Hi, guys! It's your favourite of the dynamic duo, Gotrix here!

It's been a long time again but things will speed up when summer (Marorin: Or winter, for the people that live in the southern hemisphere like me XD) arrives! As usual we own nothing, if we did I would be on a yacht right now and Marorin would be properly stalking Ryan Reynolds!

(Marorin: Hey! Shut up, you asshole. You'd probably do more stalking that I'd ever do! XD Can't deny the guy's hot AF though… :P)

Enjoy guys!

'Okay. Do I go in early and look desperate, or late like a badass?' Krillin asked himself nervously as he paced by the corner of the coffee shop he was meeting Lazuli at.

"Hey, Krillin," Lazuli greeted coolly as she walked towards the bald teenager.

'She actually came!' Krillin thought with relief. "Hi, Lazuli. You look great today," he beamed.

Lazuli smiled. "Thank you."

"So, shall we head in?" Krillin asked politely.


"Awesome," Krillin replied. He then briskly walked to the entrance and held the door open for Lazuli.

"You surely are a gentleman, aren't you?" Lazuli asked, but she still had a smile on her pretty face.

"Thank you! Well, I know its old fashioned, but my guardian is terrible with women so I do the polar opposite of him," Krillin admitted sheepishly, returning the smile.

Lazuli chuckled. "Well, I must admit you're doing a great job."

"Thank you! Hopefully I'll be able to carry on the good work," Krillin laughed as he walked to a table and pulled a chair out for Lazuli.

Lazuli smiled. "I'm pretty sure you will."

"I'll certainly try. So, um, shall I go order?" Krillin asked cheerfully.

"Yes," Lazuli said.

"Okay. So, what would you like?" Krillin enquired.

Lazuli shrugged. "I wouldn't mind sharing something, maybe a cake."

"Sure thing! Victoria sponge it is," Krillin chirped as he went to order.

After getting their Victoria sponge, Krillin and Lazuli continued to talk and get to know each other. "So, Lazuli, what Biology topics are you best at?" Krillin asked after a while, looking to draw up a study plan. Lazuli did tell him that she could tutor him in Biology.

"Human anatomy," Lazuli replied honestly. She was good at it, because she had seen the Doctor's notes and his twisted experiments on people. She hated to think about it, but something about Krillin made her be at ease. "You?"

"Probably life cycles and genetics. I suck at Biochemistry though," Krillin replied with a sheepish smile. He was glad he resisted the urge to ask for a practical demonstration of Lazuli's human anatomy expertise.

"I'm not the best at Biochemistry, but I can understand it at least," Lazuli replied.

"That's good. Will need a bit of help with that, and human anatomy, too," Krillin admitted.

"That's okay." Lazuli smiled. "I can help."

"Outstanding! So, anything you're not good at?" Krillin asked.

"Anything related to plants," Lazuli said. "I just can't get that information into my head."

"Well, it's a good thing when I was raised by monks they made me tend to gardens—got interested in plants. I can definitely help," Krillin replied, his confidence returning.

Lazuli smiled. "Thanks."

"It's my pleasure. Y'know, this has been fun. Do you want to meet again soon?" Krillin asked nervously, his confidence bolstered by Lazuli's happiness.

"Yes, sure."

"Okay! This time, next week at MaClarens—the Irish restaurant/pub?" Krillin asked, hoping the atmosphere and relaxed energy of the place would help him properly ask her out.

Lazuli nodded. "Okay."

"Sweet! Well, I need to start going. Shall I walk you home?" Krillin said as he rose to leave.

Lazuli didn't need anyone to protect her, but she was willing to have company. She had to admit she actually enjoyed being around Krillin. "If you don't mind."

"Of course not! I really enjoy your company," Krillin smiled as he held open the door for her.

"Great. I enjoy your company, too," Lazuli admitted as she walked out of the café.

With a smile and swagger, Krillin walked home with Lazuli. 'I am so in!' he thought jubilantly.

Goku sat under a tree as he waited for Chi-Chi to show up to begin her flying lessons. He still wasn't sure how he ended up being her new 'flying tutor', but he wouldn't have it any other way. He wanted to be with her, and training her would give him a shot with her. As he watched the clouds pass by in the sky, he began thinking about the conversation he and Tien had the day before.

"Yo, Tien!" Goku called as he followed the taller man. They had just managed to get away from the press, and after hanging around for a little, they decided to part ways. Usually, Goku would've stayed with Upa, or go with Krillin and Yamcha, but he had something to talk to Tien about.

