Hey guys it's me again so like yeah I making another story I thought about for a while, so if you were to lie this story tell me and I'll keep on making it so yeah enjoy a maybe new first chapter of a new story.

Chapter 1: Paradise high school.

Hello there, now I bet you're wondering who's talking to you right now and that would be me. My name is Daiki Yamada, and i'm currently waling towards my new high school I have enrolled in. You see this school i'm going to is know as Paradise high school, funny thing is what I've heard from this place that sometimes it can be a living hell if you're not careful.

"And i'm talking to myself again." said Daiki as he sighed with a sweat drop. Daiki was walking a gray brick road in the woods walking towards his new school. But as he was waling he bumped into something and fell on his butt. "OW! What I hit?" thought Daiki to himself as he looked up. He saw a boy and a girl monster right next to him kneeling. She looked like a hell hound.

"Oh sorry man, didn't mean to bump into you." said the boy as he helped Daiki up. But as the boy was helping him back up he noctied that Daiki was missing his left arm. "Oh man dude what happened?" asked the boy. Daiki looked to his left and saw his arm, he blushed a little a waved his hand.

"Oh don't worry, it's just a birth defecate, I've always had my arm missing ever since I was young." said Daiki. The boy looked at Daiki closer and noctied some big things and some little things. For one Daiki was wearing what looked like a classic samurai clothes and he had a katana on his back. Also that Daiki looked like part of his hair was white and part of it was black it was also really short too. He also noctied that Daiki's eyes were pure white like snow in winter.

"Hey are you a swordsman's?" asked the boy. Daiki rubbed the back of his head.

"Uh not really, not yet at least. I'm a swordsman in training still." said Daiki. The boy nodded. He then checked his watch and jumped he then turned to the girl hellhound.

"Come on Arta-chan were goanna be late to class!" said the boy. The hellhound barked in reply as he and the girl hellhound on all fours ran towards the school on the gray road. Daiki just smiled.

"Ah love such a strange thing." said Daiki as he walked towards the school.

You see the world Daiki lives in were humans and monster's girl lives in synch. 7,000 years ago man and monster's always fought against each in fierce battle or war. It was slaughter on both parts of their wars. But one day a man named Aya Aykou found a way to make peace with the monster girls and taught both men and monster how to live with each other without war or violence. He was renowned as a great time in history for man and monster alike and so both sides came to peace.

But soon disaster struck. Aya Aykou he was slayed in front of thousands of humans and monster's alike by an assassin of unknown origin. Now this would have caused the spark of war again because both sides would had blamed each other of his death, if it weren't for his last dying words.

"Please do not fight again my friends, I wish to see a world in the afterlife were man and monster can live together in peace and not war. I wish not to see blood shed because of my death, no take this as a sign of a test. To see if we can all really live together in a world of peace and love." that were his last dying words before he had passed away that day. Till this day no one knows who the assassin had been or of what it was human or monster. But we uphold his wish in today's world and people and monster live happily next to each other.

But he did not die in vain, at the time of his death he had made two very close friends. A swordsman and a mage who followed him until his death. The swordsman swore on his life he would find Ayhou's murderer and avenge him while the mage promised he continue Aykou belief of piece and harmony. Aykou also had a wife who she had two children and then their children. There genes were passed down for generations, who has the blood of Aykou know one knows.

But Daiki did know one thing, he had the blood of the great swordsman that helped Aykou on his journey for peace. He would inherit the swordsman skill of the blade because of his family's bloodline. He family was full of swordsman master's, always using there blade for there battles. But some did use their fists and feet to fight too. But Daiki move set was set to a limit but he used what he could with his blade. He may had only one arm to wield his Kanata but he also used his mouth and feet to fight with it too.

Now people in his family saw his fighting style to be quite strange but accepted his style. They said it would add a new flavor of fighting for their bloodline. But also another thing to note. That Daiki is a hybrid.

