Dorothy and Yua depart on board a small shuttle, heading towards MO2 where the others must be by now, except for the Gundam pilots that still have to stop Libra from falling to the Earth.

Looking out into the battlefield, most suits are still but for two. "Heero and Zechs. So their at it again?" Yua chuckles humorously. She then sighs deeply. "Please Heero, come out of this alive. That's all I want from you." Dorothy places her hand on Yua's shoulder, feeling empathetic. She wishes neither to die.

Suddenly we see a light in the distance and as a result, Libra is changing course. "Someone's on the Peacemillion and fired up the engines." Yua states, wondering who it could be. "Not all of Libra. Look!" Dorothy says, pointing out a section that continues on the previous course.

"That piece is still big enough to cause a lot of damage." Yua gasps. "Let's hope they'll be able to stop it, somehow." Their attention is then taken away as a transmission comes through. To their surprise, it's the colony representatives and their message is mind blowing.

"In accordance with the declaration of defeat given by the World nation, we, the colony delegation have an announcement from all colonies: We wish to pursue the withdrawal of the White Fang's demands and hereby announce our desire to co-exist with the World nation. We further declare our rejection of any combat regardless the reason and strongly hope that the World nation will follow suit. We would also like to apologize for the suffering endured by many people as a result of our unclear stance."

Yua and Dorothy sit in silence for a moment before looking at each other. "It's peace. The war is over." Dorothy says shakily. "Yes, it is." Yua starts before turning to look outside. "But why are they still fighting?" she wonders as her eyes start to water till the point that she can't see Epyon and Wing Zero anymore.

At some point, they disappear inside the falling block and a few tense minutes follow before a large blast from the inside decimates the block, but still a piece is falling… We look on as it's approaching the Earth's atmosphere.

One by one, the Gundams are seen departing the debris until Heero follows last. Yua sighs in relief to see him still alive and watches him charge up his buster rifle to make an end to the looming threat on Earth as he flies ahead of it.

"Yua." Dorothy breathes, as her eyes grow wide. Yua takes a hold of her hand and she squeezes back as the tension and fear for Heero's life and the people on Earth grow to a max. "Please Heero, you can do this." Yua whispers.

They hold their breaths as Heero finally fires and obliterates the part of Libra heading for Earth. For a moment they can't see anything as a bright light makes it impossible to do so. "Heero? Has he made it?!" Yua asks in a rushas debris starts to fall though the atmosphere as shooting stars .

Dorothy gasps. "There! He's over there Yua! He made it!" she yells out, making the other girl look over to see Wing Zero flying back into space. "He did!" she exclaims, smiling brightly, jumping up from her seat.'So this is what a sister's pride must feel like.'

/A month later/

Yua looks up from her work and over her shoulder as footsteps pass behind her. "Hold it!" she orders, making the person halt in their tracks.

"Took you long enough to return. You missed my birthday Trowa Barton." she scolds, getting up to face the boy and crosses her arms. "Well, what do you have to say for yourself?" she dares.

Trowa stares at her taken aback before a smile creeps its way across his face. Stepping forward, he holds out a cardboard box with holes in them, surprising Yua as she looks at is in question. "I know and I'm very sorry. I hope your present will make up for my absence a little."

Yua blinks in surprise. "A present?" she wonders, taking the box from him. She instantly notices movement inside. Glancing back at the boy shocked, she puts it down on the ground before pulling off the lid.

Inside is the cutest puppy, with bow and all. Its ears are flappy and its fur is black, white and brown. "Oh." Yua breathes, picking it up from the box. It immediately starts licking her hand.

Looking back at Trowa in amazement, she sees him smiling back at her. "Happy birthday Yua." She smiles back, cuddling the puppy. "Thank you Trowa." she says before stepping forward and kissing his cheek. "And welcome home."

Picking up the empty box in one hand, he takes Yua's free hand in the other. Together they walk towards the circus tent to find Catherine. Yua's smile never leaving her face, nor Trowa's for that matter.

That night when the puppy is sleeping tightly in its basket, the duo finds themselves on their trailer's roof, staring at the night sky and the many stars that fill it while a soft breeze ruffles their hair. At least that was the initial plan…. if only their lips could unlock for a second.

Finally, after being released from any duties towards the world, their hearts that have been slowly filling up with love for each other are free to express themselves. Never again will they have to part ways.

"I love you."

This is it. The grand finale! Thank you all for sticking with me to the end and special thanks to everyone who wrote me a review. I hope that this story was as enjoyable to you as it was me.