Important AN Please read it all.

Dear wonderful readers of my stories I am sorry to announce that 75% of my stories are coming to an end, while they are all great ideas and could probably continue I have both run out of ideas for those stories and have forgotten the original plot for those stories. Add to the fact it's been so long since I last even looked at there next chapters due to work that I have to regretfully have to put them to bed.

The stories in question here are Honor and Protection, Jikan no Buki, and Meister of Konoha. these stories I either feel I've lost touch with or I rushed to the point I feel they are unsalvageable. Rise of Artifice on the other hand, I have rushed the story for that a little bit but… I did write down the plot for it (as butchered as the plot was when I wrote it at like 2pm at night… I work graves so that is late for me.) So after reworking the plot I am rewriting it, It shall come online in a couple of hours under the name 'Birth of Steel' or Rise of Artifice rewrite, not sure.

Also I absolutely will be updating more frequently, I now have a way to access my stories at work so I can work on them during lunches and breaks. I will be doing one or two chapters every Wednesday or Thursday, and I will also be branching out of the core Naruto stories, I have a few story ideas lined up already and will post them when I finished there chapters.

Finally, If you wish to adopt or use the ideas of my discontinued stories then go ahead but please shoot me a PM so I can see what cool or inventive way you took the idea.

Wings of Disturbia