Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended. This story is not meant to violate the rights held by New Line, Tolkien Enterprises, nor any other licensee, nor is any disrespect intended. Mostly belongs to Tolkien, with the exception of some of my own characters (Glorendil, etc)

Author's Note: New story up for readers! I've just started this, so I hope it's good! Tell me what you think! This contains spanking, so please don't read if you don't like. You've been warned! Enjoy!

Chapter One

(Elladan's POV)

"You cannot be serious."

"I am completely serious."


But, Elladan!"

"No, Elrohir," I said sternly. '"N.O."

Elrohir's face turned red and he stared at me in disbelief. "But ... but ... we did the same thing last time. You didn't mind then. You didn't care. You even came with me! And we both enjoyed it, didn't you?"

My face was stony and I met my brother's eyes. "Aye, perhaps I enjoyed some of it, but I hated it the moment we were almost killed by wild wolves!" I struggled to lower my voice, taking a deep breath. "Elrohir, Ada was furious when he found out. Don't you remember the thrashing we got? Our backsides were sore for days!"

"Aye. But ..." Elrohir bit his lip. "But Elladan, we laughed about it later," he said in a hushed voice. "We both knew that it was dangerous, but we still agreed that it was fun."

"I still regret it," I sighed. I shot him a fierce loo. "And we shall not be doing it again!"

Elrohir scowled. "You are acting like Ada!" he snarled, slamming a palm into the desk.

"And you are acting like a little elfling! Are you four years old like Estel?" I shot back, my temper flaring at my brother's stubbornness. With a deep scowl and glorious pout, he turned and stomped away. "Do not stray from our boundaries!" I called after him, and received a door slamming for an answer.

I sighed and rubbed my forehead, then picked up my quill and began to finish the essay I had been writing. I scowled down at the parchment.

Pesky little brothers, I thought sullenly.

"Good morning, Elladan."

"Good morning, Ada," Elladan replied.

Elladan glanced over and saw Elrohir, sitting in a chair and sullenly stirring a bowl of porridge. Elladan grimaced as Elrond placed a bowl of porridge in front of him as well. He hated porridge. He glanced up and Elrond, who raised an eyebrow at him sternly. With a sigh, Elladan picked up the spoon and began to reluctantly eat, knowing that a lecture would be coming if he didn't.

"Is something wrong, Elrohir?"

Elladan glanced up. Elrond was looking down at Elrohir, looking concerned. "You usually like porridge. Would you like some more nuts and fruits in it?"

Elrohir shook his head and put the spoon into his mouth. It looked like it pained him just to eat, and Elladan couldn't help but roll his eyes and sigh softly. That earned him a stern glance from Elrond, and he quickly looked down.

"I am just not hungry, Ada," Elrohir murmured. He looked up, chewing his bottom lip. It was an old habit of his. "May I be excused, Ada?"

Elrond frowned down at him. "Five more mouthfuls, then you may go," he directed.

With an exaggerated sigh, Elrohir quickly shoveled the porridge down his throat as fast as he could and Elladan cast him a frown. Elrohir caught it then blushed and looked down. He stood up and walked quickly away without looking back. Elrond sat down beside Elladan, gazing at his son. Elladan looked up, then gulped. Uh-oh.

"Do you know what is on Elladan's mind recently?" Elrond asked quietly.

Elladan looked at him, slightly surprised. "No, Ada," he lied. "But I can find out, if you want."

Elrond merely sighed and looked tired.


Elrohir spun around. A shadowy figure was coming toward him ... oh. It was just Elladan. "Hello, Elladan," Elrohir said in what he hoped was a casual voice.

"What are you doing here, wandering the halls alone?"

Elrohir felt like stomping his foot in frustration when he heard the suspicion in his brother's voice. "You can trust me, you know," he muttered under his breath. "You're being such an arse."

"What did you just call me?"

