Chapter 1

A Giant Party

10:00 AM

Robbie Shapiro's body was sweaty. Even more sweaty than what was usual for him.

Robbie tossed the hot blanket off of his naked body. Realizing he never sleeps naked, he opened his eyes and reached across the bed, looking for the nightstand containing his glasses. Instead, he felt a warm face with long hair running down it.

Where am I? And who is that? Robbie wondered. He squinted, but couldn't discern a face. He swung his legs off of the bed and stood up. Although the room was a blur, he was sure this wasn't his room, or even his house.

Fear gripped him.

Firstly, he was naked, in a strange place that's not his home. Moreover, he had just woken up next to someone in bed, and he had no idea who. It could be a man for all I know, he thought.

A voice yelled from another room on the same floor. "I'm going to kill you!" Crashes, followed by screaming, tore through the house.

Robbie stumbled blindly through the room. He held his arms outstretched, groping for something to he hold on to. He made his way towards the noise, but slipped on a glass bottle and fell forward. His entire body flew to the hardwood floor. He managed to bang his elbows hard to break his fall. Hot blood starting to ooze from his scrapes.

More crashes came from next door, and a bloodcurling scream tore through the house. "Die, Tori, Die!"

24 Hours Ago:

Tori Vega closed her locker and looked across the hall, trying to spot her friends. She saw Andre, leaning against the stairs with his guitar in his left hand. Tori walked over to her group of friends.

"Hey guys!" she said. Beck, who was looking hot as usual, stood next to Jade, who wore all black, with high heels and a leather jacket. Robbie, who was wearing a white button down shirt and black pants, smiled at her.

"Hey Tori," Andre said. "So about tonight?"

"Yeah, my parents are totally going out of town! We have the whole house to ourselves." Tori replied.

"We haven't had a party on a Friday night in like, forever" Andre said. "We should totally tweet on the slap, get a bunch of people to come, and we could totally have an awesome time."

"Yeah totally," Tori replied. She looked to her left and saw Cat walking up the stairs towards them.

"Hiiiii" Cat said with an innocent smile. She wore short shorts way past her knee and a tight pink tank top.

"Hi Cat!" Robbie said, overenthusiastically. Tori and Jade quickly shared a knowing glance, a smile, then turned back to Cat.

"So Cat, are you free tonight? We're thinking of throwing a jam at Tori's" Andre inquired.

"Yeah! That sounds like fun. I could bring Bubbles my chimpanzee!"

Andre frowned, then turned back to Tori.

"So what time were you thinking. Maybe 9?"

"Sure that sounds great, I'll tweet it right now." The bell rang through the hall, indicating the start of second period.

"Alright, off to improv class" Beck said as he started climbing the stairs.

10:30 AM:

Cat's red hair reflected light like crimson gold. It flowed like a million rose petals, made into spaghetti and hung from her head.

She reached over and pulled her hair away, lacing it in a neat ponytail.

Robbie shifted in his seat. He loved it when Cat wore her hair in a ponytail. He loved the way she smiled innocently, how small and fragile her body was, how short her shorts were and how much beautiful teenage skin was revealed.

Robbie felt himself go hard at the sight of her lazily swinging her bare legs below her chair. She was dreamily humming a song to herself, with a good natured smile on her face. Her beautiful eyes always drove him crazy.

At that moment, Cat turned towards him. Robbie stared back, and Cat's expression went from dreamy to quizzical. "Whaty?" Cat asked happily.

"Umm, uh I was just uh-" Robbie stammered.

"Robbie, Cat, you can do the next improv scene," Mr. Sikowitz said from the front of the class.

Robbie's heart skipped a beat. He could NOT get up in front of class with an erection.

Cat stood up and skipped to the stage.

Robbie remained seated, starting to panic. "Robbie!" Mr. Sikowitz pressed.

Robbie stood up, and crossed awkwardly to the stage trying to act natural. He looked up at Cat's smiling face, and realized he was doomed. His erection was not going away. He climbed up onto the stage and stood facing the class.

