A/N: I know that I should a) be doing homework or b) updating my other stories, but I had this idea and I just can't rest until it's written! Now I don't know how frequent updates will be, or how long this will be. But drop me a comment on what you think would you?

Magnus POV

The bells rang with so many colours and sounds. I finished ringing the last just as the sun rose. The start of a new day. In this tower you can barely tell when waking becomes sleeping. Both are equally boring. Magnus finally looked around. Frollo must have left early this morning. Good. Magnus couldn't be bothered to have the argument again. The 'you must never leave this tower argument'. He heard a voice.

"Don't worry Magnus. One day he'll be dead and then you can leave these damned walls forever." Magnus smiled at the image of Frollo's head on a spike, then pushed it away. That was no way to think. Sinful. It was the gargoyles that were speaking. It was the first thing Magnus had done after learning to control his magic. He had needed people to talk to.

"Now Now Camille that's no way to think. You can't have Magnus poison the man!" Magnus smiled at Ragnor.

"As tempting as it might be..." Added Woolsey. Magnus walked over to them near the towers third highest balcony. He looked over the edge and sighed in longing.

"Ah yes. The festival. Isn't it exciting Magnus?" Asked Ragnor. Magnus gave him a sad look that asked him to drop it.

"Why don't you go down there? Go and see what all the fuss is about!"

"Yeah have some baguettes!"

"Meet a nice boy!"

"Guys guys guys, you're all forgetting the very crucial thing here." He interrupted.


"My master, Frollo." They all made sounds of shame, annoyance, and sadness.

"But you've always loved the festival of fools." Whispered Camille.

"One day." He muttered.

"If it's one day, why not today?" Asked Woolsey.

"Yeah! What Frollo doesn't know can't hurt you!" Added Camille. Ragnor seemed more hesitant.

"Guys are you sure this is a good idea... I mean, what if he gets caught?"

"He'll go in disguise of course!"

"Just go in green Magnus! Even Frollo knows you never wear the colour!"

"It brings out my eyes..." He muttered. That silenced them. Magnus had always been told by Frollo that it was his eyes that made him ugly. Green-Yellow with cat pupils, and now he could not stand them. It made him sinful, a monster, and that was why he had to hide.

"Come on Magnus. You can only hide up here so long. Go enjoy the festival. Please? For us?" When he looked in their eyes, he knew he couldn't refuse.

After getting dressed in a simple green shirt and black well... everything else, he slowly lowered himself over the battlements. He made short work gliding down, and was struck with an amazing sense of freedom when he was finally able to touch his feet to the ground. He was suddenly hit with a spell of dizziness and he almost fell when he felt strong arms around him.

"Steady there! You alright?" Asked a voice. Magnus looked up at the man holding him and almost swooned. Blue cerulean eyes stared up at him, with gorgeous ivory skin and black hair. Magnus' breath caught in his throat and he couldn't get the words out. The man immediately let go at him when Magnus stared at him in wonder.

"I'm so sorry I shouldn't be touching you I-"

"Hey... What's wrong? Thank you, by the way, for catching me." The boy still looked anxious, and Magnus worried that he had upset him.

"I- I have to go- I'm sorry..." The boy stammered. What the hell had just happened? Magnus thought in his head. How could he let such a boy slip through his fingers? After letting the boy get slightly ahead of him, Magnus followed shortly behind. He had been standing as part of a large crowd when he noticed it. The stage, lengthening into almost like a catwalk. He waited, and then the music started. Magnus would have closed his eyes if he hadn't of seen it. The blur of blue eyes and black hair. He gazed in wonder as the gorgeous boy's body spun in all manners of shapes , cart wheeling and back flipping in time with the music. Then, as if to end the whole thing with bang, he took hold of the curtain beside him, whirled it around and over himself, and vanished!

Magnus' breath caught in his throat. It was only then did he noticed, the applause and whispering, clearly the boy was very popular. And though he watched the entire festival, no other act came close to the wonder that one caused him.

Then, the nightmare began, followed shortly by the heaven, but it was short lived.

Magnus had just- by pure damn chance- been called up to the stage to help with some performance, but when the crowd saw him, or frankly his eyes, they started to shout, and Magnus wasn't sure how it happened, but he soon became tied to the spinning dais, on the edge of the stage. The use many ropes to tie him down, as well as his hands so he couldn't use magic, and then they started throwing food at him. It began to hurt. Little did he know the conversation going on nearby.

"Master, may I ask permission to stop this cruelty?" Asked the golden boy. Captain Jace Herondale.

"In a moment captain a lesson needs to be learnt here." Muttered Frollo in irritation. Frollo was the sort of man that could impose fear just by looking at you. He had white hair and almost read eyes that seemed to stare through you.

Captain Herondale shifted uncomfortably on his feet.

Then the a figure moved up to the platform, and the plaza was silent.

It was the boy, Magnus knew. The boy looked down at him with Sorrow in his eyes.

"Don't be afraid. This wasn't supposed to happen." The boy knelt next to him. He knelt down and began to wash his face with a cloth.

"You! Gypsy boy! Get down from there at once!" Demanded his master. Magnus flinched, and the boy stepped closer to him, as if to protect him.

"Yes your honour. Just as soon as I free this poor man." He said quietly. Magnus' heart thudded in his chest. God this man was brave...

"I forbid it!"

Then the boy did something unexpected. He ignored Magnus' master, bent down and cut throught the ropes that held Magnus in place. Then the boy turned on Frollo.

"You mistreat this poor boy the same way you mistreat my people. You speak of justice, yet you are cruel to those most in need of your help!"


"Justice!" Demanded the boy, for the first time raising his voice to a level full of anger. The whole crowd gasped and whispered.

"Mark my words gypsy you will pay for this insolence."

"Then it appears we've crowned the wrong fool here tonight. The only fool I see, is you!"

"Captain Herondale, arrest him."

"No!" Objected Magnus. And then the gypsy turned around to him and winked. He then stepped out, turning his attention to the guards.

"Now let's see... One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, so there's ten of you and one of me. What's a poor little gypsy boy to do?" A few of the other gypsies in the crowd laughed.

The beautiful gypsy then almost shyly took out a handkerchief, before disappearing into smoke.

"Witch craft..." Whispered Frollo. Magnus smiled inwardly. If only you knew Frollo.

Then from across the plaza; "Oh boys! Over here!" Magnus laughed. There he was again! The gypsy. Did he have magic?

The gypsy jumped from a high roof, and the crowd carried him away. Magnus heard a few whispers to the boy,

"... What are you thinking?"

"This is stupid... and you know it... Why did you have to intervene like that..."

"He did nothing wrong." Magnus watched as after he landed he threw one of the guard's helmets like a Frisbee and knocking three guards out.

"Christ... One heck of a gypsy..." muttered Jace. Magnus watched him dive out of the way as the gypsy jumped over Frollo's stand, causing it to come crashing down. Magnus stifled a laugh. Two other gypsies helped Alec to the stand, where he bowed and disappeared again. Magnus barely had time to watch the boy leave as he heard Frollo say to herondale,

"Find him Captain! I want him alive!"

"Yes sir. Seal off the area men, Find the gypsy boy, and do not harm him!" As Frollo walked over to Magnus, Magnus hung his head.

"I'm sorry, master. I will never disobey you again."

But even as he said it he knew it was a lie.