
It had only been a few hours after the wedding ceremony between Shining Armor and Princess Cadance had come to an end. Every pony was very joyful to witness the marriage between two lovers that would never depart until death. Of course, when there's a marriage there's a also a reception. Eveyone was also hungry for delicious food and eager for some fun party games, especially since the battle against Queen Chrysalis was also something more to celebrate over.

However; unknown to every other pony, there was only one other that did not show must interest in the royal Canterlot event. That pony just so happened to be Trixie Lulamoon, one of Ponyville's most intriguing unicorns. "Ugh... out of all the ponies that Candance marries, it WOULD be Twilight Sparkle's older brother." she groaned in disgust. She couldn't help but notice Twilight and here closest friends Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie all being very social and having a blast. "First she beats me in magic, NOW she becomes royalty through marriage!" Trixie had always bared a grudge since the time when Twilight Sparkle subdued an Ursa Minor from terrorizing Ponyville. On top of that, she also had her so-called powerful magic exposed as simple illusions and tricks.

Trixie wasn't simply in Canterlot to show respect to the royal family. She was on a mission; a mission that would require stealth, wits, and nerves of steel. Trixie had become so desperate to outdo Twilight after being outclassed once before, that she planned a heist to sneak in to the Canterlot Castle to find anything that could make her a more powerful unicorn. One can also assume that Trixie was never the type to be a heroic figure to others. She was always thinking about her own agenda, and wanted to use this opportunity to get the most out of her stay while every other pony was attending the Canterlot wedding reception. Little did the illusionist unicorn realize that fate would bring her to one of the greatest threats in all of Equestria.

"Now's a perfect time." Trixie whispered under her breath. The guards had become so bored of standing at attention that even Princess Celestia and Princess Luna invited them to watch and participate in dancing and karaoke. She slouched down underneath her table concealed behind the tablecloth. Her quiet movement and stealthy hooves allowed Trixie to sneak from bush to bush and eventually make it to the unguarded entrance to the castle without being spotted at all. "Phew, glad that part's over." she gasped. As Trixie entered the castle and wondered the empty dark halls, she was both surprised and not surprised at the same time that there were no guards patrolling the area. "I should have guessed that everyone including the night time sentries would all be attending the reception." she snickered to herself. "Security here stinks." After about thirty minutes of exploring different halls and rooms, she finally came to the end of a corridor with a very large black and eerie door that had a "Keep Out!" sign hanging off the door handle. "Well well, well, what have we here?" Trixie said with a slick smile. "If there's a door, there must be treasure." She was in no mood to respect Princess Celestia's private matters, and she had come too far not to go inside. Without hesitation, Trixie opened the door and proceeded without caution.

It was pitch black inside, but it didn't take long for Trixie to discovered that she was not alone. "You there! Come closer..." A high-pitched sinister voice pierced through Trixie's heart and a chill ran down her spine. She did not know right away how to react, but her intial thought was to get out of there instantly. Before Trixie could react, the doors slammed shut and she was stuck in complete darkness. In about 5 seconds, torches lit up at once and she was in aw and shock as she came face to face with a greenish gold coiled dragon mounted on the wall and bared octagon shaped sockets in its body. Strangely though, the dragon did not move and it appeared to be made out of some kind of metal instead of flesh and scales. The red glowing eyes and the wicked mouth indicated to her that this was where the voice came from. "My name is Shendu, and I am the greatest demon sorcerer to walk this earth. I command you to become my faithful servant and fulfill my mission to acquire all twelve talismans and allow me to regain my power to rule once more!

"Ha ha ha! Trixie laughed in amusement. And why should the great-and-powerful Trixie listen to a talking dragon statue?" Trixie said with an arrogant patronizing tone. "You have no idea what you're up against, you naïve pony!" Shendu interrupted. "I am not just a mere statue! You are in the presence of a demon sorcerer that has lived for several millenia. One thousand years ago, I was imprisoned by one of the eight immortals and was banished through a dimensional portal leading to this odd universe. However, things did not end there because as soon as the two alicorn princesses discovered me, they knew that they were dealing with an evil demon. They scattered all of my powers in the form of talismans so that I would never regain them again, and imprisoned me in this area where I reside as of right now. Should all twelve come in to my possession, I will become flesh and blood just the way I was before."

"Hmph! Too bad for you, I guess the great-and-powerful Trixie will just have to find these magic rocks for herself! " As soon as Trixie turned her back ready to leave, Shendu shouted back. "Foolish mortal! Even if you found the talismans, you wouldn't know how to unlock their magic! I am the only who understands each of their unique powers, so there's no point in you keeping them for yourself!" Trixie couldn't help but think Shendu was not sharing all the information he knew. "So what's in it for me if I find all twelve?" Trixie retorted. "Quite the demanding one, aren't you?" Shendu said with his eyes glowing a little more red than before. "During my reign in the human realm, I was the richest and wealthiest demon that possessed the finest riches of the world, enough gold and coin to give you financial power over anybody in the world. After I was sealed away, the treasure and my castle had crumbled to the dust of the earth. Fortunately for you, the treasure and my stronghold will be restored when I return to my original form." Shendu could tell by the blank look on Trixie's face that she fantasizing just from the idea of having gems, bullion, and artifacts in her possession.

"So, my young Trixie... Does the reward interest you?" Shendu said with full intention of enticing the blue mare. Trixie had never liked the idea of being somebody elses pawn to do dirty work, but her fascination of living on a hoard of treasure in her own castle greatly increased her interest in finding the talismans. "Yes, Shendu. Your wish, is my command." the intrigued unicorn replied and saluted her hoof with a greedy and lustful smile across her face. "Ah, very good. I knew I could count on you the moment you appeared before me. However, these talismans are very difficult and dangerous to find in Equestria, and I highly doubt that you alone will be able to achieve this task. I recommend that you find some reinforcements to ensure a successful mission." Trixie knew instantly who she would resort to for assistance. "Hmm... I know exactly who will follow every command!" "A very confident mare you are." Shendu replied with more contempt in his voice. "I too will aid you in your quest for the talismans... But first things first! We must relocate somewhere before the alicorns find out about this encounter. Quickly! Cast a teleportation spell!" From the flash of her horn and snap of a blue smoke bomb, she quickly teleported herself and the wicked dragon statue out of the dark castle room and out to a location that she was certain nobody would ever find them.

End of Prologue