Hey guys it's me again and I'm so sorry for the wait but no time for chit chating let's get to the story! :D
Actually I do have something, look i'm goanna start doing things called chapter previews which I post of the chapter I finished so far and you tell me if you like me to finish this chapter or make something else alright?

Mu came walking up to the audience and turned to them. "Hello! I'm mu and i'm here to thank you for reading this third chapter of our series." She then bows but then pulls out her sword and points it toward the audience. "So who wants to challenge me? huh?!" She yelled as mia came up behind her and grabbed her by the neck covering her by the mouth.

"Enjoy the chapter." Said mia with a sweat drop.

Chapter 3: Ogre problems

Daiki, daisuke and goda were all walking around the halls of the school after class was done and daisuke stretched his arms. "*YAWN* Man senpai can be really hard to understand sometimes." Said daisuke as he scratched the back of his ear as Daiki sweat dropped.

"Only because you thought about it to hard and steam started to come from your head." Thought Daiki with sheepish smile as he looked forward and saw something passing all the students in the hall and coming towards for them. "Uh, guys...what's that." Asked Daiki as he pointed with his arm as daisuke and goda looked ahead and saw the object moving in closer leaving a dust cloud behind it as it ran.

"Uh..." *Said daisuke as the object then ran and hid behind him and it was shaking as the three friends looked behind them. It was a small male student no bigger then four foot five as he looked toward the three and grabbed daisuke by the shirt.

"HIDE ME PLEASE!" *He yelled in daisuke face making his hair go back by the shear force of the male students voice. Daisuke but his hair back to normal and then grabbed the male student by the back of the shirt and slid a classroom door open that was nearby and threw him in there and leaned on it the next second. Daiki was horribly confused by this and so was goda but then there heard something else running down the hall. They turned to see an ogre grabbing students by the shirt and yelling at them.

"Where is he?!" She yelled as the students shook their heads as she threw them away. The ogre form her usually green skin, white long horns , white long hair all frizzy and hear usually pleasure runes on her left arm and shoulder. She was wearing a black jacket with long blacks pants and a black hat with a sliver chain around it looking like the school bully but wasn't really as she looked for the little male student.

She then turned to our three male students and walked up to them grabbing goda by the shirt. "Have you've seen this later guy?" She asked as she held a picture of the young male student as goda shook her head and she pushed him out of the way and gave an angry snort. "WHERE IS HE!?" She yelled into the school atmosphere. Daisuke then coughed to get the ogre attention. "What?!" She asked angrily as daisuke pointed toward the left.

"He went that way." Said daisuke as the ogre gave an evil smile as she nodded her head a daisuke and ran off again. Goda and Daiki looked at daisuke wide eyed as daisuke looked toward the two "What? I may not be that smart, but I ain't stupid." Said daisuke as he slide opened the door as he looked inside the room. "She's gone." Said daisuke as the young male student came out and looked outside the door to his left and then right and then sighed as he walked out of the classroom.

"Thank goodness..." Said the young male student as he sighed as he placed his left hand on his chest. Goda, Daiki and daisuke looked closer at the young male student. The young student had short brown hair, bright blue eyes and light white skin. He was wearing a long sleeved white shirt with a black tie, blue jeans and brown shoes as he looked at the three. "Thank you for saving me." Said the young male student as he bowed. "My name is ladle."

Goda smiled as he stepped up to ladle. "Hello there ladle-kun, my name is goda." Said goda pointing to himself then used his staff and pointed at daisuke and Daiki. "And those are my friends, daisuke and Daiki-kun." Said goda as daisuke grinned and Daiki gave a sheepish wave. Ladle smiled as he ran over to daisuke and Daiki and he bowed towards them as well.

Daiki gave a small wave as daisuke got close to ladle and looked at him closely as ladle sweat dropped. "I-is...there something wrong?" Asked ladle as daisuke retreated his stare and crossed his arms.

"I don't get it, why would she want to attack you? You don't seem much of threat." Said daisuke plainly as ladle sweat dropped again and sighed as goda saw this he smacked daisuke with the back of his staff as daisuke grabbed his head. "OW! I'm just saying!" Yelled daisuke.

"No he's right. I really am a coward." Said ladle as the three friends looked at ladle.

"Then why would she attack you then?" Asked Daiki as ladle started to wave his tiny arms around.

"I don't know why! She's been chasing me all through out the past year!" Said ladle as Daiki nodded his head.

"So she's chasing after you and is looking for you but you run and hide hmm...every bother to ask her why though?" Asked Daiki as ladle nodded his head.

