Hello, lovely people who have arrived to this story! How are y'all?! xD

Well, my friend—gotrixisgreat99—and I—Marorin5—have decided to combine our crazy ideas into one high school story that is right here! Yay! :D And don't worry for our other stories—we are still working on them, we promise! XD

ANYWAYS. This is, as you've all guessed, a high school story. BUT, we want to make our version unique and we're sure our story is something new and entertaining! We are really having fun writing this, so we hope that you also have fun reading this!

So, this story will have Canon couples, because they rock. And the main one will be Goku/Chi-Chi. Why? Well, because I love them. xD Gotrix doesn't like them as much as I do, but that won't stop him from writing this with me! :P

So, without further ado, let's go into the chapter!


The New Classmates

By gotrixisgreat99 and Marorin5

A beautiful girl, with pale skin, black eyes and long, smooth black hair sighed as she walked through her school's corridor. She did not want to be there. Yesterday, at this same hour, she was sleeping comfortably in her bed. Today, she was already up and ready for the first day of school. Oh, how she hated first days of school. If it was up to her, first days would not exist. Heck, school would not exist! But since it was not up to her, it existed, and there she was!

'At least this is the last year,' she thought. 'You can do this, Chi-Chi.'

Chi-Chi glanced around. She saw how the other students greeted and hugged each other. While no-one was exactly happy about having to come to class again, they were all excited to see each other again. 'Even though they probably all saw each other during summer,' Chi-Chi mused quietly. This would be just like past years. She would just sit there, listening to the exciting summer stories her classmates shared. Oh, she had a great summer too, alright. But, still, it did not really compare to her classmate's. They probably had gotten together on summer, hanging out, going to clubs, meeting new people. That was not her case.

Quietly, she entered her new classroom, and saw her classmates—all familiar faces. Was there not anyone new? 'I was kind of hoping someone else would come,' she thought. She put her backpack on a desk, near the other girls' desks, and walked to the group. She smiled a little. "Hi guys," she said, somewhat quietly. Honestly, she did not know why she was still quiet. She had been with the same people for years, yet she always spoke to them like that—quietly. It was not anything like when she spoke to her father or her servants. Why was it different?

A girl, who heard Chi-Chi's quiet greeting, turned and smiled. "Hi, Chi-Chi." After greeting Chi-Chi, she turned her attention back to the group's conversation. Chi-Chi decided to do the same. It really was like last year. She was there, silently listening to her classmate's stories. They were all talking excitedly about what they did. Where did they go, with whom, how much fun did they have, how many guys did they kiss in one night.

Honestly, Chi-Chi did not understand the point of that. Was there a kissing competition among girls that they had to go smooch random guys all in one night? And was it really necessary to drink alcohol until they dropped and to smoke to have fun? She did not think so, but she knew her classmates did not think that way. She knew they had been drinking for a while—since they were around fourteen, if she was not wrong. She still did not see the point.

She was probably the definition of saint. After all, being seventeen-year-old, she did not drink, she did not smoke, she did not go to parties too much (unless she was invited), and she had never, ever kissed a boy in her life. Never! She had a very romantic view of love. Chi-Chi wanted her first kiss to be with the man she loved, the man that would be her boyfriend. But, not some random guy she had never met! She would not know what to do! She hoped she would meet a man, fall in love with him, marry, and they would start a family together. It was probably very cheesy and romantic, but it was her dream.

Up to now, she had never like liked someone. Sure, she had seen guys whom she thought were hot, but she had never had any feelings—romantic feelings—for a boy. Not ever! Her friends always said it was very weird she had never had a crush in her life. They thought something was wrong with her. Sometimes, she wondered that too.

Although she could not really call her friends actual friends. Oh, sure, they were nice and they let her hang around with them, but they were only people she could pass the time with. They were only people she hung out with at school. The only times she talked to them when they were not at school it was when there was a test or an assignment—she, having the best average out of the whole class, was the one responsible that could help everyone with school work. They were not people she could trust with private things. They were not people she could actually be herself with. She did not know why. It was like if there was a mental barrier preventing her from being friends with the other girls. They were not compatible, it seemed.