Elrohir gulped. Stupid, stupid, stupid, he scolded himself. Elladan had very keen hearing. Hearing that was even keener than his or even Glorfindel's. Elladan's eyes were glinting dangerously, in a similar way like Elrond's whenever a lecture was coming. "Did you just call me what I thought you said?"

Elrohir chewed his lip, then quickly spat it out when he saw his brother's brow shoot up. "I'm sorry," he offered, feeling miserable. He felt horrible. What a good brother I am, he thought sulkily.

Elladan moved forward and leaned in close until his warm breath stirred Elrohir's hair. "If I ever hear you call me that again, I won't hesitate to pull you over my knee like Ada does."

Elrohir's frustration and fury broke, his face turning scarlet at the thought of his brother spanking me. "No!" he snarled. He jabbed a finger into Elladan's chest sharply. "What makes you think that I'll obey whatever you tell me to do?"

Elladan narrowed his eyes. "Go to bed, Elrohir. Cool that temper down. I don't want to see it again." And he turned and strode away.

Elrohir quivered in anger. Stupid, STUPID brother! Thinking that he can boss me around, Elrohir thought furiously and turned to storm away. Bed? Not yet. Definitely not, especially since Elladan told him to go to bed, as if he were a mere elfling. He stormed out, fuming.

His breath came in ragged breathing and he sat down on the grass with a sigh. He was a horrible brother. He sat there for a while, content and peaceful. A hand landed on his shoulder and Elrohir jumped, spinning around. Glorfindel smiled down at him.

"Elrohir? What are you doing here alone? Should you not be in bed?"

"I am not a little elfling who needs to go to bed at eight," Elrohir muttered. Glorfindel sat down beside him, much to his annoyance.

"Nay. But you are acting like one," Glorfindel murmured. Elrohir glowered at him, and Glorfindel stared back. "You are troubled, little one. I can feel it. What bothers you so much?"

Elrohir sighed, squirming under the balrog-slayer's steady gaze. "Not much," he said at last. "I am just in a fight with my brother. He treats me like I'm Estel, like I'm just a foolish elfling who doesn't know anything of the world! I do know! I know everything he does! And now he is acting like Ada, scolding me and threatening me with spank-" He stopped abruptly, feeling his face burn.

Glorfindel merely grinned at him affectionately, then reached over and tousled his hair. Elrohir scowled. "Aye, perhaps you do know a bit of the world. But not all of it. You are just an elf in a big, big world. There is still much to be seen."

"You sound like Mithrandir," Elrohir grumbled, hearing Glorfindel bark a laugh.

"Perhaps I do." He sounded amused. "Mithrandir is a wise man. All elves know that."

"I never said I didn't think that." Elrohir sighed. "I do not understand. Elladan was always my ... my comrade in mischief. We were partners, and we did everything together. But now he is acting like he's my Ada. I don't like it, Glorfindel. Not one bit."

Glorfindel sighed and leaned back, letting the gentle breeze whip his golden hair back. "Older brothers do that."

"He isn't older."

Glorfindel shot Elrohir a fierce look. "By a few moments, he is, Elrohir. Perhaps you should respect that." Glorfindel sighed and closed his eyes. "I had a younger brother once."

"Once?" Elrohir glanced at him, certain that a story was coming. And Glorfindel was the best at telling stories.

"Aye. Listen carefully, son of Elrond, and then perhaps you will understand your brother's behaviour."

"Glorfindel! Glorfy!"

"Do not call me by that name," Glorfindel grumbled as a younger but similar-looking elf ran up to him. "I told you I don't like that name, you little brat."

The younger elfling beamed at him, knowing that Glorfindel didn't mean anything by the names he called his little brother. "Glorfindel, my friends are planning to head out the Ice River. May I join them?"

"The Ice River?" Glorfindel gasped. "Are you mad, Glorendil? The Ice River? Do you not know how dangerous that is?"

Glorendil pouted gloriously. "I knew you would say 'no'."