"I have tried, really! But every time I tried talking to her she would just chase me off!" Said ladle as goda nodded his head.

"Hmmm, you may have a real problem here ladle-kun." Said goda with a sigh as daisuke put his hand on his chin and thought.

"I know what do I do?!" Asked ladle as he was freaking out as goda put his hand to ladle shoulder as goda smiled.

"Hey calm down okay maybe we can talk to her?" He asked as he saw the ogre girl currently ripping out entire lockers looking for the boy as daiki sweat dropped.

"I don't think talking with her would be a good option" He said as the ogre roared into the air as she went somewhere else in the school as ladle hid behind them just chase she looked back as daisuke sighed.

"Great so exactly what did you do to piss off an ogre of all thing's?" He asked as ladle waved his hands.

"Nothing i swear! I just remember like it was yesterday..." Said ladle.

In the past...

Ladle since he was a first year student like daiki was but got to the school way earlier was checking his locker as to see what he needed for his classes for the day as then a loud BANG was heard next to his locker as he peaked over it and saw the ogre there leaning over a locker next to his as she seemed to be sweating.

"h-hey there you u-um..." She said as she was studering with her words and sweating a bit as he was confused. Why was a girl talking to him and of all of them the local ogre around his dorm, he heard she was the toughest of the entirety of his dorm and she showed mercy to know one, honestly he was crap scared right now but the ogre notice this as she growled and grabbed him by the collar and lifted him into the air. "HEY WHAT ARE YOU SHAKING FOR HUH?!" She yelled in his face as he was too scared to say anything.

He was so scared he actually manged to slip out of her grip and run away from her as she was shocked and turned to him. "HEY!" she yelled as she ran after him.

Next this time happened was when they were in swimming class as he was in his trunks as there coach was giving the girls some rules when swimming and as they were the ogre was among the group were the one piece blue swimsuit provided by the school as she saw ladle as she glared at him as he jumped and looked to his sides as she turned back listing to her coach.

Later she had his back against the wall as he gulped as she smiled. "Come on don't you want to have some FUN?" She asked giving an evil smile as he screamed as he went under her and ran away. "HEY GET BACK HERE!" She yelled as she ran after him.

In the present...

"Hmmmm i see" Said goda holding his chin as ladle held onto him as he had teary eyes.

"P-please goda-san! Help me!" He said as goda grabbed his hands.

"Oi oi, calm down" Said goda as he smiled. "Were goanna help you don't worry about that" he said as ladle held onto goda's chest as he cried.

"G-goda-senpai!" He said as goda held onto him as sparkles fell around the two as a little light shined on them as daisuke sweat dropped.

"What is this a bad yaio scene?" He asked as daiki sweat dropped.

"sometimes knowing goda-san it's hard to tell" he said rubbing his head.

Later daiki, goda and daisuke were spying on the ogre as she was talking to some other human girls as daiki sweat dropped. "U-um...why are we spying on her?" He asked as goda closed his lips.

"We need info so the best why to do it is spy style" Said goda as daisuke nodded folding his arms.

"A girl won't simple TELL you what there doing and why there doing it no,you have to out smart them!" Said daisuke as goda nodded as daiki sweat dropped.

"I don't think these two know how some girls work" he thought as they pushed him forward as he looked at them like they were crazy as goda waved his hands.

"Your the quickest of the three of us go!" He said to daiki as daiki sighed as he closed his eye's for the moment then opened them again as one eye glowed white.

"Blade flash step" He said as he took quick bursts of speed hiding behind object's and people walking by as he had gotten close enough to the girl's table to hear what they were talking about as he leaned in his ear so he could hear them.

"I've tried so many time's girls i don't know what i'm doing wrong!" said the ogre as she held her face as a red oni patted her ogre friend back as she drank some sake.

"W-well *burp* excuse me...w-well why don't y-you just tell here g-girl...?" She asked as the ogre blushed.

"N-NO! That's the last thing i want to say!" She said as one of her human friend sighed.

"Look Pasu-kun you can't get ladle to like you if you keep scaring him like the way you are"

"But i'm not trying too!" She said as her human friend raised an eyebrow as the pasu realized what she meant as she held her face* "R-right...t-then what should i do to get him to show that i like him?" She asked as daiki was shocked by this new's but quick stepped his way back to goda and daisuke.

"you won't believe what i just heard" Said daiki as daisuke and goda looked at each other then at daiki


"Ladle-kun!" Yelled daiki looking around for ladle as goda had gotten info from some of his "Sources" around the school were ladle's dorm was as he looked around for him but just couldn't find him.