She had been somewhat hoping for someone new to arrive—hopefully a girl—because that person might be the friend she was looking for. But she did not see any new faces. She was not sure if there were going to be new people at all! Chi-Chi sighed. It seemed no-one new was going to arrive—and even if they did, she could not know if they would be her friends. After all, people tended to follow the crowd. And even she had to admit she did that too, sometimes. Although she was not like her classmates, she did sometimes follow the crowd, trying to fit in. She was not sure she would be able to befriend the new guys—if there were even new classmates for her to meet.

But she could always hope.

"So, this is our school, huh?" a handsome young man, around seventeen-year-old, with wild, spiky black hair and black eyes said as his eyes glanced around the huge building standing in front of him and his friends. He, along with a short, no-nosed bald man; a man with scars on his face and his hair tied up in a ponytail; a beautiful turquoise-haired woman with pretty blue eyes; a blue haired woman with big, blue eyes; a tall, three-eyed bald man; a short, pale-skinned man with red cheeks; a boy, around fifteen-year-old with black, spiky hair tied in a little ponytail; and a fifteen-year-old girl, with black, spiky long hair, and black eyes, stood before the huge school that was before them.

"Yep," the short, no-nosed bald man confirmed as he, too, glanced the building in wonder.

"I can't believe we're here," the man with scars on his face, and with long black hair tied up in a ponytail, commented. "I mean, I've never been to school before. And I never thought I would. Why are we here again?"

"Because," the beautiful turquoise haired woman, with pretty blue eyes began, "it's mandatory. We have to get graduated from school if we actually want to be something in our lives."

"Why would you even need to graduate, Bulma?" the short, bald man asked. "I mean, you're the heiress of Capsule Corporation. It's not like you need second options."

"My Dad wanted me to graduate," the turquoise haired woman, named Bulma, said. "Besides, my sister graduated from university when she was sixteen. Thanks to that, she is somewhat insecure. I don't want that to happen to me. I want to be like normal teenagers. You know, not graduate early."

"Well, that makes sense if you ask me," the blue-haired woman, standing beside Bulma, said.

"I guess," the tall, three-eyed man said.

"I still think it's stupid," the fifteen-year-old girl muttered. "Do we really have to be here, Brother?" she asked to the spiky haired man.

"You know we have to, Sis," he replied. "Mom wants us to study here, remember?"

"But I don't wanna!" the youngest of the two siblings whined.

"Well, I don't want either, and yet I'm here," the fifteen-year-old boy said, joining the siblings' conversation. "In fact, it was your mom who convinced my mom that I should come to this school." He sighed. "How did she do that?"

"Dunno," the girl's brother shrugged and then laughed. "Mom has powers, I guess."

"She does," the youngest girl in the group agreed.

"Uh, hey," the man with the scar began, glancing to his watch. "It's gonna be 8 soon. Shouldn't we be going to our class already?"

"Sure, Yamcha," the wild, spiky black haired young man agreed with a shrug. "Let's just get this over with."

The group of teenagers all nodded and walked into the school. They walked calmly, chatting among themselves as they did. Some of the students who saw them gasped, recognizing them instantly. How could they not? Those teenagers were celebrities. The group just ignored the excited whispers around them as they walked towards the principal's office.

When they got to the principal's office, they knocked the door, and a voice that sounded like that of a middle aged woman told them to come in. There was indeed a middle aged woman sitting behind a neatly arranged desk. She smiled at the group of teenagers. "How may I help you?"

"Um, well, we're the new students," Bulma said. "We came here so that you could tell us about our class and schedule and all. I mean, we have a general idea, but we were told we should still come here to understand more."

"Oh, I see," the woman smiled. "You came to the right place. I can help you with that. Which grade should you be in?"

"12th grade, miss," Bulma said. She was the smartest of the group and the one who understood most about this school, so the group let her do the talking. "Well, all of us should, except these two." She signalized to the two fifteen-year-olds in the group. "They're in 10th grade."

"Oh, 12th and 10th grade," the woman chuckled. She grinned at the seventeen-year-old teenagers. "Last year, huh? I bet you're happy." She then smiled at the two younger kids. "Tenth grade is a fun year, too. You don't have to worry." She looked at the group. "It seems you all know each other. Were you on the same school?"

"Uh, no," Bulma replied, shaking her head. "We weren't in a school before. We were… homeschooled, you could say. But, yeah, we do know each other. We're all good childhood friends."

The secretary blinked. "Oh, is that so?" She smiled. "Well, you won't be alone since you know each other. That's good. Usually, new students are very nervous when they get here because they don't know who they will meet."