"What's up, Goku?" Tien asked, surprised. Normally, Goku hung around Krillin and Yamcha. They'd still not quite got over the former rivals thing and didn't really spend time alone. So the fact he singled him out was weird.

"I gotta talk to you 'bout somethin'," Goku replied, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Okay. How can I help? …It's about a girl, isn't it?" Tien realized, a small grin forming as he raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms.

Goku was surprised. "Yeah. Yeah, it is. How'd you know?"

"Well, my first clue was the fact you admitted you were interested in someone on international TV. You wouldn't go to Krillin for romantic advice, he's too inexperienced. Yamcha's a dick, and Chaiotzu is never around, so made sense you'd come to me. Then, I wondered who it could be—figured it was a girl as despite my suspicions of how close you were with Krillin and how long you spend shirtless and alone with him, he's interested in that blonde girl. So, yeah, that's how I know," Tien replied with a chuckle at Goku's expression.

Goku was amazed at Tien's deduction, but he frowned when he heard the last part. "Why the hell does everyone assume Krillin and I are more than just friends? Have you been readin' way too much Yaoi that you've got those ideas in your head?"

"Goku, that's disgusting! No, it's just, well, neither one of you has had a girl around you. People assume things. I didn't even know there was Yaoi stuff about you and Krillin! I am, however, aware of the vast range of Launch and Bulma fanfiction..." he accidentally admitted as he replied. When he realized what he said, he clamped a hand to his mouth before issuing his sternest glare. "You… heard… nothing," he growled.

Goku stared at Tien for a few seconds before bursting into laughter.

"I can take my advice elsewhere," Tien warned. He didn't mean it, but he hoped it'd calm Goku down.

"Okay, okay! I'll stop." But, even as he tried not to laugh, a few chuckles and snickers still escaped him. "At least I'll try," he said, trying to stop himself from losing it again.

"Right. So, which one; Suno or Chi-Chi?" Tien asked with a sigh.


"I thought so. Still, I had to check. Suno is attractive and you've known each other a while. So, what do you want to know?" Tien said with an encouraging nod.

"Well, what if I told ya that tomorrow I'm s'pposed to teach her how t' fly?" Goku questioned, more seriously now.

"I think she's interested in you. Best thing you can do is teach her as you would anyone, but be extra patient and encouraging. Suggest lunch after a training session or wait until after a breakthrough and make a move then. Look for signs she's flirting first though," Tien advised sagely.

Goku nodded, listening to what Tien told him. "Okay." He smiled. "Y'know, I never thought you'd be a girl-expert, man. D'you have a playboy past we don't know about?" he joked.

"I used to have to seduce a lot of women, yeah," Tien laughed, rubbing the back of his neck.

Goku raised an eyebrow. "You had to?"

"Well, I say had to... Shen had a lot of female clients and well... he needed to keep them happy, so sometimes he'd suggest to me to make them very happy..." Tien explained, going bright red.

"Oh, I see..." Goku could tell that it was a very awkward topic for Tien, so he tried to lighten the mood. "Well, at least your 'knowledge' is helping you now with Launch!"

"Oh it so is! Man, that girl is amazing... I need to keep hold of her," Tien said, brightening up. "I need to tap that ass first though," he added with an evil grin.

Goku laughed. "Careful, Tien," he smirked. "Somehow I think that it ain't gonna be that easy."

Goku sighed as he rubbed his hands nervously. Yes, he was nervous; yes, he was trying to impress; and no, he wouldn't admit it out loud. But, yeah, he was wearing his Gi—his freshly recently ironed Gi, because he really was trying to impress—and he'd made sure to look as presentable as possible—washed his hair, shaved, all was good. And as he sat back he wondered—what the hell was up with him? Why was he acting this way?

'Must be somethin' girls have—like a power or somethin' they have over a dude who likes 'em,' he decided. 'Well, whatever—better keep in mind Tien's advice; patient and encouraging.'

That's when Chi-Chi arrived. She was wearing a blue and pink Gi, and she looked good in it. Her hair was held back in ponytail, and she looked pretty confident.

Which wasn't true at all because even though she was working on keeping a confident façade, she was nervous as hell inside. 'Calm down, Chi-Chi,' she told herself as she took a deep breath. 'You don't want him to notice you're actually nervous about this. Be cool!'

