For the next couple of weeks, Charlie and Bass spent every available moment together. Bass didn't want to let her out of his sight for a second and Charlie couldn't help but enjoy his constant attention, no matter how annoyed she pretended to be.

Several times it had seemed like he wanted to touch her, kiss her even, but at the last second he always seemed to snap out of it and change his mind. Which was driving Charlie crazy. Her intense attraction to him was doubled due to her pregnancy hormones and she had even started having vivid sex dreams about him that left her panting and sweating, all alone in her bed.

It was one of those dreams she was thinking of as they ate lunch in his office along with a grumpier-than-usual Miles. Monroe was at his desk, facing her, while Miles perched on the windowsill watching them eat their sandwiches wearing his most unsettling frown.

They were mostly ignoring him, exchanging secretive smiles every time he looked away. It felt good, for once being the person who shared a special bond with Sebastian Monroe. When the man gave his loyalty it was absolute and that touched something inside Charlie, the part of her that was still a lonely girl who felt like second best to everyone. Now, she had someone who wouldn't ever run out on her, who wouldn't put anyone before her. He also made her feel safe, was protective of her, didn't let her walk home alone at night, despite the fact that she could very well take care of herself. Coming from anyone else it might have felt suffocating, but there was something different about him. Monroe didn't make her feel patronized, he made her feel cared about.

Which in turn made her feel pathetic. The effect he had on her made her beyond embarrassed - like a stupid teenager with a crush. One quick smile flashed her direction had her melting inside. Their nightly ritual this past couple of weeks included him walking her home, having dinner together and him hugging her goodnight at the door, with a tender pat on her stomach.

Such physical contact was disturbing her sleep and Charlie had no clue what to do about it. Apart from a few electric moments where she'd thought maybe now he was going to make a move and plant one on her - he'd shown no interest in having his way with her.

Yet here she was, half-lost in recalling a dream where he swiped all the paperwork that drove him crazy off the desk and non-too-gently bent her over it, slamming up into her before she was ready, causing a delicious friction then pumping in and out over and over until she screamed...

"Charlie? Hey!" Miles' bad tempered outburst snapped her back into the room.

"Huh?" Monroe was smirking at her, the evil, sexy, hot sonofabitch. Miles was just glaring.

"I asked whose sweater that is? It's different."

"Mine again." Monroe spoke up, eyes on her.

"And why is my niece suddenly wearing more of your clothes than you are? And looking at you like you're her lunch instead of that sandwich?"

There was total silence in the office.

Charlie wanted to die.


If not sooner.

Her cheeks on fire, Charlie risked a glance at Monroe, who looked up at Miles, mildly surprised. For a minute she hated him harder than she ever had before.

"I gave her a couple sweaters, brother." He shrugged. "I don't wear em and she seems to like them. No big deal Miles. As for your other question... Have you seen me man? Women can't help the drooling, don't blame the kid." The total amusement dancing in his eyes while she tried to murder him where he sat using only her stare, only made her want to fuck him more. Bastard.

"I do not look at you like, like, that." She swung around in her seat to send her Uncle a matching death glare. "I don't! Even if I did, it would be none of your business! Is that what's been wrong with you all day?"

Miles crossed his arms, eyes black as they bore into her. "I wanna know if something's going on between you two. You're always together, you don't even argue anymore... it's weird. Your mom and I have a right to-"

Charlie knocked her coffee cup off the table in her haste to stand up and cut him off. "Don't. Don't you dare finish that sentence! You have the right?!" Miles looked genuinely regretful of his choice of words even as she spoke, but a surge of absolute fury was running through her and she couldn't stop it. "I am a grown woman, Miles! I was feeding most of our village by the time I was 15 years old! I raised Danny, while the woman you think has a right to tell me what to do was off trying to fuck my uncle!" Monroe was behind her suddenly, hands on her shoulders, asking her to calm down, but she ignored him completely. "I am sick of being treated like a stupid kid by all of you. When I've made better, more mature decisions than all of you put together! And if I decide to screw the entire Monroe family tree it'll be nobodies business but mine!" Before anyone could find a response, Charlie had rushed out of the room. She made it all the way to the bathroom before she burst into tears.

"Nice, Miles. Real nice. You fucking idiot." Bass was attempting to mop up the spilled coffee on his desk, fighting hard against the need to go after Charlie and make sure she was okay. But knowing that woman, his presence wouldn't be welcomed until she calmed down and, although he'd never admit it - pregnant Charlotte scared the crap out of him when she was in the grip of a mood swing.

"What's wrong with her Bass? Something isn't right, I know it. If it isn't something to do with you - you at least know about it. Has somebody hurt her, is that it?" The rage in Miles' eyes reminded Bass of the night he'd found out about the baby. when he had believed Charlie was being hurt, that she was wearing a heavy sweater to tone down her appearance, or hide bruises. He also remembered the rampage he had been prepared to go on.

"No, Miles. Listen to me, nobody is hurting her." He shoved the rag he'd been failing to clean up the coffee with under his desk and faced his best friend. "Charlotte is okay. She's just a little stressed out and emotional lately."

"Then why-" Miles began and was swiftly cut off again.

"Look, you're asking questions I already asked her weeks ago. She said she's fine, so she's fine. I've been keeping an eye on her. If anyone tries to hurt her I'll make her a new sweater out of their flayed skin and you know I will. So drop it man. Go play house with Yoko and let me look out for Charlie." Bass hated not telling the truth, but now just wasn't the time. And he needed Miles to get the hell out so he could go find her and hold her. The need to wrap his arms around her was damping down any guilt about keeping Miles in the dark when he was worried.

It took him ten minutes to get rid of his best friend and another five to find her.

Standing at the bathroom door, he knocked gently and heard nothing. Bass felt panicked, he couldn't stop it. A million terrible things could have happened to her in the past twenty minutes and they all raced through his mind. He nearly took the door off its hinges when he forced it open. Unfortunately, he missed the man who hung in the background, watching him intently.

Charlie was on the floor when he entered, leaning against the bathroom wall.

"Hey." She looked up, face still wet.

"I'm sorry." She said in a small voice. "I don't know what's wrong with me."

