther's bullet in the arm, but he will be fine. Just worry about yourself Merlin. They are going to take you in now, I will catch up with you in a bit."

Merlin nodded he hadn't even noticed the paramedics laying a stretcher out beside. He squeezed his eyes shut and gritting his teeth against the movement he knew was about to follow. Luckily he didn't get to experience a lot of as he soon passed out.

When Merlin woke it was to the sound of slow and steady beeping. Merlin scanned the hospital room he was in and found Arthur watching him from a chair beside his bed.

"Arthur?" Merlin rasped.

"How are you feeling?" Arthur asked leaning closer.

"Like someone is playing the drums in my head."

Arthur smiled, "They are going to keep you in for the rest of the night for observation. You have had six stitches and have a nasty concussion. You might have a bit of a head ache for a bit but otherwise you are fine. All being well they will probably let you go home tomorrow."

"Told you I was fine," Arthur rolled his eyes. "I still feel like crap though."

"You will feel better once you have got some decent rest."

"What happened with Uther?" Merlin asked, trying to remember the hazy events of the night. The only thing that stood out for him was Arthur's kiss.

"They need to operate on him to remove the bullet then he will be going straight to the city jail to wait for trial."

"And Owain? Was it Owain?" Merlin frowned, not sure he had it right.

"Yeah. He is fine too it was just a flesh wound." Arthur said around a yawn.

"You should go home Arthur, you need to rest too."

"I know, I just wanted to make sure you were okay first."

Merlin smiled, he would normally tease Arthur about worrying about him, but it didn't seem right at the moment. "I'm fine you just said so yourself."

"Okay I will come round and check on you tomorrow." Stifling another yawn. Arthur patted Merlin's hand that was free of the drip before grabbing his jacket and leaving.

Merlin knew that if he could keep his eyes open long enough, he would obsess over that kiss. About why Arthur did it and what it meant. But it turned out being unconscious was not the same as sleeping and merlin quickly drifted off to sleep.

When Merlin woke the pain in his head had reduced to a mild throb. The drip and the heart monitor had also been removed although Merlin had no idea when.

The nurse in the room saw he was awake and checked through his vitals. She then told him that the stiches will be sore for a couple of days but provided he got plenty of rest he will be fine in a day or two. She also ordered him to come back if the headaches persisted or if he had any dizzy spells.

That left Merlin with nothing to do but to think about the kiss. Did Arthur mean to do it? Or was a spare of the moment thing? It was possible that the relief of him being okay overwhelmed Arthur, maybe that was all it meant.

The latter sounded more plausible to Merlin, after all Arthur barely liked him at the best of times and made it clear that he still wasn't wanted as Arthur's partner.

But now that Merlin remembered the events more clearly now, Uther's words echoed in his mind, 'I know that you have feelings for him even if you admit it or not.' What on earth could that mean?

Merlin pinched the bridge of his nose, thinking about it just made his headache worse. He shouldn't be listening to Uther at all. Uther is a deranged psychotic and out of his mind, it would make sense for him to see things that weren't there.

Merlin resolved himself just ask Arthur about it and get some answers before he drove himself insane. He didn't want things to be even more awkward between them so it would be best if they just dealt with it and got it out of the way. He was still Arthur's partner and had a job to do, even if Arthur didn't like it, he didn't want this getting in the way of his work.

Merlin was certain he was overthinking it and was over reacting. Arthur would tell him that it was a spare of the moment thing and everything would go back to what it was.

Yes that sounded like a good plan, he would ask Arthur and Arthur would set him straight. Unless Arthur refused to deal with it and avoided him like the plague. But then of course that theory was thrown in the water when Arthur turned up at the hospital to take him home, and Merlin realised he had been obsessing for most of the day.

"Are you ready to go?"

"What? Oh erm yeah" Merlin stuttered.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine Arthur," Merlin said rolling his eyes. But Arthur didn't look like he believed him, "Honestly, I have a mild headache and I'm a bit sore and tired, but really I'm fine."