"Of course I would say no!" Glorfindel said with a scowl. "Don't you know how dangerous that place is? You never know when the ice is going to break. You never know what animals or foul creatures live there."

"Aye, Glorfindel, I get it," Glorendil said with a roll of his eyes. "But-" He broke off with a yelp as Glorfindel swatted him, hard.

"No! Do not even think about going to Ice River. If you do, I shall not hesitate to spank your naughty little bottom until you beg for forgiveness."

"Spank me? You?" Glorendil barked out laughter, and Glorfindel felt a flash of anger. "You could never spank me. You don't know how!"

"Mind your tongue, little brother," Glorfindel warned, bending down and narrowing his eyes. "Remember, I'm still your older brother, and I deserve some respect."

"Respect. That's all you care about these days!" Glorendil flung back at him and turned and stomped away.

"Heed my words well, Glorendil!" Glorfindel called after him. "Do not dare go to the Ice River!"

"Did he?"

Glorfindel paused. "What?"

"Did he go to the Ice River?" Elrohir asked. He had been hooked up on Glorfindel's words, not missing a single beat of it.

Glorfindel gave him a smile. "Listen, and you shall find out."

"Glorfindel! Glorfindel!"

Glorfindel woke with a jerk, surprised. He yawned and sat up. "Hmmm?"

His old friend, Annúndir, was shaking him. "Glorfindel! Your brother is not here! He is gone!"

"Gone? What do you mean?" Glorfindel was wide awake now. "Surely not-"

"Aye. It seems my two little brothers have gone as well. Little bratling," Annúndir said grimly.

"The Ice River?" Glorfindel groaned. He rubbed his forehead. "No. He wouldn't."

"Aye. That mischievous elfling, Lostor, has bribed them to come with them. Just wait 'till I get my hands on Faethor and Mitthor," Annúndir growled. "Come, Glorfindel. No time to waste! We must catch our brothers ere they get in even more trouble than they already are.

And so they dashed in the direction of the Ice River, knowing that even if they were a split second late, it could be too late. To Glorfindel's utter relief, he saw five unharmed, small elflings on the ice. He could recognize his little brother instantly. Glorendil was in the middle, laughing as he took Mitthor and Faethor by the hands and spun them around.

Glorfindel recognized Lostor and his foster brother, Aurion. The five elflings put together equalled trouble. "Glorendil!" Glorfindel shouted as he neared. He briefly heard Glorendil mutter a curse that made the other elflings stifle giggles, then trudge toward his way. "Never in my life ..." Glorfindel was growling as he snatched his brother close to him by the arm, making him wince. "Thank you, Annúndir. And good luck with your own elflings."

Annúndir merely gave a nod. Glorfindel looked down at his now-miserable little brother. "Come, brother. You are in deep, deep trouble indeed."

"Did you spank him?" Elrohir gasped. "You spanked him, didn't you? You warmed up his deserving backside?"

Glorfindel let out a grumble. "Your deserving backside shall be very warm indeed if you keep interrupting."

"Oh. Well." Elrohir chewed his lip. "Sorry. Please, go on."

Glorfindel gave a brief nod, then continued.

"Glorfindel! Glorfindel! Not fair!" Glorendil snarled as Glorfindel pulled him over to the corner of the room.

"This is very fair, little elfling," Glorfindel scolded as he placed his hands on his brother's shoulders. "Now, stay here. I shall try and calm my temper before I start spanking your naughty little bottom." He deliberately chose words that he knew Glorendil hated, knowing that it would make him squirm and feel small inside. A bit of humility would do the arrogant elfling good.

Glorendil gulped and fell silent.

Glorfindel let him stay like that for a few minutes, merely gazing at his back and gritting his teeth. "That was a foolish idea, you know that?'

"Uh-huh," came the soft reply. "I'm sorry."

"Was it Lostor who suggested it?" Glorfindel questioned.

No reply.


"I don't want to get him in trouble," Glorendil said softly.