"I don't blame them," the blue-haired woman said. "I would be very nervous if I was alone too."

"Unless you were in your other form," the short, bald man commented with a grin. "If that was the case, you wouldn't be nervous at all, Launch."

Launch giggled. "I guess I wouldn't."

"Okay, I'll need your names to fill you in this list of new students," the secretary said, pointing at the computer. "Give first your surname, and then your name, please. We'll begin with the tenth graders."

The two nodded and said their names; first the girl and then the boy.

"Son Tanip."

"Kon Mato."

The secretary nodded and she typed the names in. "Those are nice names. You're now part of 10th grade B." She smiled. "Now, it's time for the twelfth graders. Give me your surnames and names, in that order, please."

The teenagers nodded and began giving their names. First was the tall bald man with three eyes; then was the short pale man with red cheeks; then Launch; then Yamcha; then the short bald man; then Bulma; then the man with the wild, unruly black hair.

"Shinhan Tien."

"Ketsuki Chiaotzu."

"Kushami Launch."

"Sanzo Yamcha."

"Sornut Krillin."

"Briefs Bulma."

"Son Goku."

By the time they finished listing their names, the secretary was looking at them as if she had just seen the greatest thing in the world right in front of her eyes. The teenagers blinked, looking at each other with doubtful, questioning glances.

"Err… are you… okay?" Goku asked slowly.

"Oh my God," she whispered. "I know you!" she exclaimed, startling the teens. "I know who you are! You're famous people!" She pointed at Bulma. "You're the heiress of Capsule Corporation! And you boys… you've participated in World Martial Arts Tournaments!" She pointed at Goku. "You're the Champion!"

"Uh, yeah…" Goku replied.

"That's right!" Tanip chirped with a grin. She was obviously proud of her older brother for being the World Martial Arts Champion.

"I can't believe it! I never thought we'd have famous people at our school!" The secretary was grinning excitedly. "Everyone knows about you. You'll probably be the most popular group in this school! Just give it some few weeks."

"As much as I love the idea of being famous and all, wouldn't that be, I don't know, not good?" Krillin asked. "I mean, if we're really that well-known, then we won't be getting any peace for now on!"

Goku shrugged. "We'll live with it. Just ignore 'em. They'll get used to us at some point and we'll get our space. It ain't like we haven't been the center of attention before."

"That's true," Yamcha said.

It was actually true. Ever since they began competing on the World Martial Arts Tournament and began being known, there was always someone that stared at them. They really were famous. People did not know all about them, of course—they had some secrets that would not be good for the general public to know—but they did know things like their names, ages, personalities, relatives, etc. They all had official fan clubs on the Internet. Even Oolong and Puar had their own little fan base. Everyone on their group was a celebrity. They probably were so caught up in their own world they did not notice how well-known they were in the outside world.

"I am sure they will get used to you," the secretary said. She seemed to have calmed down a little, but she was obviously still very excited at the fact there were famous people at her school. "You just have to try and fit in."

The group of friends glanced at each other and nodded. "We'll try," Goku said.

The woman smiled. "Good. Now, let me explain to you the rules…"

Chi-Chi glanced around her class. The head teacher was talking to them about school's rules. She sighed. 'I've heard this same speech all the years in school.' But there was something that called her attention. There were free desks. Seven free desk in total. But why? There should not be any free desks unless… unless there were new people. There were new classmates? Seven new classmates? She thought only three new classmates could enter per class! But then again, four people did leave the school last year, so four of the new people should be filling those gaps and the other three would be taking the new classmate's places. It made sense. But then again, she could not know if it was true.

The teacher continued with his speech until there was a knock on the door. Then the door opened revealing a beautiful turquoise haired girl with a group of other teens behind her. Chi-Chi heard some of her classmates gasp when they saw her. Even the teacher looked bewildered. 'Is she famous or something?' Chi-Chi took a closer look. She really did seem familiar. 'I think I've seen her before, but where?'

"She's Bulma Briefs, the heiress of Capsule Corporation!" she heard one of her classmates whisper excitedly.

'What?' She looked at Bulma again and gasped. 'That's why I've heard of her before!'