You see after Aykou's death human and monster's got friendly to each other, and I mean really friendly. You see in todays world when ever a monster girl and a man would mate they are there are 3 possibility's of what their children will come out as. One they can come out as normal human children either being boy or girl. Two is coming out as monster girl, why only girls people have yet to find out. But the third is a very small chance but they can also come out as a hybrid either girl or boy.

Hybrids coming out as ether boy or girl will come out with some of their mother's features but still look human because of their father. They also contain there powers from there mothers and their skill's from there father. But since hybrids are rare there aren't ,any out there in the world. But sometimes the hybrids can even become stronger then their parents.

He was a hybrid of his father as a human swordsman and his mother as a Glacies. At first my mother and father would always fight each other since my mother was after his spirit energy. (In other words semen) But after awhile he got so fed he got up and just let her take it. But after spending time with him for awhile she started to warm up to him and soon they would talk to each other except for attacking. It took two years before my father mated with my mother.

His Mother told him it was the best loving she had ever made to his father, well they still make love today but that's for another day. But when she had born Daiki into the world he was missing his left arm and his parents were so devastated. But they were glad there raised son right and not have such a hard life with only having one arm. But he does posses his mother ice powers and his father's sword skill, so he thought he his parents only did what was right for him.

But his mother thought he need a proper education since he was always homed schooled so she had signed him up for this school. His father thought he didn't need it but after some talking he gave up and let his son go. He was a single child so he really didn't have anyone to go with him.

"All right here I come." thought Daiki as he was in the front gates of the school. The school was huge and it had walls all around it having seals all on the gates to ward off evil or cure monster's or spirits. But they always didn't work. Daiki walked inside the gates a saw the school in the front with a garden right in front of it. He looked around the gardens. "Ah such beautiful flowers." thought Daiki to himself. But when he got back up from looking at the flowers he saw a girl minotaur fly right past him and ended up crashing into the gates.

"Eh?" thought Daiki to himself as he looked toward the direction the minotaur girl had been sent flying. There stood a boy holding his fist out and it was steaming by the way and he looked pissed.

"Danm monsters! Don't ever try touching me!" yelled a boy. This boy had golden eyes and short trimmed sliver hair. He had dark tanned skin and was wearing a rep tank top shirt, boxing shorts, boxing, shoes and had bandages around his hands. He looked incredible fit and he looked very strong considering he just punched someone into the gates. But what stood out most about this boy he had lighting like scars across his cheeks and his arms looked like they almost had feathers on them. "And if you do I'll send you straight to hell!" yelled the boy as lighting flashed right behind him.

"S-scary!" thought Daiki to himself as he saw the boy sigh angrily and stomp away into the school. He looked back at the minotaur girl and saw some other monsters and people help her get out of the gates. He then turned to look back where the boy was. "Who was that boy?" thought Daiki to himself. He then shook his head. "No, I need to focus and try to find my classes." thought Daiki to himself and he took out a map from his shirt and opened it up. "All right let's go." said Daiki to himself as he entered the school.

10 minutes later...

Daiki was still following his map and then he looked up from it and saw he was in a random hallway. "I'm lost." thought Daiki to himself as he rubbed his head. "Great now what?" he thought to himself. He then saw a boy student going here past by him. "Maybe I can ask him?" he thought to himself as he went toward the student. "Excuse me!" yelled Daiki.

"Hm?" said the student. Daiki looked at the student who had some strange looks. For one he had light blue eyes and golden short blonde hair, light white skin and he was wearing what looked like a white fur coat, white pants, black shoes and a white mage's hood. "Hello how can I help you?" asked the boy as he bowed. He had a calm smile on his face.

"Oh um?!" said Daiki as he bowed back. "I was wondering if you could help me find these class rooms?" asked Daiki as he showed the boy his map.

"Ah yes just take the stairs to floor c up and then make a right turn then your at your first class." said the boy.

"Thank you!" said Daiki as he was about to run off but stopped. "Wait I never got your name!" said Daiki.

"It's goda." said Goda.

