Noir's Fairytale: Out of the book

Hello to all of~ you :3…. This is my very first akakuro fanfiction and story in here~ I've been around reading all kinds of fanfics and So~ I decided to create a fanfic~ here~ I am originally a writer from Asianfanfics… *hides* pls don't tell them I'm here or- /shot. You guys can call me GyunGyun~ Hmm I'm talkative aren't I even though I'm sure you guys would skip this part~ :3 …*waves to fellow akakuro shippers* …XD if u guys wanna talk with me~ PM ME! :3 I'm a person who easily gets bored XD…. Okay so enough chit chat~ :3 FWOOSH

DISCLAIMER: I DON'T OWN KNB (it's obvious) But I own the plot~

A/N: If someone has the same plot then its coincidental cause I don't like copying fanfics from fellow writers it makes me sad QAQ TTmTT *hides in a corner* Ooooh an apple~ *chases the apple*

WARNING: I can be a bit Cray Cray~ hohoho the characters can be "OOC" :3 there also might be OCs along the way so the story can progress~ Hieee! Don't kill me *hides*

SUMMARY: 'Akashi never liked fairytales because of how fictional and far they are from reality. However, it seems fate loves playing with him because he woke up the next day only to find a character from a fairytale turn real. Now he has to deal with a bluenette who seems to be mistaking him as someone else.'

Prologue: The Book

'Once upon a time,

There was a princess who was loved by everyone in the kingdom.

She was there but no one has ever seen her before,

Nonetheless the princess was still loved by the whole kingdom.

They all said she was kind, beautiful, and caring but no one has actually seen her face.

Her parents, The King and the Queen never allowed her to go out of the castle.

They said that as a princess she won't be allowed to go out of the castle grounds.

The princess agreed but she was curious of the world outside the castle.

Influenced by curiosity, she sneaked out of the castle.

She wanted to see everything and meet everyone.

She looked on with great determination towards everything and everyone.

However she wasn't seen by anyone.

She tried grabbing their attention, but in the end she was pushed to the corner.

People bumped into her, and she was terrified.

She did not expect this to happen.

Why couldn't anyone notice her?

Was she invisible to them?

The princess looked at everyone bitterly,

Her face expressionless and she walked away.

Suddenly she was grabbed by someone.

"It's dangerous here… "The boy said without looking back.

"Are you alr—"The boy looked at her with a stunned expression.

"-right..." The boy continued after a few seconds.

"Ah. I am sorry. I must have made a mistake…"

"It's alright."The princess said but it came out monotonously.

"Hmm. Since, I have made a mistake. Do you mind if I invite such a beautiful lady for a date?"The boy asked.

"I'm sorry but I don't take invitations from strangers."The princess said.

"How rude of me. I am Rouge."The boy introduced himself.

"My name is Noir."The princess introduced herself too.

That was the day the princess found herself enjoying.

She often had secret meetings with him.

She found out more about Rouge and that he was actually a prince from another kingdom.

They both fell in love with each other.

Love, O thy tragic love.

As true as their love is there were always obstacles.

Their kingdoms were both enemies.

They were forced to separate when their parents found out about their love affair.

The prince promised the princess that he would be back.

The princess held into that promise.

Both kingdoms fell down and nothing was left but tragedy.

The princess waited and waited but the prince never came back.

She heard that the prince married someone and they are now starting a new kingdom.

Her heart hurt, but she told herself to keep waiting.

She waited and waited for eternity just for the prince to fulfill the promise.

The poor princess believed and loved her prince,

'Til she died a tragic death'

"—what a very complicated and stupid fairytale" Akashi sighs as he closes the book. He looks at the time and returned the book to its original place.

"Why do they want me to research more about this fairytale? It's not even worth half of my time. Fairytales are fictional. There is no such thing as true love." He walked to the exit only to be stopped by an old woman.

"Young lad that fairytale shall guide you and lead you to your destiny." The old woman said and when he turned to her direction he saw no one.

"Pathetic. Only I can pave my way for myself." He says as he walks down the halls.

"Such is how fate wants it lad." A voice echoes out, but he ignores it, continuing on to his destination.

A/N: So yeah~ Hahahaha it's short but oh well~ can't help it~ Yadda~ XD hm. Did you guys enjoy the prologue? Or not? Oh well~ Please leave a review XDD or at least PM me XD let's talk together Q3Q

Huehuehue~ XDD Happy Birthday to our beloved~ Tet-chin~ :3