"Uh, hi!" Bulma said. "We're," she signalized to herself and the others who were outside with her, "the new students. This is our class, isn't it? 12th grade C? Because I will murder you guys if we've got it wrong!" She glared at the people behind her, and Chi-Chi realized that last phrase was directed to them.

"Uh…" The teacher shook his head out of his daydream and read the list of new students. "Yes, this is your class, 12th grade C." 'I hadn't realized the new students were famous. No wonder their names were familiar. How could I have not realized it?' "So, um, come inside and introduce yourselves, guys!"

"Okay!" Bulma turned to the people behind her. "Let's go, guys!"

She and her friends entered the classroom. Now all the boys gasped. They knew those other guys. But how could they not? They were participants of the World Martial Arts Tournament! They were all finalists. The Champion was standing right in front of them!

Chi-Chi could not stop staring at one of the guys standing in front of her. He looked so handsome. He had spiky, black, wild cool hair and a charming smile. She had never seen someone so hot in her whole entire life!

"Alright, my name is Bulma Briefs," Bulma said. "I guess you've heard of me if you've heard of Capsule Corporation. I am the heiress after all." She noticed some boys looking at her dazed and she smirked. "I hey, I know I'm pretty, but you'll have to contain yourselves! I've got a boyfriend, you know?"

The boys pouted.

Bulma giggled and turned to the blue-haired girl standing beside her. "Now it's your turn now, Launch!"

Launch smiled and stepped forwards. "Well, my name is Launch Kushami. It's nice to meet you all. And, oh! Before I forget… if I sneeze, I'll turn into a blonde, violent, short tempered girl, until I sneeze again and turn back to how I am now. Just so that you don't get surprised when it happens!" Launch giggled at the bewildered and doubting faces of her classmates. "I know it sounds hard to believe, but you will when you see it happen."

Yamcha stepped forwards. "Alright! I think it's my turn now." He smiled. "My name is Yamcha Sanzo. If you like martial arts, then you might know about me and my friends." The boys cheered and Yamcha chuckled. "Yeah, I see you do. Oh, by the way…" He glared at the guys that gazed at Bulma. "…Bulma's my girlfriend!"

The boys pouted again.

Krillin chuckled. "Good one, Yamcha."

Goku shook his head and smiled. Chi-Chi was dazed by his smile. "Yeah, so anyways, my name's Goku, Goku Son. If you've heard of the Tournaments, then you might have heard of me."

"How could we not?" a boy asked. "You're the World Champion, aren't you?!"

Goku chuckled and nodded. "Yeah."

There were excited whispers all over the class after that. Chi-Chi was amazed. He was the World Champion? The World Martial Arts Champion? She could not believe it. Amazing! So, not only was he hot, but he was—supposedly—the strongest martial artist ever? 'Wow. That's amazing. Even though he probably isn't as strong as me.' Chi-Chi's father, the Ox-King, had been a pupil of the Legendary Martial Arts Master Roshi, and he was one of the strongest men around. She was stronger than her father, so she must be one of the strongest people in the world. Yes, this totally hot guy won the World Martial Arts Tournament, but she had not participated in it!

Krillin snickered. "Ah, you're already popular, huh?" He smiled at the class. "Hello, my name is Krillin Sornut. I'm Goku's best friend, and I've also fought in Tournaments along him. We trained together."

Tien got his cue to introduce himself. "Hello. My name is Tien Shinhan. I guess some of you already know me though."

Chiaotzu smiled and waved. "Hi. My name's Chiaotzu Ketsuki. I'm Tien's best friend, and if you know him and the others, then you might have heard of me too."

"We've heard of all of you," a student said. "You're pretty famous."

"Well, what 'bout that," Goku said. Chi-Chi couldn't help but smile at him.

"Please, sit on the free desks," the teacher said. The seven nodded and did as told. The seven free desks were all together, so they were not separated. Chi-Chi was still watching Goku. She didn't know what was going on with her, but she just could not take her eyes off of him! 'But what's so special about him?'

The teacher frowned when seeing how his students were sitting. "No, this won't work out," he said. "You'll just talk and talk and you'll never pay attention to class. I'm sorry, but I'll have to choose your places myself." Everyone groaned at that. "All right, so let's see here…" The teacher began changing the students from their seats, thinking of the best way to have the class sitting. If he sat the boys with boys and girls with girls, they would just talk, talk and talk. He decided to seat boys with girls so none of them would talk—at least not too much.