The journey home was silent and the air filled with tension, the tension that Merlin had hoped to avoid.

"Do you want a drink?" Merlin asked once they got back to Gaius's house. Merlin was grateful that Gaius had chosen this weekend to visit Ealdor, if he was lucky Gaius and his mother might not find out about what happened at all. His mother would go nuts and that's the last thing he wanted right now.

"Sure," Arthur agreed hesitantly, and remained in the front room while Merlin made the drinks in the kitchen. Merlin sighed he needed to break the tension otherwise they could go on like this for weeks, which was not a pleasant thought. He decided to go with his earlier thought and tackle the situation head on.

He returned to the front room to find Arthur standing by the fire looking a little lost as if he didn't know what to do with himself "Look Arthur we need to talk about happened," Merlin blurted before putting the drinks down.

"I agree."

"I realise that it probably meant nothing to you, and I understand that it was just a heat of the moment thing but I don't want things getting awkward between us. I know that we weren't on the best terms before the shit hit the fan but I don't want this making things worse." Merlin rambled, while Arthur started to walk slowly towards him.

Merlin backed up out of instinct as Arthur advanced on him like a hunter stalking his prey. He gasped when he figured out Arthur's intent. Arthur reached him the same time his back hit the rear wall and curled his fingers on to the lapels of Merlin's jacket, pulling himself chest to chest with Merlin.

"Arthur?" Merlin gasped.

Sexy times ahead, skip down to the next bold line if you don't wish to read.

Arthur pressed his lips to Merlin's, this kiss wasn't hard and fast like last time but it was slow and clumsy with their teeth clacking together. Arthur tilted his head to line their lips up better. The kiss was no longer clumsy, their lips melding together in perfect synchronisation.

Their kiss quickly turned hot, filled with passion and Merlin tried to pour all his emotions into the kiss. He felt Arthur press his whole body against his, his mind going dizzy with the heat against him and lack of air.

Merlin pulled away to gulp the air down his throat and Arthur immediately pressed his lips on to neck covering him with open mouthed kisses up towards the corner of his cheekbones. Hiss hands rested on Arthur's hips as Arthur's curled around his waist.

"Arthur? Are you sure?" Merlin panted out.

"Merlin," Arthur growled into his ear and pressing his thigh in-between Merlin's legs nudging them apart. "Shut up." Arthur finished before nibbling on his earlobe.

Merlin gasped at the feel of Arthur's erection pressing against his own. Merlin rolled his hips to grind against Arthur's hot length drawing a moan from them both. "Bed" Merlin gasped, pushing Arthur off and grabbed his hand to pull him to the correct room.

Once Merlin reached his room Arthur pulled him backwards, his back to Arthur's chest. Arthur's lips were once again attached to Merlin's neck sucking a bruise onto Merlin's pulse point, Merlin tilted his head to give Arthur better access.

He panted as he felt Arthur's hands rub down his side and up over his chest and started to undo the buttons on his shirt. Merlin moved his hands backwards to squeeze Arthur's arse and push his own arse into Arthur's groin, wanting the feel Arthur's hard cock against his crack. Arthur rolled his hips, rubbing his cock in-between Merlin's clothed butt cheeks, pulling a loud moan from him.

Arthur's responding groan vibrated through his ear sending tingles down his spine. Arthur swiftly removed Merlin's jacket and shirt together.

Arthur's hands rubbed over his chest leaving a trail of fire in their wake. Merlin thought he could easily get addicted to Arthur's touch. Arthur keeping up the gentle rocking against his arse.

One of Arthur's hands was caressing his stomach, his fingers dragging through Merlin's happy trail, while his other hand was stroking his upper chest, Arthur's thumb grazed over his nipples and rolled one gently between his thumb and finger. "Ah Arthur!" Merlin cried thrusting his arse hard into Arthur's groin.