"Ah thank you goda!" said Daiki as he ran toward his classroom. Goda saw Daiki run off and he sighed.

"Ah new minds coming to learn." he said haply as a staff appeared and into his hand. He then opened a portal and stepped through it. It then closed right behind him.

But as Daiki had finally reached his classroom, someone opened the door. It was a blue oni that had opened the door and she looked like the teacher, she then smiled. "Ah you must be the new student." she said as she grabbed Daiki one arm and dragged him into the classroom. Daiki then saw a classroom full of monsters and humans, but who stood out the most in the classroom that Daiki notice that it was the boy from before sitting in the back with his feet on his chair.

"Uh oh it's him!" thought Daiki to himself.

"Um... Are you going to introduce yourself?" asked the teacher. Daiki shook his head.

"Oh yes! Um..." said Daiki as he grabbed a piece of chalk and wrote his name on the broad. "My name is Daiki Yamada, it is nice to meet you all." said Daiki as he bowed his head. The teacher smiled.

"Ah yes it is nice to meet you Daiki Yamada, so which race are you human or monster?" asked the teacher.

"Oh um, i'm actually a hybrid." said Daiki. The classroom then started to whisper and talk to each other. Daiki sweat dropped as he saw this going on. But the boy in the back of the classroom stared at Daiki and Daiki notice this. "Oh no he's looking at me!" thought Daiki in fear, he really didn't want to make that guy mad.

"Well then that's very strange, we don't get a lot of hybrids here." said the teacher.

"What's with the sword?" asked one of the students. Daiki looked at his katana to his side of his belt.

"Oh this, well i'm training to be a swordsman like my father." said Daiki. Some of the girls and guys were now looking at him strange. Daiki saw this and gulped. "Oh no! I've been here one day and I'm already causing trouble for myself." thought Daiki to himself. The teacher then grabbed his shoulder.

"Don't worry about this class, their sweet kids at heart." said the teacher. "But since your new here I'll tell you were you sit." said the teacher as she searched for a spot. She then found one. "Ah yes next to the widow right next to Daisuke over there." said the teacher as she pointed toward the boy from early. Daiki jumped a little.

"A-are you sure?" asked Daiki. The boy then got out of his chair and put his hands on his desk.

"You got a problem with me?" asked the Daisuke. Daiki jumped.

"N-no, no!" said Daiki with his hands waving around. Daisuke just sat back down in his chair and put his feet back up. Daiki sighed.

"Well then please take your seat and we can get the class started." said the teacher with a smile.

"(Sigh) Yes ma'am." said Daiki as he walked toward his seat and sat in it. He looked to his left and saw that Daisuke was still staring at him. "Oh no..." thought Daiki to himself.

30 minutes later...

The teacher was teaching the class about history and Daiki was writing until he felt the someone tap his shoulder. He looked up and saw it was Daisuke that had tapped him.

"C-can I help you?" asked Daiki scared.

"What did you come from?" asked Daisuke. Daiki looked at him.

"What do you mean?" asked Daiki.

"You know what were you born from?" asked Daisuke. Daiki gave him a confused look.

"Well I came from my father and mother." said Daiki. Daisuke just face palmed.

"No you idiot! What monster were you born from! You know like your mother?! Since you're a hybrid!" yelled Daisuke. Daiki jumped when he heard Daisuke yell.

"Oh! Well my mother was a Glacies." said Daiki. Daisuke nodded his head as he turned back to face the front.

"Meet me in the school yard after school is done." said Daisuke. Daiki was now wondering what Daisuke wanted from him.

After school...

Daiki was walking out of his final class and he yawned. He had a long day for his first day of school and was ready to head to his room number that was assigned to him for him to be near the school until he remembered Daisuke request. "Oh yeah he wanted to meet me after school." thought Daiki as he sighed to himself as he started to walk outside and took out his map.