Goku sensed her coming, which made him smile like an idiot, but it was when he saw her that his nerves suddenly transformed into excitement. "Hey, Chi!" he greeted cheerfully, jumping to his feet. "How are you? You excited? Weather's great for a flying lesson today. That's good!"

"Um," Chi-Chi blinked and then smiled. "Hi, Goku. I'm good. Yeah, I'm a bit excited. The weather thing's good I guess."

"Yeah, it is!" Goku grinned, then he realized he had been rambling. 'Well, shit.' "I'm just talkin' too much, ain't I? Sorry, it's—it's the first class I've ever given everyone," he explained, hoping she'd buy it.

"Well," Chi-Chi smiled at him. "I'm honored of being your first student."

Goku beamed. "That's cool! Shall we begin?"

"Yeah, sure!"

"Okay, then. Let's do this." Goku wondered where to start. "Okay, I explained Ki to you before. Have you tried to use it before now since I mentioned it?"

"I tried," she told him. "But, uh, I couldn't control it..." she added grumpily, blushing in embarrassment.

"Okay, as in you couldn't use it at all or it felt like you couldn't get it to do anything and just flow?" Goku further questioned as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well... I'd like to think I felt it, but I... I'm not completely sure," she said shyly. "I think I felt something, but that could just be me imagining things."

"No, I doubt that. You've pretty in-tune with you Ki naturally. Your basic reserve is quite a bit higher than the normal person's. I mean, it's not like Krillin's or Yamcha's before they properly tapped in, but it's impressive. You found the reserve, just got to bring it out. Having a goal will help—close your eyes and focus on wanting to do something or on something you want that brings out emotion," Goku instructed, pleased that there was at least some starting point.

"Okay," Chi-Chi nodded determinately. She already had something in mind. 'I want to impress Goku. I want him to be interested in me. This is my chance. I've got to do it!'

'Well, I felt a small spike—it must be working! Man, I rock at being a teacher—should help those less powerful... maybe Yamcha will be next!' Goku thought excitedly, beaming at the progress as his mind wandered as it often did to improved sparring sessions.

"Is it working?" Chi-Chi asked, not really feeling anything different. 'Am I doing it right? What if I'm screwing up?' She could see his grin, and that kind of reassured her she was doing okay, but she was worried as she didn't really feel any changes. She didn't know how it was supposed to feel.

"It feels warm. Kinda like when you're totally rested but even better. Even if you've very little Ki when you use it you feel unstoppable—free. What do you feel right now? Something is happening. I sensed it, focus more," Goku messaged mentally laughing at her confused and slightly panicked expression when she realized.

'Did he... just talk in my head?' He definitely did so, judging by the grin in his face. But, still, that was so weird! 'Doesn't matter—I can ask later. Can't lose focus!'

"I'm too hot—going over to the tree a sec. I'll be monitoring you from there. Just remember to relax," Goku explained as he walked off to the shade, stripping off the top of his Gi as he did.

Oh, God damn him. That's so easy for him to say. How could she focus now? When she had the image of his built, lean, naked torso with those strong arms and those abs and—

Chi-Chi tore her gaze away from him, cheeks burning, as she tried to focus in her Ki and definitely not focus on him.

'I swear to Kami, if she manages to fly today, I will let her do whatever she wants to me and a can of whipped cream. It'd be proof I could start a training center and prove Dad wrong. Shit... did she hear that? Okay, she's not looking this way; she can't have. Just play it cool, Goku—stretch and look relaxed,' Goku panicked as he had a literal meltdown, stretching to compensate for his sudden tension.

'Focus, focus. Don't lose your focus. Don't lose it. Even though there's the hottest guy ever standing shirtless right there and—NO! Focus! Focus and you'll impress him! Maybe you'll get to see him shirtless even more times if you do so!'

And that was motivational enough for Chi-Chi, because even though she was a bit of a prude, seeing a shirtless Goku was something she couldn't refuse to.

"I can feel it! Bit more and you'll be there! We'll find a fun way to cool down after if you do," Goku called out in encouragement.

Chi-Chi blushed. 'Does he mean what I think he means? No. I doubt it.' She blushed more. 'Damn it, Chi-Chi! Don't lose focus. Concentrate!'

