Writers note:

Oh yes! I made it back from Cambodia and damn it was an amazing trip!

Meeting my wife's family was an amazing experience along with everything else that we did and see.

I got my very first tattoo! :O Holy crap!

We arrived back here yesterday at 2:30 eu time after a 24 hour journey, dear lords... glad it was over!

Anyway, here's another chapter! Hopefully you'll all enjoy it!

Of course, let me know what you think of it :)

Till the next chapter! *bows and salutes*

Chapter 5

Five weeks passed.

Five. Agonizing. Weeks.

During the day time Asami had been to busy with her company to think to much. Contracts needed to be signed, meetings needed to be attended. Papers needed to be checked, rechecked and checked again. Especially in the first two weeks, the media had been all over her. They called her almost non stop for interviews or to appear on television.

She sighed in relief each time she drove onto the Sato estate. The only place where she'd be left alone from all the unwanted attention. The CEO only wanted the attention of one person and one person alone.

The past few weeks had been torture for the young woman. At day time her brain would be kept busy but at night? All the memories of that faithful night came rushing back. How Korra had touched her, kissed her, how the two of them had spend the night together.

Asami's face grew hot from those memories, the desire to be touched like that again. She longed for the Avatar's touch. More then once she dreamed about the two of them. Reliving that night over and over again in her dreams. She always woke up with a throbbing feeling between her tights. She usually finished it off herself if she hadn't already. Imagining that her own fingers belonged to Korra, it never took long to reach her peak.

In those five weeks, she had heard not a single word from her friend. She figured that the reception of Korra's cell was terrible there in the South. Still, it bothered her to no end. Not knowing what she was doing or how things were going. The tribes could be in an all out war and she had no idea of it.

Today was the day. She would finally see Korra again. Her ship would arrive around sunset at Yue bay, that's where Asami would be waiting.

Asami had left work early today, dodging reporters and paparazzi as she drove home in her Satomobile. She almost jumped out and ran into the mansion.

"Welcome back ma'am." Her butler said, he folded the usual jacket Asami wore while at work and that she had tossed at him. Too excited to give it to him normally.

"Sorry! No time! I'm taking a shower and then head to Yue bay to wait for Korra!" she yelled and headed to her bedroom.

After her shower, she stood in her bedroom. Towel wrapped around her hair and body as she picked her clothes. Black boots, a red dress that reached just above her knees and a high collar, black jacket and black belt.

She used an ivory comb to pull her hair into a low pony tail after she was dressed. Last but not least, she finished up with her usual make up. She looked at the clock and realized it was already half past five.

"Crap...!" she grabbed her phone and put it somewhere in one of her pockets. She ran out of the door, not bothering to close it behind her. "Crap crap crap! I knew I should't have changed outfits!" she mumbled to herself and practically jumped in. She left the estate with her wheels smoking, leaving fresh rubber marks on the stone.

By the time she reached Yue's bay, the ship on which Korra was supposed to be was already docked. People slowly poured out and spread all over the docks. Being greeted by their loved ones.

She had parked her car with the others and became one with the crowd. She looked around and although the lights were on and lid up the docks, it was still quite dark.

She didn't see anyone with the familiar blue colours that showed they were from the water tribes.

Had she been wrong? Had the information that she had received been wrong? Did she mix up the date of her arrival? Or the time?

She quickly took out her phone and the small piece of paper that had all the information written on it.

No, the date is right and so is the time. Then why isn't she here?

She felt her heart rate go up. Maybe something had happened. Something was wrong. Maybe Korra had an accident. Or she was kidnapped by some remaining equalists.

Stop it! Stop thinking of all those doom scenario's. If something had happened with THE AVATAR, the papers would've been full of it. She sighed, nodding at her own thoughts. She walked over to someone that had just got off the ship. "I'm sorry... may I ask you something?"

The man turned around and smiled at her. "Evening ma'am, sure you may!"

Asami returned a friendly smile before she continued. "I'm waiting for Avatar Korra... wasn't she supposed to be on this ship?"

The man nodded. "Oh yes, she is, along with the rest of her tribe members. I'm sure she's still busy speaking with the captain. He's a big pro bending fan and wanted to get a picture taken with the both of them. Of course he wanted to get an autograph as well." He snickered. "My son's a fan as well, so I asked one too!" he proudly showed a piece of paper which had Korra's name and some other words scribbled on it.

"I'm sure your son will be extremely happy." She said with a genuine smile. "thank you for the information. I was a bit worried I had the date wrong."

The man smiled back and nodded. "No problem ma'am. Enjoy your evening!" he said and waved, leaving Asami on her own again.

She let out a soft giggle and let out a soft sigh. See? Nothing to worry about, she's going to come out of that ship any second now and you...-

Her eyes grew wide as she saw a figure in familiar coloured clothes finally appear. She wore a dark blue leather jacket and the hood covered most of the person's head. Asami slowly made her way through the crowd of people, aiming for the one she had her eyes locked on.