Glorfindel barely managed to suppress a sigh. "He already is in trouble, elfling. Now, answer me."

Glorendil was silent for a few moments, then when Glorfindel was about to warn him again, he murmured, "Yes. It was."

Glorfindel sighed. That elfling. The troublesome, mischievous elfling. Unaware of the dangers of wandering out at night and sliding on ice that could be very well thin.


"Yes, elfling?"

"I'm sorry."

"Mmm. You shall be sorry soon. Come over here, Glorendil." Glorfindel watched his brother turn around and slowly begin to shuffle toward him, quite reluctantly. "One." Glorendil's eyes widened and his footsteps became quicker. Their father only counted when he was truly vexed, and a truly vexed Ada was never good.

"Glorendil, little brother. Why did you disobey?" Glorfindel sighed.

"I don't know."

"Mmm." The customary answer. 'I don't know' was a good way of squirming out of a question that you didn't want to answer. Glorfindel knew that from experience. He merely sighed, then patted his lap. "Come. Over my knee."

Glorendil was frozen, staring at the knees.


Glorfindel met his brother's eyes. He hoped that he wasn't looking too stern. That would only frighten his brother more. "It's all right, little elfling. I know what I'm doing; I would never harm you. You know that, don't you?"

Glorendil slowly nodded.

"Then, come, little brother."

Glorendil slowly lowered himself over Glorfindel's lap and lay there, quivering. Glorfindel grasped the waist of his leggings and said, "Up." Glorendil helpfully raised his hips and Glorfindel pulled them all the way down and off.



"But-but! Ada never pulled them all the way down-"

"I know. But I'm not Ada."

"But- Glorfin- OW!"

"I told you, hush."

Glorendil went silent, lying over Glorfindel's lap, trembling and quivering as he gulped and wrapped an arm around his brother's leg. "You ready?" Glorfindel asked quietly.


"Good." SWAT!

"Ahhh!" Glorendil cried out. "OW! Ow, ow, ow! Glorfindel!" he whined.

Glorfindel ignored his brother and merely focused on warming the little wriggling bottom on his lap. His little brother continued to be vocal, crying out and jerking with every hard swat.

"AHHHH!" Glorendil flung a hand back to desperately block the swats that came raining down.


"Uh ... uh-huh?"

"Move that hand, little elfling," Glorfindel said sternly. "Else I shall move it for you."

Whimpering softly and knowing what was expected of him, Glorendil slowly pulled his hand back. "Very good, sweetling." Then Glorfindel began to spank again, swatting down.



Of course, there was nothing to say, so Glorendil merely kicked and cried and wailed. When his backside was a rosy pink, Glorfindel decided that his brother would be more than eager to discuss the matter with him now. "How are we doing, my dear baby brother?" he murmured, resting his hand on Glorendil's bottom.

"We? I don't see you being spanked, you big oaf! AHHHHHHH!"

"Enough of that cheek," Glorfindel scolded. "Was I wrong? Do you need more spanking before our discussion regarding this naughty thing you've done?"

"AHHHHHHHHH! GLORFINDEL! N-nooooo! No, sir!"

Glorfindel smiled at the 'sir'. Never had he been called that until today. Sniffing a laugh, he rested his hand on his brother's bottom once more, and asked again, "How are we doing?"

"Fine. T-thank you very much, b-bruver."

Ah. So his speech was limited already. Glorfindel felt a flash of grimness. Well, perhaps it had been ... distressing for Glorfindel to be spanking him. He didn't break this quickly with Ada.

"Y-you done, big br-bruver?"

Glorfindel snorted. "Not yet."

Glorendil whined and buried his face into the palm of his hands. Glorfindel patted and raked his fingers gently through his little brother's soft, silky hair. "Shhh, sweetling. It's all right. Almost over. Just a bit more, hmm?"


They talked like that for a while, until Glorfindel asked the most important question. "Glorendil, why am I spanking you?"