"Today, we will be doing a scene where-"

"Robbie, are you hard?" Jade interrupted.

Robbie felt dread creep around his body. The entire class was now looking at his erection. Even Cat.

For a few seconds, which felt like ages, the entire class was silent.

Sikowitz broke the pause. "Umm, maybe you should sit down Robbie."

Robbie looked down and hurried off of the stage, back to the safety of his seat.

"Alright, Beck, you can fill Robbie's spot for now..."

Jade saw Robbie rush out of class the second the bell rang. She had been planning to say something about Robbie and him being the only thing hard in improv class, but instead grabbed her things and looked for Beck.

Beck was sitting next to Tori, talking. I hate it when he does that, Jade thought angrily. She crossed the room and stood over him, running her fingers through his luscious hair. She knew that Tori, like most girls in Hollywood Arts High School, had a thing for Beck.

"...I could bring some Canadian malt if you want," Beck said. He looked up and smiled at Jade. "And some Sour Pus for you too baby".

"Yes, you better have lots of liquor at your party, Tori. Your only shot at getting hammered is to get someone so drunk that they can't really see your face."

Tori gave her a dirty look and grabbed her bag.

"Guys, I feel bad for Robbie. That was really embarrassing," Tori said.

"What part was embarrassing, that he had an erection or that it was so tiny," Jade asked with a wicked smile.

Tori ignored her. She packed her things and stood up.

"Alright, nine o clock guys. See ya"

"Bye," Beck replied.

5:00 PM:

My hands are shaking, Tori thought. Butterflies swam in her stomach, and she was starting to sweat. You can do this.

Tori grabbed a bottle of Jack Daniels off of the shelf. She felt uneasy about how shaky her grip was on the $60 bottle. She lowered it into her shopping crate, and looked down.

Tequila for her and Cat. Budweiser for Robbie. A few more cans of cheap beer for the guests. And Daniels for the hell of it.

Tori walked calmly over to the counter of Discount Liquor and Smoke. The cashier was a man in his late twenties, with greasy black hair and a pompous belly. Tori gave a nervous half smile as she unloaded the bottles.

He grabbed the cans and scanned them. This is actually going to work. We're going to get drunk as HELL tonight. She grinned at the thought.

The cashier scanned the final bottle, then looked up at her. "I'm going to have to see some ID ma'am" the cashier said.

"My-my ID?" Tori stuttered. Oh my God I'm dead.

"Yup." he replied. Tori reached into her leather purse and pulled out her health insurance card. She tried to smile as she handed it over to his outstretched hand.

He looked it over. I should just run. The door is right there. I should just run and never come back.

"Yeah I can't sell you alcohol. You need to be 21 in this state to buy alcoholic beverages."

Tori looked around, and saw that the store was empty. "Please sir, can't you help me out this once?" Tori pleaded. "It's friday night!"

For a second he looked sympathetic. He leaned in, black hair spilling over his pale face. "I could lose my crappy job."

Tori thought for a second, then leaned in close to his face. "C'mon, I think we could both end up getting what we want"

Tori brushed his oily hair with her hand, and kissed him on his lips.

The man wasn't a really good kisser, and by the looks of him it was probably due to a lack of practise.

She parted her lips and although at first she was a little repulsed, both became more comfortable as the kiss went on.

Tori pulled away. The man goggled at her in shock. Using the moment, Tori quickly put down the cash on the table and grabbed her bottles.

As she left the store, she smiled to herself. She was going to get drunk as hell tonight.

To be continued...

Hi guys thank you soo much for reading my story! Please feel free to follow or add any comments, I will personally read all of them and take them into account.

I promise the next few chapters will get more intense ;) So follow to stay up to date!

If you guys liked my work, feel free to check out my Hannah Montana fanfiction (called Falling Stars), which recently broke 400 reads woohoo!

I do not own any characters mentioned above.