The teacher told the girl sitting next to Chi-Chi to move somewhere else. Chi-Chi blinked, and wondered with whom she would end up sitting with. Her heart skipped a beat when she heard the teacher telling Goku to sit with her.

Chi-Chi could not help but stare at the handsome boy as he sat next to her. Oh, man, was the World Champion really that hot? She blushed. He really was very attractive to her. Was she really sitting next to him for the rest of the year?

"Hi," Goku greeted the girl beside him. "I'm Goku. What's your name?"

Chi-Chi, however, was so into her fantasies that she did not notice when he talked to her.

"Um…" Goku blinked. For some reason the girl seemed distracted. "Hello? Hey! Hey! Hi?" He waved a hand in front of her face to get her attention.

Chi-Chi finally snapped out of it and blushed when seeing him staring at her. "Um, hi..."

"Hey." Goku smiled. "Man, you were kinda distracted, weren't ya?"

Chi-Chi blushed in embarrassment. "Sorry. I was just thinking about…" She blushed more. 'You.' "…school."

"Oh, yeah. I can't blame you." Goku laughed. "It is the first day."

"Yeah…" 'He has such a cute laugh!'

"So, what's your name?" Goku asked.

Chi-Chi felt shy all of a sudden. "Chi-Chi."

Goku smiled. "That's a nice name."

But she could hear the chuckle in his words. "Yeah right. You're just saying that to be polite."

"No, really. It's a nice name." Goku chuckled. 'Much better than Kakarot.'

"Thank you," Chi-Chi smiled despite her blush.

The two teenagers began chatting to each other. Chi-Chi began to feel less shy, and began talking more. Goku was definitely a funny person, and Chi-Chi liked that. She felt… comfortable talking to him. She felt she could be herself. She was happy for that. Maybe this was the friend she had wanted all along? Hell, maybe this one the boyfriend she had wanted all along! She blushed at the thought, but luckily for her, Goku did not notice.

Since they were so into chatting and getting to know each other, neither of them noticed they were being watched by a fellow classmate that sat in the farthest corner of the room.

'The power coming off that guy is impressive for a human. He looks a lot like a low class Saiyan, but I did not know of any on Earth. His relaxed attitude, wary looks... I must investigate later. I may yet have found a worthy rival on this mudball,' Vegeta mused to himself smugly as he watched Goku talk to Chi-Chi. Then he noticed someone else who was also a new classmate. 'Speaking of worthy things to investigate, the blue haired girl by that scarred whelp is worthy of royal examination,' the Prince of all Saiyans laughed to himself as he noticed the gorgeous heiress across the row.

"Yamcha, that creep is staring at me. Go say something," Bulma ordered her boyfriend as she noticed the approving glances from Vegeta.

"What? That short spiky haired guy? Nah, don't blame him for looking. You're just that hot anyone would," Yamcha replied jokily as he returned to chatting to Krillin.

"Fine," Bulma muttered coolly. As she looked back over she noticed Vegeta had stopped looking. Taking him in she began to see he was actually rather regal looking. His sharp but masculine features were framed by an impressive peak of hair; the black t-shirt he wore exposed his highly muscular arms and was tight enough that the outline of his abs were visible. As she kept on studying him, Vegeta noticed and flashed a wolfish, slanted smile that lit up his face. 'He's actually pretty attractive. Keep ignoring me, Yamcha, and you may need to be worried after all,' Bulma admitted as she blushed slightly at Vegeta's grin.

Mato and Tanip entered their classroom and the teacher greeted them with a smile. She was really nice, and that was good for the two young Saiyans. When it was time to introduce themselves to their new classmates, Mato spoke first.

"Hello," he began. "My name is Mato Kon. Nice to meet you all!"

Then Tanip followed. "Hi!" she greeted cheerfully. "My name is Tanip Son."

"Son?" a student muttered. 'Could it be?' "Are you Goku Son's sister?"

Tanip smiled at the mention of her brother. "You know my brother? Well, I guess it wouldn't be so hard to know him. He is the World Champ after all!" She laughed. She was really super proud of her brother and she looked up to him. She did love Raditz, too, of course, but she admired Goku more.

The class began to talk among themselves about having the sister of the World Martial Arts Champion in their own class. It was unexpected, but it was indeed welcome. A boy in particular was thinking about the two new classmates.