Arthur spun him around and attacked his lips, the kisses now needy and hungry as he backed Merlin towards the bed. Merlin's hands were already working on Arthur's shirt and managed to undo most of the buttons when the edge of the mattress bumped into the back of Merlin's knees causing him to fall onto his arse on the bed.

Arthur gave him a gentle shove to lie him down, and with Merlin's hands still attached to Arthur's shirt he pulled Arthur down with him. Merlin made quick work of Arthur's shirt once they were situated on the bed properly, with Arthur kneeling in-between Merlin's legs, leaving them both naked from the waist up.

Merlin raked his hands over Arthur's chest and back loving the feel of Arthur's muscles rippling under his palms. And wrapped his legs around Arthur's waist.

Arthur hovered above him kissing and licking down Merlin's chest, his tongue circling his nipples. Merlin cried out when his right nipple was sucked into Arthur's hot wet mouth feeling his teeth graze against the sensitive skin. He sank his hands into Arthur's hair scraping his nails gently across Arthur's scalp. "Merlin" Arthur breathed into his skin.

Arthur's hands ran up his thighs, Merlin whimpered when Arthur brushed his knuckles against his cock tenting in his trousers before dealing with the fastenings. Merlin's breath became quick and erratic with anticipation, desperate for Arthur's touch on him.

Arthur wrapped his hand firmly around Merlin's cock, Merlin bucked his hips up pushing his cock further into Arthur's hand at the hot touch. "Arthur!" Merlin panted, it was too much to fast he wasn't going to last, "Arthur please!" He cried unsure what he was asking for, he just wanted more. More of Arthur, more of his touch.

Arthur sat up and quickly and tugged down his pants while Merlin tugged down his own. Arthur gave him a hot searing kiss as he lowered himself down, skin to skin, chest to chest, cock to cock. Both panting and moaning when their cocks made contact with each other. The delicious friction between them was incredible.

Arthur took them both in hand and stroked them painfully slow. Smearing their precum over their cock's enabling them to slide together with more ease and increasing the friction between them. Merlin's hand joined them and encouraged Arthur to move faster. Arthur's length felt like hard steel covered in silk in his hand and wondered what it would feel like in his mouth. Merlin groaned again at the feel of the heavy weigh. "Ah" Arthur cried when Merlin tightened his grip and rubbed his thumb across the head of Arthur's cock, "Merlin!"

They both began rocking their hips increasing their pace, "Yes! Arthur!" their pace becoming more frantic both desperate to find their release. Merlin soon felt the warmth in his groin build and spread to his cock, "Arthur!" He gasped when he spilled his released over their hands and stomach, Arthur buried his head into Merlin's neck sucking another bruise, as his thrusting became wild, Arthur followed him after a few more thrusts, his deep groan vibrating over Merlin's chest.

Sexy times over now :( you are safe now :)

Merlin could feel Arthur's breath ghosting over his skin as they both lay there panting. "That was….was…" Merlin couldn't find the right words to describe it, amazing, fantastic, didn't seem to quite cover it.

"I think this is the first time I have seen you speechless Merlin," Arthur chuckled into his neck.

"Shut up." Merlin retorted fondly.

Merlin's body chose that moment to remind him that he was injured, something that had completely escaped his mind with the distraction of Arthur. The ache in his head increased in tempo and Merlin groaned at the pitch of it.

Arthur sensed the change and snapped his head up, "Are you alright?" Arthur's face full of concern.

"Yeah, my head just hurts a little that's all."

"What!? You said you were okay, I would never have…," Arthur gestured between them, "If I thought you-"

"Relax Arthur, it's just a headache a couple of paracetamol and I will be fine." Merlin smiled.

"Right you stay there I will go get them….And something to clean us both a bit." Arthur sat up and finished taking his trousers off that were still on up to his thighs. Merlin looked down at himself and found his own were in the same state. Merlin smiled to himself at the thought that they were both too eager to get undressed properly.

Arthur grabbed Merlin's dressing gown that was hanging on the door and left the room, while Merlin removed his own pants. Arthur returned a moment later with his pills and a glass of water and cleaned them both up with a wet flannel and got back into bed.