Glorendil shuddered and didn't answer. Glorfindel began to swat again, though lightly, but Glorendil burst out into wails and tears as his already burning bottom began to burn more. "Answer me, sweet little one."

"AHHHHHH! I-I ..."

"Excuse me?"

"OW! AHHHHHH! OwOwOw! Glorfindel!" Glorendil howled.

"Why am I spanking you?" Glorfindel prompted once more.


Glorfindel sighed and paused for a moment. "You can answer it yourself, you know," he said in a quiet voice as he stroked his brother's hair. "It's not that hard." But it was. And Glorfindel knew that from experience.

"I ... I ..." Glorendil burst into sobs. "I-I'm sorry! I'm s-sorry, G-Glorfy! Big, big sorry!"

"I know," Glorfindel said gently. He planted a kiss on his brother's forehead once he scooped him up and held him tight.

"S-sorry ... I-I know y-you don't l-like t-that name," Glorendil choked out between sobs.

"It's all right," Glorfindel soothed, slightly alarmed at his sobbing brother. Ada spanked them when they got into mischief, but he never broke down like this before. "Perhaps we'll make this time an exception, hmm?"

With a soft sob, Glorendil nodded once and buried his face into Glorfindel's chest. Glorfindel rubbed his back soothingly, and when Glorendil seemed to calm down a bit he asked once more, "Why did I spank you, Glorendil?"

Glorfindel looked up at him through tear-filled eyes. He was a mess. He was sniffling and his hair was messy and tear tracks were on his cheeks. "I ... Because I disobeyed you. Y-you were fur-y ... fur ... mad at me," he sniffled.

"No. Perhaps I was, but not at you. I was angry about what you did," Glorfindel corrected. "And that's not the correct answer, my naughty little elfling. Try again."

Confusion showed in Glorendil's eyes, and he tried once more. "Because ... because ..." He trailed off, then moaned and buried his face into his brother's chest. "I ... I dunno, Glorfindel. H-help, please."

"Aye. I shall help," Glorfindel agreed, affectionately kissing his brother's forehead once more. He hummed for a while, then said, "Glorendil, what do I say to you every night before we sleep?"

Glorendil gazed at him, then murmured, "You say to me, 'I love you, little bruver' every night."

"Aye," Glorfindel agreed. "And that is the answer. I spanked you because I loved you, and because I cared for you. I love you more than life itself, Glorendil. What would I do without you?" He sighed and hugged his brother closer, who started to shake and cry softly once more and gentle words. "When you went to Ice River, you scared me. What if you were hurt? What if I didn't have my little brother by my side anymore?" Glorfindel tipped Glorendil's face up by curling a finger under his chin and slowly raising it. "I love you, little brother. I always do."

Elrohir stayed silent as Glorfindel finished the story. "And where is your brother now?" he asked curiously.

A blunt look appeared in Glorfindel's eyes. "Dead," he said in a sorrowful voice. "He died saving my life."

"Oh. I'm sorry," Elrohir said softly. He then sighed, stood up and said, "Thank you for the story, Glorfindel. I enjoyed it very much."

"And I enjoyed your company, Elrohir Elrondion. A good night to you." And Glorfindel turned and strode away, leaving Elrohir to gaze after him.

As Elrohir strode back to the room he and Elladan shared, his thoughts lingered on Glorfindel's story. Why that particular tale? Why not the tale of Glorfindel against the balrog? Why not the tale of Glorfindel meeting Elrond? Perhaps Glorfindel wanted him to find something out by his story.

Buried deep within his thoughts, Elrohir was not paying attention. He promptly stumbled into ... into Elladan. Elrohir gulped.

Go to bed, Elrohir.

Elladan's words rang in his mind and Elrohir grimaced. Elladan narrowed his eyes. "What are you doing out so late, brother?"

"I was just wandering around," Elrohir answered. "Why? I stayed within the boundaries."

Elladan just grunted. "Come on, Ro. We'd better get to sleep before Ada checks on us. You know he checks at least three times."