"I meant what you thought I did," Goku chuckled to himself. Then horror dawned on his face as he realized she could have heard him. "Damn it, Chaiotzu! You taught me to project not to keep them in," he cringed, trying to concentrate so he could keep his thoughts to himself—literally—while hoping she didn't hear.

Unfortunately for Goku, Chi-Chi actually heard him that time. 'So I was right!' She was blushing so much! And she felt that more determined. 'Come on, Chi-Chi! You can't fail now!' she thought, focusing even more and somewhere in the back of her mind she made a mental note to thank Chiaotzu. She managed to get a little aura around her thanks to the fact she'd focused enough to bring out her Ki.

"Bravo! Now just don't push it too much or you'll... that!" Goku shouted in praise as he saw her aura spring to life, flare and then fade out as Chi-Chi started to drop. Speeding over, Goku put an arm around her and supported her.

Chi-Chi didn't think it was possible for her to blush more, but apparently it was. His face was so close to hers, and his athletic, hunky body was pressed against hers. Shit. This was probably the closest a guy had ever gotten to her—ever! And her stomach was invaded with some damn butterflies as she swallowed her nerves. "Uh… t-thank you," she said softly.

"No problem. What else are handsome teachers for?" Goku smirked as he held her tighter, lifting her to her feet again. "That might be enough for the day though. Flying is easy after this, anyway."

"Be eye-candy?" Chi-Chi smirked back, despite her blush. "You sure, though? I mean, I don't even know where to start..."

"Well, that, too," Goku laughed, sounding disturbingly too like his father for his liking. "You just need to focus on keeping the power up and then forcing it down. It will naturally want to flow out, so directing it the only tricky bit," Goku assured her with a comforting smile as he looked down at her, still holding her closely.

"And since I'm not experienced," Chi-Chi said, wanting to spend more time with him, "then you could help me, right?" 'Please say yes.'

"Yes, of course I will," Goku replied instantly.

Chi-Chi's smile made him smile. "Great!" she cheered.

Things had been pretty peaceful in school. Goku and Vegeta actually stayed out of each other's way and they didn't cause a scene. They basically just made an effort to ignore each other. However, Vegeta definitely did not make an effort to ignore Bulma. He still found her attractive as hell and he didn't shy away from staring at her. Everyone could tell he was checking Bulma out constantly, much to Yamcha's annoyance. It was midweek by the time Yamcha decided to say something about it during lunch.

"For the hundredth time, he is the same as any other guy who stares at me! It's not new! Just for once let's eat in peace, you dumbass," Bulma snapped as she glared at Yamcha over her salad. It had been the third time that day he'd mentioned how Vegeta had seemed a bit too interested around her and she was getting concerned.

"And I'm supposed to just be okay with that?! Besides, it is new and it's not the same as any other guy! He's as strong as Goku, he's actually stronger than Tien, and royalty to boot. This guy is near enough the definition of a threat, in every fricking way!" Yamcha retorted with a hint of jealousy in his voice. The fact he'd become even more irrelevant was not lost on him.

"You are so paranoid it's ridiculous and now you're causing a scene!" Bulma half shouted so that all their friends turned slightly to look.

"Oh, but it's different, isn't it, whenever a girl so much as glances at me. Then it's okay to scream and shout in public, make accusations and threats and cause a real public scene, with media fucking involvement!" Yamcha shouted back, it was harsh but true.

"Well, it's a good job it very rarely happens then. Y'know, because no other woman than me would take an eternal runner up!" Bulma laughed, taunting him into escalating and looking like the bad guy. 'If I manage that, I can deflect stuff away from the Vegeta thing,' she thought desperately.

"Are they always like this?" Chi-Chi whispered to Goku.

"Yeah," he sighed. "You get used to it."

"It's best you leave me alone right now, Bulma," Yamcha replied quietly, picking up his tray and moving away. He didn't look back but he did notice Vegeta smirking as he walked by and let out his aura on reflex, rumbling the canteen as he kicked the doors open.

"And this is supposed to be okay?" Chi-Chi asked.

"I don't think it's okay, but it's what happens," Goku shrugged. "They'll figure it out. They always do—kinda…"

"Kinda?" Chi-Chi's eyebrows rose.

"I wouldn't even try to figure 'em out if I were you," Launch commented, looking at Bulma and narrowing her green eyes. If she had been in her blue-haired form, she might've missed it, but that wasn't the case. She could tell something was up with Bulma. 'I just have to figure out what.'

