A/N: Hello, my lovable readers! So glad to see you again and I'm extremely happy you took the time to read this fic of mine. I've read various 'Uncle' Merlin stories but there isn't as many as I'd like and it was so hard to find the ones I did. So I sat down and wrote this - forever ago now - and finally decided to share it! Come now, you must admit, the Uncle Merlin Fanfictions are adorable!

*Squeals in delight*

I do hope you enjoy this story! Sorry for any/all mistakes because, as I've said before, I do edit all my stories by myself. If someone was willing to be my beta that would be awesome, although it would be new for me because I've never had someone read my stories for me before hand. I also wrote this at 2:00 in the morning so if it's atrociously written or really cheesy in some areas, I blame it on being sleep deprived.

Now, enough of my rambling! Read, my fellow fanfiction lovers! Please review and I'll see you next chapter which should be uploaded in the next couple of days. - constructive criticism is always welcome! ;)

*Flies away on dragon*

Disclaimer: I do not own Merlin... But wouldn't it be cool if I did?!

"The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof."
― Richard Bach, Illusions


Queen Guinevere of Camelot sat by one of the large windows within her and Arthur's chambers. Her hands rested comfortably on her large stomach, feeling as her unborn child kicked yet again. Her estimated due date was in a mere weeks time and she was excited, very much prepared to give birth to her second child.

Her eldest, the future king of Camelot, was but four summers old. Prince Amr Pendragon was his name and although he had many similar features to his mother, his personality had so far reminded everyone of Arthur. Amr had light brown, curly hair and hazel eyes. Even at a young age he had shown that he possessed his mother's wisdom yet his father's pride and adventurism. At four years old he could already be considered noble. He was surely going to be a future knight - and a fantastic one at that.

Amr was such a sweet child, whom everyone loved dearly, but a certain warlock knew he would grow up to be as much of a prat as his father - or at least in his teenage years. Amr himself was extremely fond of his uncle, the court warlock, Merlin. Amr was close with all of his 'uncles', better known as the knights of the round table, but Merlin - also the most like a brother to Arthur - was the closest to Amr. In fact, Gwen was nearly certain that Amr was with the warlock right in that moment, as she sat and watched the happenings down below in the courtyard.

Merlin had fallen sick recently and their wishes for their son to leave him be, for fear that Amr could also become ill, were ignored. The young prince spent many an evening sitting upon his uncle's bed beside him, rambling on about the days events and all the exciting things he had done. Merlin would often fall asleep to the sound of the prince's voice, and Amr would soon after join him in a peaceful rest, leaning against the warlock's side. It was just a few days past that Gwen had walked in to find her son's head on Merlin's lap, sleeping soundly, with his uncle's fingers intertwined in his hair. A book rested on Merlin's chest as a sure sign that the warlock had been reading to the boy.

Merlin was always so good to him. A second father to the prince. Amr looked up to Arthur with awe and such admiration, but Merlin inspired his imagination - sometimes with the help of magic - that made the prince look at Merlin as a best friend as well as family.

When Amr had been but three years of age Arthur had gone on a quest, and although Merlin persisted he go also, the king made Merlin stay behind. The knights believe the one thing that had finally convinced Merlin to remain in Camelot was Arthur's plea that he wanted to be sure Gwen and Amr would be protected in his absence. It was over a month later that Arthur returned, his wife having worried something terrible had happened while his son simply missed him dearly.

Arthur, having heard from a maid that Merlin, Gwen, and Amr were all in the kings chambers, went to see his family. However, as the king opened the doors he was met by an unexpected sight. Merlin was in the middle of his bed, boots still on, and cloak around his shoulders. Guinevere was on his left side in her night gown and covered in the thick blankets. Her arms were wrapped around him and his arm draped across her shoulders as her head rested on his chest. Amr was practically in the warlocks lap, his tiny fingers locked tightly onto Merlin's hand. Arthur realized that he was indeed gone longer than intended and that there was no way to inform his family that he was safe. The king was glad Merlin was here to comfort his wife and son when he could not. For that he was happy of the choice he made to leave his brother in all but blood to care for them and by the looks of things, he had done a swell job.


Gwen continued to think about her three favorite boys as she looked down at the courtyard. She easily spot Arthur's head of blonde hair and watched as he spoke to Leon and Gwaine. Then a knock sounded through the bed chambers and the queen jumped slightly, startled by the sudden noise.

"You may enter," Gwen called out.

Guinevere's maid, who went by the name Lynn, stepped in. She possessed lovely, long blonde hair and small brown eyes. She had taken up the position of the queen's servant shortly after the battle of Camlann - a time no one really cared to remember. They had become good friends in the past five years of each others company. Gwen even persisted the use of her name rather than use of her queenly titles.

