Just to let everyone know, like most of us who write fan fictions I do NOT own DBZ.

On with the show..

Ch 1

Bulma and Yamcha sat on the fur rug in her bedroom listening to Yamcha's new rock CD. Bulma never really cared too much for his kind of music, but if it meant being able to spend time with him, she didn't complain.

"Yamcha?" Bulma asked while playing with his soft hands.

"Yea?" He was letting his eyes wonder over her body, starting at her ankles and working his way up her long legs.

"Who sings this song?" She looked up at him and noticed he had something else on his mind than the guy on his CD screaming about how much his girlfriend mistreated him.

"Yamcha.Earth to Yamcha, come in Yamcha." Bulma waved her hand in front of his face until he snapped out of his trance. She looked into his eyes and smiled "How's the weather on your planet?"

He smiled back and blushed realizing that she knew what he was doing.

"Well I wouldn't know because that bastard Freeza blew it up!" A sour voice came from the doorway of her bedroom.

Bulma and Yamcha's heads snapped only to see Vegeta leaning against the doorframe, frowning down at them.

"Can't you ever give people their privacy Veggie-boy?" Yamcha gave him a get lost look.

Vegeta looked at Bulma and smirked watching the way her body moved as she eased herself off the floor and onto her feet.

"What do you need Vegeta?" Bulma asked as she turned down the music.

"I came to tell you that I want something to eat."

"That's nice, why don't you ask my mom to fix you something. I'm sure she'd be happy to do it."

Vegeta stood and shuddered at the thought of burnt toast and runny eggs Mrs. Briefs had prepared for him the other morning. He frowned and replied, "Yea and get sick like I almost did, no way at least I can swallow your food. Not that it's any better."

"Ummmm Thanks I guess." She was having a hard time understanding if that was a complement or an insult.

"Oh right 3:00.Hey Vegeta if you hurry the monkeys at the zoo might share their snack with you. Isn't this their feeding time?" Yamcha began to laugh as he stood up. Bulma started to chuckle but swallowed hard when she noticed Vegeta giving her a death glare.

"Hey hot-shot isn't it time for you to go play with your little boyfriends?" Vegeta snapped still keeping his eyes on Bulma.

"What?!" Yamcha looked at his watch. "Oh man he's right. Geez I'm sorry Bulma but I promised I'd be at this game."

Bulma turned to face Yamcha with a sad look on her face.

"What about your CD Yamcha?"

"That's ok you keep it until I come back over later on tonight."

Yamcha put his hands on her hips and pulled her close.

Bulma's eyes lit up and she bit her lip when she felt Yamcha's hard on against her.

She pressed her chest against his and whispered "Hit a homerun for me."

Yamcha inhaled deeply pulling her tighter. "Anything for you babe." He bent down and licked up her neck to her lips then slipped it into her mouth.

Vegeta's eyes grew wide as he watched the scene in front off him.

"What are you staring at?!" Yamcha snapped looking at Vegeta.

Vegeta simply *HUMPHED* and walked out of the room and down the stairs. "Stupid humans what do they know about love?" He stopped in his tracks. "What is love anyways?" He stood at the bottom of the stairs and pondered his question to himself, when he heard Bulma's familiar and annoying laughter followed by Yamchas, coming down the stairs.

Yamcha had a brilliant idea when he saw Vegeta perfectly still; he ran in front of Bulma and pushed Vegeta who fell flat on his face.

Vegeta stood up, turned around and put his hand in front of Yamcha's face.

"Whoa man, it was an accident." Yamcha quickly came up with an excuse so he wouldn't get blasted.

"VEGETA!!!" Bulma stepped in front of Yamcha. "Please don't, he was just playing around."

Vegeta looked into her eyes, put his hand down and walked into the kitchen with out a word.

Bulma couldn't help but wonder why Vegeta listened to her, he never did before. Then it hit her, maybe he was lonely and needed someone. "Poor Vegeta he doesn't have anyone to talk to or to be with." She thought to herself.

Yamcha's face was turning red from laughing and Bulma began to get annoyed with him, she sighed and went into the kitchen.

Vegeta was sitting at the kitchen table drumming his fingers on the table and staring into space.

"Vegeta."Bulma cooed softly so she would not startle him.

Vegeta looked up slowly to see who it was and quickly went back to what he was doing.

"Listen" she began and took a seat.

Vegeta pretended not to listen but in reality he was anxious to hear what the woman had to say.

"I'm sorry that Yamcha did that to you I don't know why he did. I hope he didn't hurt you."

Vegeta stood up and walked to the kitchen window.

"Since when did you care about me woman?" He frowned looking at the Briefs garden. "I don't need any sympathy from you, in fact I don't need any at all got it?!" His voice was harsh and cold. "Plus if I really wanted to send that worthless excuses for your mate into another dimension, I would have done it the first time I saw him but I didn't want to listen to you complain so I kept him around."

Bulma stood up and walked to him, putting her hand on his shoulder and looking at his facial features. She had always had a little crush on him and wondered if he might be a better kisser than Yamcha in fact she was willing to put a little money on that fact.

Just then Yamcha walked into the kitchen and instantly grew jealous.

"So this is what happens when I'm not around."

Bulma and Vegeta spun around quickly both of them had looks of shock on their faces as if they had been caught kissing or something.

"Yamcha, it's not what you think!" Bulma started to walk towards him but he stepped away. "So." Yamcha began with his hands placed firmly on his hips staring at Vegeta.

"This is what you came to do huh? First you impose on my girlfriend and her family then when I'm gone you try and take her from me?"

Vegeta's face of shock grew; he couldn't believe what Yamcha was saying.

"Me? The great prince of the saiyans, like an unworthy earth woman?" Vegeta laughed, throwing his head back violently with his hands on his stomach.

Bulma looked at Vegeta with both rage and anger in her eyes. Finally she got so mad that she smacked Vegeta on the forehead and stormed past Yamcha punching him in the ribs as she walked by.