I found a couple of people the empire keep eyes one of them at the ver top was someone called Ahsoka Tano"said Jerod which shocked both Kanan and Hera

"Who Ahsoka Tano?"asked Erza not understand why his master and Hera looked so shocked he could tell that his fellow padawans were thinking the samething

"Ahsoka Tano was a padawan learner during the clone wars she was one of the most powerful padawan of her time intell she was framed for attack on the jedi temple but was proofed innocent then left the order i don't know all the details but that what my master told me"said Kanan with a sigh

"I remember hearing about that on the holo news when I was a teenager"said Hera with a thoughtful look

"So are we going to go and get this Ahsoka Tano?"asked Zeb rising a hairy eyebrow

"No way it far to dangerous since the Empire are watching her"said Kanan with a serious look on his face he know his crew could handle there self's but wasn't sure how his new students would be able to hold up if it turned ugly

"Kanan if Ahsoka Tano as powerful as you said then she would be a great help with training the kids"said Hera earning protests yell of protests from the padawans that being called kids but One look from Hera quickly made them shut up

"I agree with Hera were going to need her help"said Erza

"For once actually agree with the kid"said Zeb with a smile and Sabine nodding in agreement

"Fine but if it a trap am blaming you guys Jerod did you get a location with the name as well?"asked Kanan turning to the rodian

"Yes the intel said that she was on planet called Shili and is living in a city called Corvala"said Jerod giving them all the information he had learned about Ahsoka Tano

"Alright the sooner we get going the sooner we'll be here"said Hera putting the ship in to hyper space

The Ghost jumped out of hyber space next to the blue and dark green planet known as Shili and quickly flow down to the planet where they landed in a space port since the jungles around the city were to thick to land it there "So where are we going to start looking for Ahsoka Tano?"asked Sabine putting on her helmet

"Well the intel said she was working that some garage in the center of the city"said Jerod with a smile

"That narrow it down that least"said Erza with a smirk

"Yeah Zeb you and the other padawans will Gaurd the ship while me Erza Sabine go and find Ahsoka Tano"said Kanan earning a growl from Zeb

"Is it such a good idea to leave Zeb with a bunch of teenagers"said Hera rising a eyebrow with a worried look

"Probably not but if anything happens Zeb will will be able to protect them"said Kanan as they walked out of the space port and in to the city the city had small metal and had look of trees and other plants planted on almost every street,it didn't take them long to reach the centre of the city were people were going about there lives

"Ok so how are we going to find this garage?"asked Erza looking in all directions

"Let just ask someone"said Hera walking up to a elderly Togruta man who was sitting near a fountain"Excuses me sir are speeder broke down and we're looking for a garage can you tell us were the nearest garage is?"asked Hera

"Of course my dear there a garage just down the next street"said The Togruta man pointing to the street he was talking about "A young woman called Ahsoka runs it she the best machine on the whole planet she'll have your speeder up and running in no time"added The Togruta Man with a smile

"Thank you sir"said Hera with a smile as she walked away and lead her small group down the street that the old man had mention in tell they reached a small garage that looked like it was closed

"So what now?"asked Sabine

"We could try knocking"suggested Erza with a shrug

"It worth a try'said Kanan knocking on the door to the office of the garage a second later a female voice was heard telling them to wait a minute a full minute later the door opened to reveal a Togruta woman in her thirties and had head tails that reached just above her chest she also had light skin colour and had some white markings on her face Kanan recognised her straight away

"Are you Ahsoka Tano?"asked Kanan trying to hide his shock

"Yes how may I help you?"asked Ahsoka rising a eyebrow she could senses that Kanan and Ezra were force sensitive but kept quiet about that in tell she found out what they were wanting

"We need to talk to you in privet"said Hera earning nods from the others Ahsoka let them in to her office and took a seat behind the signing desk

"So what were you guys wanting to talk to me about?"asked Ahsoka

"Are there any spy devices hidden in the room?"asked Kanan not wanting to give a away any information in tell he was sure the empire wasn't listing

"Yeah sure hold on a second"said Ahsoka bending down under the desk and pulling a small device that was attached to the desk then she moved over to a vent and pulled open and removed another device "Imperial intelligence aren't really that intelligent"said Ahsoka with smirk as she crashed the devices

"Ok now that it safe we can talk i think you already aware at am a Jedi my name is Kanan am a leader of a group of people fighting against the empire the Twi'lek is are pilot are name is Hera the Mandaloring is Sabine she an artist and this is Erza he one of my padawans"said Kanan which seemed to shocked Ahsoka a wee bit

"You mean there more an one?"asked Ahsoka

"That what one of his padawans means"said Erza with a smirk which made Ahsoka smile since he reminder her of what she was like that his age

"Ok so what do you want from me?"asked Ahsoka

"We want you to join us in our fight for freedom"said Kanan

""I can't it would bring back to many mermemories from the clone wars"said Ahsoka with a sad look in her eyes Kanan was about to reply when Ezra interpreted him

"But you need to help us million of people are suffering from the empire we need you"said Erza with a hopefully look in his eyes

"Am still not sure"said Ahsoka with a unsure look on her face

"What about if you just help me train the padawans "suggested Kanan

"I guess that would be alright but i would have to run it passed my family first"said Ahsoka earning a shocked look from Kanan

"You have a family?"asked Kanan

"Yes"said Ahsoka rolling her eyes "would you like to meet them?"asked Ahsoka Kanan was about to reply but stopped when Here elbowed him in ribs

"We love to"said Hera sending a look to Kanan that said don't argue with this

"Ok come on"said Ahsoka leading them to a her speeder once everyone was bored she drove off they kept driving in tell they reached the edge of the city where a small house was Ahsoka quickly lead them in to the small house

"Lux snips you guys home"shouted Ahsoka a second later a young Togruta girl came running in to the room she looked to be fourteen she also looked a lot like Ahsoka apart from having lighter skin tone

""Hey mum who are they?"asked Snips putting her hands on her hips

"I'll explain once your father get here"said Ahsoka just as she said it a human male walked in to the room he had brown hair with brown hair and looked to be the same age as Ahsoka

"Hey honey"said The Man given Ahsoka a kiss on the lips"Who are they?"asked Lux rising a eyebrow

"Those are the ghost crew guys this is my daughter Snips and my Husband Lux"said Ahsoka as Lux shook there hands

"What are they wanting?"asked Snips with a curious look on her face

"The ghost crew are fighting against the empire see the two guys there Jedi and they want my help to train some force sensitives they found"explain Ahsoka

"Like how you trained me"said Snips

"Yes basically so what do you guys think about it?"asked Ahsoka

"You mean hang out with other teenagers like me am in"said Snips with a huge smirk

"I think we should do it wd can't sit on thd side lines anymore"said Lux

"Look like we're on bored"said Ahsoka sending a small smile to the ghost crew

"Great let get going"said Kanan

"One problem with that the Ghost isn't big enough to hold everyone we're going need to find a base"said Hera which made Ahsoka smile clearly she was the boss of the group

"I think I can help with that there a old jedi enclave deep within the jungle i don't believe the empire know about it we could use that as a base "said Ahsoka

"Good I'll send a message telling Zeb to meet us here"said Kanan sending the message

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