As Daiki finally found the school's yard he look forward and saw Daisuke and Goda standing there waiting for him. Daiki looked in surprise. "G-goda?!" asked Daiki as he pointed toward Goda. Goda looked towards him and smiled.

"Oh hey there kid." he said with a wave and smile. Daisuke then stepped in front Goda having his fist's up.

"Enough friendly talk." said Daisuke as he pointed his fist toward Daiki. "Hey kid you said your a swordsman in training right?" asked Daisuke.

"Y-yes I am." said Daiki. Daisuke just smiled.

"Perfect." said Daisuke as he feet began to move. "Let's see what you're made of kid." said Daisuke. Daiki gave a confused look a first but then realized what he was saying.

"So you want to fight me huh?" asked Daiki as he drew his sword out of his sheath and toward Daisuke. "Fine but let me warn you now, I may be a swordsman in training but I still know how to fight." said Daiki as he used his one arm to get ready in a battle position. Daisuke just smiled.

"Even better." said Daisuke as he charged towards Daiki. Daiki got ready for him standing still and as Daisuke got close Daiki ready his sword.

"NOW!" thought Daiki as he slashed his sword at Daisuke but Daisuke dogged to the side. "What?!" thought Daiki to himself as Daisuke punched him in the face. Daiki staggered backwards but still held his position. But as he did Daisuke was throwing all sorts of punches towards Daiki, while Daiki was blocking them with his sword.

"AAAHHH!" yelled Daisuke as he rapid punching went on. Daiki was now struggling blocking all the force of Daisuke's punches. He then swiped up ward, Daisuke jumped back and held his boxing position but as he did this he saw a cut on his shirt on his left shoulder. He smiled. "Hey nice hit kid!" yelled Daisuke.

Daiki just held his sword near him. "So he use's his fist's huh? Well I can end this quickly." Thought Daiki to himself as he threw his sword into the air. Daisuke and Goda looked in the air and wondered why Daiki did this. Then the sword landed in Daiki's mouth the minute it landed. Then Daiki was now spiriting toward Daisuke.

"WHAT?!" thought Daisuke to himself as he was about to jump back but it was to late as Daiki slashed him with his sword and landed far form him. Daisuke stood there for a moment until a huge gash of blood came out of him and he fell to his knees. Daiki then grabbed his sword and but it back into his Sheath.

"Strike of the great white." said Daiki to himself as he started to walk away.

"Daiki!" yelled Goda. Daiki turned back.

"Yeah?" he asked, but as he turned back he saw Daisuke close to him having a demonic smile on his face. "W-what?!" thought Daiki to himself as he saw the huge slash on Daisuke chest.

"NOT BAD KID BUT NOW IT'S MY TURN!" yelled Daisuke as he held back his fist and lighting started to go around it. He then threw it upwards hitting Daiki right in the chin. Daiki felt the impact, shock and pain of the lighting punch made by Daisuke.

"THUNDER PUNCH!" yelled Daisuke as he sent Daiki flying into the air. The last thing Daiki saw was the evening sky and then the ground before he blacked out.


Daiki slowly opened his eyes to see the night sky come first to vision then two figures.

"I think you killed him." said one voice.

"Ah he's tuff he'll wake up." said another. As Daiki's vision went back to normal the voices were of Goda and Daisuke standing over him. "Ah see told you." said Daisuke as he held out a hand. Daiki took the hand and as he got up he rubbed his check.

"Ow... What was that?" asked Daiki. Daisuke just smiled.

"Well my good sir was my thunder punch my strongest move." said Daisuke with a smirk. "Hey kid you're pretty strong for being a swordsman in training." said Daisuke as he patted Daiki on the back.

"T-thanks... I guess." said Daiki who was very confused. He then saw the giant cut on Daisuke chest "Oh i'm so sorry! We should get you to a hospital quick!" yelled Daiki in fear. Daisuke looked down at his chest.

"What this? Don't worry about it!" said Daisuke as he touched it. "Ha,ha! Don't worry about it kid I have battle scars all over my body this one doesn't bother me a bit." said Daisuke. Daiki just looked at him.