Sitting down beside her, he reached over and slipped his fingers through hers, squeezing gently. "You're pregnant, Charlie. Your body is changing all the time and it's messing with your emotions. It's not your fault." Her head came to rest on his shoulder, body relaxing. Bass loved that he had the ability to make her feel better, that the mother of his child was able to take comfort in just having him with her. It made him feel needed, like he was finally important, necessary even - to someone he loved. Selfish maybe, but it was everything to him.

This whole thing was like a dream to him. It wasn't just the baby, it was Charlotte more than anything - in his head, they were now his girls, his family. Charlie was as much a part of that as their daughter was. The fact that he got to be father to her child made it perfect. Which scared the hell out of him. Bass didn't get perfect, or happy. He never even got just okay. So he was still waiting for the disaster to hit, for someone or something to take them both away from him. With the volatile reaction he had just witnessed, that someone could end up being Miles.

Charlie had worried that Bass would be forced to choose between her and Miles, but he knew that she hadn't stopped to consider the more likely possibility that she would be the one forced to choose. Chances were, when they found out, her family would accept the child if he was out of the picture. Then who knows what would happen.

"I just wish things were different" Charlie mumbled.

"Me too. I'm sorry." And he truly was, because already he could feel everything start to slip away.

"No. Please don't say that." She touched his chest, hand finding his heart automatically. "You know what I hate? I hate that it's always you. Why are you the villain of the story when they've done just as much. In fact, worse. And Miles... I mean he didn't even have an excuse."

"Neither do I, Charlie."

Now she lifted her head off his shoulder to look him in the eye. "I'm not trying to make excuses for you. It's just..." She faltered, gaze dropping.

Bass reached up and raised her chin. "It's just what?"

Charlie's expression was impossibly soft. "I know what you did was wrong. But now that I know everything...I get it. I can look at you and understand why. Losing people you love over and over again... It kills something inside you. One day you just wake up and you realize that it's made you different...darker. "

Bass heart rate slowed as he stared at her. How was it that this woman understood him completely? After all he'd done to her...

"With you, it's a progression. You suffered so much it made you bad. But Miles... My mom... I can't find a reason and I've tried so hard to. I love my Uncle, more than anyone, I'd forgive him anything. But I don't get why it's okay for me to do that for him, but not you."

She was looking at him like he had the answers. Her wide-eyed, innocent expression and heartfelt words made tears gather in his eyes.

"Please don't cry." Charlie whispered, even as her own fell.

"Charlotte..." Bass was beyond choked up, his voice catching.

"How did it happen, Bass? How did my worst enemy become the only person I can believe in?"

Bass couldn't take it anymore, the broken, half-mended pieces of him shattered into a thousand splintered shards, tearing him open.

They both moved at the same time, hands grabbing at each others faces, mouths pressing together. Tears mingled as they kissed desperately, tasting salt and something lingering underneath, something he suspected might have been exactly what hope tasted like.

For a long time they held onto each other, their lips saying everything they couldn't. Not yet. Both of their souls had opened today, on a bathroom floor in Willoughby. Their broken bits may have been shattered once again, but this time, when the scattered pieces began slowly knitting back together, they were fitting into the right places - guided and held by something much better than drink or violence. Something far stronger than hate.

Only when they were interrupted by the building shutting down around them did they separate.

Charlie's head was back on his shoulder and he was idly playing with a few strands of her hair. "We should get you home." He told her.

"Will you stay with me tonight?" Charlie straightened up, looking him with what could only be described as nervous fear. He brushed his fingers over her cheek, leaning in to press another kiss on the corner of her mouth. "I'll stay as long as you'll let me, Charlotte."

Her smile made his heart jump. Linking their hands, he helped her get to her feet.

When they exited the bathroom, they found Miles waiting for them. He wasn't glaring anymore.

"You been listening at the door brother?" Bass had Charlies hand in his still and defiantly tightened his grip.

"Something like that." Miles' eyes were on the woman beside him. "Charlie." He sounded weary. "You wanted to know why I became a monster? Why life and everyone in it stopped mattering to me?"

"Miles, I-"

"No, kid, I know. You're right. If anyone deserves an explanation it's you. But not here, let's go to dickheads office. "

Bass felt Charlie squeeze his hand tightly and knew it was a silent request for him to stay with her. "Okay." She croaked out, heavy emotion still lingering in her voice. Miles' eyes found his.

"I'm not leaving her." The stubborn set of his jaw made Miles sigh.

"I guess you should hear this too - before I kill you for getting Charlie pregnant."

The three of them walked together, Charlie in between the two men, clutching Monroe's hand like it was a lifeline. Not only did her Uncle know she was having his best friend's baby - but he had overheard her speak out loud thoughts about him that she had never in a million years wanted him to know about.

Miles was the center of her world and Charlie loved him, deeply. What she had told Bass was true, she would forgive him anything, always. But the more she had come to know Monroe, care about Monroe, she had also started to realize that questions she'd had about his descent into darkness had never even occurred to her before, not when it came to her Uncle. And it made her feel guilty, watching the way her mom and everyone else treated Bass like he was the only one of them who know how to be a monster.

Yet she'd kept it all in - because even thinking that way about Uncle Miles was disloyal. Sebastian Monroe and Miles Matheson had plenty of experience of being torn apart over a woman, but Charlie was probably the first who felt torn between them. Growing love for one led to doubts about the other and absolute loyalty to that other led to guilt and unfairness being heaped onto the one she was falling in love with. Sometimes Charlie felt dizzy trying to get it all straight in her head.

When they made it inside, Miles faced her, looking solemn. "After your mom got to Philly, I treated her pretty badly. I was angry, that she had come instead of your dad. But also because she wouldn't tell me where you were, what had happened to you, if you were even alive. I got pretty rough with her, I hurt her. And in retaliation she told me something, something that-" He scratched his head, seeming lost for words. "You see kid, back before you were born, your mom and I, we, we-"

"You slept together." Charlie said quietly. Bass was surprised to find there wasn't an ounce of anger or judgement in her words.

"Yeah, we did." Miles looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here right now. "It was only once, one moment of weakness. But it was close enough to her having you that I was never really sure.. Anyway, she refused to tell me anything at all. Until the day I slapped her. After I did it I hated myself, but Rachel hated me more. She told me that you were my kid, and that you had died, because I didn't try hard enough to find you."

Bass couldn't believe what he was hearing. Charlie was Miles' kid? Rachel was bitch enough to tell him that and in the same breath lie and say she was dead?