"Sorry to disturb you, Gwen. I went to Lord Merlin's chambers in order to make sure he was well and he wished me to tell you that Prince Amr has fallen asleep in his bed again," Lynn said. "Would you like me to have him brought to the nursery?"

Gwen smiled.

"Actually I was just thinking of visiting our court warlock. You said he was awake, yes?"

"He was when I left, my lady."

"Then just leave Amr be, I'll go to them." Gwen told her kindly.

The queen stood up as gracefully as possible with her large, round stomach. However, as she finally got to her feet a sudden pain erupted in her lower abdomen. Not even a full ten seconds later she felt as warm liquid sped down the insides of her legs. She snapped her head up, eyes wide, and looked at Lynn with alarm.

"The baby's coming!"

Lynn immediately stepped out and asked the guards to find Gaius and the midwife as the new prince or princess was on their way. They took off down the corridor with haste and Lynn went back to her mistress who was leaning against the wall and in obvious discomfort.

"I had forgotten how brilliant this is." Gwen muttered.

"Is that sarcasm I hear, Gwen?" Lynn asked with a smirk.

Guinevere said nothing more for they both knew the answer to the maids question. She groaned as another wave of pain hit her and Lynn quickly helped her to the bed.

"I fear for Arthur…" The queen said thoughtfully.

"Why is that?"

"When Amr was born Arthur panicked a great deal. The only one capable to calm him was Merlin."

"I'm sure all will be well, my lady," Lynn assured her. "Knowing Merlin he'll ignore his own well-being and be beside Arthur anyways."

"As he always is," Gwen said with a knowing smile. "As he always is."

It wasn't much later when Gaius arrived and with him the midwife - the same one to have helped with Amr's birth. When Arthur was notified he hurriedly went to his wife's side, talking with her and reassuring her everything would be fine. Of course, they both knew he was trying to convince himself more than anyone else. The queen remained in labor for another two hours. Arthur stayed with her. Then as it came time to begin the more strenuous part, and the order to push was about to be spoken, the king was rushed out of the room. Arthur wasn't sure as to why exactly, but his feet carried him to Merlin's chambers.

Merlin was sitting up, back against the headboard, reading a book. Amr was sleeping soundly beside him, the prince's head rested on Merlin's right leg. When Arthur walked in Amr remained in his dream filled rest, however Merlin was stolen from his peaceful reading time and looked up from his book with startled eyes.

"Arthur?" Merlin said as he caught eye of his king. "What's wrong?"

The warlock had always had a knack for spotting the unease on Arthur's face. Ever since Merlin's second year in Camelot he was able to read his friends face and could tell when something was troubling him.

"Gwen - I'm just - I'm worried about her." Arthur stumbled over his words in his frustration.

"Arthur, when the time comes, Gwen will be fine! Remember how strong she was when Amr was born?" Merlin said with a comforting smile.

"Has no one informed you?" Arthur blanched.

"Of what exactly?" Merlin asked with confusion.

"Guinevere is in the process of giving birth to our second child this very moment, Merlin!"

Merlin's eyes grew wide.

"What?" The warlock seemed to squeek.

"How did you not know?!"

"No one bothered to tell me!"

"Well she is, and if you haven't noticed yet, I'm a bit worried!"

"Arthur, stop panicking." Merlin said.

"I am not panicking! Kings don't panic!" Arthur nearly shouted, his loud voice beginning to arouse Amr from his slumber.

"It looks like it to me, you prat," Merlin told him fondly. "Gwen will be alright. She's strong, you know that as well as I."

Arthur let out a sigh that sounded a lot like resignation. The king knew Merlin was correct - Guinevere was strong - and there was nothing to be worried about.

Amr sat up and rubbed his eyes sleepily as he yawned. Merlin looked at the prince and grinned knowing just how excited he would be when once he realized his little brother or sister was being born into the world. Ever since Guinevere's pregnancy became noticeable Amr had been ecstatic, telling everyone just how great of a big brother he was going to be. There was only one day out of the nine months that the young prince expressed any form of hesitance as he finally asked the question everyone was expecting: Will you love my baby brother or sister more than me?

Gwen and Arthur were quick to assure their son that the new baby would need a lot of looking after but that they would love both of them equally. That was the end of Amr's worry and he immediately went back to being thrilled at the thought of having a sibling.

"Daddy why you being so loud," Amr asked when he noticed his father standing in the room. "What's the matter?"

"I'm sorry, my son, I'm just anxious." Arthur told him while running his fingers through his hair.

"Why?" Amr questioned.

