
Arthur waited for his bride at the end of the aisle. She was an angel. She floated down the aisle towards him, and he couldn't keep from smiling. He glanced quickly to the side at Merlin, who smiled at him through eyes shining with tears. Most likely of joy, he thought. She drew near, and his heart fluttered in anticipation. She joined him at the altar, and they kneeled together. He smiled at her, and her at him. Then they bowed their heads as the ceremony began.

Arthur and Gwen were standing facing the priest, when suddenly a loud cry rose pierced the silence in between sermons, and frightened Arthur senseless.

"Death to the King!" Arthur turned to find a hooded man with a knife only a few feet away, and running towards him quickly. Before he could react Merlin was in front of him. The hooded man's knife drove into Merlin's chest, and Arthur heard himself scream Merlin's name. Merlin turned towards Arthur, as if for confirmation of what had just transpired, and then collapsed to the ground. The other knights quickly seized the man and dragged him away from the crowd. Arthur fell to the ground beside his loyal friend. Merlin was on the ground, bleeding profusely. Arthur felt his eyes well up with tears, and felt the presence of Gwen beside him.


Merlin was concious, but barely. Blood seeped from his wound, and onto the stone floor. He smiled at Arthur weakly. "You sure know how to throw a party."

Arthur usually would have laughed, but right now it took everything he had not to sob openly. He gave Merlin a weak smile.

"I'll be polishing your armor in no time, I know."

Arthur forced another smile. Merlin tried to laugh but instead coughed, and a little blood trickled down his mouth. He stared into Arthur's shining eyes briefly, before he fell unconcious. Trembling, Arthur picked up his friend and made his way to Gaius, determined to make Merlin live.

Arthur burst through the doors to the old man's chambers. Gaius had been unable to attend the ceremony due to several wounds that had needed constant tending. He looked up and his eyes widened at the sight of Merlin's bloody form in Arthur's arms. Arthur laid him down gently on the table. Gaius checked his pulse.

"You will save him Gaius." Arthur's broken words were not a question, but a demand.

"I will do everything in my power." Gaius, gently looked at the wound, and cringed. It wasn't good.

"No. You must save him. He saved my life. Again."

Gaoius looked up at the King. He was close to crying, tears shining in his bright blue eyes. Gwen stood behind him, her hands on his shoulders, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Gaius went to work under the watchful eye of Arthur. He did his best to stop Merlin's bleeding, and dressed his wound. There was little else to do. Merlin would most likely heal himself with magic, and if not...

Arthur looked at the old man anxiously. "Well?"

"I have dressed the wound. He must rest now. If he wakes up, he will live. If not..."

Arthur didn't want to think about the other possibility. "Merlin will wake up. Of course he will. Right, Guinevere? Otherwise, who will do my laundry and feed me breakfast, and be there for me to be cross with?"

Gwen made an effort to smile at her still-fiancee. "Of course he will."

Arthur nodded, as if to reassure himself.

Gaius felt sorry for the King. "We should move him to his own bed, he'll be more comfortable there, my lord."

Arthur nodded. "Of course."

He picked Merlin up as if he weighed no more than a feather, and placed him on his own bed. After Merlin was settled, he sat beside the younger man, and placed a hand over Merlin's.

"Don't worry, Merlin. You'll be up and shining my armor again in no time at all."

There was no answer from the boy, who was unconcious in every sense of the word. Gwen tried to speak, but Arthur abruptly cut her off.

"Gwen, darling. Would you give me a while alone with him. Just...just in case..."

Gwen nodded, and kissed Merlin's pale forehead before exiting the chamber, still wearing her wedding gown. Arthur watched her go, and then took Melrin's cool hand and pressed it to his cheek. Never before had he realized just how much Merlin meant to him. How much he... he loved him. He let himself cry, since his only witness was Merlin, who was still quite unconcious. He let the tears fall freely. He stroked Melrin's rave hair gently, and whispered affirmations both to himself and the young man. Merlin didn't stir, and Arthur would frantically check his pulse from time to time, afraid that Merlin had stopped breathing.

Though he did not wake, Merlin was alive. And while he was still unconcious, Arthur would not leave his side. Gwen, Gaius, even his knights begged him leave Merlin's side, if only just to bathe and change. He still wore his royal robes, and he had begun to grow stubble and he seemed to grow ten years older with every passing day that Merlin's sapphire eyes did not greet him. Finally, after four days, Merlin's bright blue eys opened. He rubbed his head, and then winced as he remembered what had landed him in his bed. He rubbed the unconcious sleep out of his eyes, and looked over to find the King, head slumped to one side, dozing peacefully, the begginings of a beard on his face. He was relieved that Arthur was safe. Then he remembered the assassin's untimely coming to the wedding had stop it from completion. It dawned on him with a glimmer of hope that Arthur, his Arthur wasn't married yet. He was roused from his thoughts when he saw Gaius and called for his old friend.

"Gaius!" Gaius snapped his head towards the boy and a grin spread over his face. He hurried in.

"Merlin! Thank god your alive. I was so worried we'd lost you."

Merlin smiled. "I'm not letting you get off that easily."

Then he pointed at Arthur. Gaius gave a small smile. "He's been with you ever since it happened."

Merlin felt his love for the now-ragged blonde swell in his already pained chest. He whispered lovingly to the sleeping royal.

"Faithful prat." As if awoken by the word "prat", Arthur's eyes flew open. He looked at Merlin, and a grin spread wide across his face. He threw his arms around his manservant. Merlin involuntarily yelped in pain. He wanted Arthur's arms around him forever. Arhtur let go and sat back in his chair. Gaius smiled knowingly and left the room. Arthur recovered from his outburst of affection quickly, and cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Merlin. I was worried. I'm glad you're alright."

Merlin knew what Arthur was feeling, he didn't need flowery words. He smiled.

"Thank you, sire. I am sorry my near-death ruined your wedding."

Arthur grew serious. "You didn't ruin anything. I had that man killed immediately after his apprehension."

Merlin nodded thoughtfully.

"When's the next big day?" He smiled again, trying to lighten the mood.

Arthur relaxed. "I don't know. Maybe once we can get your blood out of the carpet. You can be such a slob."

Merlin laughed. Arthur sighed. "I should go. I smell like my stables, and I look like a hairy beast. I'll be back later to check on you."

Merlin nodded again, watching his King leave with love in his eyes.

Arthur made his way back to his chamber cheerfully. Everything was alright once more. He recalled Merlin's bright and healthy smile. Then he stopped in the middle of the corridor, as if he had run headlong into a brick wall. Merlin's smile. His eyes. His hair, that beautiful raven hair. He had needed Merlin's near-death to see it. The way his heart had pounded when Merlin crumpled to the ground, his eyes wide with pain and shock. The way he had cried when he thought Merlin would never wake up. How he had stroked Merlin's hair, and kissed his hand over and over, willing him to wake up, the thought of never seeing that beautiful smile plunging into his heart like a knife. Everything suddenly fell upon him like waves crashing upon the shore. He was in love with Merlin.