"Aye. He does." Elrohir followed Elladan into their room and he clambered into his bed with a sigh.

Elladan was staring up at the ceiling, and Elrohir wondered if he was already "sleeping" when Elladan said, "I hope you feel less grumpy tomorrow, Ro."

Elrohir felt a burst of resentment, but he swallowed it back and managed to say, "I'm sorry, Ladan."


"Ro! Elrohir! Wake up!"

"Uhhhh." Elrohir managed to jerk awake, though he was still a bit groggy with sleep. Elladan was standing over him, eyes wide.

"Ro! We're late for classes," Elladan hissed. "Here. Change into this." He tossed Elrohir's training tunic at him, muttering," Glorfindel is going to murder us. We're an hour late for classes already." He groaned. "I don't suppose Glorfindel will be feeling lenient today?"

"Prolly not," Elrohir muttered as he quickly changed. He snatched up his sword and bow and arrow, then he and his brother raced down the training field. Elrohir bumped into his brother when Elladan stopped abruptly. "Ow! What in the world, Elladan- Oh."

Glorfindel stood there, scowling at them and his arms crossed over his chest. Elrohir and Elladan reluctantly made their way toward him. "Classes are over already?"

"Aye," Glorfindel growled. He eyed them shrewdly. "I ended it quickly because I wanted to have a discussion with you."

Elrohir instantly stepped back, slightly worried. 'Discussion' was what Elrond said when he was about to hand out a spanking. 'Discussion' usually ended up with him crying and his ada comforting him.

Glorfindel seemed to soften a bit, and beckoned him forward. "Come, Elrohir. Do not worry, it's not that kind of discussion."

Flushing a bit, Elrohir slowly made his way forward until he stood beside his brother and in front of Glorfindel. The balrog-slayer eyed them intently, then finally said, "Must I inform your Ada of this?"

"No sir!"

"No sir."

"Oh?" Glorfindel raised an eyebrow.

"Truly, Glorfindel, there is no need," Elladan assured their instructor.

Glorfindel finally broke into a grin. "Perhaps, there is no need," he admitted. "I do not think that the two of you want a sore bottom." He laughed when Elrohir and Elladan shook their heads quickly. "Then perhaps I won't," Glorfindel said fondly. He flicked a hand at them. "Shoo! You may go."

"Go?" Elrohir was bewildered. "Go? But I thought we were you were going to teach us a new move-"

"Oh, use your brain, Ro!" Elladan said impatiently, making Elrohir flush. "Won't Ada think that it's odd if he sees that we're still practicing? Come, Ro, before we get into even more trouble."

Grinning ruefully, Elrohir turned and followed his brother away from the training field.

Elrohir quickly grabbed the reins of his horse and gave it a gentle tap to its side. With a snort, his horse, Rokko, galloped forward. Elrohir glanced back and sighed silently with relief. His brother did not know that he was here, and if he did know, then Elrohir knew that there would be trouble.

He was planning to head out of the boundaries once and for all. Elladan had ordered him not to as if he were some small elfling, and Elrond had never let them go past the boundaries. Once, when they were little, Elrohir had snuck beyond the boundaries, but Elrond and Glorfindel and Erestor had arrived so quickly that his head spun.

Then he had gotten the tanning of his life. Ten swats in total, but as a young elfling, he had kicked and cried and sobbed. Elrohir was just about to cross the boundaries when a voice called out, "Halt!"

Elrohir jumped. Rokko whinnied in alarm and raised onto his hind legs, flinging Elrohir off. "Oof!" The air was knocked out of him as he landed hard on the ground.


Elrohir's heart sank. Only one elf called him by that name (Estel called him 'Erro'). Elladan scrambled over to him. His eyes were wide and filled with something that Elrohir had never seen before. Worry? Anger?

"Are you all right, brother? Are you hurt?" Elladan demanded. He ran his hands down Elrohir's sides, checking for injuries.