"Okay, I admit it," Merlin said when his head gave a particularly painful throb, "I may have over done it a bit."

"Idiot," Arthur said pulling Merlin into his side. Merlin smiled and curled around Arthur feeling happy and sated and enjoying the feel of Arthur's skin against his, using Arthur's shoulder as a pillow he drifted off to sleep to the sound of Arthur's heart beat under his ear.

Merlin stretched out like a cat the following morning when he woke, with a big smile on his face. He felt content with the world, he couldn't believe how well it turned out with Arthur. When he stretched his arm over to the other side of the bed he found a cold empty space where Arthur should have been.

"Arthur?!" Merlin called, his heart sinking into his stomach. He glanced around the room and saw that Arthur's clothes were also gone. Merlin searched the rest of the house already knowing it would be empty but checked anyway.

Arthur was nowhere to be found.

He didn't know quite what to do with himself after that. He thought about texting Arthur but didn't want to come across as needy. He knew he had been ditched and he wasn't going to make a big deal out of it like a love sick teenager.

Even if it did hurt, it hurt a lot more than he thought it would. He knew he was developing feelings for Arthur but even he didn't realise how strong those feelings were.

With nothing else left to do he decided he would have a shower and get something to eat. Suddenly ravenous at the thought of food Merlin got something to eat first, he hadn't eaten since the horrible hospital food the day before.

When he looked in the mirror after his shower, he discovered the left side of his face was covered in bruises and had several stiches on his temple. Merlin winced, okay maybe he wouldn't be able to hide that from Gaius after all. He would however be able to hide the bruises Arthur left on his neck.

On the plus side his head felt much better, he still had headache but it was nowhere near as bad as the day before. He took a couple of mild painkillers to be on the safe side which soon made his head feel normal.

He tried to keep himself busy for the rest of the day anything to stop him from thinking about Arthur and pain he left in his chest. It didn't work. He felt like an idiot, an idiot for thinking it was more than a quick fuck, an idiot for thinking they could have something good between them, an idiot for having feelings for someone who was clearly incapable of returning them.

He picked his phone up several times ready to text Arthur before changing his mind, there were a number of times he even typed out a message but deleted it before he could send it.

His phone didn't leave his side all day, in case Arthur sent him a message. Merlin didn't expect him to but he could hope. He sighed after checking his phone for the millionth time and found no new messages, he had never felt so used before.

Luckily Merlin had calls from Gwen, Lance, Gwaine and Percy even Morgana, several times that day to help keep him distracted, all asking how he was, even after telling them he was fine they still wanted to come round. He managed to fend them all off by saying Gaius was with him. He knew they meant well but he didn't want to face their pity or sympathy at the moment, even if it was over what happened with Uther and not Arthur.

He was very grateful when Gaius arrived home late in the evening, Merlin found his face in Gaius's hands before he could even say hello. "What happened Merlin?"

He winced when Gaius touched a tender spot, "I will tell you on one condition."

"What's that?"

"You don't tell my mother."

"Your mother would kill me if she found out I kept something like this from her."

"But she won't find out. Not if you don't tell her." Merlin insisted.

"I don't like it Merlin," Gaius said raising his eyebrow.

"Then I won't tell you."

Gaius stood and thought about it for a moment but Merlin knew his curiosity would win out. "Okay I promise, now tell me what happened."

"Uther kidnapped me."


Merlin then spent the next hour talking about the case and Uther with Gaius fussing over him, even when he protested that he was fine. Gaius then filled him in on his weekend with Alice and his mother. They were up quiet late talking about their weekends but it was a welcome distraction from Arthur. That was until he went to bed.

He dreaded going into work the next morning, he was up most of the night thinking about it. He wanted to be able to pretend he was fine and wasn't bothered by it, but he knew that would be hard especially if it wasn't true. He dreaded the thought of seeing Arthur again and didn't know if he would be able to keep it together.