"I'd already started slipping, spiraling out of control... When we never found your family I was half convinced that you were all dead. That my- what could have been my- was dead and gone. Your mom knew and she used it against me. It worked. Two days later I was in Baltimore, earning my nickname."

Charlie was swaying beside him. Bass was barely standing himself. Miles went on. "I lost you, kid. Finding you, it took over everything in my head, made me ruthless and cruel with others. But when she told me you were dead... It killed me. So now you know, that's how I became a monster, a real one. It took me thinking your mom was dead too to snap me out of it, to realize what I'd done. When you found me in that bar I was just waiting to die and join you both."

There were genuine tears in his eyes. Bass felt Charlies hand slip from his as she stepped forward, closer to Miles. "You're my...?"

"I don't know, Charlie and that's the truth. Your mom said she doesn't know for sure either. I'm sorry kid, you'll never know how sorry I-" He was cut off again, this time by her barreling into his arms.

Bass watched as the pair hugged each other tight, feeling like he was intruding on something that no one else should have seen.

"It doesn't matter, okay?" Charlie was saying. "None of it matters. I love you, so much. Nothing will ever change that."

Miles buried his face in her shoulder, hiding the fact that his face was wet. "I love you, Charlie, dad or not, I always have and I always will."

For a few long moments they stayed like that. Then they broke apart, smiling at each other almost shyly. Bass couldn't keep the smile off his face. Maybe everything was going to be alright. Then Miles caught his eye and the hope died in his heart immediately.

"So... You wanna die here or at home?"

When they got back to her place, Charlie warned them not to kill each other and went upstairs to wash her face, feeling like she looked disgusting.

Once she splashed some cold water on it, trying to ready herself for the conversation she was about to have, she felt a little more human.

But when she quietly left the bathroom and made her way to the top of the stairs, she found another conversation was going on in her living room.

"So, what were you doing Bass, touching Charlie? Was it your way of getting back at me? At Rachel? She told me, about that night, in Philly, how you tried to get her in bed, what you two almost did. What was Charlie, your replacement?"

Charlie felt a wave of nausea sweep over her. Monroe and her mom? She gripped the staircase for support, her world imploding immediately. Downstairs, she heard Monroe's reply, his voice low and filled with anger.

"Rachel? Let me tell you something about your innocent little Rachel... That night in Philly? It was the anniversary of my family getting wiped out. She came to my room, to 'console' me." Every word dripped with venom. "She had a few drinks with me, made me feel like things were the same as before, like she was my friend again. Then she started in on you, how you'd betrayed us both. By the time she came onto me, I was ready to do anything to get back at you." Her heart was racing, she didn't know whether to march downstairs and confront him or run to her room and cry her eyes out. But he wasn't done talking. "And you know what, brother? Even then I couldn't do it. It was the only time I lifted a hand to that woman, which is more than you can say. I threw her on the floor and left her there. Then I went to my office and cried like a fucking baby. That's what happened that night."

"And I'm supposed to believe you?" Came Miles' angry retort.

"I don't give a shit what you believe Miles. Just don't you ever dare for a minute try to say that Charlie is some replacement to me for a woman I don't even like, let alone want. Charlotte is worth a thousand of that lying, psycho bitch. As for getting back at you, man you are the last thing on my mind when I'm with her."

"Just promise me you're not gonna touch her again, Bass. If she wants you to help with the kid, that's fine, but you're not to go anywhere near her again. Promise me right now."



"You heard me, Miles."

"I thought you said it only happened once."

"I did. That's not the point."

"Then what is, asshole? You saying it's gonna happen again? Are you two gonna play happy families?"

"I don't know what's going to happen. But Charlie is the only one who gets to decide that. I fucked it all up, before, with Connor. I never should have offered him the Republic. If I'd known... If I'd had any clue what was going to happen with her... Hell, I probably wouldn't have made the offer in the first place. But I did. And she still forgave me, gave me a chance to be a dad. If she ever gives me the chance to be with her, properly - you're not gonna stop me."

"Christ... You love her... You can't love Charlie."

"But I do. I do love her. I've never felt this way about anyone Miles and if you make me choose, I will pick her."

Charlie's heart was fluttering madly as she straightened up. He loved her. He picked her. Over Miles.

"That's sweet and all, Bass, but you're delusional. Charlie will never love you, not like that."

"But I do." She was halfway down the stairs, her voice stronger than her legs felt. Her words were for Miles, but her eyes were focused on Monroe as she descended. "I do love him."

They were both staring at her. Monroe was walking over to meet her at the bottom of the stairs. His eyes were rounded in shock. Then she was being pulled against him, their foreheads resting together. He was trembling, she could feel it as her arms slipped around his neck.

The kitchen door banged as Miles stormed out of the room. A few seconds later the sounds of drawers and cupboards being rattled reached them. He was probably looking for alcohol. Neither of them looked up.

"Did you mean it?" Charlie pressed a soft kiss on him. "I love you Bass. I choose you." The significance of her words were not lost on either of them as he gripped her hair and kissed her, long and deep, leaving her breathless.

When they parted for air, her face found his neck. "Fuck, I forgot what this feels like." He murmured.

"What what feels like?" She asked with a smile.

"Happiness, Charlotte. What it feels like to have exactly what you wanted."

She pulled her head back to smile at him. He ran his thumb across her cheek. "I love you, Charlie."

"Aww, ain't it sweet?" Miles came back in, swinging a bottle.

Charlie turned to face him, shrugging. "I guess it is."

Miles narrowed his eyes at her, "It's not sweet, Charlie. It's... it's... weird, is what it is."

"Oh, really?" She snapped back at him, "Kinda like you and my mom trying your damnedest every chance you get to give me a set of brother-cousins?!"

Monroe burst out laughing behind her. "That's my girl. She's got you there bro."

"You shut up!" Miles shot at him. "Charlie, sweetheart, you don't have to be with him just because you're having a baby."

"Thanks for worrying, Miles. But you don't need to. I wanted to be with him before I even knew about the baby."

Miles raised an eyebrow at that. "Why? You're... you. And he's... him.. an old shmuck,"

"That's the father of my child you're talking about!" Now it was her turn to glare.

Miles tried a different approach. "Your mom is going to go crazy, you know that right?"