"But why?" asked Daiki.

"Because Daisuke is a fighter." said Goda from behind.

"A fighter?" asked Daiki.

"Yes, you see Daisuke was a fighter ever since he got to this school." said Goda as he looked at Daisuke who was punching the air laughing by the way. "Daisuke is training to become strong, he says he wants to become strong so he can protect." said Goda.

"Protect what?" asked Daiki.

"Protect the people and monster's alike, just like his grandpa wished for." Said Goda. Daiki then turned to Goda.

"Wait is he-?!" asked Daiki.

"Yup the great, great grandson of Aya Aykou." said Goda. "And I am the great grandson of the mage that helped his grandpa in the past." said Goda.

"B-but i'm the great grandson of the swordsman that helped his grandpa!" said Daiki. Daisuke head then turned towards Daiki and he ran up toward him.

"What did you say?!" asked Daisuke. Daiki held up his hands waving.

"I-I said I was the great grandson of the swordsman that helped your great grandpa all those years ago." said Daiki. Daisuke looked at him for a moment then hugged him.

"Yeah! My great grandpa's great grandson's friend has come to become my friend!" yelled Daisuke happily as he crushed Daiki in the hug.

"S-strong!" thought Daiki to himself as he was crushed. He was then released by Daisuke.

"Welcome to the group!" said Daisuke as he held a hand out. Daiki hesitated and Daisuke notice this. "D-do you not want to become friends?" asked Daisuke sounding very sad with little tears in his eyes.

"No, no! It's not that! It's just because..." Daiki tried to say. "Are you sure your the great grandson of Aykou? You just seem so... violent." said Daiki. When Daisuke stopped his said face for a moment, then just sighed as he went to go sit on a rock. "Sorry did I offended you?!" asked Daiki.

"No don't worry and yeah i'm his grandson and trust me your not the first one to think i'm not." said Daisuke making a sad smile. "I wasn't like this before, I was a peace talker just like my grandpa was back in his years." said Daisuke. "But after a while I noticed that talking alone won't protect this world, so..." he said as he got up from the rock and held out his fist. "I'll become strong for everyone so I can protect my grandpa's dream of peace." said Daisuke.

Daiki was speechless while Goda just smiled. "This is his dream." said Goda as he held out his hand toward Daiki. "Will you become our friends to also help Daisuke for his mission?" asked Goda. Daiki was still speechless, but he thought about what Goda said right now. He then turned back to see Daisuke still punching the air but smiling. Daiki smiled and took Goda's hand.

"Just like my great grandpa did, I will help you in fulfilling this mission." said Daiki. Goda smiled as they shook hands and so did Daiki.

"Yay! Group hug!" Yelled Daisuke as he came out of nowhere and hugged both Goda and Daiki.

"Still strong!" thought Daiki to himself.

Later as the three were walking talking to each other they had finally reached Daiki's room. "Well here we are." Said Daiki as he opened the door and saw that half of the room was clean and half of it was a mess.

"Hey your living with us!" said Daisuke happily as he jumped on his bed. "Yeah it's just like with my grandpa, three friends always sticking together!" said Daisuke. Goda just giggled.

"Look like's it." said Goda as he walked into the room. Daiki just stood there for a moment then just sighed.

"Looks like school is goanna be a lot more interesting then I thought." thought Daiki to himself as he closed the door to the room.

Knowing Daisuke

Panel 1: "So what was your first time like here Daisuke?" asked Daiki to Daisuke.

Panel 2: "Oh my first year here? Well..." said Daisuke as he was about to say something.

Panel 3: Both of them are still sitting there in silence.

Panel 4: "What was the question again?" asked Daisuke. "He's not very smart huh?" thought Daiki to himself.


Well guys I hope your enjoy this chapter and maybe new story? But yeah tell me if you want to see more of it and if you enjoyed this chapter leave a review I love it when people do and if that's all peace off.