He then heard screaming in the front yard's the dorm's had for each dorm building as daiki looked around as he ran toward the sound and went outside and went wide eyed "N-no way!" He said as something black all over that had a face of a messed up humans face as it walked on four leg's and had giant canon's on its back and sharp fangs all around it's body as it drooled in front of a scared to death ladle on the floor right in front of the thing as daiki growled and drew his katana "B-boster!" He thought as he then turned to you the reader.

"S-sorry you must be wondering what the hell is that thing front of ladle-kun! Ok well i don't have much time to explain but here is how it goes" He said as sighed. "Boster or boster's are a known creature to the modern world as the creatures of hate and murderous intent, how they should up well remember how earlier i told you about that 7,000 year war monsters and human's and how daisuke's great grandfather how stopped the war between them? Well apparently mother nature had been effected so much of the war between the two that itself grew hatred and murderous intent toward both race's so it deiced to punish us"

"How exactly? It deiced to flood us or send a giant tornado oh no, it deiced it would us the thing we had in the war to fuel both side's against us. It made creatures made of pure hatred and murderous intent to "Purify" both monsters and human's from nature but this was right after the peace between the race's as both of them deiced we weren't going to die yet, not right after daisuke's grandfather had worked so hard for so they joined force's to defend against nature's creature's of hell and ever since then we've been fighting this freak's of nature."

"After mother nature figured this out she started to make boster's even more nastier and tougher too. A low level one boster can take out your average tree but a high level one can take out a small room, now i know this doesn't sound like much right now but here's how the system's works."

Ranking system

C- Lowest level

B-Average level

A-Highest level

Ranking level's

1-10 tree's to small building threat

11-20 school to large building threat

21-30 town to city threat

31-40 large city to state threat

41-50 large state to country threat

51-60 large country to entire Continent threat

61-80 large planet to star threat

81-90 large star to solar system threat

90 and above solar system to galaxy's threat

"pretty fucking scary huh?" He asked as then went wide eyed and held his head. "WHO AM I TALKING TOO?!" He asked as he sighed as ladle screamed as the boster struck down one it's nasty claw's as daiki used his quick step to get in front of it as he drew his sword and blocked the attack as he glared at the boster as it stood around 5 feet tall and around 6 feet wide as it roared in his face as it tried to charge into him but daiki used his sword to slash down at it's face causing a slash to go down on it's face as it roared and stepped back from the two.

Daiki turned around to ladle as he put his sword into the ground and held out a hand for him as ladle took his hand and daiki got him up. "How did a boster get within the seals?" Asked daiki as ladle shook his head.

"i-i don't know i was just walking around hoping she wouldn't find me again until i found a boster had gotten inside the school grounds!"he said as daiki looked back at the seals and went wide eyed and saw one of the seal's symbol's had fated out which mean's it life span had died and now boster's could get through if they wanted to through that side as daiki glared but looked back at ladle.

"Ladle-kun go tell one of the teacher's one of the seal's are down now!"he said looking back at the boster as ladle looked shocked at him.

"b-but daiki! T-that's a boster! A level 17 no much then that! Are you sure you c-" Ladle was then cut off as daiki looked back at him with a glare like look as ladle gulped but nodded. "J-just be careful!" He said running off as daiki turned back to the boster as he got his blade out of the ground as he pointed it at the boster as he held his stance.

"Bring it on you freak" He said as the boster roared and charged at him.


Ladle was running through the hall's passed students as he went into another hall as he then bumped into pasu as he groaned and held his head as pasu wore more casual clothes except her black jacket as casual wardrobe as she kneeled down and held out a hand for him. "Hey you okay ladle?" She asked as he opened his eye's and yelped as he looked at her.

"O-ogre!" he asked scared as she shook her hands.

"N-no wait! I'm not here to be mean or hurt you, i just want to talk!" She said as he seemed to calm down a little.

"t-talk?" He asked preparing to run away at a moment's notice as pasu sighed and held her shoulder and rubbed her hair.

"L-look um...i uh...i'm sorry if I've seemed to be mean or to bully you as of late i ummm...l-look it's because i uh...i uh..." She said as she began to blush and spin her fingers around as she started to stutter her words as he looked at her confused.