"My mom is already crazy, and it's nothing to do with her. Or you, whether you're my dad or not."

Miles shut his mouth with a snap. Charlie watched him for just a second before she went to him and slipped her arms around his waist, pressing her cheek against his chest. After a beat, she felt his arms come around her, his chin resting on top of her head. "I love you. And loving him as well won't change that. Nothing ever could." His grip tightened noticeably.

"I love you kid. You're the only thing in this damn world that matters to me. You better know it."

"I do." She answered, pressing closer and breathing in the scent that was uniquely Miles. Mingled with the lingering memory of Bass' smell, Charlie felt like she was finally home. "But, Miles, I need you on my side now." Then she pulled back, looking up at her Uncle, who looked dangerously close to tears.

"Aren't I always?" The gruff reply prompted a fresh wave of emotion in her and he wiped the tears from her cheeks before looking over to Bass, who was watching them in silence, face strangely blank.

Miles gently released himself from Charlie's grip and walked over to him. She crossed her fingers, watching as the two men she loved best stared each other down. Then Miles threw his arms around his brother, hugging him tightly. "I love you as well, asshole." Bass' face was suddenly wet again as he returned her Uncle's hug. Thinking of Miles as 'dad' was just too strange. "Congratulations, brother." Miles continued.

Bass and Charlie, having a baby, with each other. Miles could barely wrap his head around it. But as he and Bass broke apart and he immediately went to Charlie, pulling her to him, Miles couldn't summon any more anger.

Charlie deserved everything she wanted, and as he took in the protective way his brother held her to him, the smile on her face as she stared up at him, he knew she wasn't in the grip of some hormonal crush. Charlie was in love with him. And the family she had given to Bass was one that Miles would do anything to be a part of.

As they started kissing again, the knowledge that all hell was going to break loose when Rachel found out made a pang of regret constrict his chest. Every one of them had done terrible things. Bass deserved a second chance just as much as anyone else did. Deep down he had always known that - but it had taken Charlie's heartbroken questions in that bathroom for it to really hit him. And she was right, Rachel didn't have any right to judge it. Or to keep on blaming Bass for everything. It was time for him to have a long, honest talk with the woman he loved.

Not long after, he left them to find Rachel and make her understand.

The moment the door closed behind him, Charlie attacked Bass. He could barely catch his breath as her lips assaulted his. A thrill of desire shot right through him. It had been far too long since he'd been able to touch her the way he really wanted. Her tongue breached his bottom lip and he nearly came in his pants right there. "Slow down," he groaned against her lips.

"I want you." she practically purred, replacing her tongue with her teeth, biting gently. "Please, it's all I've thought about for so long Bass." The woman was trying to kill him.

"Oh yeah?" He cupped her ass in his hands, pulling her against his throbbing erection.

"Yeah." Charlie moved her mouth to his neck. "I've been having all kinds of dreams." Hot breath reached his ear. "I want you inside me again." The blood in every part of his body rushed south, leaving him slightly dizzy. Charlie's desire for him had made him lose all control their first time - apparently he hadn't gotten that out of his system yet.

With shaking hands, he unzipped her, slipping inside her panties and finding his fingers soaked in her arousal. His cock twitched as he slid first one, then two into her tight heat. Pumping slowly, in and out, he kept the same torturous pace until he felt her constrict around him. Then he dragged his fingers out, stroking her through her first orgasm.

Then they were kissing again, hard and uncontrolled. His jeans somehow ended up around his ankles and hers were long gone. And then her back was pressed against the wall, her heels digging into his back and he was pushing inside her with a long, loud groan. She fit him perfectly, clamping down on his cock so hard he could see stars. Gripping her ass, he set a fast pace, thrusting all the way in, encouraged by her gasps and moans. Her nails were gouging into his back and it only spurred him on.

Before he knew it, she was coming again with a wanton scream, unlike anything he'd ever heard from her before. A few deep thrusts later, his balls tightened and he cried out harshly, spilling himself inside her.

Bass slumped against her, exhausted. Charlie was holding him to her, pressing kisses along his beard before reaching his mouth.

Eventually he set her down and pulled his pants back up, watching her as she looked for her own pants and pulled them back on. It was just like last time, only now he didn't have to let her go - watch her leave him behind.

That had been one of the hardest moments of his life, finding out he might actually have her waiting for him in the future - only to realize he had already screwed it up by making the promise that he had to his son. After it, he had avoided her, unsure how to act and terrified he would confess it all to her and lose both her and Connor.

But that night in Vegas had finally killed his hope that they could eventually work it out. The sight of her there, with his son, had brought down a wall of steel between her and his feelings for her. Bass had half-believed it had worked until that night by the train, when Tom Neville had dared try to hurt her. It was then that he knew he was fucked. He was in love with what he thought was his son's girlfriend. And even then he had known there was no one else to blame but himself. The guilt over how he had treated her hit him again. He was the biggest asshole in the world.

When she smiled over at him, Bass couldn't bring himself to return it. He'd tainted her life entirely now. She was going to have a baby who would one day find out that her daddy had killed her Grandfather and her Uncle - that it was because of him that she had such a small family. Miles might be dealing with it, but Rachel never would, he already knew that. Which meant another lose for Charlie.

The smile died on her face. She sounded scared when she spoke to him. "Bass?"

He could only stare at her, quickly filled with a sense of dread that weighed down on him, choking him. "What the hell have I done?"

"Then go." Charlie's steady, even tone surprised him. "If you can't do this, then you leave and you do it now. You walk away and don't ever come back."

"Charlie... I love you, I meant that. Do you know how long I've wanted to tell you that?" The dread was still there inside of him, making his throat close over. But the idea of walking away from her was far worse than anything else he could think of.

"You're not the only one, Monroe. Do you think any of this has been easy for me? Cause it hasn't." She was perfectly calm, which only made him feel worse, lending an unreal quality to this conversation. "I sat for hours," she went on, "all by myself, trying to convince myself to drink a tea that would make this just disappear. And I almost did. That's when Priscilla found me. I was feeling just like you are now, so scared.."

She thought back as she spoke, remembering that day clearly...