"No. I'm okay. Just bruised, but I'm okay," Elrohir assured. He managed to stand up, though he wheezed a bit. Inhaling sharply, he regained his strength and stood up straight.

"Thank the Arda," Elladan breathed and pulled Elrohir into a crushing hug.

Elrohir pulled back. "I'm okay," he insisted.

"You've told me." Now, Elladan began to drag his brother toward the horses.

"Ladan!" Elrohir protested, struggling to wriggle free.

Elladan didn't look at him. "Go back. Return to safety," Elladan whispered to the horses in Elvish, and they snorted again before trotting off.

"Ladan! What about us?" Elrohir argued.

"I'm going to tan your deserving backside until you apologize for this," Elladan growled.

Elrohir's eyes widened. "What?" he breathed. "What did you say?"

"I'm going to spank you, brother." Now Elladan turned and glowered at him. "It's what Ada would do, but I'm sure that neither of us want to wake him up."

Elrohir shook his head. "But Elladan! You've never-"

"I don't care," Elladan growled as he began to pull Elrohir to a conveniently placed fallen log. "You deserve this, and I'm going to make sure you know how foolish what you did was."


"Hush. You have no say in this."

"Elladan! We are equals!"

"I know. But I suppose we'll let this time be an exception."


"Hush." And Elladan pulled Elrohir over his knees.

(Elrohir's POV)

Elladan was good at this. Aye, woefully good, which was surprising since this was his first time being the one to spank someone. Every swat cracked down on my backside, seeming to bite down hard and leaving a very fine sting.

It was not long before I reared up and yelled, "OWWW! Too hard!"


I could almost hear his frown.

"Too hard?" Elladan swatted down harder and I let out another howl. "Enough of your insolence, brother. You know you deserve this."

"Ahhhhhh!" I replied. "Ow! Ow, ow, ow! Elladan!"


"Hush-?" I sputtered. How can one 'hush' when their backside is being tanned? Unbelievable. "Elladan ... Ladan ..." I choked out, but all I got was a swat in return. "AHHH!"

It went on similarly for a while, until Elladan finally said, "How are you, little brother?"

I cannot believe how the other, the discipliner, thinks that you can have a conversation while your backside is being thrashed. "AHHHHH!" I answered heartily.

I kicked out with my legs more than I needed to, and Elladan scolded me. "Enough of that. Do I have to pin down your legs with my own or will you control yourself? I accept sincere kicking, but don't you dare kick out in anger."

"AHHH! Yessir," I sputtered. "OWW! Ladan!"

"Aye?" Elladan answered. "Do you have something to say to me, Ro?"

"AHHH! OwOwOw! LADAN!" I howled as my brother swatted at the tender curve of my cheeks. "Nîdh! Nîdh! Ladaaaaan!"



Elladan grimaced at the loud howl his brother let out. "Be careful, Ro. We are far away from home, but passing elves may still hear your howling."

"B-but I-I ..."

"I know. You can't help it," Elladan said, pausing at last and resting his hand on Elrohir's backside. "It's okay, brother. Just breathe."

"I-I ... trying," Elrohir gasped, coughing and hiccupping.

"I know," Elladan soothed. "It's okay. I know. Don't worry, brother, take your time; I'm not going anywhere."

"Youuuuu will!" Elrohir wailed suddenly, trembling violently. "O-one day, you'll leave me ... and-and g-go off with A-Ada ... an-and I'll be a-alone."

"Shhh," Elladan hushed. He quickly scooped up Elrohir. "I will never leave you, brother. Never. Where would I be with my Ro? My dear Ro," he murmured, gently brushing away Elrohir's loose hair.

Elrohir let out a sob. "Y-you will! Ada w-will order you t-to go and ... and ..." He broke off and sobbed once more.

"Elrohir," Elladan said with a touch of sternness. "Have you not listened to me? I would never leave you, brother. Never. Do you understand?"