'I swear this day gets more interesting each minute. Earlier multiple huge Ki signatures entered the grounds and I can feel power pulsing off that girl and her friend,' Tarble thought to himself with a grin, knowing his brother would be sizing up fights by now. 'They look odd, not quite human. Oh, crap. The wild hair, the defined features and those dark glinting eyes... they're Saiyans. This complicates life significantly,' Tarble realized. His family had just begun to adapt to Earth properly, and with potential subjects around he feared that would change.

"You two can sit on those free desks over there," the teacher told Mato and Tanip kindly.

"Thank you," Mato said politely. The two Saiyans walked towards their seats, which happened to be just in front of Tarble.

"Hi!" Tanip greeted Tarble as she turned around the moment she sat on her chair. She wanted to know the people she would have to deal with. 'This guy seems cool. He may become friends with us!'

"Hi! How do you like the school so far?" Tarble replied cheerily. 'Wellm complicated or not, I should make an effort. Besides, her smile is kinda cute...' the young Prince thought, smirking slightly. 'This year may turn out well after all.'

"Eh, s'cool. I don't really wanna be here though," Tanip laughed.

"No-one wants to be at school, Tan," Mato chuckled. "And it's your mom's fault we're here."

"I know." Tanip sighed. "I don't know why she wanted us to go to school though. I'm sure we could've made it perfectly well without it."

"Tell me about it. I could be running a... business empire by now," Tarble jovially remarked, laughing slightly at his near slip up. "Oh, by the way; hi, Mato," Tarble greeted, trying not to exclude the other Saiyan.

"Hi," Mato replied with a little chuckle. "I'm glad you didn't forget about me."

"Who can forget about you, Dude?" Tanip laughed. "You're like that awesome best friend everyone has."

"Oh, no. Not everyone. I'm that awesome best friend you have!" He laughed. "'Cause let's be honest, we don't have that much friends."

"Well, now you've one more friend!" Tarble grinned warmly. "So, where are you guys from, originally?" he asked.

"Mount Paozu," Tanip quickly answered. 'That is where Grandpa Gohan is from, and where we actually landed when we arrived to Earth.'

"Ah, awesome. That's not too far from me. Maybe we should hang out sometime?" Tarble asked eagerly. He knew they had lied, but he was not going to reveal he knew unless his dad said it was okay.

"Yeah, that sounds cool," Mato said with a smile.

"We're in!" Tanip added with a grin.

"Awesome! So what do you guys want to do?" Tarble asked happily.

"Uh…" Tanip and Mato looked at each other. "I don't know," Tanip answered with a laugh. "We could go watch a movie, or maybe have lunch together. Or, we could go to an amusement park!" The last idea came to her head at the last moment and she was excited for it.

"Yes!" Mato laughed. He was a strong Saiyan boy who could fly faster than any of the rides in an amusement park, but he still did love going there. He loved the roller coasters. "That would be so fun!"

"Awesome, I love going fast. Amusement park it is!" Tarble laughed. "Better get to work. Class is properly starting."

"Right," Mato nodded. The three Saiyans began concentrating on class as the teacher began introducing herself and talking about what she expected from them this year.

"Thank Kami, that's over!" Tarble grumbled to Tanip and Mato as they approached the canteen for lunch. Then he noticed his brother in the distance. "I can't hang with you guys for a bit. I need to talk to my brother about something. See ya!" he called as he went in to face an angry Vegeta

"Bye!" Tanip waved at Tarble. "Let's go with my brother and the others."

Mato nodded in agreement. "Sure."

"We need to talk," Tarble and Vegeta said in unison as Tarble reached Vegeta's table.

And that was the first chapter of our story! CHAN CHAN. XD

If you think this kinda confusing, not to worry! There are more chapters up ahead that will reveal the truth! *epic music* We have crazy minds, with crazy ideas, and we'll create a crazy story that you will all hopefully like! :)

We hope you don't mind the OCs. We don't want them to replace the main characters in any way, but we thought it would be interesting to add some of them. :3 If you have read my stories, or Gotrix's, you may know our OCs. In Mato and Tanip's case, they belong to me, so if you've read my stories, you may have heard of them. xD

Please review! Any feedback would be awesome! It will be greatly appreciated! Also, feel free to check our other work. We'd greatly appreciate it! :3

Until next time, from Marorin and Gotrix! :D