Her hands were trembling uncontrollably. Every time she tried to lift the small flask it almost tipped over and spilled. But she needed to do this. Getting her hands on it had taken a very dangerous trip to see a woman she knew in Willoughby who was well known for helping women who'd gotten themselves in trouble. It had been explained to her, what would happen, the blood, and the pain. The idea of it made her feel sick, and truly afraid. There was a tiny little life inside of her, a child that belonged primarily to her. But it didn't matter. Because the child's father hated her. Her family would hate her when they found it. She would have no one, her and her baby would be completely alone in this world and Charlie didn't think she could do it.

She reached for the flask again, forcing her fingers steady. To her surprise, it worked. Cradling it in her hands, a flash of something different, a tiny little human resting in her arms. The tears came back. This was impossible! There wasn't room for this! It was the middle of a war, there would be no place for her and a baby to go. This needed to happen, no matter what she felt.

The memory of how she ended up in this mess was a constant torture. That one moment of bliss with a man she was supposed to hate... swiftly followed by weeks of indifference and then outright disgust... that's how he treated her. How could she go to him and tell him that they'd made a child in their stupidity? She couldn't. Maybe he wouldn't even believe that the kid was his, he might look at her with that revulsion in his eyes again.. And Miles.. he would never look at her the same way ever again. That, she believed, might kill her.

"Hello, Charlotte." The approach of Aaron's weird wife had her scrambling to hide the flask in her pocket. "You look sad. I don't like it when you're sad, that is a feeling that makes me feel things that aren't good." As the woman sat beside her, a little too close for Charlie's liking, she simply shrugged, unsure what to even say to that.

After a moment of quiet, Priscilla spoke again. "It's a girl, you know. You wondered didn't you? You were right, it's a little baby girl. And she's going to look just like you. Although she'll have her father in her eyes, no one will be able to deny her parentage!"

All Charlie could do was stare at her, "I. How did you..."

"I just know these things. As I know what you're thinking of doing. I came to see you because I don't think you should. You're very unhappy about it."

"I don't have a choice." There was a lump in her throat and she desperately willed away a fresh wave of tears.

"There's always a choice Charlie. That's the wonderful thing about being human. Every moment of a human life is based on the choices that have been made, or will be made. Everybody is allowed to make their own choice. It's beautiful really."

"I don't have a choice," she said again, "not about this. I wish I did."

Priscilla smiled at her. "Your child is going to be very beautiful. And terribly clever. She will love stories, especially the ones you tell her. She will hate maths... Aaron will try so very hard to make her like it, but he will fail." The woman laughed, a tinkling, soothing sound. "The first boy who ever kisses her, you'll never guess what she will do! She will kick him, so hard that a bone in his leg will crack! It will be one of the proudest moments of your life. Miles Matheson will find himself at the whims and mercy of your daughter as well. That will be very fun to see!"

The picture being painted in Charlie's head was pushing into her heart, painfully. How could she even think of doing this? Whatever happened, however she had come about, this was her baby. It was her duty to protect the life inside of her, not abandon and hurt her own child, like her own mother had done to her. The flask was back in her hand, she felt Priscilla squeeze her shoulder gently then leave her alone again.

By herself again, Charlie very slowly and deliberately opened the flask and tipped its contents onto the ground beside her, a new resolve settling inside her. Monroe could go to hell. So could everyone else who might not like this. She was a mother now, and her child was going nowhere.

Charlie finished her story with a smile in her voice. "I knew then," she told him, "that even if I had to do it alone, without any of you - my baby wasn't going anywhere."

Bass could see it in his own mind, the picture of their kid. A little girl, who looked the image of Charlotte as a child. As innocent and tomboyish as her mother always was. The image stuck itself to his brain as Charlie went on. "I don't care if it's complicated, I want to do this, with you. But if you can't handle it then you need to leave me alone. If you're gonna run you need to do it now."

There was nothing he could say. Deep inside he was still frozen with panic, still worried about the future. But could he really turn away from her? From them?

Then she walked away from him, "See yourself out Bass. We'll talk tomorrow, if you want."

As she went upstairs, Charlie felt like screaming. She knew this was hard for him too but she was so tired. Literally drained. She'd gotten a taste of hope, a tiny second of happiness. It was inevitable that it would fall apart. Still, if he really left her now, after their confessions earlier - there wouldn't be anymore chances for him.

She lay on top of her bed, feeling miserable. Despite having cleaned away the evidence of their coupling, she could still feel him inside her. It didn't erase the need she felt for him.

Bitterness rose as she thought that if he went at least he'd gotten one for the road. Maybe that was the reason for his attack of nerves - perhaps the reality of her wasn't anything close to the memory. Rolling over, she battled the urge to cry. The constant ups and downs of her emotions were driving her nuts. None of the men in her life were helping.

The front door knocked, pounded really. Charlie grabbed a pillow and pulled it over her head. If her mom was here to kill them both, she just didn't want to know.

Bass opened the door, half-hoping Miles was back to shoot him. Instead he found an awkward looking Aaron on the doorstep. "I just saw Miles..." Was his opening statement.

Bass sighed, closing the door and walking out to the porch steps and sitting down, his head in his hands.

Aaron joined him rather than going inside. "So... I get to be Godfather, right?"

"What?" Bass turned to look at him. That was the last thing he'd been expecting to hear.

"Well, Miles already gets to be Uncle and Charlie is my family..." Aaron didn't appear to have any idea that Bass was staring at him like he was crazy.

"Wait, that's all you're concerned about?"

"What else am I supposed to say?" The man shrugged. "If Charlie is happy then I'm happy for her."

"Happy she got knocked up by a monster?" Bass was incredulous.

Now Aaron looked annoyed. "You're gonna be a father now Monroe. I know you have a big ego, but really, you need to get over yourself now." The fact that he didn't even get a glare for his words seemed to annoy him even more. "Look, you haven't always been a stand-up guy - but neither has anyone else around here, in case you hadn't noticed. You and Charlie have always had a special connection, anyone who was really looking could have seen it. And if you're half as protective of that kid as you are of its mother, then you're gonna be a hell of a dad."

"What kind of a dad can say they killed their child's grandfather?" The misery was dripping from every word.

"I was there when Ben died, Monroe and it wasn't you who pulled the trigger. That was Neville. Let's face it, that kid could possibly grow up to hate every one of us, except its mother."

"Her." Bass said quietly, "It's a girl." He couldn't quite wrap his head around Aaron's casual acceptance.

