Disclaimer: Star vs. the Forces of Evil belongs to Daron Nefcy and the Disney channel.

(Echo Creek Park)

In peaceful day at the park, Star and Marco are sitting together on a bench, watching the birds fly by and other stuff happening on the scenery. Marco continues to watch one of the birds as Star twiddles with her fingers and she turns to him.

"Marco, can I ask you a question?" inquires Star, looking at the boy.

"Go ahead, Starlight." replies Marco, only figuring out what he said when he looked at Star and saw her amused expression. "Sorry, Star."

"I don't mind the name. Anyway, what I need to ask you is something very important." Star takes a deep breath before she specified a little. "It's about...children."

"Well, I don't think anybody would mind it, so if you want to play with them-"

"Not play with them...raise them." clarifies Star, who scratches the back of her head as she says it.

Hearing that, Marco flushes and gasps in shock, which catches Star's attention.

"Oh...w-well, I d-don't really know what to say." stutters Marco, who scratches his head as he tries to think of an answer.

"You're not supposed to, I have not finished my question yet." assures Star to the surprised boy.

She takes a deep breath before she tries to find the right words to ask the rest of her question. She finally finds the words, and she blushes as she finishes.

"If I end up raising children of my own-and I will-would you...would you help me...raise them?"

Marco remains quiet for a moment as he carefully thinks his question, which makes Star worried about his answer. Once a long time passes with Marco not giving an answer, Star frowns and turns away, believing that she knew what the boy was going to say...

"Star, even if I'm not the father of the children you raise, of course I would help you with taking care of them." the girl feels her heart skip a beat as she turns to the boy, who continues speaking, "I mean sure, it slightly depends on the father. If he doesn't like me, then I would have to do it in private, but the opposite situation would occur if he likes me. Even then, if you have any trouble with the children you raise...you can count on me, no matter the odds."

Hearing that, Star turns to Marco with a joyful look on her face. "You don't know how happy it makes me to hear you say that." says Star, who holds back her tears.

Before the guy can say anything in response, Star hugs Marco without warning, shedding a few tears as the boy remains shocked for a moment. Once he returns the hug, Star finally speaks.

"Thanks, Marco." weakly says the happy Star.

"No problem...Star." replies Marco as he pats the girl's back.

The End