*Chapter 7: Never Gonna Die*

Present day...

Amy finished her story she told to the detective. After Sonic was captured, nothing happened in a week. Sonic is still himself, and he isn't possessed. Maybe EXE left for sure? Sonic didn't murder everyone in the woods. Amy is the only survivor.

"Where is the demon now?" The man asked.

"I don't know..." Amy said. "The police drugged Sonic and...it was gone. Leaving Sonic's body." The door opened slightly. The man turned to see nothing. He told Amy to wait in the room. The detective walked in the room where the Chaotix team are, and...Sonic was nowhere to be found. Espio and Vector are on the floor with blood on the floor. Something happened. Before the detective could return to Amy, he saw the door shut and hear a laughter.

"Oh god..." He gasped. The hand grabs his head, making him scream.
Amy hears the detective scream from the other side of the door. The pink hedgehog started to freak out. She hits the door to get it open, but nothing worked. The lights above her start to flicker.

"No...no...no..." She whispered. "Please, no..."

"Try to keep this interesting for me, Amy..." EXE's voice said in the room. Amy screamed when she sees her friends there as ghosts. They are coming over, walking like zombies.

"He killed us..." Sally said. Her eyes were sewn shut, with blood coming out. Amy's back was on the door.

"We can't stop ourselves from getting to you..." Knuckles said.

"We are sorry, Amy." Ash said. His head was in crisp.

"Please forgive us..." Tails said. The victims are close to Amy who let out a scream. SonicEXE watches from the other side of the room, grinning evilly to watch Amy getting ripped apart, and she slowly turning into a stitched hedgehog with patches. SonicEXE began to chuckle.

"I am God..." He said. "Our game is over." Amy's body was lifted like a puppet. She looks at SonicEXE with one eye, a tear falling. She's lost. Now, her soul belongs to EXE. Sonic the Hedgehog is forever gone. The demon will always win the game. He is God.