"A girl?" Aaron looked delighted. "Oh man... another little Charlie... The world might end again with two of them to find trouble." Bass couldn't help but chuckle as he went on excitedly, "they're gonna give Miles hell!"

"Wouldn't wanna miss that."

"I take it you were planning on it? Missing it? No wonder you look so miserable."

Shame engulfed Bass. He really was a fucking idiot, a world class one. "No, Staypuft, I'm not gonna miss anything."

Charlie could hear people moving around downstairs. There were a couple outbursts of laughter and then footsteps on the stairs. When the door opened and he came in her heart skipped at the grin on his face. "Staypuft is burning down your kitchen trying to make soup and I can't find any spoons. Also, he wants to be godfather or he's making us name the kid after him. I need backup down here."

Blinking up at him, Charlie could barely understand what he had just said. "Calling a girl Aaron?" Was all she managed when she finally caught up.

"There's always Erin I guess." An awkward silence followed.

"Godfather it is." She decided after a long moment.

Then he was right in front of her. "I'm sorry. I'm the world's biggest asshole. Apparently a moment of panic is forgivable?"

His hopeful expression brought a small smile to her face. "You sure?"

"I'm not going anywhere, I swear. I never was, just needed a moment to get over my massive ego. Staypuft has a way with words." She let him pull her into his lap, wrapping her legs around his waist. "I love you Charlie."

"I love you." She mumbled against his shoulder. The she lifted her head to kiss him.

They were seriously carried away in a matter of seconds, lost in a heated kiss. Then a yelp from downstairs, followed swiftly by a crash broke the moment.

"It's okay," Came a shout, "Under control!"

Laughing, Charlie slipped off his lap. "I better go rescue him before he burns my house down and I have to move in with Miles."

"If he burns your house down you're moving in with me." He answered as he followed her out of the room. Slipping his arms around her from behind, he spoke against her ear, "In fact, I think we should stay up here and let him burn the whole place down."

Charlie smiled, leaning back against him. "With us stuck up here? That's genius."

Bass was kissing a trail up her neck, his voice melting her from the inside, "I'll save you, I'll always save you."

A very strong pulse of heat made her throb inside. Charlie had never been impressed by the idea of a typical strong alpha male, the stereotypical 'big-strong-man' - so it always surprised her how hot she found his sheer masculine strength. The idea of him sweeping her up in his arms and carrying her away from a dangerous situation always made her wet.

Grinding her ass back against him, she moaned softly and felt him harden in response. "Charlotte..."

"Uh, guys? Do you have a fire extinguisher?"

Groaning against her hair, Bass adjusted himself in his pants and slung an arm around her, guiding her downstairs. "I'm gonna kill him."

"Wait until he cooks first. Aaron is a total mess in any kitchen, but when he doesn't destroy the place first, he's actually really good with food."

"Fine." Bass led her to the couch and sat her down. "But after dinner I'm throwing him out so I can enjoy dessert." His roguish grin earned him a small laugh.

"Are you sure you're okay, Monroe? I'm getting whiplash again."

Sitting down beside her, he took her hand. "I'm sorry, Charlie. I had a moment of panic, thinking about the future, how she'll know what I've done. But I was never gonna just run out on you. Leaving never even crossed my mind, okay?"

"She's gonna know that she has a dad who loves her, Bass. We don't have to stay here, you don't have to be General Monroe anymore. We can leave here, leave him behind, if that's what you want."

Charlie couldn't read the look on his face. "Is that what you want?"

She shook her head. "I just want you, whatever that might mean. If you wanna stay right here and run things, build your empire, I'll deal. And if you want to give it up, get a real job, I'll deal with that too."

Bass kissed her softly. "What did I ever do to deserve you?"

"You saved me. You make me feel special. Doesn't hurt that you're hot. Seriously hot." She was aware she'd started looking at him like he was on the menu again.

So was he. "You're insatiable Charlotte."

"It's your fault." She grabbed him by his shirt, pulling him close. "Like I said, hot." The temperature of the room shot up as she kissed him, hard. There was a pool of desire in her belly and every time he touched her it only increased. Pregnancy was turning her into a Monroe-addict. Or maybe she already was one and the veil had just been lifted. Either way, as she slid her hands under his shirt, she'd forgotten that they had company. Apparently, so had he.

"Charlie..." he groaned softly, "you are so beautiful."

She was once again pulled into his lap, kisses turning gentle. There was a fluttering in her heart that had nothing to do with sex. Breaking away from his mouth, she looked him straight in the eye. "Stay with me. Please." Charlie knew, that despite his fears and his guilt, Bass would be there for their baby, no matter what. But she wanted more. She wanted him to stay with her, for her. She didn't just want him to be their daughter's father, she wanted him to be hers as well. Her partner.

"I will, Charlie. I'm here."

Monroe had taken her face in his hands, watching her with that look, the one that made her feel like he already knew everything inside her head. Rather than it making her feel embarrassed or stupid, being so exposed to him, it made her feel comforted. "What if there was no baby?" She asked him, "Would you still want me then?"

"Charlotte..." His thumb stroked her cheek. "I've wanted you from the moment I saw you. Baby or no baby, I'll be here. I'm so sorry I ever made you believe any different." The raw emotion in his words was too much for her. Nobody ever wanted just her. The sincerity in his eyes was clear though. That devotion, usually aimed at her stomach, was all for her right now. "What if I said I wanted you with me forever?"

The look on his face was one that Charlie had never seen before. Surprise, mixed in with relief and genuine happiness. But they were interrupted before he could respond.

"Monroe... are you crying?" Aaron was standing in the kitchen doorway, an amused smile on his face. Then he caught Charlie's eye.

"Hey kiddo."


"I know you guys would probably like to be alone, but I'm under orders to stay put until Miles gets back." He was babbling, trying to appear casual while awkwardness and excitement warred on his face. Charlie felt a rush of affection for the man. Squeezing Bass' shoulder, she slipped off his lap and rushed over into Aaron's open arms.

"I can't believe you're gonna be a mom... My little troublemaker, making babies..."

Monroe was behind her then, rolling his eyes. "So, Miles left you here to cock-block me?"

Aaron looked more uncomfortable than ever as Charlie darted past him to check out what he had pulled together. He kept his voice low. "He said he was going to have a talk with Rachel and that he needed me to stay with you guys, that's all I know."

