"Get that out of my face." Robin told Wally, who was pointing a breadstick at him, 2 inches from his nose.

"It's not in your face, it's in my hand."

"Get what's in your hand out of my face."

Getting smacked upside the head, Wally then exclaimed, "Ow, what was that for?"

"For being an idiot!" Robin retorted.

The team had ordered Italian takeout that night, and Wally had been trying to engage Dick in a duel with breadsticks.

Rolling her eyes at them, Artemis told them, "Would you two quit flirting and eat the breadsticks already!?"

Robin snapped his head up, and quite flustered, sputtered out, "He's not - I'm - We're not a couple!"

Dick knocked 3 times on Wally's bedroom door, and proceeded to sing, "Do you wanna build a snowman?"

Yes, he'd been constantly quoting Frozen for the past week and a half, if that's what you were going to ask.

Opening it up with an exasperated expression on his face, the redhead sighed and said, "Dude, you were literally in here ten seconds ago - and no, if we're gonna go outside, we're building a freakin AT-AT Walker, not a snowman."

2 hours later, they had successfully compacted snow together and formed a snow sculpture, roughly 6 feet tall, of an AT-AT Walker from Star Wars.

"Gimme a boost up," Wally told his friend. Huffing in irritation, Dick cupped his hands together to provide Wally a foothold so he could get onto the sculpture...

He was almost completely on it when part of the snow from the side gave away, resulting in Wally falling, all 137 pounds of him, smack on top of the small acrobat.

Dick groaned, lying there slightly stunned; the wind had been completely knocked out of him, which was a horrible feeling. While trying to catch his breath it didn't occur to him to shove Wally off of his chest. Until...

"Not interrupting anything, am I?" Aunt Iris asked with an amused grin, looking down at them, holding two steaming mugs of cocoa.

Miraculously finding the energy to flip Wally off of him, who was spitting out a mouthful of snow and gagging slightly, Dick wheezily gasped out, "We're not a couple."

"I'm getting 6 Baconators, with extra bacon." Wally told Dick, who gave him a dirty look.

"Do you realize how expensive those are?" he hissed under his breath at the redhead, who just shrugged and gave him an innocent look.

Leaning his head towards Wally and keeping his voice down, Dick muttered, "I've come to the conclusion that you only hang with me cause I'm rich."

Whispering so the others in line couldn't hear, Wally laughingly replied, "Finally figured it out, have you?"

"I will murder you in your sleep and make it look like and accident."

"Then who would you troll Walmart with?"

Still speaking in hushed tones, Dick told him, "For your information, there is another redhead out there who plays Mario cart, enjoys a good prank, and screams like a girl only because she is a girl."

"Well now you're just being mean. But you can't appropriate her wardrobe like you do mine, unless there's something you're not telling me?"

"Headaches! You give me headaches!"

"Better get out the money, we're up."

When Wally had finished placing the order, telling Dick to 'pay up, junior', and getting the batglare because of it, the cashier cleared her throat, eliciting the attention of the two teens.

The 30 something year old lady proceeded to tell them with a 'motherly' smile, "You know, boys, a relationship requires an equal effort on both parts, 50/50...", then gave Wally a pointed look.

Her statement was met by gut wrenching laughter from Wally as Dick went red in the cheeks and exclaimed, "We're NOT a couple!"

"Ready to..." Dick trailed off as he saw Wally, who by coincidence was wearing a blue old navy tshirt, just like his.

They both laughed about it, and made 'blue' jokes and puns for the next half hour as they walked around the mall, searching for a birthday gift for Aunt Iris.

In front of the Body Works store, Dick stopped suddenly and pressed one hand to his eye.

"Ow, ahhh ouch."

Turning around in confusion, Wally asked, "What's up?"

"I got something in my eye." Dick had taken off his sunglasses and was blinking rapidly.

"How can that happen, you're wearing shades!"

"I dunno! Quit asking stupid questions and get it out."

Their noses were about 6 inches apart as Wally tried to get the offending thing out of his friends eye. "It looks like a speck of glitter. Not getting friendly with Edward, are we?"

Before Dick could reply, Wally could get the glitter out, or they could pull away from the very close proximity, somebody shouted at them, "Get a room!"

Eyes watering, the 13 year old yelled at them, "We're not a couple!"

First chapter of this short series!

Yes, the title and entire theme is heavily influenced by Sherlock. Haha oh what fun ~
Shoutout for this chapter goes to DeanJoFourTrisPertemis! Booyah!

Keep yer' eyes peeled for that next chapter ;)