"Are you guys sure Bulma and Yamcha won't get upset that we decided to hang out without them?" Chi-Chi questioned.

It was Friday, so the gang decided to go catch a movie. However, since Bulma and Yamcha were still fighting, they figured it'd be better if neither of them were invited so that they could save themselves the headache.

"Who cares? They've been nothing but a pain in our collective asses all week," Tien replied before Goku could.

"Besides, this will give them time to think," Launch said enthusiastically. She was in her blue-haired form, which meant she had a more positive approach to the subject than she would've had if she had been in her blonde form. "Maybe they'll make up!"

"Chances of that are about as high as Krillin getting laid," Chiaotzu chuckled as he weaved sideways to avoid Krillin's halfhearted punch in the ribs.

"Hey, who knows? Miracles can happen," Goku laughed.

"I hate all of you," Krillin groaned as he sulked along.

"Aw, Krill. You know we're joking. Hey, you might actually kick it with that Lazuli chick!" Goku grinned, nudging Krillin playfully.

"Let's hope. Also, guys; as Launch has mentioned, it I will have you know two things. One: I have had a very successful time at the moment in the female department. Two: Accidents happens when training with Kienzans," Krillin informed darkly, smirking as he did.

"Kienzans?" Chi-Chi asked, not aware of Krillin's attack.

"Discs of Ki that cut through anyone—no matter their power. It's why we always take Krillin as a very serious threat in a fight," Tien explained with grudging respect.

"Oh, that's cool," she smiled.

"Yep, so remember: I could still kill you all in your sleep thanks to stealth mode and the Kienzan," Krillin chirped, glaring at Chiaotzu.

"Better watch out, Chiaotzu!" Goku chuckled.

"Tien, we need a security alarm," Chiaotzu squeaked.

"We can sense Ki, you dumbass, and even if hegoes stealth mode, you're bloody psychic. You'd hear his thoughts about fucking Lazuli from two towns away," Tien sighed. It was tough at times being the only serious one.

"Geez, Tien, lighten up!" Goku chuckled. "Don't be so damn serious all the time."

"I give up. Let's just watch the movie," Tien grumbled, rolling all three of his eyes.

"DEADPOOL!" Goku and Krillin screamed together, grinning and bumping fists.

"I'd hate to be Deadpool. I could never kill myself to escape you idiots," Tien grunted as he stalked along.

"But we are amazing friends!" Goku whined, grinning and nudging Tien playfully.

Launch giggled. "Poor Tien," she cooed.

"You'll do, I guess," Tien laughed as he nudged Goku back and flashed a wolfish smile at Launch.

"Let's just go in—movie will start soon. Deadpool!" Krillin yelled, urging them on.

"Deadpool!" Goku chorused, and the whole group hurried to get to the movie on time.

"I'm in love, forget Lazuli," Krillin beamed as he staggered out of the cinema into daylight.

"Best movie ever, hands down," Goku agreed, grinning widely.

"Best movie ever, indeed. He killed people with an efficiency I can only dream of. Three men, one bullet—beautiful," Tien agreed in awe and reverence.

"Plus, Vanessa was so hot," Chiaotzu added. This received vigorous head nodding from the other guys and a general murmur of agreement.

"They mixed action with humor and love. That's amazing!" Launch exclaimed, smiling widely.

"It really is," Chi-Chi agreed. "And Ryan Reynolds is so handsome!"

"He is!" Launch squealed.

"Too true what Launch said; best combination ever. Best superhero movie ever. Also, you're far more beautiful than Morena Baccarin, Launch," Tien complimented quickly to the blue-haired girl, worried he may have entered a minefield. He might've if she'd been in her blonde form.

"Aw, thanks," Launch blushed as she smiled widely.

Chaiotzu had sent a metal image of the Admiral Ackbar meme the minute Tien agreed with the other guys about Vanessa. 'That was a close save. Thanks, buddy,' Tien sent back telepathically. He also made a mental note to buy him a beer.

"So, moving on from this romantic mood we don't need... I'm gonna have X Gon' Give It To Ya stuck in my head for days," Goku stated.

"Make that weeks. It's so catchy!" Chi-Chi agreed.

"Add the Deadpool Rap too!" Krillin shouted.

"I'm sending Careless Whisper mentally to you and Lazuli every time I see you two together," Chaiotzu stated calmly to Krillin before laughing his ass off evilly.