Fuck... The two men exchanged a look. "You get Charlotte settled, I'll check the locks."

"Keep away from the windows." Aaron said to his retreating back. He turned and was shocked to see genuine worry on Staypuft's face. The man shrugged. "Rachel is scarier than you've ever been."

Bass wasn't gonna argue with that.

By the time they finished their soup, he was as nervous as Aaron. Miles knew and was okay. Charlie loved him. Which meant Rachel could and probably would, be the one to screw it all up.

She had taken it personally, Bass knew, that he was the one person she could never manipulate, wrap around her little finger. The woman had never wanted him, but the fact that he didn't want her always rubbed her the wrong way. That's why she still hated him so much, why his very presence annoyed her. Rachel Matheson was used to men treating her like she was something special, especially the men Bass had grown up with. But he had never understood the hold she had on Miles and Ben. Sure she was pretty, but a whole bunch of women were pretty. She was also one cold bitch and always had been. Truly like ice. For all her whining about doing the right thing, Bass had seen countless examples of the terrible things she was responsible for. It felt like he was the only person around here who could see that woman for who she really was.

And grandmother or not, if he had anything to do with it, Rachel would have no part in his kid's upbringing. Bitch would only spend her time poisoning his daughter against him and then not even Charlie would be able to save her.

The thought of Charlie made him look over at her. She was already watching him.

"You okay?" she asked. "There's a dark cloud over your head."

"Just thinking." He attempted to smile but it looked more like a grimace he was sure. She reached across, fingers closing around his wrist. The light squeeze gave him a feeling of reassurance that no words could have. Her eyes were telling him everything would be okay. For a second he believed her.

Then the door knocked.

Bass could feel his stomach sink. Aaron had taken on a new level of panicked-face.

The door banged again.

A hundred different scenarios ran through his mind, all ending with him lying dead at Rachel Matheson's feet. But when Charlie gave a sigh and got up, he still shot out a hand to stop her. There was nothing he would put past that crazy bitch, even hurting her kid.

But as he walked to the door, feeling much like he had at his execution, she refused to stay in the kitchen. The best he could do was keep her behind him as he unlocked the front door.

A frazzled looking Miles was on the doorstep. He quickly brushed past them. "Lock the door Bass."

Charlie followed her uncle into the kitchen. "Miles? What happened?"

"I tried to talk to her, explain it all." Miles sighed. "I'm sorry kid."

She gave a shrug of her own. "As long as she keeps her opinions to herself it's fine."

The men in the room were looking at her suddenly like she had grown a second head. But Charlie just didn't have it in her to get overly emotional about her mom being her usual self.

"What?" She looked around the room. Everyone who really mattered, who always had her back, they were right here - supporting her, like they always did. Nobody else really counted.

"You're taking it pretty well." said Miles.

"Are you sure you're okay?" asked Aaron.

And Monroe, he was looking at the floor, feeling like shit, she knew. "I'm sorry Charlie."

"No." She shook her head. "Don't do that." It was a sad mockery of a family she had, something that was becoming clearer the more she had withdrawn from them. "You don't have to be sorry Bass. None of you have to worry. I knew she would react badly, it's not like I'm shocked. And honestly? I don't really care." In case they didn't believe her, she continued, "Really. The one I was really afraid to tell was Bass." She could feel his eyes as they locked on her. "The only other one I was afraid of was you, Miles." Here she paused, turning to smile over at Aaron. "I knew I could count on you, whatever happened with these two idiots." They all chuckled. "Honestly, now I know everything is okay with you guys, I don't care what anyone else thinks."

Feeling Monroe's hands on her shoulders, she leaned back into him. "Though I do wish Maggie was here."

Charlie and Aaron exchanged sad smiles. "She would be so proud of you kiddo."

"What, even though she's having a kid with this guy?"

Miles' smirk made it clear he was teasing, but Aaron had an answer for him anyway. "Maggie would have threatened Monroe to within an inch of his life, I mean gone into serious detail about what she'd do with his manhood if he ever hurt her. Then she would have hugged Charlie and started getting baby-ready."

Charlie felt a sudden surge of emotion at his words. Stoic, she could manage over Rachel, but not her sweet Maggie, who hadn't been appreciated nearly enough when she was alive. There was no denying that if her step-mom were here she would be a lot less scared about having a baby. Aaron was right, Maggie would have been concerned only with the well-being of the girl she had raised. Monroe being the father wouldn't have mattered the moment she saw how devoted he was to Charlie and the baby. The woman who had actually raised Danny, knew him inside out, the wife of her dad... she would have accepted Bass in a heartbeat for Charlie's sake. At that realization, any lingering guilt or sympathy she felt for her mom finally faded to nothing.

Her smile was watery, but suddenly she felt stronger than ever. "Aaron's right."

She swallowed back the need to cry when she looked up at Miles. The guilt on his face was hard to look at.

"I'm sorry kid. It's fucked up that the only people you knew for sure you could rely on included not one member of your blood family."

It took her only a second to cross the floor and hug her uncle tightly.

"Hey, Staypuft," Monroe was saying, "How about you and me go get wasted, celebrate the good news?"

"Sounds good. Can we go somewhere Rachel won't find us though?"


Charlie was grateful for what Bass was doing. They had all the time in the world to work out their relationship. Tonight, he had automatically sensed that she needed some time with the uncle she adored. It didn't stop her worrying when he kissed her goodbye though.

"Be careful." She told him at the door, pulling him to her for another kiss.

"I will." He pressed his lips hard into hers. "Have fun with grumpy-ass in there and I'll be home soon."

Bass using the word home wasn't lost on her. Charlie smiled against him, "Say that again."

His eyes were sparkling as he looked at her, "I'll be home soon."

When she pulled him in for yet another kiss, Aaron, who had been patiently waiting, finally groaned out, "Oh come on guys!"

Monroe finally broke away, unable or unwilling to keep the grin off his face.

"Seriously," Aaron complained, "you're not going off to war, the bar closes in like four hours."

Charlie mock-pouted, suddenly looking distraught. "Four hours?! I thought it was only like, two... How will I make it through four without you?"

Aaron's eyeballs rolled so hard she could swear she heard a pop in there somewhere. Bass was grinning at her again. "Isn't she adorable, man? Pretending to be joking..."