Arthur looked at Merlin and then back at his son before he stepped forward with confidence and smiled. He sat on the end of the bed, beside Merlin, and Amr crawled over the warlocks legs to reach his father.

"You know how mommy told you that your little brother or sister was coming soon?"

"Yeah! She says that's why her belly's so big!" Amr chirped, proud for remembering the conversation.

"Well, the baby is arriving even sooner than expected and mommy is working hard to get him - or her - here." Arthur explained.

There was a long, nearly uncomfortable silence after Arthur finished and Merlin just sat and watch the prince and king. Then Amr's eyes went wide as he finished processing what his father meant and a large smile grew on his face.

"I'm gonna become a big brother today?"

"Yes, Amr, and you're going to be the best big brother in the world too."

"When - when's the baby gonna be here?!" Amr asked with all tiredness gone from his eyes replaced with pure and utter excitement.

"Soon, I think." Arthur said with a smile.

Amr was beaming, practically bouncing on the bed. Merlin chuckled at him, but for some reason, the sound of his laughter stopped the prince in his tracks. Amr turned around and looked at Merlin sadly.

"Will you be able to see the baby? Will you, Uncle Merlin?"

Merlin's mood suddenly also dropped as he realised the young prince had a point. Being sick it could be dangerous to be around a newborn, as there was always the possibility they would fall ill as well and not be able to fight it off. They had worried about this as the due date drew near and Merlin continued to remain bedridden for the king and queen wanted the warlock to be one of the first to see their new child. Merlin looked at Arthur and then, with a sigh, responded to Amr's question.

"We'll just have to see, little prince. I'm certain Gaius will let me know if I can or can't."

"But you have to be there!"

"I don't know, Amr." Merlin said.

Arthur gave him a saddened look knowing Merlin was the next most excited about all of this besides Gwen, Amr, and himself. The knights, although all of them possessing the title of 'uncle' to Amr, were not nearly as close to being an actual part of the family as Merlin was. Yes, they were part of the large dysfunctional group that considered themselves brothers and a sister, but Merlin could easily pass as the actual brother to the king - some people having actually mistaken him for such. The warlock was closer to the royal family than anyone else and probably loved them more than anyone else. So Arthur knew the idea that he may not see his new nephew or niece for another few weeks was probably upsetting Merlin more than he let on. However, after a handful of more questions from Amr (and even some begging), the subject was dropped.

The next hour and a half was made up of discussion about baby names, who would be the new childs favorite, if the baby would look more like Gwen or Arthur, and what an absolutely brilliant older brother Amr would be. The knights of the round table made their appearance toward the end of their wait and Gwaine was giving Amr a shoulder ride around the chambers when Lynn came in, gasping for air, as if she ran all the way there. She gave the king an enormous grin and told him Gwen and the baby were both healthy and that he could go see them. Arthur sprinted out of the chambers and Gwaine put Amr down, the young prince taking hold of Lynn's hand so she could lead him to his new sibling. The knights followed them out leaving the warlock alone in bed.

Gaius came into Merlin's chambers soon after saying that the child was extremely healthy and strong for a babe and that if Merlin was deemed well enough, he could go see the newborn. So not even five minutes later Merlin was walking toward the kings chambers, holding onto the physician's arm as his legs were unsteady from disuse. The knights were outside the chambers gazing at the family through the open door. They all gave Merlin smiles as he walked past them and into the room.

Gwen was propped up against the headboard looking exhausted but gleaming with happiness. Arthur was sitting beside her holding a bundle in his arms that he smiled down at with such love Merlin couldn't help but smile also. Amr sat on the bed next to his mother, holding her hand, and gazed at the babe in Arthur's arms with awe. Arthur didn't take his eyes off his new child until Merlin was standing directly beside him, in which the king looked up at his brother in all but blood and seemed to smile even brighter.

"It's another boy," Arthur said softly, still smiling. "A beautiful boy."

Merlin stepped closer so he could see he prince and a sudden wave of power struck him. He could only imagine one thing that this could imply and his own smile seemed to grow. His eyes found the wide open ones of the baby boy and felt an immediate connection to the child.

"What is his name?"

"Gwydre," Gwen responded with a bright smile. "His name is Gwydre."

Merlin's own smile grew as the new prince seemed to reach out to him with his tiny, soft hands.

"This one will be a lover, not a fighter - definitely taking after his mother in that way," Merlin told them proudly. "He'll be wise beyond his years, and an amazing advisor to Amr when they're older."

The warlock continued gazing at the prince and there was no denying the magic he felt anymore.

"It also seems you'll have your hands full with this one in the early years… I would even make a suggestion as to have my own mother come and help out."

"What do you mean?" Guinevere asked.

"I do believe, my friends, that your second son has been born with magic."