"W-what's wrong?" He asked letting more of his guard down as she yelled into the air,

"Screw it!"She yelled and before ladle could react the ogre grabbed his face and pulled his face close to her's as she kissed him deeply as he was wide eyed and wasn't believing what was happening right now as she moaned as she rubbed his chest as he and her blushed as he started to kiss back as there tongue's invaded each other mouth's as they wrestled not to see who would be dominant but to see who wouldn't let go as both of their lust started to show as ladle rubbed her chest as she kept his hand there as she made him rub her more as she then pulled away from the kiss as they both panted breathing out a little hard as a little trail of saliva was left between them as they separated the kiss.

"W-wow..." He said panting a bit as she smiled as the blush was still on her face as he rubbed her head.

"Y-yeah always been better with action then with words~" She said with a grin but a happy one as he smiled and blushed looking down but then went wide eyed.

"D-daiki-san! I need to warn a teacher!" He said as the ogre raised an eyebrow.

"why?" she asked confused by his panic as he grabbed her shoulder's.

"A boster got into the school grounds!" He said as she went wide eyed.

With daiki...

Daiki dogged another slash of the boster as he slide under it striking upward with hiss word as he sliced the belly of the boster causing it to bleed more but it kept going with it's swipes of it's huge claws as he blocked them with his sword as he stepped back from the boster as he threw his sword into the air as he jumped up and did a back kick on the hilt as it spun toward it as it hit the boster's head as the hilt hit it's forehead as daiki was already close to it as he grabbed his sword again with his mouth as he sliced off a leg of the boster as he rolled onto the floor again as he then stopped on one knee as he stood up again as the black blood the boster's bleed was on his clothes which meant he got a good slice in as he turned around to the boster.

It was missing it's right leg as it fumbled around to get itself balanced as it roared as the giant canon's on it's back were charging as they fired two beam's at daiki as he went wide eyed as he barely dogged it by jumping in between the blasts as he spun his own body around to dodge both high and low laser's as he landed again as they hit one of the local forest taking a good but small chunk out of it as he glared as he re sheathed his sword as he closed his eye's as the boster roared as it shot two more laser's at him but he seemed to move faster then it could see as he dogged them but it didn't seemed like he moved as he opened his eye again as his left eye glowed bright blue.

"Ice skill, winter's howl" He said as he un sheathed his sword again as he did a giant image of a wold made of ice howled toward the boster as it hit it as the boster was then frozen and then daiki used his quick step to slice through the boster as he held his katana in the air as he was behind the boster as it then slowly fell in half then exploded into small little ice shards as he stood up again as he then quickly dogged another claw as he jumped in the air and landed again looking in front of him as he saw more boster these were more fox like one's as they ranged from level 2-7 s there were at least 17 of them as he glared as he got his sword ready.

But then a huge blast of pure magic was blasted at the bosters as they were all wiped out as daiki looked wide eyed as he turned around to see the local art's and craft teacher as she was a cyclops walking up to him as she hit him with a newspaper. "Are you an idiot?! What were you doing taking these thing's on by yourself?!" She asked as daiki held his head.

"S-sorry sensei" he said sweat dropping as she sighed but smiled.

"But i'm glad your okay, your lucky, one of your class mate's came and warned me about what you were doing while i was on lunch break." as she went over to the barrier as she opened a book as she wrote a couple of symbol's on a paper as she slapped it onto the barrier as it then appeared as the rest of the symbol's on the barrier as she smiled. "I'll get someone to check the barrier seals later" She said as she left as daisuke, goda, ladle and pupa were running toward him.

"Daiki-kun are you okay?!" Asked daisuke worried for him as goda sighed.

"you can't go fighting bosters byyourself like that without telling us daiki-kun, your goanna give both of us a heart attack" Said goda as daiki rubbed his head.

"Sorry guys" he said as he looked at the ogre and ladle and went wide eyed. "W-wait wasn't that the ogre who kept chasing you?!" He asked confused as ladle nodded as pasu hugged him a bit.

"it's ok we made up~" she said chuckling a bit as daiki smiled.

"That's great!" He said smiling as the group laughed a bit as they all went inside.


A dark room is seen as three people sit at a table as one person sits on a chair on the table as the figure put's it's head down and looks up. "Send in the guardians." It said.

The new couple

Panel 1: Ladle is about to trip over a stair case as pasu caught him.

Panel 2: Pasu is seen getting angry over a soda machine but ladle calms her down

Panel 3: Pasu is caring ladle over her shoulders as he smiled while blushing a bit

Panel 4: "I think they make a cute couple" Said daiki with his friends at the lunch table seeing the two kissing each other.

Wow omg I am so sorry for this long hiatus but here it is finally! But hey guys, If you enjoyed this chapter leave a review I love it when you guys do and I hope you enjoyed your self's but if that's all for now, peace out.