"Get out, before I barf all over myself." Miles had wandered into the living room, bowl of soup in hand.

Grossing them both out, Charlie and Bass were finding, was a heck of a lot of fun. One final, extra-loud kiss later, she was alone with her uncle, giggling quietly.

"You guys are truly disgusting Charlie."

She laughed at his expression. "Admit it, you're a little bit happy for him."

"Hey, Bass finding a good woman to love, settle down with, that's amazing. If that woman wasn't my-my you then I'd have rainbows shooting out my ass. He's done much better out of the deal than you have is all."

She came to join him on the couch, pulling her feet up and maneuvering sideways to face him. "I think you're wrong."

"Really?" He deadpanned.

"Yeah... Face it Miles, even if there were any nice, well-adjusted country boys left around here, I wouldn't want one. How could I have anything in common with some guy my age, whose seen nothing of the real world, or war? There's a darkness, a damage inside me. Some normal guy would never understand that, or me. Or they'd try to fix me and I'd have to kill them and it would all end up being a huge waste of time and I'd have to get Monroe to help me bury the body, cause he's the only one who wouldn't bitch at me about it and then we'd have ended up together anyway." Visions of Monroe, all dirty and sweaty, helping her to misbehave, caused all kinds of thoughts to lodge in her brain.

Miles was looking at her, mildly amused. "And how do you work that out?"

She shrugged, "Have you seen him?"

"Christ, you even sound like him now." He rubbed a hand over his face then put his empty bowl down.

"I'm just saying." She told him. "It wasn't like it happened out of the blue, me and him. I kept trying to see him as just a monster, but he wouldn't let me. Did he ever tell you, how he saved me before I brought him to Willoughby?"

Miles shifted uncomfortably on the couch. "No. Petulant asshole wouldn't tell me, said it was your business."

"If he hadn't shown up when he did, I would have been raped, by about six men. Then they probably would have killed me. They drugged me. I tried to fight back, I really did I fought like hell. But when the drugs kicked in there was nothing I could do. Then Monroe was there..." There was admiration in her voice. "He killed them all in like, two seconds. When I woke up he'd taken care of me for a full day. I tried to kill him anyway of course."

"That's my girl." If she didn't know better, she might have thought he sounded choked up.

"After that though, he kept saving me, over and over. I always knew, after we were on the road together, that I could trust him. He makes me feel safe. He understands me, like nobody else does."

""I should have been there for you. If I had this never would have happened. You wouldn't have needed him to watch your back if you'd known that I had it."

"Honestly? I don't think it would have made any difference. There's been something between us from the start." Charlie was aware that she was telling her uncle things he probably didn't want to know, but it was important, she felt, to explain who she was really with when she and Monroe were together.

"You know those things you told me, about how he used to be, before he went crazy?"

Miles grunted.

"Most of the time, with me, he's that guy. He looks out for me, he's nice to me, makes me laugh. He protects me." She fell silent, absently rubbing her swollen stomach.

"Are you really happy Charlie? I have to ask. Or are you feeling like you have to be with him because you're having his baby? Cause I mean it, if you don't want to be with him you only have to tell me. If you want, we'll pack our shit right now and I'll take you far away."

"What about my mom?"

"I'm not gonna lie, I love your mom. I always have. If I could go back, I never would have let her go. And I know, that I let you down after the tower. But if you wanna go kid, I'm coming with you. You won't be alone again, I swear."

"You know, sometimes it's really obvious that you and Bass are brothers." Charlie's face was wet again as she hugged him. She didn't need Rachel Matheson, and she didn't need to run away. She had everyone she needed. With the help of Bass, Miles and Aaron, she would give her child everything she'd never had; a real, loving family.

Four hours after they left Charlie's, Bass and Aaron were half-staggering up the road, arms slung around each others shoulders.

"No. No. I'm telling you man," Bass was explaining, "Batman would definitely win."

"But that's nuts! Superman is strong enough to crush him with one hand! And he could turn him to ash with his eyes without even touching him!"

Bass was laughing, "Charlotte thinks she can do that."

"Girl knows how to glare for sure." Aaron was slightly more drunk than Bass, having consumed more alcohol earlier in the evening, attempting to dampen the fear that Rachel was going to magically appear in front of them with murder in mind.

"Hey! Who would win in a throw-down between Batman and The Hulk?" He asked Bass.


"You're just gonna keep saying Batman, aren't you?"

"It's a definite possibility."

They had reached the small apartment that Bass was renting.

"Are we having a sleepover Monroe?" Aaron guffawed with laughter at the idea of it.

Bass rolled his eyes, fumbling with his keys. "Nope, sorry man, we're here for booze. I don't snuggle."

"Except with Charlie... Man, that's never not gonna be a weird image."

"Aw, Staypuft, I didn't know you felt that way." Bass was laughing as he struggled to get the door open. "You should have said something sooner... when I was single... I bet you look awfully cute in just your PJ's." Just as he began laughing uncontrollably at his own joke, the door seemed to fly open of its own accord and Bass crashed through onto the floor, landing in a heap in the hallway.

Aaron blinked, "Don't worry, man, Staypuft will save you!" Then he nearly fell over him as he walked into the apartment and left Bass on the floor.

Bass, who appeared to be too comfortable to attempt getting up, lifted his arm to give a thumbs up.

Aaron fumbled his way in the dark to find the candle on the fireplace, guided only by the light from the moon peeking through the living room window. There was a small coffee table in front of the fireplace, which almost wrecked the entire operation when he walked right into it.

Finally, he reached his destination and lit the candles one by one. It took him an embarrassingly long time. Long enough that he forgot there was a table right behind him. As his legs hit the low table, he went flying over it.

Monroe's head lifted from the floor. "Staypuft?"

Aaron lay groaning on the floor, his legs held comically in the air, still resting on the table. "I've been attacked!"

Monroe was laughing as he finally climbed to his feet, using the wall for support. He moved out of Aaron's line of vision to close the front door.

That's when the living room window smashed. Something small and black bounced off the table and landed on the carpet, something that looked suspiciously like a-

"AARON!" The alarm in Monroe's voice didn't quite register as much as the fact that he'd just used his actual name, for like the first time ever.

The last thing he saw before the world went dark was the frantic face of his former enemy-turned-friend.

The explosion woke the entire town.