"You wouldn't..." Krillin started before remembering who he was dealing with. "You evil bastard. Deadpool and Ryan Reynolds would be proud," he finished, resigned to his fate.

"They really would be," Goku laughed. "Or he. I mean, to this point Ryan Reynolds is Deadpool. They've become the same person."

"They have become one. And it is glorious," Tien beamed. He usually hated other celebrities but he was now inviting Ryan to lunch.

"Let's take a picture, guys!" Launch exclaimed. The others agreed and they all posed in front of a Deadpool poster, grinning at the camera. "Perfect!" she grinned. "This is going to Spacebook!"

"Awesome," Goku smiled.

"Best movie ever with best friends ever! #friendship #deadpool #bestmovie. There we go!" Launch grinned.

"No, no. Wait a sec. Lemme add something." Tien smirked as he typed. "#fuckthescarredbandit #breakaleg. Now it's good."

Goku snorted and laughed. "Niiiice."

"Yamcha's gonna kill you," Krillin chuckled while Tien gave a shrug. "Or at least he'll try."

"You do guys think he and Bulma made up?" Chi-Chi asked.

"No idea. Who cares? Hey, so back to Deadpool…" Goku started and the group walked to get some food while having a conversation about the movie.

Chi-Chi got home with a wide smile on her face. For the first time—ever—she actually spent a Friday with friends—real friends; people she could actually be herself with—and had a lot of fun. Yeah, so maybe they weren't the most normal of people—with all the aliens and stuff going on—but she liked them.

And unlike with the other people at school, she didn't hide from them. She wasn't quiet. She wasn't shy. She was just… herself. It was like that mental barrier she figured she had disappeared when she was around them. She was open around them and so were they. They shared stuff with her, included her. They were genuine. It was so weird to think they'd known each other for some few days; because it felt like years to her already.

It seemed she had finally found people she was compatible with.

And she'd also finally found a boy she actually liked.

So, maybe she wasn't normal. Maybe she was special. Like her new friends. She was part of their world now. Their weird, absolutely not normal world. And that was okay.

She was happy.

Chi-Chi had very pleasant dreams that night.

"Ugh! You can be so annoying sometimes!" Bulma glared at her boyfriend in annoyance.

"And you can be such a bitch. Can we just pick a fucking movie to watch?!" Yamcha shot back as he scrolled through movie reviews and checked Spacebook.

"Give me a reason for me to actually want to watch a movie with you right now!" Bulma said angrily.

"Because those fuckers we call friends just saw Deadpool without us!" Yamcha smirked back, both furious but glad to be winning the row.

"They did what?!" Despite being angry at Yamcha, Bulma ran to his side to look at his phone. She narrowed her eyes when seeing the picture Launch had uploaded. "Those bastards! We were supposed to watch it together!"

"What the fuck... #fuckthescarredbandit #breakaleg. I'll fucking kill Tien!" Yamcha bellowed as he looked ore in depth. He shut the phone, slumping in his seat.

"Well, our friends suck," Bulma pouted as she slumped into her seat as well.

"They do suck. So, how about I forget about being jealous, get over it, and we can focus on more important things?" Yamcha proposed seriously.

'Of course he still won't talk about problems.' However, Bulma was intrigued on what he was saying, and she raised an eyebrow at him. "And what would these... more important things be?"

"First, getting back at our prick friends—especially that asshole Tien. Secondly, I will admit I should have trusted you and won't be so pushy again so we can try to make this work. And third and finally, we have sex in every room of this house today," Yamcha replied with a bit of a cocky grin and hopeful look.

Bulma grinned. "I must say; I agree with all of this." She smirked. "Let's see what you got, babe."

"Straight to business? Okay, boss," Yamcha smirked as he walked forward, his left arm around Bulma, as he leaned in eagerly and kissed her. His right hand roaming her body as it pulsed Ki, sending shockwaves into her that made her deepen the kiss.

I know you guys were all worried we'd left for good but we love this project and will not stop until its run its course! This chapter was pretty long and action packed, Marorin can take the credit for Spacebook (Marorin: I totally got it from TFS so credit goes to them xD), my plans were a bit... extreme. So as usual you can thank Marorin for keeping me grounded and the quality high. (Marorin: 'Cause I'm the one who puts this all together. :P)

Hope you all appreciated the increased emphasis on Goku and Chi-Chi, you asked, we listened!

Thanks for all the reviews and we hope you'll look forward to the next action packed installment!