"Uh ... Uh-huh. Unnerstand," Elrohir choked out before burying his face in Elladan's chest. "G-Goheno nin, Dan. Goheno nin."

Oh. So now is was 'Dan' instead of 'Elladan' or 'Ladan'. Elrohir rarely called him Dan, only when he was in true moments of distress or when he was upset. Elladan smiled down at his brother, then said quietly, "Perhaps we should finish up now, elfling?"

"Huh?" Elrohir looked up, hiccupping. His face was streaked with tears and his eyes were red from crying. "Dan! I-I said I was s-sorry."

"I know." And Elladan flipped Elrohir over his lap again, ignoring his brother's wail of protest. He looked down at Elrohir's backside. Ow. This was going to hurt. But he would do it if it would make the big, bad hurt inside of Elrohir go away. Taking a deep breath, Elladan raised a hand and brought it down on his brother's bottom.

"AAHHHHHHHHHHHH! AHHHHH! AHHHHHHHHH!" Elrohir howled as he kicked and flailed. "AHHHH! D-DANNN! AHHH!"

"Tell me what you are sorry for, brother, and then perhaps we shall be finished."

"AHHHH! Ahhh! Dan! S-sorry f-for ... for putting m-my l-life in dan-danger. S-sorry for wo-worrying you. S-sorry ... S-sorry f-for ..."

"Sorry for being such a naughty, cheeky elfling for past few days?" Elladan suggested, and grinned when Elrohir nodded, his dark hair flying around him.

"YEEESSS! S-sorry fo-for ev-everything."

"Very well, brother. We are finished." With one final swat that Elrohir burst into even more harder sobs, Elladan finished and began to gently rub his brother's hot backside.

"Goheno nin. G-Goheno nin, Dan," Elrohir muttered, over and over again as he slumped over Elladan's knee. "R-really sorry. Biggest s-sorry."

"I know," Elladan soothed. He raked his fingers gently through Elrohir's tangled hair. "I know. It's okay. All over. All over. You're safe." Elladan drew Elrohir up and hugged him tightly. He sensed awkwardness between them. Elrohir would not meet his eyes. "Ro." Elladan tipped Elrohir's face up to meet his eyes. "Elrohir. Remember this - We are still equals. I am still your brother, not your Ada. We are equals. And remember this well, Ro. I shall never go anywhere without you."

"I'm sorry I did not bring him to you, Ada."

Elrond hummed and peered over at Elrohir, whose head was bowed. Elladan was standing beside his brother, an arm around the ashamed elf's shoulders. "I felt he needed some discipline without hesitation," Elladan explained. His eyes were wary. "I am truly sorry-"

"Elladan," Elrond interrupted. Elladan jerked his head up and stared at him. Elrond gave him a smile. "You have done well."

Elladan broke into a grin, and Elrond frowned when he saw Elrohir's head bow lower. "Elrohir." Elrohir did not look up.

"Elrohir. Ada is calling you," Elladan murmured, nudging his brother, and finally Elrohir raised his head.

Elrond beckoned him closer. Elrohir moved stiffly, grimacing. It seemed his brother had done a good job. Elrond raised an eyebrow at him. "I trust you will not do anything like this again?"

"Yes, Ada. Goheno nin."

Elrond smiled and shook his head. "Off you go!" he said with a grin. "Go find some other mischief to get into."

"I won't be getting into any mischief for a while, Ada," Elrohir promised.

Elrond chuckled softly. Just as Elladan was about to step out from his study behind his brother, Elrond called softly, "Elladan."

Elladan turned.

"You have done well," Elrond repeated.

Elladan gave a bow. Then he turned and walked away. Elrond stared after him. His boys were growing up.

End of Chapter One

Author's Note: Well? How was it? I hope it was good. Was it too long? Was it just right? I want to hear your feedback! Thanks for reading, and I suppose I might post a new chapter depending on the reactions to this one. :) I'm taking in suggestions, by the way!