Chapter 1: End Of The World

Rigby's eyes blinked awake to noise, which seemed very unusual when the room in which he slept was still filled with the blackness remaining from the ending night. He looked over to the alarm clock, belonging to Mordecai, that read "6:06 a.m.". He then moaned in agony, seeing that Mordecai was not at rest on his mattress.

Now awake, he found that the noise that had woken him up was the television just downstairs. He was just about ready to begin throwing a fit, similar to that of an infant, as he made his way down the flight of stairs.

Who the H is watching TV at six in the morning!? It's a Friday! Whoever it is has practically ruined the whole freakin' thing! Uuuuuggggghhhhh!

He dragged his feet into the entertainment room. He flinched at the light of the television screen, until his pupils adjusted. Regardless, he flinched again, but this time, in utter disbelief. He was horrified. Never in his life had he ever seen such a revolting sight. All at once he began to feel anger, confusion, and fear. He trembled as he looked at the reflection of the light in the eyes of Mordecai, that were staring into the television screen with attention.

Rigby was now pinching himself with all of the muscle in his other arm, which was, sadly, barely any at all. He kept on hoping that the horror that was lying before his eyes was nothing more than a false nightmare.

Mordecai was watching the news.

Mordecai felt like he was being watched and turned around, checking to see if it was only his mind playing games with him. He gasped seeing that Rigby had caught him and was now in horror-filled awe. On impulse, his index feather went to his beak, with the hope that his best friend would not explode into whatever mood came first.

"It's not what you think!", Mordecai whispered, with pitch.

Rigby did not say anything back, but simply motioned his hands between the television and Mordecai as if to reply, "What else could it be, then!?"

"I'm... I'm... uh... eh..."

"Spit it out!", Rigby's voice struggled to even stay hoarse.

"I'm... checking out how well Margaret does her new profession as a reporter... Hehheh." He was now hoping for the best.

Rigby processed his response within seconds and a smirk then grew across his face. "And you're actually willing to wake up at six in the morning to see an old friend do something like this?"

"Well... yyyeah..."

"I'll do you a solid and make sure CJ never finds out." Mordecai then had a slight grin at the edge of his beak, proud that his bro would have some manly understanding.


"Do you intend on doing this every morning, just to see Margaret?"

"No, no, no! It just feels right to be there for a friend, even if they don't know it. Do you know what I mean?"

"Yeah. Sure. Whatever. Still gonna get coffee and see Eileen with me at nine like the usual?"

"Of course, dude. Although, I'm gonna need more caffeine now to make up for getting up early to see Mar- I mean the news, and... stuff."

"Hah, right.", he chuckled, having been amused by his humor.

Their conversation ended and their focus was drawn to the television, which now displayed Margaret giving a report on the best places to buy flowers, jewelry, and chocolate. Of the few times Mordecai had seen the news, he had never seen a report with a positive attitude.

"Why on Earth is she giving a report on things like this?", Rigby wondered.

"Well, it's definitely helpful information if a guy is struggling in a relationship, I guess.", Mordecai tried to reason. Margaret was listing prices and sales on items and came to a finish with the topic.

"With a sale of forty-five percent off, this is most definitely the best place for a real gentleman to pick up some flowers today. I'm Margaret Smith and I'd love to wish you all a happy Valentine's Day!" The news returned to the topics desk. Mordecai did not find it necessary to watch the news anymore until the evening came around. It was then, at the farewell statement that Margaret made, that Mordecai remembered what day it is.

"Dude, it's Valentine's Day.", Mordecai said to Rigby.

"And you woke up early to hear Margaret give you some great advice.", Rigby reminded him. "Go to some of those places now to get CJ some stuff while there are still a few hours 'til we meet up at the coffee shop."

"I'm definitely gonna thank Margaret for saving me on this one next time I see her. Well, I'm gonna go find some roses and sugar for CJ. I don't know about jewelry, though. Even on sale, I probably couldn't afford it with this job."

"Heh, yeah. Meet up at the coffee shop in about an hour?"

"Sure. Aren't you gonna get Eileen something, though?"

"Meh, I'll make her a card, put some hearts on it, and write some rad poetry."

"Dude, that is so lame."

"Hey, girls are killer for a guy who can really write his feelings out for her."

"Whatever. I guess I'll be back to pick you up around eight forty-five?"

"Yep." Mordecai took his green jacket with him and left out the door to make his way into town in the golf cart. Rigby found some cardstock paper and got busy designing a card for his valentine.