Korra... finally...

She finally stepped on the docks, one hand buried in the pocket of her jeans and the other holding onto the strap of a backpack.

She couldn't help it but rushed faster to her friend, tears slowly found a way from the corners of her eyes. Her heart pounding in her chest. "Korra!" she yelled and the distance between the two of them grew smaller. "Korra!" she yelled again, two eyes locked with green and pale arms wrapped around the Southerner's neck. Holding her in a tight embrace. Ruby lips locked with tan ones and Asami closed her eyes to savour the moment.

She realized a second too late that she had to reach up to kiss her friend.

Green eyes shot open to look into ones that had grown wide in shock. She saw sky blue eyes, the outer rings of the irises were dark green. Oh shit...

Her brain slowly let reality sink in, realizing that she was kissing a total stranger. Finally her body obeyed the command to release the stranger from this intimate moment. She stepped back a few feet, a hand covered her mouth. Still in shock she saw the stranger remove her hood. Revealing her dark brown shoulder long hair, a labret piercing, stud piercing on the right side of her nose. She had a small braid hanging at the left side of her face. She was grinning right at her.

"Hello to you too, gorgeous..."

Her voice was lower than Korra's. Asami blinked a few times, realizing she was being checked out by this stranger. She saw her gaze go up and down, those eyes sliding over her frame as they eventually locked with jade green again.


Another voice snapped the CEO back to earth. She suddenly saw Korra appear from behind the stranger.

"Korra!" she smiled and lunged towards her friend, her arms now wrapped around the person she had missed so much. She felt how strong arms wrapped around her own frame and held her tightly. "I've missed you..." she whispered into her friends ear.

"I missed you too..." Korra smiled, holding her tightly against her frame. She looked up at the smirking face of the other person and she felt a blush.

"I guess this is the Asami I heard so much about..?" the stranger asked, her arms crossed over her chest and an eyebrow raised.

Korra coughed and smiled sheepishly. She pulled back and let out a deep sigh. "Asami, this is Axis. Axis this is Asami Sato."

Axis made a small and polite bow. "Pleasure meeting you, Lady Sato. I've heard many good things about you." She said and reached a hand to the young heiress.

Asami had turned around and now faced the woman she had kissed before. She returned the polite bow with a gentle nod and took Axis hand for a shake. It was warm, strong, like Korra's. She smiled a bit nervously and prayed to the Spirits that she wouldn't mention their kiss. "P-pleasure to meet you too and please, call me Asami."

They let go and Axis smiled, a pair of perfect teeth showing as she did. "Very well then, Asami. Lovely name, fits you perfectly."

She couldn't help it but a faint blush made it's way to her cheeks from the compliment. Is she flirting with me? "I... well... thank you." She stuttered.

Korra rolled her eyes. "Yeah, no. That's not gonna happen." She glared at Axis who just snickered and wiggled her eyebrows. "Bad Wolf."

Asami looked confused. "Wolf...? What?"

Korra gestured at Axis. "That's her nickname. Wolf."

"Why's that?"

"The moment she was born, every artic wolf around started to howl. She was then named, Axis the Wolf."

Axis smirked wide. "These days I earned that name for other reasons as well... when it comes to the howling part"

"You're making such a great first impression... thanks..." Korra face palmed herself and sighed deeply.

Asami, oblivious to whatever the two were referring to, just shook her head. Axis just burst out laughing and bumped her friend against the shoulder in a playful manner.

"What you've told me about your other friends, I'm sure she'd used to it." She said and send a wink into Asami's direction. "So, anyway, we going or you wanna stay out here all night?"

"Am starving, so let's hit Narook's and then we can go to my apartment." Korra said and smiled at the both of them. "Did you happen to come here by car Sami?" she asked, the blue sapphires on the engineer.

"Yes, I did. Want me to drive us there?"

"Whatever you do, please don't let her drive." Axis said, referring to Korra.

"Oh shut up..." Korra muttered something under her breath.

Asami giggled. "Hmmm... I'd rather not see my car all dented no..."

"Hey! It happened once! You all left me alone with the car and I made VERY clear: I don't know how to drive. Even after all the lessons I received. Although it had been a while since I drove into anything."

Both Axis and Asami now laughed. "Yeah, sounds about right..." Axis said, snickering and received a bump against her shoulder from the Avatar.

"As my best friend, you're supposed to defend me you know."

Axis smiled and nodded. "Yeah yeah... now chop chop! I'm hungry! Let's go to that Narooks place before I'll take a bite from your little friend here." She said and poked Asami's side who let out a startled yelp.

"Hey! I like me in one piece, thank you very much." She said and smirked.

The three of them made their way over to the car and eventually went on their way. Heading to Narooks for a late meal.