Merlin didn't have much time to think about it the next morning as he was running late, this seemed to be a Monday routine for him.

Merlin managed to slip by Gwen whose turn it was too man the busy front desk today. Merlin found it surprising easy to make it to his desk without being accosted, Apparently Gwaine and Percival were in a meeting with the new Acting Chief Superintendent. Which left him with a blissfully quiet morning ahead.

However when he reached his desk, he found it completely empty. There was nothing on it, none of his papers, files or notes, nothing, it was just like when he took the desk in the first place. The draws were also empty. "Where the fuck is all my stuff?" Merlin shouted.

Surely Arthur hadn't got rid of him, surely Arthur wouldn't go that far. Arthur may have said it a few times but it was always a joke. At least he thought it was, except for maybe that last time. The nerves in his stomach suddenly increased tenfold, surely Arthur wouldn't do that to him.

Arthur's door swung open, "Merlin!" Arthur smiled. "Should you be here today?"

Merlin glared back. Smiling! How could Arthur be smiling? Was he pleased he had finally got rid of him? Anger was starting to build in his chest at being treated like he was nothing. "Where the fuck is all my stuff?" Merlin repeated slowly.

"Merlin?" Arthur said sounding confused. How dare he be confused Merlin thought angrily, he wasn't going to let Arthur do this to him not without a fight, he was done with moping. He deserved better than this.

Merlin shoved past Arthur storming into his office and stopped dead in his tracks. Arthur's office was different, there was a second desk, desk was full of Merlin's paperwork and files along with a decent computer.

"Merlin, what's wrong? I thought this would be a good thing?"

Was Arthur willing to share his office with him? That just confused the hell out of Merlin. "But I thought…"

"Thought what?" Arthur asked still not getting it.

"I woke up and you were gone…..then all my stuff was gone…..I thought that you didn't"

"What? No Merlin, no never, I left a note." Arthur cut in.

Merlin shook his head, there was defiantly no note he would have found it.

"Merlin!" Arthur said grabbing his shoulders forcing Merlin to face him. "I left early so I could set this up for you. I spent the entire day yesterday working on it, with Gwaine and Percy's help of course. But I wanted to make it up to you for the way I treated on Friday morning and to make it clear where we stand. I left a note Merlin, explaining I would be busy and that I would see you today, I swear it Merlin."

Relief sored through Merlin. Arthur hadn't got rid him, Arthur didn't ditch or use him. He ran his hands over his face, "There was no note Arthur," Merlin said quietly.

"No, I swear I left a note." Arthur insisted patting down his pockets. "I used my notebook so there should be a copy…Oh." Arthur said looking down at his notebook. Arthur showed him the notebook and on top of it was the note Arthur said he had left. "Shit Merlin I'm sorry."

Merlin didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He eventually let out a sound of something in-between. "So you do want…."

Arthur's face was completely open, honest and vulnerable as he looked directly in to Merlin's eyes, "Yes Merlin," Arthur said stepping into his personal space and lifted a hand to palm his neck with his thumb brushing against his cheekbone. "Of course I want you. How could I not? I know this looks bad, but I do want you, I swear, I want you more than I've ever wanted anything."

Merlin nodded his head letting Arthur's words wash over him. Arthur did want him, he wanted him at work and in his bed, merlin had never been more relieved. "So…are we good?" Arthur asked gently.

Merlin smiled, "Yeah we're good."

"Thank God," Arthur said with his own relief clear across his face. Arthur moved closer and used his other hand to frame Merlin's face, "I really did mean to leave that note Merlin, I got this idea into my head with the desk and knew I had to move quickly to set it up in time. God Merlin, I didn't mean for you to think-"



"Shut up." Merlin replied with a smile and leant in to kiss Arthur who quickly responded, "And you're an idiot," Merlin mumbled through his lips. Arthur laughed into their kiss.

"I know," Arthur smiled, and went back to exploring Merlin's mouth.